JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 7, 1310 1314
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i07.343 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Mika Kuswanti
Cica Yulia
Postgraduates School of Technology and Vocational Education
Indonesian University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
e-mail: mikakuswan22@gmail.com, cicayulia@upi.edu
*Correspondence: mikakuswan2[email protected]
: 26
January 2023
: 12
February 2023
: 20
February 2023
Abstract: Career counseling is directly related to problems regarding the future of vocational
school students in determining and choosing jobs based on all career attitudes they have.
Career counseling is presented to provide services in shaping the career patterns of vocational
school students toward the world of work. This article aims to conduct a literature review on
the implementation of career counseling in vocational schools and universities in several
countries for preparation for the world of work. In the process of collecting data, seven journals
were found that support this research. The results of the study found that the implementation
of career counseling in vocational schools has different ways. Career counseling is something
that supports job readiness in addition to the self-concept that students already have. The
results of this study can also be used as recommendations for career counseling officers to
improve services and optimize the career counseling service system.
Keywords: Career Counseling; Vocational School; World of Work.
Mika Kuswanti
Cica Yulia
| 1311
Career guidance in vocational
education is an interesting issue, especially
in the current era of globalization, which
causes fierce competition in the world of
work. Career guidance is directly related to
the future problems of SMK students in
determining and choosing a job based on
all career attitudes. Career guidance is
presented to provide services in shaping
the career pattern of Vocational High
School students toward the world of work.
Career guidance supports job readiness in
addition to the self-concept that Vocational
High School students already have (Lau et
al., 2020).
The successful transition from school
to work is one of the essential things that
must be passed with career development to
achieve a fulfilling career. The task of a
career counselor is to address the student's
career problems. It must be able to realize
the depressed personal psychological
needs and address the problem of self-
efficacy. (Vehviläinen & Souto, 2021).
Career guidance refers to services
intended to help people of all ages and at
any point throughout their lives to make
educational, training, and employment
choices and to manage their careers. While
personal interviews are still the dominant
tool, career guidance includes various other
services, such as group discussions, printed
and electronic information, career
education classes, and structured
experiences (Wierik et al., 2015).
Ideally, the implementation of career
guidance consists of the specificity of
services, relationships with counselors,
assessment making, and culturally sensitive
services. (Li et al., 2021). The better the
counseling services provided, the more
mature students' career patterns in
preparing for the actual job market
(Saepuloh, 2020).
The implementation of career
guidance services must focus on students’
needs by looking at and considering factors
that exist inside and outside the student. So
that students can interpret and give a
positive response to aspects of the
implementation of career guidance services
(Chandra et al., 2021).
This research used the Systematic
Literature Review (SLR) method by finding
seven journals supporting career guidance
implementation in several countries. This
article aims to conduct a literature review of
the implementation of career guidance in
vocational schools and universities in
several countries in preparation for the
world of work.
1. Career Guidance in China
Chinese universities put forward the
importance and necessity of building a
personalized career guidance model. The
study provides methods for evaluating
employee knowledge and career planning
based on an improved correlation analysis.
The experiment results show that the
proposed method can accurately assess the
impact of job counseling and establish the
basis for future job counseling and career
planning work in colleges and universities
(Han, 2022).
1312 | Career Counseling To Prepare For The World of Work
One of the ultimate goals of career
guidance is to cultivate and encourage
diverse and individually developing people
who can adapt to the needs of social and
economic development. The current
situation of career guidance work in
Chinese higher education institutions is
combined (Godden, 2022).
Scientific career planning should break
the traditional view of success and have a
lot to do with family influence; At the same
time, career guidance is efficient and
inseparable from industry cognition, so the
school must take advantage of the family
and the company to jointly promote career
guidance for high school students. The
most significant help for their children to
understand the need for career planning
and planning a further education or
suitable occupation is the active advice of
their parents.
2. Career Guidance in Canada
The survey results in this study show
that career planning has never been part of
the training curriculum in Canada. Only 30
people (20%) reported having mentors
assigned to career planning. 64% (N=96) of
citizens reported that they should seek
their own mentoring for career planning,
and only 61% (N=92) of trainees indicated
that they felt they received meaningful
advice about career planning from their
mentors (Manuel et al., 2018).
3. Career Guidance in Malaysia
School counseling services in Malaysia
have remained unpopular since their
establishment in 1963. Given the increasing
challenges faced by schoolchildren, there is
a need to conduct qualitative studies to
understand the experience of school
counselors, their counseling approach to
working with secondary school students in
Malaysia, and how the students can benefit
better from their services. A total of 12
school counselors were interviewed using a
semi-structured interview approach. The
findings reveal the voices of school
counselors who crave a better collaborative
school counseling approach. Therefore, a
collaborative approach that demonstrates
how various education stakeholders, such
as school teachers, parents, and the wider
community, can work together in the
context of Malaysian secondary schools is
proposed by (Lau et al., 2020).
4. Career Guidance in the United States
The career counseling movement
continues to expand and expand its
services with greater concentration on the
needs of minorities (Yesilyaprak, 2011).
5. Career Guidance in Turkey
The author discusses and evaluates
vocational guidance and career counseling
services in the Turkish state from a historical
perspective, the changes created by
globalization, and the new paradigms that
examine the current situation, given the
possible implications posed in this field. It
is estimated that the need for vocational
guidance and career counseling services
may increase in the 21st century due to
trends related to globalization. Perceptions
and approaches in vocational guidance and
career counseling have changed rapidly in
the last 10-15 years (Yesilyaprak, 2011).
6. Career Guidance in Germany
In principle, the Guidance System in
Germany provides access to educational
services and career guidance for all citizens
at every stage of their lives (Rottinghaus et
Mika Kuswanti
Cica Yulia
| 1313
al., 2017).
7. Career Guidance in Switzerland
One-on-one career counseling has
been established as the most effective type
of career intervention. The results of
previous studies have shown that the
quality of the process determines the
success of counseling. In this multilevel
study, the quality of the career counseling
process was validated as a predictor of job
seeker redeployment in three Swiss job
centers in (Behrendt et al., 2021).
Some of the research results in several
countries on the implementation of career
guidance produce diverse data, from the
implementation technique to the most
critical stages of life to get career guidance.
Chinese universities put forward the
importance and necessity of building a
personalized career guidance model. On
the other hand, based on survey results,
career planning has never been part of the
training curriculum in Canada.
Furthermore, there is a study of the
expectations of counselors in Malaysia that
resulted in their desire to conduct career
guidance collaboratively to demonstrate
how various educational stakeholders such
as school teachers, parents, and the wider
community can work together in the
context of Malaysian secondary schools.
In the Turkish state, the need for
vocational guidance and career counseling
services may increase in the 21st century
due to trends related to globalization.
Perceptions and approaches in vocational
guidance and career counseling have
changed rapidly in the last 10-15 years.
Whereas in Switzerland, One-on-one career
counseling has been established as the
most effective career intervention.
Behrendt, P., Göritz, A. S., & Heuer, K. (2021).
Career Counseling Process Quality
Promotes Reemployment.
Journal of
Career Development
(5), 599606.
Chandra, D. A., Sapriadi, & Fitri, J. (2021).
Expert System of Determining
Students' Careers Based on
Personality Using The Forward
Chaining Method.
Journal of Ict
Application and System
, 1(1), 113.
Godden, L. (2022). Career guidance policy
documents: translation and usage.
British Journal of Guidance &
(1), 157169.
Han, Y. (2022). A Career Guidance and
Career Planning Assessment Method
Based on Improved Correlation
Security and Communication
, 19.
Lau, P. L., Anctil, T., Ee, G. T., Jaafar, J. L. S., &
Kin, T. G. (2020). Self-Concept,
Attitudes Toward Career Counseling,
and Work Readiness of Malaysian
Vocational Students.
1314 | Career Counseling To Prepare For The World of Work
Development Quarterly
Li, Y., Mitts, N. G., & Whiston, S. C. (2021).
Chinese International Students’
Expectations About Career
Journal of Career
Manuel, P., Petrucci, J., & Trinkaus, M.
(2018). Canadian Hematology
Mentorship and Career Counseling
Resident Survey (2015-2017).
(Supplement 1), 58095809.
Rottinghaus, P. J., Eshelman, A., Gore, J. S.,
Keller, K. J., Schneider, M., & Harris, K.
L. (2017). Measuring change in career
counseling: Validation of the Career
Futures Inventory-Revised.
International Journal for Educational
and Vocational Guidance
(1), 61
75. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10775-
Saepuloh, A. (2020). The Role of BK
Teachers in Developing Student
Gema Wiralodra
(2), 170
Vehviläinen, S., & Souto, A. M. (2021). How
does career guidance at schools
encounter migrant young people?
Interactional practices that hinder
socially just guidance.
Journal for Educational and Vocational
(2), 449466.
Wierik, M. L. J., Beishuizen, J., & Os, W. Van.
(2015). Studies in Higher Education
Career guidance and student success
in Dutch higher vocational education.
Studies in Higher Education
(0), 1
Yesilyaprak, B. (2011). The Paradigm Shift of
Vocational Guidance and Career
Counseling and its Implications for
Turkey: An Evaluation from Past to
Educational Sciences: Theory
& Practice
(1), 111118.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license