JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 5, 831 843
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.338 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Achmad Sakhowi Al Awwarij
Indriati Paskarini
Yustinus Denny Ardyanto Wahyudiono
Muhammad Nukhan
Master's Program in Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga
Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University
Health Promotion Departement, Gresik District Public Health Office
e-mail: aqsa.gallery@gmail.com, indriatipaskarini@gmail.com,
yustinusdennyardyanto@gmail.com, muhammadnukhan@gmail.com
*Correspondence: aqsa.gallery@gmail.com
: 03
November 2022
: 19
December 2022
: 27
December 2022
Abstract: Introduction. Midwives must continue to carry out their duties in checking health of
mothers and children and childbirth during COVID-19 pandemic, This condition makes them feel
anxious. prevalence of anxiety for health workers during a pandemic is 44.7%. This study aims to
analyze influence of factors that influence anxiety in midwives at Bungah Health Center during a
covid-19 pandemic. Method. type of research is an analytic study with a cross-sectional approach.
sample in this study were all midwives at Bungah Health Center as much as 32 respondents.
variables in this study were age, education, knowledge, availability of PPE, and anxiety which were
measured using Hamilton Anxiety Range Scale (HARS) questionnaire, and data were analyzed using
binary logistic regression statistical tests. Result. results showed that 50% of midwives experienced
anxiety. 68.75% of midwives are >35 years old. 84.37% of midwives have 3-years diploma, 59.37%
of midwives have good knowledge, and 68.75% of midwives stated that PPE is complete. results of
statistical tests showed that there was an influence between age and knowledge on anxiety of
midwives with OR values 1.877 and 0.306, while education and availability of PPE did not have a
significant effect on midwives' anxiety. Conclusion. Age and knowledge have an effect on anxiety
in midwives at Bungah Health Center, midwives with age> 35 years are at risk of experiencing
anxiety by 1.87 times greater than with age <35 years, and midwives with good knowledge are at
risk of experiencing anxiety by 0.3 times greater than with poor knowledge.
Keywords: Anxiety, Midwife, Covid 19 Pandemic.
Achmad Sakhowi Al Awwarij
Indriati Paskarini
Yustinus Denny Ardyanto
Muhammad Nukhan
| 832
Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19) is
a new type of infectious disease that has
recently become a worldwide pandemic.
Covid-19 was first reported at the end of
December 2019 in China, precisely in the
Wuhan area (Phelan, 2020). The World
Health Organization (WHO) estimates that
global deaths from Covid-19 are around
3.4% (Jemes, 2020). Despite the higher
mortality rate among the elderly and
having other illnesses, a cohort study
revealed that 36 COVID-19 survivors in
China identified the most common
symptom as fever (94%), shortness of
breath (58%), fatigue (47%), and cough
(39%) (Haung. 2020).
The number of positive cases due to
the Covid-19 virus is increasing day by day.
Diseases caused by Covid-19, like other
pandemics, are predicted to cause serious
mental health problems among the public
and health workers, causing huge
economic losses worldwide (Sögüt, 2020).
Various psychological disorders have been
reported and publicized during the Covid-
19 outbreak in China, at individual,
community, national and international
levels. At the individual level, people are
more likely to experience fear of
contracting and experiencing severe or
dying symptoms, feel helpless, and
stereotype others. The pandemic even
causes a psychological crisis (Xiang, 2020).
Based on data from the Ministry of
Health of the Republic of Indonesia as of
April 1, 2021, globally there were
127,887,462 confirmed positive cases,
2,796,561 cases of death with a CFR of 2.2%,
there were 222 countries infected with
Covid-19 and 190 countries with the
transmission. local. In Indonesia, out of
8,545,630 people examined, 1,517,854 were
confirmed positive for Covid-19, 41,054
cases of death with a CFR of 2.7%, while
cases recovered from Covid-19 were
1,355,578. The death rate due to Covid-19
in medical personnel was 647 medical
personnel consisting of 289 doctors, 27
dentists, 211 nurses, 84 midwives, 11
pharmacists, and 15 medical laboratory
personnel. (IDI. 2021). Meanwhile, data
obtained from the Central Board of the
Indonesian Midwifery Association, there
were around 2,291 midwives who were
confirmed positive for Covid-19 and 22
people died (Supriyatin. 2020)
Health workers, such as nurses and
midwives, work on the front lines to treat
patients which allows them to have close
contact with patients so that health workers
can be exposed to the Covid-19 virus
(WHO, 2020). Even though you have used
personal protective equipment and
precautions, you can still be at risk of being
exposed to COVID-19 (Aksoy. 2020). Facing
this critical situation, health workers who
are directly involved in the diagnosis,
treatment, and care of patients with COVID-
19 are also at risk of experiencing
psychological distress and other mental
health symptoms. The number of
confirmed and suspected cases is
increasing day by day, increasing
workloads, depletion of personal protective
equipment, widespread media coverage,
lack of certain drugs, and feelings of not
being adequately supported can all
contribute to the mental burden of these
833 | Analysis of Factors Affecting Anxiety on Midwife Officers At Bungah Community Health
Center During Covid-19 Pandemic
health care workers. (Lai. 2020).
The important role of health workers
during a pandemic makes them more
vulnerable to anxiety and stress (Temsah.
2020). Uncertainty about when the
outbreak will end creates negative
emotions. Increased levels of anxiety and
intolerance of uncertainty during the
pandemic are expected to cause many
psychological problems in midwives
(Aksoy. 2020).
Anxiety disorders (anxiety) are health
problems in general and mental health
problems in particular. Anxiety can be a
motivating force for the growth and
development of the individual concerned.
Anxiety is related to stress. Therefore,
anxiety arises as a response to stressors,
both physiological and psychological
stress. This means that anxiety occurs when
a person feels threatened both physically
and psychologically (Asmadi. 2008).
Research conducted by Leodoro in the
Philippines stated that out of 325 health
workers, 123 (37.8%) respondents had a
high level of anxiety (Leodoro, 2020). Then
research conducted by Lei in China stated
that the level of anxiety is high in health
workers who have a high risk of exposure in
the radiology department, but most of the
workers have anxiety that is still within
normal limits (Lei. 2020).
Another study found that during the
COVID-19 pandemic the prevalence of
depression, anxiety, and stress-related
symptoms among health workers in China
was found to be 50.7%, 44.7%, and 73.4%,
respectively (Elbay. 2020). But in a study
conducted by Fitria showed that more than
half of respondents (55.2%) did not
experience anxiety, less than half (36.2%) of
respondents experienced mild anxiety and
a small portion (8.6%) of respondents
experienced moderate anxiety. (Fitria.
Based on the background described
above, the researchers are interested in
examining the analysis of factors that
influence anxiety in midwives at Bungah
Gresik Health Center.
This study used an analytical survey
research design with a cross-sectional
approach. The sampling method uses total
sampling. This research was conducted at
the Bungah Health Center, Gresik Regency
which was carried out during September-
November 2021, the population in this
study were all midwives who served at the
Bungah Gresik Health Center as many as 32
respondents, all of which were taken as
samples. The variables in this study were
age, level of education, level of knowledge,
availability of PPE, and anxiety.
Data collection using questionnaires
and interviews with midwives, measuring
anxiety levels using the humiliation anxiety
range scale (HARS) method, this method
consists of 14 question items to measure
signs of anxiety, including feelings of
anxiety, tension, fear, sleep disorders,
intelligence disorders, depressive feelings,
somatic symptoms, sensory symptoms,
cardiovascular symptoms, respiratory
symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms,
urogenital symptoms, autonomic
symptoms and behavior of respondents
during the interview. After the data is
collected, it will be analyzed using binary
logistic regression statistical tests.
Achmad Sakhowi Al Awwarij
Indriati Paskarini
Yustinus Denny Ardyanto
Muhammad Nukhan
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1. General Description of Respondents
Midwives are one of the elements of
primary care, which provides health
services, MCH, family planning, and
reproductive health. In this study, there
were 32 midwives who were
respondents at the Bungah Gresik
Public Health Center, including
midwives who served in sub-health
centers in each village and midwives
who served in basic emergency
obstetric and neonatal services. The
following is an overview of the midwife
respondents at the Bungah Gresik
health center during the covid-19
The following table shows the age
frequency distribution of respondents
at the Bungah Gresik Health Center
Table 1. Distribution of Respondents based on the age of the midwife at the Bungah
Gresik Public Health Center
>35 years old
<35 years old
Based on Table 1. it is informed that most of the respondents (68.75%) are >35 years
The following table shows the
distribution of respondents' education
frequency at the Bungah Gresik health
Table 2. Distribution of Respondents by Midwife Education at the Bungah Gresik Health
3-year diploma
4-year diploma/Bachelor
Based on Table 2. it is informed that almost all of the respondents (84.37%) have a 3-
year diploma education.
The following table shows the
frequency distribution of respondents'
knowledge at the Bungah Gresik
Health Center.
835 | Analysis of Factors Affecting Anxiety on Midwife Officers At Bungah Community Health
Center During Covid-19 Pandemic
Table 3. Distribution of Respondents based on Knowledge of Midwives at the Bungah Gresik
Health Center
Based on Table 3. it is informed that most of the respondents (59.37%) have good
Availlability of PPE
The following table shows the
frequency distribution of PPE
availability at the Bungah Gresik health
Table 4. Distribution of Respondents based on Availability of PPE for midwives at the
Bungah Gresik Public Health Center
Availability of PPE
Based on Table 4. it was informed that almost all of the respondents (68.75%) stated that
the availability of PPE at the Bungah Health Center was complete.
2. Anxiety
Anxiety is closely related to feelings
of uncertainty and helplessness. This
emotional state does not have a
specific object, this condition is
experienced subjectively and
communicated in interpersonal
relationships. Anxiety is different from
fear, which is an intellectual judgment
of something dangerous. The capacity
to be anxious is necessary for survival.
Anxiety level is a response range that
divides the individual whether
included in the feeling of anxiety or
The method used in this study to
measure anxiety is the Hamilton
Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) method
developed by Max Hamilton in 1956.
Table 5. The anxiety of midwives at the Bungah Gresik Health Center during the covid-19
Not anxous
Achmad Sakhowi Al Awwarij
Indriati Paskarini
Yustinus Denny Ardyanto
Muhammad Nukhan
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Based on Table 5. it was informed
that half of the respondents (50.00%)
expressed anxiety and half of the
respondents (50.00%) stated that they
were not anxious.
3. Effect of age, education, knowledge
and availability of PPE on Anxiety
The results of the binary logistic
regression test the influence of age,
education, knowledge, and availability
of PPE on the anxiety of midwives at
the Bungah Gresik Public Health
Table 6. Results of the Binary Logistics Regression Test for factors of age, education,
knowledge, and availability of PPE for midwives' anxiety at the Bungah Gresik Public
Health Center.
Not Influence
Availability of PPE
Not Influence
Based on Table 6. shows that
age and knowledge have an
influence on the anxiety of
midwives at the Bungah Gresik
Health Center during the covid-19
pandemic with a p-value < (0.05).
With OR values of 1.877 and 0.306,
which means that workers who are
<35 years old have more influence
on anxiety by 187.7% and workers
who have good knowledge affect
anxiety more by 30.6%.
the education variable and the availability
of PPE did not have a significant effect on
the anxiety of midwives at the Bungah
Health Center during the covid-19
pandemic with a p-value > (0.05).
1. Analisis Gambaran Umum Responden
Covid-19 has had a huge impact on
all sectors, including the health care
center sector, midwives are one of the
medical personnel who is engaged in
the front lines of handling maternal
and child health, and play an important
role in delivery assistance. Midwives
must continue to interact with
pregnant women directly during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
This research was conducted in one
of the health centers in Gresik regency,
East Java, namely the Bungah Health
Center. The Bungah Health Center
during the COVID-19 pandemic
continues to provide basic services for
the community. One of them is the
Basic Emergency Neonatal Obstetric
Service, which involves midwives who
work at the public health center and
who work at the petrified health
centers in each village.
According to the Ministry of Health
837 | Analysis of Factors Affecting Anxiety on Midwife Officers At Bungah Community Health
Center During Covid-19 Pandemic
of the Republic of Indonesia (2009),
age is categorized into several groups,
namely 1) toddlerhood (0-5 years), 2)
childhood (5-11 years), 3) early
adolescence (12-16 years), 4) late
adolescence (17-25 years), 5) early
adulthood (26-35 years), 6) late
adulthood (36-45 years), 7) old age
early (46-55 years), 8) late old age (56-
65 years), and 9) old age (>65 years).
Most of the midwives at the Bungah
Public Health Center were >35 years
old as much as 68.75%, while midwives
who were <35 years old were 31.25%.
It can be interpreted that the majority
of midwives at the Bungah Health
Center during the COVID-19 pandemic
were in the early adult category.
Age status influences the level of
anxiety. As you get older, your
reasoning and knowledge increase. A
person's maturity level is one of the
factors that can affect the level of
anxiety where mature individuals have
great adaptability to emerging
stressors, and vice versa, individuals
with immature personalities will
depend and are sensitive to stimuli so
that they are very easy to experience
anxiety disorders, according to Stuart
(2007). Someone who has a younger
age is more likely to experience anxiety
disorders than someone who is older.
Table 2 explains that almost all of
the midwives as much as 84.37% have
a Diploma 3 education, and midwives
who have a Bachelor/Diploma 4
education level are 15.62%.
Education is the influence of the
environment on individuals to produce
permanent changes in behavior habits,
thoughts, and traits. According to
Stuart (2007). The level of individual
education affects the ability to think,
the higher the level of education, the
easier it is for individuals to think
rationally and capture new information
so that low levels of education are easy
to experience anxiety because higher
education will affect a person's
thinking ability.
Table 3 explains that most midwives
have good knowledge of 59.37% and
midwives who have poor knowledge
level are 40.62%.
Knowledge is the result of human
sensing or the result of someone
knowing about an object through the
five senses possessed. According to
Stuart (2007). The level of knowledge
that a person has will be able to reduce
feelings of anxiety experienced in
perceiving something. With one's
knowledge, an individual can help
solve psychological problems,
including anxiety (Blanco. 2014).
Availlability of PPE
During the pandemic, the
availability of personal protective
equipment is very much needed by
medical officers who are on the front
lines of patient care. Personal
protective equipment is a tool that is
able to provide protection against
danger, personal protective equipment
must be able to protect the wearer
from possible dangers.
Table 4 explains that the availability
of PPE at the Bungah Public Health
Center was 68.75%, while 31.25% of
Achmad Sakhowi Al Awwarij
Indriati Paskarini
Yustinus Denny Ardyanto
Muhammad Nukhan
| 838
midwives stated that the availability of
PPE at the Bungah Health Center was
Health workers, especially
midwives, are a group that is very
vulnerable to being infected with the
Covid-19 virus because they are at the
forefront in handling cases, especially
midwives who have to provide
maternal and child health services and
carry out direct neonatal services
which make midwives have direct
contact with patients. . Therefore, the
availability of PPE must be complete
and in accordance with the
predetermined protocol so that the
anxiety experienced is reduced.
2. Anxiety Analysis
Anxiety is a response to a
threatening situation, usually arising
from the fear that something will
happen. According to Stuart (2016).
Anxiety is an emotional state without a
specific object, anxiety is triggered by
the unknown and accompanies all new
experiences. Anxiety disorders are the
most common mental disorders,
anxiety can be understood as a
pathological part of normal fear
(Adwas. 2019).
The COVID-19 pandemic has
become a health problem that has a
major impact on individuals and
community groups. Health workers are
a group that is vulnerable to being
infected with the COVID-19 virus,
especially midwives who must go
directly to the front line in providing
maternal and child health services, as
well as providing neonatal services to
pregnant women, this allows midwives
to be directly exposed.
Table 5 describes the level of anxiety
as measured by the HARS method, that
50.00% of the population of midwives
at the Bungah Gresik Health Center
experienced anxiety while the other
50.00% did not experience anxiety.
Midwives feel anxious because of the
demands of their work which have to
deal directly with patients when
providing primary care, and there is an
incomplete PPE available at health
services in the village. Symptoms of
anxiety experienced by midwives are
feeling tense, having trouble sleeping,
feeling excessive fear,
Edni's research. 2020. Those using
the GAD 7 (Generalized Anxiety
Disorder-7) anxiety gauge show that
most respondents do not experience
anxiety (55.2%), and less than half of
respondents experience mild anxiety
(36.2%). In another study, also showed
that most of the anxiety levels
experienced by health workers were
mild anxiety with the number of
respondents being 65.2% (Fadli. 2020).
Another study conducted by Askoy
on the Psychological Effects of Nurses
and Midwives due to the Covid-19
outbreak in Turkey in 2020, stated that
midwives had a fairly high level of
anxiety with a percentage of 36.3%
while anxiety and fear each had a
percentage of 31.3% and 19.4%. The
anxiety level of medical personnel is
above the average value of 48.71%,
this is due to age, work experience,
chronic illness suffered, work shifts
during a pandemic, and diagnostic
839 | Analysis of Factors Affecting Anxiety on Midwife Officers At Bungah Community Health
Center During Covid-19 Pandemic
measures taken to Covid-19 patients
(Tosun. 2021).
3. Analysis of the influence of age,
education, knowledge and availability
of PPE on Anxiety
Of the four factors that have a
significant influence on the anxiety of
midwives at the Bungah Gresik Public
Health Center, age and knowledge are
factors. Meanwhile, the education
factor and the availability of PPE did
not have a significant effect on the
anxiety of the midwife at the Bungah
Gresik Public Health Center.
The results of this study indicate
that there is a significant influence
between age on the anxiety of
midwives at the Bungah Health Center,
with a p-value (0.000) and an OR value
of 1.877, which means that midwives
with age <35 years have more
influence on anxiety by 187.7%. This is
because someone who has an easier
age is more likely to experience anxiety
disorders than someone who is older.
This research is in line with research
conducted by Fadli (2020). The age of
the midwife has an influence on
anxiety with a p-value (0.030), where
almost all ages ranging from <30 years
(39.1%) and >30 years (26.1%)
experience anxiety. Another study
revealed that there was an effect of late
adulthood on coping mechanisms with
anxiety with a p-value (0.005)
(Puspanegara. 2019). In a study
conducted by Cai (2020). Stating that
anxiety in medical personnel aged 31-
40 years is relatively high, this is
because medical personnel is worried
that they will transmit the disease to
their families at home.
The results of this study indicate
that there is a significant influence
between knowledge on the anxiety of
midwives at the Bungah Health Center,
with a p-value (0.042) and an OR value
of 0.306, which means that midwives
who have good knowledge affect
anxiety by 30.6%. It can be interpreted
that the higher the level of knowledge
of the midwife, the less likely it is to
experience anxiety, this is because a
person's high knowledge can help to
solve problems so that it can reduce
the possibility of anxiety occurring.
Research conducted by Sögüt
(2020). The level of knowledge does
not have a significant effect on the
anxiety of the midwife. With a p-value
(0.48). Meanwhile, research was
conducted by Fadli (2020). Stating that
there is a significant effect between
knowledge on the anxiety of health
workers with a p-value (0.030) with a
percentage of 8.7%. This is the same as
the research conducted by cag (2020).
Which states that there is a significant
effect between knowledge on the
anxiety of front-line health workers
with a P-value (0.005). Similar results
were obtained in a study conducted by
Lei (2020). There is a significant effect
between the level of knowledge on the
anxiety of radiology officers during the
covid-19 pandemic with the p-value
The level of knowledge that a
person has will be able to reduce
feelings of anxiety experienced in
perceiving something. With one's
Achmad Sakhowi Al Awwarij
Indriati Paskarini
Yustinus Denny Ardyanto
Muhammad Nukhan
| 840
knowledge, an individual can help
solve psychological problems,
including anxiety (Blanco. 2014).
Meanwhile, according to Regina
(2020). Good knowledge about
COVID-19 does not guarantee that the
anxiety experienced must be mild. On
the other hand, if you have sufficient
knowledge about COVID-19, you will
not necessarily experience severe
This study shows that there is no
significant effect between the level of
education on the anxiety of midwives
at the Bungah Health Center, with a p-
value (0.118) and an OR value of 0.211.
The level of education is not the main
determining factor for the occurrence
of anxiety in midwives at the Bungah
Health Center during the Covid-19
pandemic. Educational background
does not affect a person's level of
anxiety, because the level of one's
educational status cannot affect
perceptions that can cause anxiety.
The results of this study are similar
to the results of Liu's (2020) study.
Education does not have a significant
effect on the anxiety of medical
workers who are struggling against
covid-19, with a p-value (0.223). Similar
results were presented in Lei's (2020)
study. The results of statistical tests in
the study have a P-value (0.125) which
means that the education level of
workers in the radiology department
has no significant effect on the
occurrence of anxiety.
The concept presented by Stuart
(2007). Stating that the level of
individual education affects the ability
to think. The higher the level of
education, the easier it is for
individuals to think rationally and
capture new information, so the higher
one's education, the higher one's
knowledge in overcoming a problem.
This study shows that the
availability of PPE does not have a
significant effect between the
availability of PPE on the anxiety of
midwives at the Bungah Health Center,
with a p-value (0.252) and an OR value
of 1.122. The availability of adequate
PPE makes the midwives at the Bungah
Health Centerless anxious. Adequate
personal protective equipment
facilities for midwives are very
important, this is because midwives are
vulnerable to being exposed to
COVID-19, they provide maternal and
child health services and provide direct
neonatal services to patients, therefore
the availability of PPE is very important.
The results of this study are not in
line with the research conducted by
Fadli (2020). Which states that there is
a significant effect of the availability of
PPE on the anxiety of health workers
with a p-value (0.14). This is supported
by research conducted by Cheng
(2020). Of the 13 respondents
experienced anxiety because the
supply of PPE has not been met when
taking action to patients.
During the initial spread of the COVID-19
virus, health care facilities had limited
personal protective equipment. Therefore,
many health workers feel confused and
unprepared to treat patients (Huang. 2020).
This makes them feel insecure, helpless,
isolated, and difficult to manage the
841 | Analysis of Factors Affecting Anxiety on Midwife Officers At Bungah Community Health
Center During Covid-19 Pandemic
workload, which in turn can lead to several
emotional and psychological disorders
such as anger, anxiety, insomnia, and stress
(Giusti. 2020)
The results of this study are that of the
four factors that affect the anxiety of
midwives, only age and knowledge have a
significant influence on the anxiety of
midwives at the Bungah Health Center. <35
years and midwives with good knowledge
are at risk of experiencing anxiety by 0.3
times greater than midwives with poor
knowledge. Meanwhile, the education
factor and the availability of PPE in this
study did not significantly affect the anxiety
of midwives at the Bungah Health Center. It
is recommended that the management of
the public health center need to prevent
the occurrence of anxiety in midwives so
that midwives do not feel anxious when
performing primary maternal and child
health services and neonatal services.
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