JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 5, 889 899
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.347. https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
e-mail: zulpardisyah@gmail.com
*Correspondence: zulpardisyah@gmail.com
: 26
November 2022
: 17
December 2022
: 29
December 2022
Abstract: Internationalization of MSMEs through networking in the context of improving
welfare must be carried out in stages. To find out the various welfare conditions of MSMEs,
several sustainable development systems are needed, so that the standard of living of MSMEs
in the country continues to increase. The orientation and focus“on empowering MSMEs that
will be internationalized need to be improved, including by providing easy access to company
functions and providing supporting facilities, so that all MSMEs that will be internationalized
can apply general rules that apply in the economy in a consistent, consistent and efficient
manner. The efforts made are through a strong business network (networking). The network is
an important factor in the MSME business both on a national and international scale in order
to improve welfare, economies of scale, and expand market share. MSMEs with a strong
network are the capital to run their business activities effectively and efficiently.
Keywords: Internationalization MSMEs Networking Welfare.
Zulpardisyah | 890
MSMEs are one of the sources of
driving a nation's economy, and more than
that, MSMEs have a big role in absorbing labor
and providing gross domestic product for
The absorption of this workforce has
reached around 85 million workers in
Indonesia and this has contributed to
domestic income of around 52.3 percent.[2]
This shows that MSMEs play an important role
in reducing the problem of poverty in
The existence of MSMEs in reducing
the increase in the number of unemployed in
Indonesia is by recruiting many workers as an
effort to assist the government in eradicating
The storm of the economic crisis in
Indonesia has made several large companies
experience a slowdown in growth, not even a
few have stopped.[4] Unlike the case with
MSMEs that still survive and live in the face of
an economic crisis. Thus, it is natural that
private sector economic development can be
focused on MSMEs, including by conducting
internationalization of MSMEs.
Internationalization is an innovation of
the enterprise and often requires making
decisions under conditions of uncertainty,
taking into account which knowledge is
The role of MSMEs in the economy,
among others: implementing economic
activities, creating job opportunities, business
actors in developing the local economy and
empowering communities, creating
innovations and new markets, and business
actors contributing to the balance of
Basedon the large role of MSMEs, the
development of the internationalization of
MSMEs must be planned, structured, and
sustainable, so that they are productive and
competitive to improve welfare.
The development and growth of
networking between countries has opened up
opportunities for MSMEs to carry out
internationalization activities in the form of
exports, direct investment and licensing,
where these activities can improve the welfare
of business actors. Thus, it is important for
MSMEs to create and develop mutually
beneficial business networks
Internationalization activities that can
be carried out by MSMEs are exports due
to minimal financial capital,[6] so MSMEs
need to develop them through business
networks with a labor-intensive
internationalization strategy."
Business Network is an important
factor in the world of MSMEs in the
context of increasing economies of scale,
efficient business management and
expanding market coverage. MSMEs with a
large business network can carry out their
operations more effectively and efficiently
as a capital for the company's
competitiveness. This is supported by the
current global era which has opened up
opportunities for MSMEs to carry out
internationalization activities.
This research has a novelty value,
which aims to find out whether the
internationalization of MSMEs can improve
welfare through business networks. The
business network is one of the factors that
determine the strategy in internationalizing
MSMEs, in addition to the business network
it will affect the competitiveness of MSMEs
891 | Internationalization Of Msmes Through Networks (Networking) To Improve Welfare
in internationalization activities, it will also
have a direct or indirect impact on the
welfare of business actors.
This research is a qualitative
research using theSystematic Literature
Review (SLR) method, which is a method
that is able to describe differences or
relationships between literatures, so as to
be able to conclude or describe a certain
thematic framework as a whole, as well as
provide new ideas so that they can be
followed up empirically.[7]
The SLR method is carried out
through studies and identification of
several journals according to the themes
studied. In this case, the researcher uses
books, journals, along with other literature
sources, and it is done inductively in order
to get more concrete results. This research
was conducted considering that Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are
business sectors that play an important role
in the economy and are able to survive
during the economic crisis in Indonesia.
SLR research is carried out to
identify, review, evaluate and be able to
make interpretations of all research that has
been carried out based on the theme of the
discussion on the internationalization of
SMEs as well as through the formulation of
the problem that has been determined.
The identification results are
expected to add literature related to the
internationalization of MSMEs that play a
role in improving welfare through extensive
business networks and government efforts
in solving problems related to poverty and
The SLR method is carried out in several
stages, including:[8] The first stage,
selecting the theme and research topic. The
theme that was chosen was
Internationalization of MSMEs through
networks (networking) to improve welfare.
The second stage is developing
alternatives and determining the thematic
study innovations. In this case, the goal is
to find a solution in internationalizing
MSMEs through networks to improve
welfare. The thematic study of SLR that was
decided was the Internationalization of
MSMEs through networks.
The third stage, search and filter the
literature. The search was carried out
through Google Scholar, with the keywords
used, namely the internationalization of
MSMEs in Indonesia. The search results
show that there are 570 literatures most
relevant to this keyword.
Thefourth stage, grouping. Literature of
scientific works from search results, grouped
based on similarity in research focus and given a
general description.
The fifth stage, discussion. This
stage is an explanation of the findings of
the SLR. The formulation of the problem is
made and selected based on the needs
analysis of the research topic. The
formulation of the problem in the research,
among others:
1) What are the internal factors that
influence the internationalization of
MSMEs in Indonesia?
2) What are the challenges of
internationalizing MSMEs through
networks in Indonesia?
3) What is the government's role in the
internationalization of MSMEs through
networks in Indonesia?
What is the strategy for
Zulpardisyah | 892
internationalizing MSMEs through
networks to improve welfare?
This research was conducted by
analyzing somerelevant literature related
to the theme of internationalization of
MSMEs through networks to improve
welfare in Indonesia. The literature sources
used include: books and scientific articles
related to the focus of research from 2018-
The discussion is grouped related to
the theme of Internationalization of MSMEs
through business networks to improve
welfare into 4 focus themes, namely those
relating to the internal factors of MSME
internationalization, the challenges of
MSME internationalization, the role of the
government in the internationalization of
MSMEs and MSME internationalization
strategies based on the literature. The focus
of the Research Theme is as follows:
1. The factor Internal
Internationalization of MSMEs through
networks to improve welfare in
Indonesia using 5 journals from Sijabat
& Muhammad (2019) [9]; Mangani
(2020) [10]; Hasanudin & Hendri (2021)
[11]; Latifah & Yuliati (2019) [12];
Mujianto et al (2021) [13];
2. Challenges of Internationalization of
MSMEs through networks to improve
welfare in Indonesia using 5 journals
from Putra Et al (2022) [14]; Hapsari Et
al (2022) [15]; Mege Et al (2020) [16];
Darmayanti Et al (2021) [17]; Wijaya Et
al (2022) [18].
3. The role of the government in the
internationalization of MSMEs through
networks to improve welfare in
Indonesia using 5 journals from
Adawiyah Et al (2022) [19]; Faisal &
Apriliadi (2021) [20]; Ismianti Et al
(2019) [21]; Muhsyi Et al (2021) [22];
Winarto (2020) [23].
4. Internationalization strategy of MSMEs
through networks to improve welfare
in Indonesia using 5 journals from
Kaukab (2021) [24]; Hadi Et al (2021)
[25]; Budiyanto (2020) [26]; Armiani Et
al (2021) [27]; Zen & Mukhlis (2022)
MSMEsare the sector that is able to
absorb the most labor in Indonesia,
reaching 97%. Thus, MSMEs are the most
important part of the Indonesian economy,
as a sector that is able to generate
productive workforce through investment
and change technology.
The internationalization of MSMEs
through networks has a major contribution
in improving the welfare of life, so this
needs to be considered because the
existence of MSMEs that will be
internationalized cannot be separated from
the opportunities and challenges faced. in
developing MSMEs in the international
arena which is influenced by several
internal factors.
Internal Factors Internationalization of
SMEs through networks (Networking) to
improve welfare
Internal factors that often hinder the
internationalization of MSMEs for both
growth and development include limited
capital. The limitation of the capital is felt
to make it difficult for MSMEs to develop.
Most MSMEs use private facilities to obtain
production cost capital because they have
893 | Internationalization Of Msmes Through Networks (Networking) To Improve Welfare
not been able to meet consumer demand.
The government needs to pay
attention and support so that the
internationalization of MSMEs can run well
to improve people's welfare.
Some MSME managers find it difficult
to get assistance from the government and
the process takes a relatively long time.
Considering that the existence of MSMEs
has a major contribution to the State, such
as providing job opportunities for the
community and having a significant impact
on economic growth and community
welfare, MSMEs should receive attention in
order to be able to compete internationally.
The government must be able to provide
export stimulation to MSME actors to
encourage MSME actors to explore foreign
In addition to limited capital, the
availability of raw materials owned by
MSMEs also affects production activities, so
the scarcity of production materials can be
the cause of soaring prices. raw material.
This can be an obstacle in the
internationalization of SMEs to develop.
The price of raw materials that continues to
soar can affect the selling value of MSME
products which will have a direct impact on
sales. In addition, MSMEs that have a small
network will lack partners and suppliers of
raw materials, so the need to
internationalize MSMEs through networks.
Another internal factor is related to
the production equipment used. Most
MSMEs use simple manual tools, assuming
that the results of ancient technology are
better and more in line with what they
Bookkeeping Problems. The thing
that needs to be done in the
internationalization of MSMEs is orderly
bookkeeping. However, most MSME actors
still use a simple (manual) bookkeeping
system and do not follow standard
bookkeeping administration rules, so they
need to be trained to achieve trade
competition in the international world
which is competitive considering the
importance of financial processing in
business continuity.
Limited Marketing. Marketing
limitations are a problem for MSME actors,
this makes it important to internationalize
MSMEs through collaborating with other
business actors at the local, national, and
international levels. However, there are still
many MSMEs that lack partner networks,
and have not been able to market their
products online, which makes these
products less well known to the wider
community. This shows the importance of
assistance from the government to train
digital marketing and provide access to the
internationalization of MSMEs.
The Problem of Determining the
Location and Layout of the Business. The
location of the business is included in the
internal factors that need to be considered
that affect the existence of MSMEs. MSMEs
that are ready for internationalization must
be in strategic locations, such as near
highways, near markets or public facilities,
and close to suppliers, making it easier for
business actors to obtain raw materials and
distribute their products. This needs to be
done to minimize production costs.
Managerial Ability. MSMEs that will
be internationalized must have
management resources who have good
managerial skills. Where business actors
must have the ability and knowledge
Zulpardisyah | 894
related to human resource management,
production management, financial and
other managerial management. This is
necessary because a business with a larger
scope will require a large number of
workers, as well as demand for more
The skills of MSME managers
regarding market knowledge” can
encourage sufficient willingness to take
risks inherent in developing
differentiation/innovative products that
can facilitate a wider scope of
internationalization. Innovation has been
suggested as a possible relationship
between market orientation and firm
Socialization related to Government
Training and Guidance for MSME actors so
that they can be competitive in the
international market is a necessity for
MSME actors. The training and guidance is
a proof that the government should be
among the SME actors towards
international trade.
Some MSMEs experience problems in
distributing products from producers to
consumers in various regions in Indonesia
and abroad. This is due to the lack of
understanding of MSME actors to
determine safe distribution tools.
Challenges of Internationalization of
MSMEs through networks to improve
welfare in Indonesia
Various research results related to
the challenges of internationalization of
MSMEs, show that MSMEs often experience
various things, including: limited funds, lack
of knowledge regarding markets, there are
limitations related to technology and
innovation, limited quality of human
resources, business competition and
government policies.
The challenges are illustrated in table 1 as
Table 1.
The main challenges faced in the
internationalization of MSMEs in Indonesia
Frekuensi (%)
Raw material difficulty
Transportation difficulties
Marketing difficulties
Limited funds
Source: Winarto, 2020
In realizing the internationalization
of MSMEs that are competitive through
networks for welfare, it is necessary to
know that the capabilities and strengths of
Indonesian MSMEs in the international
market show a comparison of the
contribution of MSMEs to the absorption of
labor force, GDP and export value in several
countries, as follows:
Contribution of SMEs to export value (%)
Contribution of SMEs to GDP (%)
Contribution of SMEs to employment (%)
895 | Internationalization Of Msmes Through Networks (Networking) To Improve Welfare
The data illustrates that MSMEs play an
important role in economic activity,
especially in the provision of employment,
and the acquisition of GDP. However,
holistically, it can be seen that the
contribution of Indonesian MSMEs in the
export trade balance is still inferior to other
countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, the
Philippines, as well as Vietnamese.
The Government's Role in
Internationalization of MSMEs through
networks to improve welfare in Indonesia
Government policies in supporting
the internationalization process are very
important and needed for MSME managers
to expand the market through networks
and improve welfare.
The role of the government in
encouraging MSMEs to be able to grow
and develop at a higher level higher level
and competitive in the global market,
including by providing various incentives,
programs and policies to strengthen
MSMEs and provide access for MSMEs in
order to face global competition. This
support, including:
1. Long-term planning Attachment to
Law no. 17 of 2007 related to the RPJP
2005-2025, Chapter III number (23)
emphasizes that MSMEs are the real
sector to become science and
technology actors and are competitive
with imported products, able to
contribute to structural changes and
strengthen the domestic economy.[33]
2. Marketing support- The government
guarantees fair competition and
opportunities for MSME exporters,
actively participates in trade
negotiations and regional trade
agreements and bilaterally to reduce
various barriers. Among them is by
establishing SMESCO with the hope of
becoming an institution with
professional services for facilitate
business partners related to world-
class superior products of high quality,
as well as promote Indonesian MSMEs
to local and international business
3. Financial support - The Indonesian
government provides financial support
for MSMEs based on Decree No.
06/SKB/Dep.3/III/2010 and
026/KSB/03/2010. KemenkopUMKM in
collaboration with LPEI seeks to
facilitate MSME actors to encourage
export-oriented business activities. The
presence of LPEI that offers insurance
services with a competitive premium is
expected to increase the
competitiveness of Indonesian MSME
products abroad.
4. Providing incentives Government
give special treatment regarding
MSME Taxpayer. MSME entrepreneurs
receive Income Tax incentives with the
issuance of PP 46/2013. The income tax
rate for MSMEs is up to 4.8 billion,
which is only 1% of turnover. In
addition, the Government provides
grants aimed at creating quality brand,
create branding that makes it different
from other products in the global
market. This includes counseling to
increase productivity and technology
capabilities, assistance in business
collaboration to improve technology
production, research, development
and marketing of products, creation of
a more friendly business environment,
Zulpardisyah | 896
continuous efforts to improve
transportation systems and increasing
market access through tariff
negotiations under bilateral, regional
and WTO arrangements.
MSME Internationalization Strategy
through networks to improve welfare in
The internationalization strategy is
conceptually and theoretically divided into
two, namely the internalization theory
andthe electic theory. The theory of
internalization arises due to the
development of large companies that can
threaten the existence of MSMEs. In its
development, this theory seeks to
internalize the benefits that can be
obtained from internationalization,
localization, and ownership.
The ecletic theory in the
internationalization strategy emphasizes
more on the resources and knowledge of
MSMEs in determining markets and
networks in marketing their products.
Dess and Miller distinguish MSME
internationalization strategy into intended
strategy and realized strategy [29]. In this
case, the intended strategy refers to the
future consisting of goals, policies and
plans proposed and designed by MSME
managers. The strategy that is realized
refers to the past that combines the
components of the intended strategy with
those that are adjusted according to the
needs at the time, because the strategy
almost always changes in several ways
throughout its implementation.
The MSME internationalization
strategy can be carried out using a global
and process approach, including the
incremental approach, namely the Uppsala
and Innovation models. Building on
behavioral theory as well as the school of
innovation [30].
The behavioral school of thought,
understands that internationalization as a
sequential process that is incremental,
cumulative and linear, consists of a
succession of steps that must be passed by
every company that wants to develop
abroad. Each step leads to increased
commitments abroad, as well as resource
plans, and target market distances. The
members of the Nordic school of thought
study internationalization through the
prism of the market, where the innovation
school considers that each new step in the
process is an organizational innovation for
the company.
The internationalization process can
be seen as a learning process for an MSME.
Several aspects regarding
internationalization such as the age of
MSMEs, the size of MSMEs, and the
industrial sector selected by MSMEs have
become the subject of studies that have
been carried out by several researchers in
other countries. The MSME
internationalization strategy needs to pay
attention to the personality aspect, because
it will be very influential in determining the
work performance of MSMEs in carrying
out the MSME internationalization strategy.
With the right strategy, it is hoped that
MSME internationalization activities
through networks to improve welfare can
be realized and have competitiveness.
897 | Internationalization Of Msmes Through Networks (Networking) To Improve Welfare
The“internationalization of MSMEs is
an effort to improve the economy of the
community. The government pays
attention to the creation of MSMEs and
Cooperatives under the Ministry of
Cooperatives and MSMEs.
This attention is a form of appreciation
from the government, because MSMEs are
able to support the economic existence of
the small people and have a direct impact
on the level of life of the lower class so that
the welfare of the community continues to
The internationalization of MSMEs
cannot be separated from the network of
business partners as partners to be
competitive in global trade, so as to be able
to provide wide employment opportunities
and improve welfare. Thus, MSMEs are
known as a means of alleviating people
from poverty, leveling the economic level of
the poor, and providing foreign exchange
income for the country.
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