JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 5, 769 783
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.333 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Abdul Hakim Kamil
Achmad Fauzi
Universitas Terbuka Jakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: abdulhakimkamil@gmail.com, Mahkotapuspa17@gmail.com,
*Correspondence: abdulhakimkamil@gmail.com
: 26
November 2022
: 16
December 2022
: 25
December 2022
Abstract: The purpose of the study was: "The Role of Human Relations, Discipline towards
Motivation in Improving Employee Performance at the Directorate of Port, Ministry of
Transportation". This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study, the population of this study
is employees in the Port Directorate of the Ministry of Transportation which amounts to 149 people.
The sampling technique in this study used saturated sampling found in Non-Probability Sampling,
then the sample used was 149 respondents. The analysis method in this study was carried out with
a Structural Equation Model (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that:
There is a positive influence of human relations on employee performance. The absence of the
influence of discipline on the performance of employees. There is a positive influence of motivation
on employee performance. There is a positive influence of human relations on motivation. The
presence of a positive influence of discipline on motivation. Motivation cannot mediate the
influence of human relations on employee performance, Motivation can mediate the influence of
discipline on employee performance.
Keywords: Human Relations; Discipline; Motivation; Employee Performance.
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Achmad Fauzi
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DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.333 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
The Directorate of Port of the Ministry
of Transportation has such a heavy role and
task, so human resources that have reliable
performance are needed. In the influence
of employee performance, discipline is an
attitude/behavior or obedience, both to the
applicable provisions and
orders/instructions of superiors or leaders
that are carried out consciously and
responsibly. The Directorate of Port as the
Technical Directorate responsible for
national ports to be able to realize ports
that can provide economic value in order to
support the socio-cultural life of the
surrounding community and is able to act
as an adhesive for national unity and unity.
It should be as a state apparatus that has
the responsibility to be able to maintain its
attitude and carry out obligations in
accordance with what is implied in
Government Regulation Number: PP 53 of
2010. The author is interested in taking the
object of performance research at the
Office of the Ministry of Transportation,
especially the Directorate of Sea
Transportation Port which really needs
employee performance for optimal work
Some researchers have tested the
relationship between
human relations
discipline, and motivation known to affect
employee performance, because basically
employees also have different needs and
expectations. In addition, as human beings
they are inseparable from the various wants
and needs that drive to achieve their goals.
From previous research, there are
differences in the results of research in the
work environment on employee
performance. The following are the results
of previous studies related to performance,
with a number of factors that influence it
also shown by the results of previous
research studies. Anzhari Research, (2018);
Mustikawati and Hotimah (2016); Rosalina
and Apiska (2018) showed the results that
human relations
have a positive and
significant effect on performance. Fahlefi
(2016); Ummah (2017); Sha'rani (2018);
Tyas and Sunuharyo (2018), Sardjana et al.
(2018), Siswanto (2019) ; in the study,
motivation and discipline partially had a
significant effect on performance. In
addition, Sumbung
et al
. (2017) suggests
that work motivation has a positive and
significant impact on performance.
From the results of previous studies
that have different
gaps, this
difference is due to different forms of work.
Therefore, the differences in the results of
the study need to be clarified again the
findings of empirical evidence about the
extent of the influence of
human relations
discipline and motivation on employee
performance, and this is a gap for clarity of
research results. The findings obtained by
Prihandoko's research (2021) that the
influence of human relations on
performance through motivation has a
significant positive effect, stating that
motivation is able to mediate the
relationship of human relations
on performance. Employees feel a
harmonious relationship between people
working in the organization based on the
desire and awareness to cooperate with
each other for the achievement of common
interests. Meanwhile, Prabowo et al (2021)
771 | The Role of Motivation In Mediating The Influence of Human Relations and Discipline on
Employee Performance At The Directorate of Port Ministry of Transportation
found that work motivation can mediate
the influence of work discipline on
employee performance. This proves that
the higher the work motivation, the higher
the indirect influence of work discipline on
employee performance.
Human Relations is the existence of an
interaction, not just a passive relationship
or relationship, but an activity that is an
action orianted'
to develop results in the
management system of an institution as
optimally (Tombe, 2015). The role of
determines the activities of the
organization in achieving its goals. The
importance of human relations in
motivating employees to work more
optimally and is expected to be an input for
leaders and all employees in order to
human relations
Furthermore, the level of undisciplined
absenteeism is an important part of civil
servants in carrying out their duties, and
can also be used as one of the parameters
to see the performance of employees in
this agency, absenteeism is the presence of
employees related to their duties and
obligations. In general, agencies or
institutions always pay attention to their
employees to come and go home on time,
so that work is not delayed. The absence of
an employee will affect work productivity,
so that agencies or institutions cannot
achieve goals optimally.
Anemployee's behavior can change
due to changes he or she experiences
personally or organizationally. Such
changes can be rapid or slow depending on
the nature of the individual in question.
Meanwhile, changes in the group take
place more slowly because it requires
considerable force to be carried out and
take place for group members in a fairly
high level of contribution. The relationship
of motivation and performance at the
organizational level depends largely on
motivation in the management element in
all the hierarchies that play a role in it.
Based on the background, the
problems that will be discussed can be
formulated to build hypotheses for further
research, namely:
1. How much influence does
have on employee
performance at the Port Directorate
of the Ministry of Transportation?
2. How much influence does discipline
have on employee performance at
the Port Directorate of the Ministry of
3. How much influence does motivation
have on employee performance at
the Directorate of Port, Ministry of
4. How much influence does
have on employee
motivation at the Port Directorate of
the Ministry of Transportation?
5. How much influence does discipline
have on employee motivation at the
Port Directorate of the Ministry of
6. How big is the role of motivation in
mediating the influence of
on employee performance
at the Directorate of Port, Ministry of
How big is the role of motivation in
mediating the effect of discipline on
employee performance at the Port
Directorate of the Ministry of
Abdul Hakim Kamil
Achmad Fauzi
| 772
Literature Review
Human Relation
According to definition of
is the existence of an interaction,
not just a passive relationship or
relationship, but an activity that is an '
to develop results in the
management system of an institution is
optimally feasible.
Lengkey (2015) Job satisfaction, one of
which is influenced by
human relations
, by
providing a sense of comfort, security and
a satisfied heart at work, thereby increasing
employee work motivation which has an
impact on work productivity.
Rusmania (2015) the most important
thing in realizing human relations is how we
understand human nature and how we are
able to accept others outside of ourselves
as we are and are able to behave
professionally at work in order to create a
harmonious, pleasant and good work
atmosphere which then increases morale
which will affect also work results.
So it is very important for
companies/agencies to create a work
climate that can integrate all employees
into a situation that can provide a sense of
security and a sense of appreciation. In
organizations, employees are required to
have good humanitarian relations, which
include relationships with leaders,
subordinates, and colleagues Rosalina &
Apiska (2018).
So, it can be concluded that human
are a relationship between people
that is more than just a human relationship,
but a human relationship that not only
attaches importance to the aspects of
communication, but also psychological
aspects and satisfaction.
Mustikawati, Hotimah (2016),
indicators, namely:
1. Relationship with colleagues, is a
condition of bond that is established
between fellow employees and
members of the organization.
2. Relationship with superiors, is a
condition of bond established between
juniors and seniors.
3. Client relationship, is a working bond
formed between the employee inside
and the client company.
4. Relationship with the community is a
bond of cooperation formed with the
community around the environment.
Fahlefi (2016) The meaning of
discipline is: management to encourage the
implementation of organizational
standards. The implementation of
discipline in the organization/ministry can
be shown so that all employees/employees
in the organization/ministry are willing and
voluntarily able to comply with and obey all
rules and regulations in the
organization/ministry without any
Anggara's opinion (2016) states that
the notion of discipline is obedience that is
impersonal in nature, uses feelings and
does not use self-esteem or personal
interests. Discipline is the only way or
means to maintain the existence or
existence of an organization.
Therefore every organization needs to
have various provisions that must be
adhered to by its members, standards that
must be met. Chairunisa & Jaenudin
(2015), Work discipline is a reflection and
773 | The Role of Motivation In Mediating The Influence of Human Relations and Discipline on
Employee Performance At The Directorate of Port Ministry of Transportation
key to success in carrying out work
according to the goals set by the
organization, obey, obey and responsibility
that has an impact on performance.
Basically, there are many indicators
that affect the level of discipline of
employees in an organization. According to
Bejo Siswanto in the research of Tyas &
Sunuharyo (2018) argued that the factors
of work discipline are 5 (five) namely as
a. Frequency of Attendance
Attendance frequency is one of the
benchmarks for determining the level of
employee discipline. The higher the
frequency of attendance or the lower
the level of attendance, the employee
has high work discipline.
b. Level of vigilance
Employees who in carrying out their
work are always calculating and
meticulous have a high level of vigilance
both towards themselves and towards
their work.
c. Observance of working standards
Employees in carrying out their work are
required to comply with all established
work standards in accordance with work
rules and guidelines so that work
accidents do not occur or can be
d. Observance of Work Rules
Compliance with these work regulations
is intended for convenience and
smoothness in work.
e. Work Ethics
Work ethics are needed by every
employee in carrying out work in order
to create an atmosphere of harmony
and mutual respect between fellow
Work Motivation
Zakiyah (2015) posits that a motive is
something that is consistently thought
about or desired by the person who causes
the action. Motives encourage, direct and
choose behaviors towards a specific action
or goal. Savitri et al. (2017) define the
motivation to achieve, namely the effort to
achieve success or succeed in competition
with a measure of excellence that can
change the achievements of others or
oneself. Meanwhile, Permatasari (2015)
argues that work motivation is an effort
that can increase employee morale to
perform their duties and responsibilities.
Meanwhile, Henry Murray (in J.
Winardi, 2012) formulated the motivation
for achievement as the desire to carry out a
difficult task or job. Mastering,
manipulating or organizing physical,
human or ideological objects carry out
these things as quickly as possible and as
efficiently as possible according to the
prevailing conditions. Overcoming
obstacles, achieving high standards.
Achieve peak performance for yourself.
Able to win in competition with the other
party. Improve one's abilities through the
successful application of talents.
According to Herzberg in
Mangkunegara (2016), The indicators of
extrinsic motivation are:
a. Compensation
Compensation is all income that is in
the form of money. direct or indirect
goods that the agent receives in
exchange for services rendered to the
Abdul Hakim Kamil
Achmad Fauzi
| 774
b. Working conditions
Working conditions are all aspects of
physical work, psychological work and
work regulations that can affect job
satisfaction and achievement affects
job satisfaction and the achievement of
work productivity.
c. Administrative system and company
Easy company administration system
for agents to carry out transactions
related to their work and interests. and
company policies that are appropriate
to be implemented or complied with by
scorang agents to achieve company
d. Opportunity for development.
Development is the planning of human
resources in an organization. The
development of insurance agents is
important to be carried out in a
planned and sustainable manner so
that the company's goals can be
achieved. The company is expected to
be able to provide opportunities for
agents to develop, seek knowledge or
broader insights.
According to Kurniawati (2016) states
that work performance or performance is
something that is done or a
product/service produced or provided by a
person or group of people. This
performance can be measured or assessed,
both in human workers, machines, and the
state of an enterprise.
Furthermore, Sya'rani (2018) also
stated that Performance is something
important for agencies, especially
employee performance that can lead the
company to the achievement of expected
goals. The good or bad performance of
employees can affect the good and bad
performance of the agency.
Meanwhile, according to Simanjuntak
(in Tyas, 2018) states that performance is
the level of achievement of results for the
implementation of certain tasks in this case
including individual performance, group
performance, company performance which
is influenced by internal and external
Furthermore , the opinion of Sobirin,
(2016) states that, The definition of
Performance is a set of processes that
encourage a manager to take appropriate
actions so as to be able to produce
organizational performance in the future
(i.e. organizational effectiveness and
As stated by Sobirin (2016) in his book
says performance is the ability to produce
or the potential to create results (for
example, customer satisfaction can be seen
as a potential for an organization to create
sales in the future).
Furthermore, Sedarmayanti (2016),
also stated that performance includes
several aspects, namely:
a. Kualitas pekerjaan
(Quality of Work).
Quality of work is a result of work
achieved by a person in carrying out
the tasks charged to him based on
775 | The Role of Motivation In Mediating The Influence of Human Relations and Discipline on
Employee Performance At The Directorate of Port Ministry of Transportation
skills, experience and earnestness and
Timeliness (Promptness).
Punctuality is the conformity of the
results of work with the time used in
a predetermined time schedule.
c. Initiative or Initiative
Initiative is a
new idea or idea in
carrying out tasks and
Ability is the quality of a person in
completing tasks and work that are
his responsibility.
Communicating is the interaction of
employees in carrying out work, the
communication can be vertically or
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Achmad Fauzi
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DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.333 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Table 1: Relevant past research
Title, Author and Year
Research Methods
Research Results
The Effect of
on Employee
Performance in the
Regional Office of the
Ministry of Religious
Affairs of Central
Sulawesi Province.
Asrifah (2015).
This research was
conducted by
interviews and
questionnaires with
the population and a
sample of all
The results of this study partially
dimension of dominant human
relations have a significant effect
on the performance of employees
at the Central Sulawesi Provincial
Religious Office.
The Role of
on The Work
Motivation of
Employees in the
Regional Personnel
Agency (BKD) of North
Sulawesi Province.
Lengkey et al. (2015)
This research method
uses the correlation
method, sample 72
Based on the results of a simple
linear analysis of the Role of
to the Work
Motivation of Employees in the
Regional Personnel Agency of
North Sulawesi Province , there is
a functional and linear and
meaningful relationship between
the two variables, namely the Role
of Human relations to the Work
Motivation of Employees in the
Regional Personnel Agency of
North Sulawesi Province.
The Effect of Work
Motivation and Work
Discipline on Employee
Siswanto (2019).
JIMS Scientific Journal
of Human Resource
Management, Vol. 7,
No. 2 June 2019.
The sample in this
study was 30
respondents and used
multiple linear
regression analysis
with regression
The results showed that the Work
Motivation Variable stated that
there was a significant influence
on Employee Performance, it can
also be said that the more work
motivation it will affect Employee
The Effect of
Commitment and Work
Discipline on Employee
Performance with Work
Motivation as a
Mediating Variable at
the Regional Office of
the Ministry of
Religious Affairs of
Central Java Province
Prabowo et al (2021)
The population in the
study was 180 people,
the sample was 100
employees using a
random system. The
analysis method uses
2-path Regression and
the sobel method for
its mediation
assessment, SPSS
program data
The results of the analysis of
mediation variables using the
Sobel test, found that work
motivation can mediate the
influence of work discipline on
employee performance. This
proves that the higher the work
motivation, the higher the indirect
influence of work discipline on
employee performance.
777 | The Role of Motivation In Mediating The Influence of Human Relations and Discipline on
Employee Performance At The Directorate of Port Ministry of Transportation
Table 1: Relevant past research
Title, Author and Year
Research Methods
Research Results
The Effect of Human
Relations on Employee
Performance through
Motivation at KPP
Pratama Kepanjen
Prihandoko, Haryo
Bagas Prihandoko
This research was
conducted with a
quantitative approach
with data collection
techniques were all
employees who
worked at KPP
Pratama Kepanjen
Malang which totaled
79 people.
Based on the analysis of the study,
it was found that the influence of
human relations on performance
through motivation had a
significant positive effect. The
results of the hypothesis test state
that motivation is able to mediate
the relationship of human
relations influence on
performance. Employees feel a
harmonious relationship between
people who work at KPP Pratama
Kepanjen Malang based on the
desire and awareness to
cooperate with each other for the
achievement of common
The approach in this research is
quantitative research. The population of
this study were employees at the Port
Directorate of the Ministry of
Transportation, totaling 149 people. In this
study the authors used a saturated
sampling technique found in Non-
Probability Sampling. According to
Sugiyono (2012), saturated sampling is a
technique for determining the number of
samples when all members of the
population are used as samples. Then the
number of samples used was 149
respondents taken from the entire
population. Testing the research hypothesis
was carried out using the Partial Least
Square (PLS) based Structural Equation
Model (SEM) approach. The analytical
method in this study was carried out using
the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The
model used is path analysis (Path Analysis).
The next stage after evaluating the
construct or variable measurement model
is evaluating the structural model or inner
model or hypothesis testing. The steps for
evaluating the structural model according
to Siswoyo (2017), namely: 1) Evaluating the
structural model by looking at the
significance of the relationship between
constructs or variables, 2) Evaluating the
value of R2, 3) Changes in the value of R2
can be used to see whether the effect of
exogenous latent variables on endogenous
latent variables have a substantive effect, 4)
Validate the overall structural model using
the Goodness of Fit Index (GoF). This path
analysis model uses the following structural
models and equations:
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DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.333 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Figure 1: Schematic Model of Relationships Between Variables
Source: Processed (2022).
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Analysis
Figure 2: Path Diagram
Source : Primary Data that has been processed
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Achmad Fauzi
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DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.333 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
From Figure 2, it can be explained that
the relationship between Human Relations
and Motivation has a Statistical T value of
2,604 > 1.97, this means significant,
Discipline to Motivation statistical T value of
21,066 > 1.97, this means significant,
Human Relations
to Employee Performance
has nilat T statistics 6.249> 1.97, this means
significant, Discipline on Employee
Performance statistical T value 0.326 <1.97,
this means insignificant, Motivation for
Employee Performance has nilat T
statistical 3.268 > 1.97, this means
Path Coefficient Value Analysis
The analysis of the path coefficient
value is to show the relationship between
positive or negative variables.
Table 2: Path Coefficient Values
Motivation (Y)
Human Relation (X1)
Discipline (X2)
Performance (Z)
Motivation (Y)
Signification Value Analysis
Table 3: T-Statistical Path Values / P Value
T Statistik (|
P Values
Human Relations (X1) ->
Employee Performance (Y)
Discipline (X2) -> Employee
Performance (Y)
Motivation (Z) -> Employee
Performance (Y)
Human Relations (X1) ->
Motivation (Z)
Discipline (X2)-> Motivation (Z)
Human Relations (X1) ->
Motivation (Z) -> Employee
Performance (Y)
Discipline (X2) -> Motivation (Z) -
> Employee Performance (Y)
Source : Primary Data that has been processed, 2022
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Achmad Fauzi
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DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.333 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
From Table 3. then it can be explained as
follows :
Human Relations on employee
performance, the value of the
coefficient of 0.407 and the value of P
value = 0.000 (< 0.05) means that the
influence of
Human Relations
employee performance is positive and
2. Discipline on employee performance,
the value of the line coefficient -0.047
and the value of P value = 0.768 (>
0.05) means that the effect of discipline
on employee performance is negative
and insignificant.
3. Motivation on employee performance,
the value of the path coefficient of
0.517 and the value of P value = 0.000
( < 0.05) means that the influence of
motivation on employee performance
is positive and significant.
Human Relations on
Motivation, the
value of the path coefficient of 0.125
and the value of P value = 0.008 (< 0.05)
means that the influence of
on Motivation is positive and
5. Discipline on Motivation, the value of
the path coefficient of 0.869 and the
value of P value = 0.000 ( < 0.05) means
that the influence of Discipline on
Motivation is positive and significant.
Human Relations to
motivation in
improving employee performance the
value of the path coefficient is 0.065
and the P value is 0.061 (> 0.05)
meaning that it is positive but not
significant, the performance of
employees who are considered to
Human Relations
to Motivation
is not proven / supported.
7. Discipline on motivation in improving
employee performance the value of the
path coefficient is 0.450 and the P
value is 0.003 (< 0.05) meaning that it
is positive and significant, so employee
performance that is considered to
mediate the influence of Discipline on
Motivation is proven / supported.
Predictor Value Analysis
Table 4.
Test Value Predictor Variable
Effect Size
Motivation (Z)
Performance (Y)
Human Relation (X1)
Discipline (X2)
Employee Performance
Motivation (Z)
Source : Primary Data that has been processed, 2022
The f2 category is also divided into
three, namely 0.02 is a weak influence, 0.15
is a moderate influence, and 0.35 is a strong
influence (Wijaya, 2013; Sarwono, 2015).
From table 4.17. Above it is known that all
variables have a weak and moderate
781 | The Role of Motivation In Mediating The Influence of Human Relations and Discipline on
Employee Performance At The Directorate of Port Ministry of Transportation
influence in the structural model.
Fit Model Value Analysis
Table 5: Fit Model Values
Model Saturated
rms. Theta
Source : Primary Data that has been processed, 2022
Standardized Root Mean Square
Residual (SRMR) assesses the average
difference between observed and expected
correlations, SRMR values of 0.062 < 0.10
which is a
goodness of fit measure
PLSSEM that can be used to avoid
misspecification models (Henseler et al,
2014). Based on this, the model in this study
is good because the SMRM < 0.10. As for
the Chi-Square Value of 4431.112 >101.88
meaning that the number of manifest
variables in the PLS path model and the
number of independent variables in the
covariance matrix model have not been
sufficient, the NFI value obtained is 0.587. If
the NFI value that is getting closer to 1
indicates a good model/the better the
match so that the NFI value of 0.587 can be
said to be not good/not suitable. The value
of rms_theta below 0.12 indicates the right
model, if the results of this study show
RMS_theta 0.264 (above 0.12) then it can be
conveyed that the model in this study is not
From the results of research and data
analysis, conclusions can be made based on
the hypothesis proposed as follows: There
is an influence of Human Relations on
employee performance; There is no
disciplinary influence on employee
performance (negatively influencing);
There is an influence of motivation on
employee performance); There is an
influence of Human Relations on
motivation; There is an influence of
discipline on motivation; There is no
influence of the role of motivation in
mediating the influence of human relations
on employee performance (negative
influence); There is an influence of the role
of motivation in mediating the influence of
discipline on employee performance.
Abdul Hakim Kamil
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| 782
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