Sri Trisnaningsih
Deni Ariadi
| 885
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.349
Economic growth in the current era
tends to be very dynamic, this is also offset
by competition in a very complex world of
work. Decentralization is a company's effort
in increasing human resources in making
the right decisions, decentralization
according to experts Hendry Maddick
(1963) also revealed that his views on the
meaning of decentralization which is a legal
handover of power to be able to handle
certain areas or functions to autonomous
regions. Meanwhile, according to
Dwinarian, asnawi and sanggenafa
Decentralization is a delegation of
responsibilities and authorities from upper
level management to lower management
so that the workload of upper level
management is reduced and will focus
more on their work.
PT. Financial Statement
Manipulation Scandal. Kimia Farma Tbk. PT
Kimia Farma is one of the government-
owned drug manufacturers in Indonesia. In
the audit dated December 31, 2001, the
management of Kimia Farma reported a net
profit of Rp 132 billion, and the report was
audited by Hans Tuanakotta & Mustofa
(HTM). However, the Ministry of SOEs and
Bapepam considered that the net profit was
too large and contained elements of
engineering. After a re-audit, on October 3,
2002 the financial statements of Kimia
Farma 2001 were re-presented (restated),
because a fairly basic error was found. In
the new financial statements, the profit
presented was only Rp 99.56 billion, or
lower at Rp 32.6 billion, or 24.7% of the
initial reported profit. The error arose in the
Raw Material Industry unit, namely errors in
the form of overstated sales of IDR 2.7
billion, in the Central Logistics unit in the
form of overstated inventory of IDR 23.9
billion, in the Pharmaceutical Wholesaler
unit in the form of overstated inventory of
IDR 8.1 billion and overstated sales of IDR
10.7 billion.
Misrepresentations relating to
inventory arise because the value that is in
the inventory price list is inflated. PT Kimia
Farma, through its production director,
published two master prices on February 1
and 3, 2002. The list price as of February 3
has been inflated in value and used as the
basis for inventory valuation in the
distribution unit of Kimia Farma as of
December 31, 2001. Meanwhile, the
misrepresentation related to sales is to do
double recording of sales. The double
recording was carried out on units that
were not sampled by the accountant, so
they were not successfully detected. Based
on Bapepam's investigation, it was stated
that the KAP that audited PT Kimia Farma's
financial statements had followed the
applicable audit standards, but failed to
detect the fraud. In addition, the KAP was
also not proven to help management
commit the fraud.
In the world of work, problems
will always arise, of course, due to changes
in the work environment that are very
dynamic, this change is of course also
followed by increased competition, of
course, the management is required to
innovate to stricter management controls,
this requires decentralization and work
evaluation in order to demystify and
prevent abuse of authority from each part
of a company.
Based on the explanation above,