JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 5, 884 888
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.349 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Sri Trisnaningsih
Deni Ariadi
UPN Veteran East Java Faculty of Economics and Business, Indonesia
e-mail: trisna.ak@upnjatim.ac.id, deniariadi@gmail.com
*Correspondence: trisna.ak@upnjatim.ac.id
: 28
November 2022
: 17
December 2022
: 27
December 2022
Abstract: In the era of the digital economy 4.0 competition in the world of technology and
information is increasing, today companies are required to maintain human resources in order
to decentralize and evaluate performance in a contiunity manner in order to make the right
decisions. In the study, the goal is to analyze more deeply about decentralization in improving
manjerial performance. Researchers use the literature review approach, which is a systematic,
explicit and reproducible method to identify, evaluate and synthesize the work of research
results and the results of thoughts that have been produced by researchers and practitioners.
The review literature aims to make an analysis and synthesis of existing knowledge related to
the topic to be studied in order to find a blank space for the research to be carried out. The
data source used by the author is in the form of secondary data, where the researcher uses 4
articles obtained from the google scholar database. The results of this study suggest that
decentralization is useful for making a positive contribution to management performance, this
is because decentralization is a process of delegation of responsibilities and authorities starting
from upper level management to lower level management. Decentralization has a very
important role for management because it is able to be considered to be able to help
management in the right and efficient decision-making process, so that managers have the
initiative to take action to solve problems that arise so that the decision making can be done
quickly and precisely.
Keywords: Decentralization; Improving Managerial Performance.
Sri Trisnaningsih
Deni Ariadi
| 885
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.349 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Economic growth in the current era
tends to be very dynamic, this is also offset
by competition in a very complex world of
work. Decentralization is a company's effort
in increasing human resources in making
the right decisions, decentralization
according to experts Hendry Maddick
(1963) also revealed that his views on the
meaning of decentralization which is a legal
handover of power to be able to handle
certain areas or functions to autonomous
regions. Meanwhile, according to
Dwinarian, asnawi and sanggenafa
Decentralization is a delegation of
responsibilities and authorities from upper
level management to lower management
so that the workload of upper level
management is reduced and will focus
more on their work.
PT. Financial Statement
Manipulation Scandal. Kimia Farma Tbk. PT
Kimia Farma is one of the government-
owned drug manufacturers in Indonesia. In
the audit dated December 31, 2001, the
management of Kimia Farma reported a net
profit of Rp 132 billion, and the report was
audited by Hans Tuanakotta & Mustofa
(HTM). However, the Ministry of SOEs and
Bapepam considered that the net profit was
too large and contained elements of
engineering. After a re-audit, on October 3,
2002 the financial statements of Kimia
Farma 2001 were re-presented (restated),
because a fairly basic error was found. In
the new financial statements, the profit
presented was only Rp 99.56 billion, or
lower at Rp 32.6 billion, or 24.7% of the
initial reported profit. The error arose in the
Raw Material Industry unit, namely errors in
the form of overstated sales of IDR 2.7
billion, in the Central Logistics unit in the
form of overstated inventory of IDR 23.9
billion, in the Pharmaceutical Wholesaler
unit in the form of overstated inventory of
IDR 8.1 billion and overstated sales of IDR
10.7 billion.
Misrepresentations relating to
inventory arise because the value that is in
the inventory price list is inflated. PT Kimia
Farma, through its production director,
published two master prices on February 1
and 3, 2002. The list price as of February 3
has been inflated in value and used as the
basis for inventory valuation in the
distribution unit of Kimia Farma as of
December 31, 2001. Meanwhile, the
misrepresentation related to sales is to do
double recording of sales. The double
recording was carried out on units that
were not sampled by the accountant, so
they were not successfully detected. Based
on Bapepam's investigation, it was stated
that the KAP that audited PT Kimia Farma's
financial statements had followed the
applicable audit standards, but failed to
detect the fraud. In addition, the KAP was
also not proven to help management
commit the fraud.
In the world of work, problems
will always arise, of course, due to changes
in the work environment that are very
dynamic, this change is of course also
followed by increased competition, of
course, the management is required to
innovate to stricter management controls,
this requires decentralization and work
evaluation in order to demystify and
prevent abuse of authority from each part
of a company.
Based on the explanation above,
886 | Literature Review : Decentralization Analysis In Improving Managerial Performance
researchers are interested in studying and
researching using literary studies with the
title of decentralized analysis research in
improving managerial performance, using
the formulation of the problem, namely
how decentralization analysis in improving
managerial performance.
This type of research is a review
literature according to Yuhertiana (2015)
research with a literature review approach
in it contains summaries, reviews, and
thoughts of the author by reviewing various
documents, such as government
publications, academic publications, laws
and regulations, journals, books, news, and
other records that have relevance to a topic
discussed. The first step that needs to be
done is planning or planning, where
researchers survey several scientific articles,
journals or proceedings, and other
literature that is in accordance with the
purpose of writing this article. In this first
step, researchers conducted a survey to
understand decentralization analysis in
improving managerial performance
through the results of previous studies that
mentioned the relationship between
decentralization and managerial
The second step is to conduct a
review, where the researcher observes the
presence or absence of relevance of each
literature used in order to obtain
satisfactory review results and in
accordance with the title taken. In this
study using secondary data, this is because
the data was obtained by researchers from
journals and internet sites so that data
collection was not carried out directly. The
literature in this study uses Google Scholar
and Google search to obtain data using the
keywords "Decentralization", and
"Managerial Performance". Based on
searches on google scholar and google
search researchers found 4 articles selected
based on 2017-2022, as for the 4 articles
used by researchers as a source of literature
spread over the background and discussion
of research results. The third step is
reporting, where researchers pour out the
results of literature studies that have been
analyzed using the systematics of writing
scientific articles.
1. Research from Dessy Gheofani with
the title The influence of
decentralization and management
accounting systems on managerial
performance Concluded that partial
decentralization has a significant
effect on managerial performance
in PT. Auxano Pekanbaru is because
decentralization is a broader
concept and relates to how far top
management delegates authority.
The results of the study partially
show that decentralization affects
managerial performance in
universities. Auxano Pekanbaru.
2. Research from Willy Nurhayadi with
the title The influence of
decentralization, Perception of
environmental uncertainty, public
accountability, organizational
culture on managerial performance
through a management accounting
887 | Title of Paper
system which concluded that the
results of the study partially showed
that decentralization affects
managerial performance through a
management accounting system in
hospitals in Banten province.
3. Research from Asriani Hasan with
Analysis of the Influence of
decentralization and management
accounting systems on Managerial
performance which concludes that
the results of the study partially
show that decentralization affects
managerial performance so that it
can be used by management for
decision making.
Research from Alifiah Wulansari Mustofa
and Sri Trisnaningsih entitled Literature
Study: The role of decentralization in
improving management performance
which concludes that decentralization is
able to have a positive influence on
managerial performance. Decentralization
is defined as the delegation of
responsibility and authority from upper
management to lower level management.
Decentralization has an important role in
the company, where decentralization can
speed up the decision-making process and
provide motivation to managers at various
levels to improve their performance which
will have an impact on improving company
performance. In addition, decentralization
can provide convenience in the process of
collecting and utilizing information, so that
upper management has no obstacles in the
process of formulating strategic planning
and decision making. From the description
above, the researcher explained that in
increasing competition in the business
world and to overcome its problems, the
management needs to take
decentralization steps to detect problems
that arise so that the management is able
or able to make the right and efficient
Based on what has been explained
above from the results of the study, the
author implies that decentralization is
useful for making a positive contribution to
management performance, this is because
decentralization is a process of delegation
of responsibilities and authorities starting
from upper level management to lower
level management. Decentralization has a
very important role for management
because it is able to be considered to be
able to help management in the right and
efficient decision-making process, so that
managers have the initiative to take action
to solve problems that arise so that the
decision making can be done quickly and
Nurhayadi, Willy. (2017). The influence of
decentralization, Perception of
environmental uncertainty, public
accountability, organizational culture
on managerial performance through
a management accounting system:
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University.
Gheofani, Dessy. (2021). The influence of
decentralization and management
accounting systems on managerial
888 | Literature Review : Decentralization Analysis In Improving Managerial Performance
performance: National Seminar on
Multidisciplinary Scientific Papers,
Vol.1No.1 August 2021, Pp. 217 225.
Hasan, Asriani. (2020). Analysis of the Effect
of decentralization and management
accounting systems on Managerial
performance: Journal of Politala
Accounting Research, Vol 3 No.1 June
2020, PP. 11 16.
Hasan, Asriani. (2020). Analysis of the Effect
of decentralization and management
accounting systems on Managerial
performance: Journal of Politala
Accounting Research, Vol 3 No.1 June
2020, PP. 11 16.
Mustofa Wulansari, Alifiah (2022).
Literature Study : The role of
decentralization in improving
management performance : Rifle
Proceedings, Vol 2 No.1 May 2022,
Pp. 28 35.
© 2021 by the authors.
for possible open access
under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)