JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02 No. 7, 1261 1270
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i07.351 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Kayla Zendy Alfanny Hayfa
Christine S.T. Kansil
Tarumanagara University, Indonesia
e-mail: kaylahayfa@outlook.com, Christinek@fh.untar.ac.id
*Correspondence: kaylahayfa@outlook.com
: 15
January 2023
: 29
February 2023
: 07
February 2023
Abstract: Sociology is ethical behavior. It is known that it is usually distinguished between mere
behavior and ethical behavior (which is based on a clear conscience). His behavior includes
behavior in the areas of trust, decency, disobedience, and law. Behavior that can be
distinguished between normal behavior (fixed) and unique behavior Sociology of law pays
attention to its attention to the law as a social phenomenon (behavior) with its reciprocal
influence on other social phenomena (behavior too). Thus the possibility that one party is
considered as an influencing factor (independent variable) and the other party is considered
as an influencing factor (independent variable). Careful research activities are required.
However, the sociology of law does not prioritize because both are the center of attention of
science. Thus, the sociology of law first focuses on unwritten or customary law, usually
customary law. With the first criterion, the behavior of carrying out the law (as), from other
Keywords: SociologyiofiLaw; Ethics; Behavior.
Kayla Zendy Alfanny Hayfa
Christine S.T. Kansil
| 1262
Corruption in indonesia is currently in
a very severe position that takes root in
every communal life. The development of
practice corruption from year to year is
increasing, either in quantity or amount
loss, finance country and terms of quality
the more systematic and sophisticated, and
its scope already expand in whole aspect
society. An increase (Budiardjo, 2008) in
criminal acts of corruption that are not
under control will bring disaster not only to
the life economy national but also to the
life nation and state in general. The rise of
case criminal acts of corruption in
Indonesia no longer know boundaries of
who, why, and how. Not only the holder
position and interests only who committed
criminal acts of corruption, good In Isector
public and private, but criminal act
corruption has already become a
phenomenon (Hans Kelsen, 2009).
The implementation of the country
clean become essential and is very needed
to avoid practices of corruption that involve
not only the officials concerned but also
family and cronies, which, if left, then
people indonesia will be in a position very
wronged. According to Nyoman Union
Putra Jaya mentioned that criminal acts of
corruption are not only done by the
organizer country, between organizers
countries, but also by the organizers
country with other parties like family,
cronies, and business people, so that
damage joints the life of society, nation,
and state, and endanger the existence of
State. Crime criminal corruption is an act
that not only can harm the finances of the
country will but also can inflict losses on the
economy and the people. Barda Nawaw
Arief argues that criminal act of corruption
constitutes acts very despicable, damned,
and very hated by most society, not only by
society and nation indonesia but also by
society nations around the world.
Corruption in Indonesia occurs
systemically, massif and structured so that
it not only harms the financial condition
State but (Herman Bakir, 2009) also broadly
violates social rights and the economic
society. As per opinion Lord Acton (John
Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton), in his
letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, wrote
an expression that connects corruption
with Power (Herman Bakir, 2009) "Power
tends to corrupt, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely" that power tends to
corruption and power that absolute end
corruption. The expression is a condition
that occurs when this happens in Indonesia.
If sea travel eradication of Crime and
Corruption currently, it can not (Rahardjo,
2009) separate from the critical role of the
Institution Judiciary in law enforcement in
Indonesia. The judge as an enforcer has a
duty principle in the field of the judiciary,
accept, check, decide, and resolve every
case addressed to him; the duty can be
stated that the judge the execution core,
which functionally exercises power judiciary
as mandated Law Number 48 the Year 2008
concerning Power Judiciary.
Cases of criminal acts of corruption
are difficult to disclose because the
perpetrators use sophisticated equipment
and commonly do by more than one
person in a state veiled and organized.
Therefore, this crime, called white collar
crime or white crime collar, seems to be the
case in Djoko Tjandra. Case scandal
1263 | Analysis of Corruption Justice In The Perspective of Legal Sociology
corruption bank ball that happened since
1999 again discussed public. This was after
convicted corruption transfer rights charge
(cassie) bank Bali, Djoko Tjandra, succeeded
arrested Bareskrim Polri. Director PT Era
Giant Prima (EGP) was known to hide in
Malaysia before he was arrested,
specifically CID. He digelandang ke
indonesia after fleeing since the year 2009.
Djoko Tjandra known had been out in
Indonesia. On 8 June 2020, he had to
register Review Reviewed (PK) in Court
Negeri Jakarta Selatan over a case that
bought it. He also had taken care of KTP in
Kelurahan Grogol and had applied to make
a passport at Office ImmigrationNorth
Jakarta (Mukthie Fadjar, 2008).
That the existence of Nessie is also not
reported to bapepam and pt, be, even
though the bank has already entered the
bursa. In addition, regarding billing to
BPPN, it turns out that they still do bank
Bali, not Erai Giat. Chairman BPPN, Glenn
M.S. Yusuf, realized that would cassie Bank
Bal and then canceled the treaty cession. It
started when the investigation began.
Setya Novato then sued BPPN to Court
Administration State (PTUN) and won.
Although he still won in level appeal,
Supreme Court (MA), through judgment on
his appeal on November 2004, won BPPN.
Not enough there, Era Giat also brought
this case to realm civil with sued Bank
Baland to disburse funds of Rp 546 billion.
The court, on April 2000, ruled that Era Giat
was entitled to more than half a trillion
rupiah. Process justice crime corruption is
the same as crime other. Started from stage
Investigation, Investigation. The
prosecution, Examination Trial Court, and
PhaseI Implementation of Judgment. Kitab
Law Law Procedure Criminal (KUHAP) has
regulated duties and authority, and each
institution must carry it out. However,
disputes and disharmony, responsibilities,
and power between institutions in the
System of Criminal Justice still often occur.
Dispute it even very tapered so give rise to
cynicism in society. For example, alone,
society criticizes the existence of
usurpation authority to investigate the case
of criminal corruption between police and
kpk in the case click and crocodile, that two
agencies of enforcement law the by part
society judged to form seizure power
eradicate criminal anti-corruption.
Research is one of the activities in
science carried out according to rules and
scientific methods obtaining information,
data, and information relating to the
understanding and the truth and versa, an
assumption of the purpose of improving
the quality of human beings through the
development of science. Research is helpful
if it produces a new theory, corroborates an
idea, finds a concept, or corroborates a
statement. The type of research used by the
author is juridical normative (Z. Ali, 2009).
Research Law is done by the way research
material library called research Law
Literature. Consideration author in use type
research this is to know, analyze, and
explain about Analysis about justice
corruption in perspective sociology law.
This discussion will discuss the case of
corruption of Djoko Tjandra in some theory.
Kayla Zendy Alfanny Hayfa
Christine S.T. Kansil
| 1264
1. Theory in DonaldiBlack
Purnad Purbacaraka and Soerjono
Soekanto mention nine kinds of legal
meanings: law as; knowledge, discipline,
rules, legal systems, apparatus, decision
authorities, government processes,
attitudes to act, and direction as a link.
Philip Selznick, as quoted by Cahyadand
Fernando, defines the direction of Asian
order rule as a unique mechanism to
legitimize (declare) that they have
authority and is set up to protect the
creation and application of rules from
the pollution of other forms of
guidelines or rules or controls. Donald
Black, in his book "The Behavior of Law,"
defines law from a sociological point of
view, stating:
Law is the government's social
control; in other words, the normative
life of the state and citizens, such as
legislation, litigation, and adjudication.
In contrast, it excludes the social control
of the everyday life of government
services, such as the Asian post office or
the fire department, because this is the
social control of employees, not citizens.
The translation is thus this: Law is
controlled colonial government; in other
words, the law is the normative life of A
state and its citizens, like legislation,
process court, and judgment court.
However, social control should be
included throughout government
institutions, like office posts or fire
departments, because these institutions
control society only on the scope
internal over their employees, not the
size of the country (Bouman, 1976). The
related definition proposed by Black,
Gunaryo, forward; in detail that every
law depends on the social conditions
surrounding it. Social context also
always influences disposition law, with
word else displaying static but dynamic.
That In Djoko Tjandra, in perspective
sociology according to the Theory of
Donald Black, Corruption is something
thing that violates provisions of social
norms. Corruption needs to control
social from socie.
2. Oliver Wondel's thoughts
That development finally gave birth
to sociology, which also projected
background thoughts of formalism. In
the plot, history increasingly rejects
ways to study and positively analyze it;
Merton white talk about the revolt
against formalism in social sciences. The
statement by Merton White is based on
several in and of various fields of science
in the united states that can trace tillite
oliver wendell holmes jr., who rejected
opinion law, something abstract that
pre-existing and stay wait to be
discovered by a judge (Soerjono
Soekanto, 2013). According to Oliver
Wendell Holmes Jr.'s direction, it was
made by the. The formalism that so it
very is also good for projecting social
studies against the law, which is out of
the traditional legalists' information
mentioned above. As mentioned earlier,
more sub-specialties can meet and work
because equation object research, way
research, and system are the same.
Sociology law, as a field new to the
direction, arises from mixing rule law
criminal with sociologist that becomes a
group rule law that is round,
homogeneous, and personality. It thus
1265 | Analysis of Corruption Justice In The Perspective of Legal Sociology
strengthened by Soedjono Dirdjo
sisworoiand Soerjono Soekanto. Science
law that study law as one symptom
social because of its relation to various
aspects of human life with facets-broad
become the more developed branches
so that there is khansamah science law,
some science law which specializes
deepening with utilize Approach
Disciplines Other Sciences and Develop
Become Branch of Law Which am
increasing, Ifor example sociology law.
In perspective, this theory of justice
corruption Joko Tjandra must be based
on discipline law and regulatory law.
3. Theory in Responsif Philip Nonet
The law responsive is a model or
theory in initiated nonet-Selznick in
middle criticism scathing Neo-Marxist
against liberal legalism. As is known,
liberal legalism presupposes law as an
institution independent of system
regulation and procedure objective, not
impartial, and autonomous. Icon
legalism liberal is autonomy law. The
form (A. Ali, 2002) most real of
autonomy itis the regime rule of law.
With its independent character, it is
believed that the law can repress and
keep its integrity. Viewed from interests
in internal system law itself, postulate
integrity indeed can. However, the law is
not the purpose for me. Law is a tool for
man. He is an instrument to serve
human needs. This meaning isolates
system law from various institutions'
social in the vicinity, precisely bade from
the side human needs it. Law quickly
changes into an institution serving self,
no longer serving serviceman. The law
can no longer rely on tool change as a
tool to achieve substantive justice. Sign
danger of eroding authority and the
inhibition of substantive justice has
become the focus of criticism.
Having a search law responsive has
been a concern am very significant that
continuously from theory law modern to
make the law more responsive to need
social and to calculate more complete
and more intelligent social facts, which
become the basis and objectives
application and implementation of the
law. The nature of responsiveness can be
interpreted as service needs and social
interests experienced and found not by
officials but by the people (Anthony
Giddens, 2005). it forward authentically
need special efforts will allow this Done.
This required a new path for
participation. Nonet and Selznick show
the dilemma of thornyidin institutions
between integrity and Openness.
Integrity means an institution's incisive
social needs remain bound to
procedures and the ways work that
distinguishes it from other institutions.
Maintaining integrity can result in
institutional isolation. I will continue to
speak in my language and use its
concepts in distinctive ways that already
need help understanding my expert law.
Talking with expert law and activities
institutions will be most socially relevant.
On the other side, openness is perfect,
will mean that language institutional
becomes equal to the language used in
society in general with the language
used in association but does not contain
special meaning, actions institutional
will be fully adapted with for cousin
Kayla Zendy Alfanny Hayfa
Christine S.T. Kansil
| 1266
environment social (Yanikasiani, 2016).
concept law responsive see a solution
for this dilemma and try combine
opennesswithiintegrity. Writing will
analyze a more profound concept of law
responsive net and Selznick, regarding
the difference between type law
responsive and type law autonomous
and law as institution social that serves
social needs iniperioditransition.
In the middle of the series, critiques
of the legal reality crisis authority,
namely the legal response of the nonet
and Selznick file models. Social change
and social justice require a responsive
legal order. This need is the central
theme of experts who agree with the
spirit of functional, pragmatic, and
purposive (goal-oriented) energy,
Roscoe Pound, adherents of legal
realism, and contemporary criticism. The
rule model proposed by Dworkin can
now only rely on the dynamics of
handling, which require a social team
amid changes that need to be matured
side by side. The answer to the concept
of normative law is a selective
adaptation to new demands and
pressures. The criterion for its selection
is the rule of law, which aspires to no
longer mean formalities of procedural
merit but to progressively reduce
arbitrariness and abuse of power in life,
politics, and the economy. This law does
not discard the notion of justice but
expands it to include substantive justice.
Responsive law is itself from
autonomous law in its emphasis on an
objective role in regulation. Law-making
and enactment of laws no longer serve a
purpose, but their importance results
from a larger social purpose. They are
seen from the side, the rule of law, which
is minor, is strict. These rules are now
seen as a unique means of achieving a
more general goal, and the many kinds
of rules are expanded or even discarded
when viewed properly from the point of
view of the goals to be achieved
(Musakkir, 2010). What is the purpose of
the law, and what must be upheld by the
rule of law is only sometimes visible, can
be hidden, and has implications. The
critical point is that the information
meaning of the rules must be asked
about what intentions are being served
and what values and interests are at
stake. Analysis may be required to
uncover such claims, make appropriate
values, and clarify legal objectives.
Nonet and Selznick explain this
approach with an example of a proper
legal process. Under an autonomous
legal regime, this concept may mean
nothing other than the procedural order
of decision-making established by the
rule of law. (Munir Fuady, 2011).
However, the type of responsive
directive one aspires to demand a more
flexible interpretation that sees the rule
of law abound in specific issues and
Institutions are responsive and
maintain things essential for their
integrity while paying attention to or
considering the presence of new forces
in their environment. For this reason,
legal responsiveness strengthens how
openness and integrity can support
each other even though there are
conflicts between the two. Responsive
institutions regard social pressure as a
1267 | Analysis of Corruption Justice In The Perspective of Legal Sociology
source of knowledge and opportunities
for self-improvement. To obtain this
number, an institution requires
guidelines in the form of (A. Ali, 2009)
purpose. Goals set standards for
critiquing well-defined actions and,
therefore, open opportunities for
change to occur. At present, if the
objective of the guidelines is made, it
can control discretionary administration
to reduce the risk of institutional
(institutional) surrender. On the other
hand, meaninglessness is rooted in
rigidity and opportunism. The bad
condition of the number of voters
coexists and is interrelated with one
An institution which formalist,
bound to rules, is an institution that
needs to have the completeness that is
adequate for things to begin to conflict
with the environment. This institution
tends to tend to adopt opportunists
because they do not have or lack the
criterion for rationally reconstructing
policies that are outdated or that are not
worthy anymore. Only when it has
purpose can there be a combination
between integrity and openness, rules
and discretionary. So, law responsive
assumes that the goal can make enough
objective and enough governments
control creation rules which adaptive
(Soerjono Soekanto, 2012). In the case of
Djoko Tjandra, no one may apply theory
because the Trial of Djoko Tjandra must
be based on the rule of law. After all, if
used approach precisely will not realize
justice for the community.
4. Theory in Harry in C. Bredemeirer
According to Harry C. Biedermeier,
that done by law (in this Court) indeed
coordinate various interests which walk
individually, even that may contradict
one another it to one relationship the
orderly and thus become productive for
its society (Rahardjo, 2008). The
community must also accept the law to
carry out its functions, meaning that the
community must recognize and use the
law to resolve conflicts to benefit the
community. In the Djoko Tjandra case,
should the public accept the results of
Joko Tjandra's trial?
5. Progressive Thought SatjiptoiRahardjo
Legal Progress Correcting the
weaknesses of the modern legal system,
which is full of bureaucracy and
procedures, has the potential to override
the truth. According to (to Satjipto
Rahardjo, 2009), the law needs to return
to the fundamental principles of
philosophy. With philosophy, humans
become determinants and legal
orientation points. Legal obligations
serve humans, not the other way
around. Therefore (Johnstone, 2020),
Law is not an institution separate from
human interests. The quality of law is
determined by its ability to serve human
welfare. This causes progressive law
enforcement to adhere to the ideology
of "law that is pro-justice and law that is
Progressive law does not accept
absolute or final legal institutions but is
primarily determined by the ability of
the toman's reserves. The legal
Kayla Zendy Alfanny Hayfa
Christine S.T. Kansil
| 1268
progressives rejected traditional analytic
jurisprudence, the interests of German
jurisprudence, the nature of law theory,
and critical legal studies. Progressive law
is a correction to the weaknesses of the
modern legal system, which is full of
bureaucracy and wants to free itself from
the domination of type-liberal law. Legal
progressives reject the notion that order
only works through state institutions.
Progressive law is intended to protect
society in an ideal direction, reject the
status quo, and not want to make legal
technology a moral institution. Life
requires social rules in the present; the
law is a prima donna. This happens
because the law has the completeness,
legitimacy, and power to impose the
order it wants. Through created
institutions, humans produce laws.
However, uniquely, the rules here feel
shackled, and humans want an escape
from those above being shackled (Alvin
S Johnson, 2004). I have too often heard
say "ubsocietas ibis" (where there is a
society, in there exists the law); the news
is the simple statement that man cannot
live outside order. However, do not
discuss the complexity between
"society" and "us." Refrain from
describing how intensive and
complicated the relationship between
both is since I am now using modern
law. The distance between society and
its law becomes farther, like a "foreign
object in the body." Partly people say
that the current law has been sliced into
its flesh, which describes how sharp the
modern law is. In contemporary society,
as do on communities, ancient shared
ownership over rules and morally
supported social togetherness, and
therefore the source to remain
maintained order.
The bottom line weakens the strong
attention expressed on "Progressive
moral law enforcement offers a form of
thinking that law enforcement is not
subject to the existing system, but is
more affirmative (normative law
enforcement). This would give rise to
indentations in liberal terms that the
more popular type of parking is
currently making inroads. Law advances
look at other goals as social ends and
social context. Affirmations support my
desire to use law for the benefit of
people over individuals. For this reason,
courage is needed to liberate from the
absolute domination of Liberal
principles and doctrines. In this context,
progressive law puts forward the saying,
"The law is the Forman/the people, and
not the other way around." With this
paradigm, when people face or are
subject to legal problems, I am not "the
one to blame" but have to do something
that is not legal. Existing, including
reviewing the principles, doctrine,
substance, and applicable procedures.
one of the keywords in progressive law
is Liberation. So judges and prosecutors
need to learn again to read texts freely
and forward, using the current social
context and social goals. Is not the text
of the law damaging to society if you do
not read and interpret it progressively?
Judges and prosecutors need not doubt
whether they can provide arguments as
long as they are free. This is a
fundamental argument that can put
forward the courage to leave liberal
1269 | Analysis of Corruption Justice In The Perspective of Legal Sociology
demands and enable the law to serve,
guarantee and take care of Indonesia's
6. Empirical
Many experts who try to formulate
corruption see that the language
structure and way of delivery are
different, but in essence, they have the
same meaning. According to Kartono,
corruption is the behavior of individuals
whose power and position are to gain
personal gain, which is detrimental to
the public interest and the state.
Meanwhile, according to Wertheim,
corruption originates from reciprocal
services from third parties received or
requested by an official to be forwarded
to his family, party, or group. In other
words, corruption is an act that
emphasizes personnel in illegal ways
that harm the public interest. Regarding
justice, Djoko Tandra should be the state
as the policyholder must administer
justice by law.
Sociology is a science that studies
socialization, both social processes, social
interaction, social club institutions, lifestyle
changes, the colonial structure of society,
social mobility, gender, social change, social
resistance, social resistance, conflict, social
integration, family; Law is the whole of the
norms which a ruling community with
authority to stipulate the law declares or
considers as a binding rule for some or all
members of a particular organization, with
the goal desired by that ruler. The sociology
of law is a branch of science that
understands, studies, and explains
empirical analysis of legal problems faced
by other social phenomena. The reciprocal
relationship between law and other social
phenomena is an integral part of the study
of the Sociology of Law. Thus, the emphasis
of this Sociology of law is more directed to
patterns of people's behavior in viewing
what is happening around them. How do
people obey the law, break the law, and live
the law? The sociology of law is needed by
society because it will explain every object
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© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
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under the terms and conditions of the Creative
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