JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 5, 875 883
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
Margaretha Prihatiningsih
Yusup Hari Subagyo
Vitalis Ari Widyaningsih
State Universitas Pignatelli Triputra Solo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
e-mail: margarethaprihatiningsih@gmail.com, yusupharisubagyo@gmail.com,
*Correspondence: margarethaprihatinin[email protected]
Submitted: 29 November 2022 Revised: 15 December 2022 Accepted: 26 December 2022
Abstract: The study aims to determine whether the company's financial performance through
financial ratio analysis and the application of GGE (Green Growth Economy) as a moderation
variable affects the increase in GDP / GNP economic income during the Covid-19 period towards
the New Normal can be achieved properly. The population in the study was 36 Main Board
Companies in the Property and Real-Estate Sub-Sector, a sample of 17 companies with a purpose
sampling method. Multiple Correlation Regression Analysis Method with t TEST and F TEST and
Classical Assumption Test using SEM Analysis Model (Structure Equation Model) & MRA Test
(Moderating Regression Analyze). Based on the Results of the Analysis of Mediation Tests With
MRA Regression (Moderating Regression Analyze), Cash Ratio, NPM with a significance value of
0.386 & 0.244 greater than 0.05 Then indirectly through GGE is not able to affect GDP / GNP which
means it is rejected. Meanwhile, DER and ROA with a significance value of 0.016 & 0.042 are able
to affect GDP / GNP. Likewise, DER & ROE with significance values of 0.002 & 0.007 < 0.05 Then
indirectly through GGE is able to affect GDP / GNP. CAR, NPM through GGE with significance values
of 0.538, 0.171 > 0.05 Then it is not able to affect GDP/GNP which means it is rejected. While DER
& ROA through GGE as a moderation variable with a significance value of 0.029 & 0.016 is indirectly
able to affect GDP / GNP. DER, ROE, NPM via GGE as moderation variables with a significance value
of 0.038; 0,002; 0.046 < 0.05 Then it can affect GDP/GNP. Sedankan Cash, DAR, NPM via GGE as
moderation variables with significance values 0.196;0.193; 0.535 > 0.05 Then it is not able to affect
GNP/GDP which means it is rejected.
Keywords: Financial Analysis of Liquidity; Solvency; Profitability; & Rentability and GGE (Green
Growth Economy) Analysis; GNP/GDP Analysis; With Multiple Correlation Regression
Analysis; SEM Model & MRA Test Results Analysis (Moderating Regression Analyze).
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.346 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
877 | Financial Analysis Through The Application of Green Growth Economy (GGE) As A
Moderation Variable Affects The Increase In GDP / GNP Economic Income In Indonesia During
The Covid-19 Period Towards The New Normal
During the current Covid-19
Pandemic, since March 2019, it has greatly
impacted the Indonesian economy,
especially felt by the lower middle class of
the economy which must be supported by
the economy of companies that have TBK.
They The Industrial Company Workers were
hit hardest by the impact but had to
continue to persevere to sustain their lives
and the sustainability of their businesses.
Culinary Merchants continue to try in
various ways and their efforts to continue
trading with different methods, including
being shown by their efforts to follow the
NORMALE which is the trick, namely by
planning various forms of business that are
still selling well in their business including:
participating in marketing through online
business, grab, go food, E-Comerce, E-
Budgetting and the like.
Under the leadership of Mr. President
Joko Widodo, the real estate property and
building construction sector is one of the
sectors in Indonesia that has great potential
as a place to invest. Because in 2019, the
infrastructure expenditure budget reached
up to Rp 420 trillion. This figure increased
by 157% from 2014 which was only 163
trillion. Such a large fund the government
has succeeded in carrying out various kinds
of infrastructure development for its
people. Such as: (1) dams, (2) irrigation, (3)
embung, (4) national roads, (5) toll roads,
(6) bridges, (7) suspension bridges, (8)
drinking water supply systems, (9)
sanitation & waste, (10) housing, (11) flats,
(12) special houses, and (13) self-help
houses. At this time, the government
continues to strive to encourage national
economic growth, one of which is through
the acceleration of unfinished
infrastructure development. The
acceleration of infrastructure development
is meant to be the progress of the country.
Infrastructure plays an important role in
increasing economic growth, as higher
economic growth is found in areas with
sufficient infrastructure availability
(www.cnbindonesia.com) in access 24
August 2020).
The results of this analysis also
provide an overview as well as can be used
to determine the direction and goals of the
company. This means that financial
statements can be a reference in decision
making and matters that are considered
important for management. Financial
analysis tools commonly used are financial
ratios such as: liquidity ratios (Ningsih,
2017) solvency ratio (Salim, 2016),
profitability ratio (Nurfinda, 2014), activity
ratio (Novitasari, 2020) gross profit analysis
and other ratios. (Cashmere, 2019: 5).
There are several ratios that are seen as
affecting stock returns that are important
to consider before making an investment
transaction, namely: liquidity ratio, solvency
ratio, activity ratio and profitability ratio.
According to Prastowo (2015: 73) the
company's liquidity describes the
company's ability to fulfill its short-term
obligations to short-term creditors, namely
to measure this ability, usually used
working capital ratio figures, namely: curret
ratio, acidtest ratio, quick ratio, account
receivable turnover. According to Herry
(2017: 312) the profitability ratio is a ratio
| 878
Margaretha Prihatiningsih
Yusup Hari Subagyo
Vitalis Ari Widyaningsih
used to measure the company's ability to
generate profit from normal business
activities and also aims to measure the level
of management effectiveness in carrying
out company operations. Measurement of
the profitability ratio can be carried out by
comparing between the various
components present in the income
statement or balance sheet. In this study,
liquidity will be measured by Cash Ratio &
Current Asset Ratio (CAR), Solvency
measured by DAR (Debt To Asset Ratio) &
Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Activity
measured by TATO (Total asset turn over).
And profitability will be measured by ROE
(Return On Equity), NPM (Net Profit
Margin). Companies that have few
investment opportunities will tend to
reduce dividends, but with a high level of
assets and investor funds, the company will
tend to increase dividends due to the
availability of more funds. The larger the
level of company size, the greater the
possibility of dividend payments. If it is
associated with an increase in GDP / GNP,
the greater the income earned by a
company with a large size, the dividend
continues to increase so that the higher
shareholder confidence will affect the
investors of its shareholders to increase
funds to be invested in the company
concerned, the management becomes
optimistic that the company's prospects are
good in the future. Thus, it will increase the
income that contributes to the higher
From the Background Description of
the Research, the Researcher took the
Research Title: "Financial Ratio Analysis
through the Application of Green Growth
Economy (GGE) Its Effect on Increasing
GDP/GNP Economic Income in Indonesia
MasaCovid-19 Towards New Normal
(Empirical Study on Property & Real Estate
Sub-Sector Companies Whose Shares Are
Listed on the Main Board of the Indonesia
Stock Exchange) 2019 to 2021. From this
title, it contains meaning: How to recover
the economy by increasing GDP / GNP to
towards the Green Growth Economy of
Companies - Property and Real Estate Sub-
Sector on the IDX whose shares are listed
on the Main Stock List (36), Development
Stocks (27) And Accelerated Stocks (0)
Observation Period 2019 to 2021. This
study aims to find out whether the Financial
Ratio of Liquidity Cash Ratio, CAR
Moderated by GGE (Green Growth
Economy) Affects the Increase in GDP /
GNP ? , so that it can be used as a reference
for improvement and better decision
making of managers & management in the
future. Research Benefits The results of the
analysis are expected to make a positive
contribution to the Company and the
Wider Community in order to overcome the
Impact of COVID-19 Prevention, Especially
Improving Income so that the Results can
be used as Additions and Payments for
Health Costs for Employee Leaders and the
user community at least help in the
financial sector for purchasingn prevention
tools COVID-19 Towards a New Normale.
879 | Financial Analysis Through The Application of Green Growth Economy (GGE) As A
Moderation Variable Affects The Increase In GDP / GNP Economic Income In Indonesia During
The Covid-19 Period Towards The New Normal
This research includes quantitative
research type research by conducting
Hypothesis Test. The type of data used in
this study is secondary data, by looking at
the ICMD (Indonesian Market Directory) of
Companies Listed on the IDX (Indonesia
Stock Exchange) during the period 2019 to
2021 whose shares are listed on the Main
Board, which is contained on the official IDX
website, namely www.idx.co.id.
Description of the object of study
The object of this study uses a
sample of Companies Listed on the IDX
whose Shares are listed on the Main
Board, Development and acceleration of
the Property & Real Estate Sub-Sector
for the 2019 2021 Period. Of all the
samples found, not all were sampled in
the study. This means that the sample
found was 20 companies used in this
study only 17 companies, because there
were 3 companies that did not fully
report Financial Statements with Anual
reports. So the sample used is Financial
& Company Data which has complete
Data on Financial Statements in IDR and
has an Annual Report from 2019 to
2021. In total the companies studied
there were 17 companies that met all the
research requirements related to the
variables GDP/GNP, GGE, Liquidity,
Solvency, Profitability, Rentability &
Activity. Some samples were aborted
because they did not meet the
established criteria and incomplete data
so that the number of data from 2019-
2021 was 51 data.
Data Analysis.
Results of Mediation Test With MRA
(Moderating Regression Analyze) (1)
Effect of Cash Ratio (X1) on GDP (Y)
through GGE (Z) as a mediation variable.
The mra's regression count t value X1Z
of -0.463 is greater than that of -2.010 (-
0.463 > -2.010) with a significant value
of 0.646 above 0.05. It is concluded
indirectly that the Cash Ratio (X1)
through GGE (Z) is not capable of
affecting GDP (Y) which means it is
rejected. (2) Effect of DAR (X2) on GDP
(Y) via GGE (Z) as a mediation variable
The value of t regression calculation of
MRA X2Z of -1.016 is greater than that
of t table of -2.010 (-1.016 > -2.010) with
a significant value of 0.316 above 0.05. It
is inferred indirectly DAR (X2) through
GGE (Z) is not capable of affecting GDP
(Y) which means it is accepted. (3) Effect
of ROE (X3) on GDP (Y) via GGE (Z) as a
mediation variable The mra's regression
t value of X3Z of -3,391 is smaller than
that of -2,010 (-3,391 < -2,010) with a
significant value of 0.002 below 0.05. It is
concluded that indirectly ROA (X3)
through GGE (Z) is able to affect GDP (Y)
which means it is accepted. (4) Effect of
NPM (X4) on GDP (Y) via GGE (Z) as a
mediation variable The value of the MRA
X4Z regression calculation t of 1.209 is
smaller than that of the table t of 2.010
(1.209 < 2.010) with a significant value of
| 880
Margaretha Prihatiningsih
Yusup Hari Subagyo
Vitalis Ari Widyaningsih
0.234 above 0.05. It is concluded
indirectly that NPM (X4) through GGE (Z)
is not capable of influencing GDP (Y)
which means it is rejected. Effect of Cash
with GEE as a moderation variable.
Results of mediation test with MRA
(Source: Primary data processed, 2022)
(1) Effect of Cash Ratio (X1) to GDP (Y)
through GGE (Z) as a mediation
variable. The mra's regression count
t value X1Z of -0.750 is greater than
that of the table t of -2.010 (-0.750
> -2.010) with a significant value of
0.458 above 0.05. It is concluded
indirectly that the Cash Ratio (X1)
through GGE (Z) is not capable of
affecting GDP (Y) which means it is
rejected. (2) Effect of DAR (X2) on
GDP (Y) via GGE (Z) as a mediation
variable. The mra's regression
calculation t value X2Z of -1.086 is
greater than that of the table t of -
2.010 (-1.086 > -2.010) with a
significant value of 0.284 above
0.05. It is inferred indirectly DAR
(X2) via GGE (Z) is not capable of
influencing GDP (Y) which means it
is rejected. (2) Effect of ROA (X3) on
GDP (Y) via GGE (Z) as a mediation
variable The value of t regression
calculation of MRA X3Z of -2.082 is
smaller than that of t table of -2.010
(-2.082 < -2.010) with a significant
value of 0.044 below 0.05. It is
concluded that indirectly ROA (X3)
through GGE (Z) is able to affect
GDP (Y) which means it is accepted.
(3) Effect of NPM (X4) on GDP (Y) via
GGE (Z) as a mediation variable The
value of t regression calculation of
MRA X4Z of 0.162 is smaller than
that of t table of 2.010 (0.162 <
2.010) with a significant value of
0.872 above 0.05. It is concluded
indirectly that NPM (X4) through
GGE (Z) is not capable of influencing
GDP (Y) which means it is rejected.
Effect of CAR, DAR, ROE, NPM On
moderation variable.
Regression Mediation Test Results
(Source: Primary data processed, 2022)
(1) Effect of CAR (X1) on GNP (Y) via
GGE (Z) as a mediation variable
The mra's X1Z regression count t value of -
0.621 is greater than that of -2.010 (-0.621
> -2.010) with a significant value of 0.538
above 0.05. It is inferred indirectly that CAR
(X1) through GGE (Z) is not capable of
affecting GNP (Y) which means it is rejected.
(2) Effect of DER (X2) on GNP (Y) via GGE (Z)
as a mediation variable
The mra's X2Z regression count t
value of -2.260 is smaller than that of -2.010
(-2.260 < -2.010) with a significant value of
0.029 below 0.05. It is inferred indirectly
that DER (X2) through GGE (Z) is capable of
influencing GNP (Y) which means it is
accepted. (3) Effect of ROA (X3) on GNP (Y)
via GGE (Z) as a mediation variable. The
mra's X3Z regression count t value of -2.510
is smaller than that of -2.010 (-2.510 < -
2.010) with a significant value of 0.016
below 0.05. It is concluded that indirectly
ROA (X3) through GGE (Z) is able to
influence GNP (Y) which means it is
accepted. (4) Effect of NPM (X4) on GNP (Y)
via GGE (Z) as a mediation variable The
mra's regression count value of X4Z of
1.394 is smaller than that of the table t of
2.010 (1.394 < 2.010) with a significant
value of 0.171 above 0.05. It is inferred
indirectly that NPM (X4) through GGE (Z) is
not capable of influencing GNP (Y) which
means it is rejected. Effect of CAR, DAR,
ROA, NPM On GDP. With GGE as a
moderation variable. Results of mediation
tests with MRA regression.
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.346 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
| 882
Margaretha Prihatiningsih
Yusup Hari Subagyo
Vitalis Ari Widyaningsih
(Source: Primary data processed, 2022)
(1) Effect of CAR (X1) on GDP (Y) via GGE (Z) as
a mediation variable
The mra's regression count t value
X1Z of -0.508 is greater than that of table t
of -2.010 (-0.508 > -2.010) with a significant
value of 0.614 above 0.05. It is inferred
indirectly that CAR (X1) through GGE (Z) is
not capable of affecting GDP (Y) which
means it is rejected. (2) Effect of DAR (X2)
on GDP (Y) via GGE (Z) as a mediation
variable. The mra's regression calculation t
value X2Z of -0.963 is greater than that of
table t of -2.010 (-0.963 > -2.010) with a
significant value of 0.341 above 0.05. It is
inferred indirectly DAR (X2) via GGE (Z) is
not capable of influencing GDP (Y) which
means it is rejected. (3) Effect of ROA (X3)
on GDP (Y) via GGE (Z) as a mediation
variable. The mra's X3Z regression count t
value of -2.344 is smaller than that of -2.010
(-2.344 < -2.010) with a significant value of
0.024 below 0.05. It is concluded that
indirectly ROA (X3) through GGE (Z) is able
to affect GDP (Y) which means it is
accepted. (4) Effect of NPM (X4) on GDP (Y)
via GGE (Z) as a mediation variable The
mra's mrake X4Z regression value of 0.349
is smaller than that of the table t of 2.010
(0.349 > 2.010) with a significant value of
0.729 above 0.05. It is concluded indirectly
that NPM (X4) through GGE (Z) is not
capable of influencing GDP (Y) which
means it is rejected. Test Results With
Variable Y2 namely GNP (Gross National
Product). Effect of Cash Ratio (X1), DER (X2),
ROA (X3), NPM (X4) on GNP (Y) via GGE (Z)
as mediation variables. The results of the
mediation test with MRA regression: (1)
Effect of Cash Ratio (X1) on GNP (Y) via GGE
(Z) as a mediation variable The value of t
calculate MRA regression X1Z of -0.877 is
greater than that of t table of -2.010 (-0.877
> -2.010) with a significant value of 0.386
above 0.05. It is concluded indirectly that
the Cash Ratio (X1) through GGE (Z) is not
capable of affecting GNP (Y) which means
it is rejected. (2) Effect of DER (X2) on GNP
(Y) via GGE (Z) as a mediation variable The
value of t regression calculation of MRA
X2Z of -2.525 is smaller than that of t table
of -2.010 (-2.525 < -2.010) with a significant
value of 0.016 below 0.05. It is inferred
indirectly that DER (X2) through GGE (Z) is
capable of influencing GNP (Y) which
883 | Financial Analysis Through The Application of Green Growth Economy (GGE) As A
Moderation Variable Affects The Increase In GDP / GNP Economic Income In Indonesia During
The Covid-19 Period Towards The New Normal
means it is accepted. (3) Effect of ROA (X3)
on GNP (Y) via GGE (Z) as a mediation
variable The value of t regression
calculation of MRA X3Z of -2.097 is smaller
than that of t table of -2.010 (-2.097 < -
2.010) with a significant value of 0.042
below 0.05. It is concluded that indirectly
ROA (X3) through GGE (Z) is able to
influence GNP (Y) which means it is
accepted. (4) Effect of NPM (X4) on GNP (Y)
via GGE (Z) as a mediation variable The
value of t regression calculation of MRA
X4Z of 1.183 is smaller than that of t table
of 2.010 (1.183 < 2.010) with a significant
value of 0.244 above 0.05. It is inferred
indirectly that NPM (X4) through GGE (Z) is
not capable of influencing GNP (Y) which
means it is rejected.
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license