JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 6, 916 929
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i06.332 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Roni Lukum
Resmiyati Yunus
Gorontalo State University, Indonesia
e-mail: ronilukum[email protected], resmiyatiyunus@gmail.com
*Correspondence: ronilukum23@gmail.com
: 16
December 2022
: 25
December 2022
: 05
January 2023
Abstract: Implementation of food security policies and their implications for food availability for
community members (Study in the transmigration placement area of Wonosari District, Boalemo
Regency, Gorontalo Province). The purpose of the study was to find out the implementation of the
local government's food security policy in Wonosari District and its implications for food availability
for residents in the Boalemo Regency of Gorontalo Province. And the benefits of research to
determine the impact of implementing food security policies on the food availability of community
residents in the Boalemo Regency area of Gorontalo Province. The method used in this research is
with a qualitative type of research through a descriptive analysis approach. Based on the results of
research, it shows that the food policy of the local government of Boalemo regency, Gorontalo
Province, especially in the Wonosari sub-district area as a placement of transmigration residents,
has had an impact on food availability for the local government of Boalemo Regency. This is shown
by rice production, livestock production, vegetables (horticulture) and the very high trade business
sector originating from Wonosari district. In addition, the assessment of the national resilience
index in the Wonosari sub-district has been fulfilled as a manifestation of the implementation of
food security policies. As evidence, the local government of Boalemo Regency has made efforts to
improve the quality of life of its residents through education, health and community welfare policies
in the form of ease of obtaining superior seeds, making irrigation, improving facilities and
infrastructure to support food security, accelerating electricity in villages, opening access to clean
water for its residents. Theresearch above has opened up the understanding of local ethnic
residents about the importance of the presence of transmigration residents in the Boalemo district
area for food availability. So that the results of the research have answered the hypothesis that the
placement of transmigration residents in Wonosari sub-district will have the potential for friction
that leads to conflicts between local ethnicities and transmigration residents.
Keywords: Policy on Food Security; Food Availability; Community Citizens.
Roni Lukum
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Regional development is determined
by how much the regional head performs
in improving the welfare of his citizens. All
of this has a basis in implementing
development programs, according to the
status of the territory. If the status of the
existence of the area is in the area of the
city or municipality, then that will be the
priority for the development of mobile
areas in the service sector. Where the
regional head must issue a policy that will
be used as a legal umbrella for investors,
private sector and economic businesses,
there must be a policy of developing the
service sector. So that investors and
residents of the community follow the
policies of the local government. However,
if the status of the area is in the district area,
then what will be made a priority for
regional development is the food security
development sector. These mainsets are
sometimes poorly run by local
governments. This means that if the
regional head does not understand what is
prioritized in developing the region in
accordance with the status of the region,
there will be a wrong policy in carrying out
development programs in the region.
To meet the development standards
above, it is appropriate for the top liders in
the regions in this case the regional head
must also understand the concepts and
theories of swot analysis of each region he
leads as a state organization. With this
understanding, regional heads and SKPD
heads in each service understand what
must be done and what is not done. If we
look at the central policy on food security
in order to realize food swasembeda, local
governments in provinces consisting of
district and city governments have the
same obligation to support food security
policy programs. Where the district
government must prioritize the
infrastructure of the food security program,
the city local government provides a
service sector to facilitate in terms of
exporting or providing infrastructure to
accommodate the results of food security
development programs carried out by
district areas engaged in the food sector. If
this public administrative relationship can
synergize with the district and city
governments, then the food security policy
program as the hope of the central
government can be carried out.
The working mechanism in the
concept of state administration must be
used as a standard in developing regions in
realizing the food security program policies
expected by the central government. Why
this is important is because of the food
security program as vital in maintaining the
integrity of a country. This means that if the
basic needs for food of citizens are not met
by the state, it will cause social turmoil that
will disrupt national stability, and have an
impact on the collapse of a country.
Because there will be acts of pandalism in
the form of mass theft to business owners,
arson and destruction as a result of the
state not being able to meet the availability
of food. Indeed, this phenomenon can be
overcome through cooperation between
countries through import policies. But this
policy can also have a social impact,
especially for residents of the community
engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry
and fisheries. This means that import policy
918 | Implementation of Food Security Policies and Their Implications For Food Availability For
if used as an option from overcoming the
food crisis is considered not ideal if our
country has the potential for very rich
natural resources. This means that if the
import policy is used as an alternative in
overcoming food scarcity every time our
country experiences a food crisis, it means
that there is something wrong in the
governance of state administration in
Indonesia, especially in areas that have the
potential to realize food swasembeda. This
means that government planning, local
government policies in implementing food
security programs must be improved in
accordance with state governance based
on state administrative science. In state
administration science in the formulation of
food security program policies, they must
pay attention to several things, including
first, planing must be appropriate, the
policy process must be formulated
together not unilaterally, if the government
wants to realize food security, then the
program involves stake holders in the
development of food security programs.
second, Policy implementation, requires
cooperation in implementing food security
programs ranging from ministries to
regional heads, regional heads must
supervise up to the village government
level. Third, policy evaluation, food security
policies must be evaluated by the central
government through relevant ministries to
the local government level. Local
governments must monitor up to the
village government level. If there is a
successful implementation of the food
security program policy that is carried out,
the government at both the central and
regional levels should provide a reword,
and if there is a mistake in implementing
the food security policy program, the
central government and at the regional
level also provide punisment after going
through improvement efforts due to
mistakes in running the food security
Governance of the implementation of
the above policies, is only one of several
alternatives to whether a food security
program policy can be carried out. If this is
not done, then social turmoil will occur. For
example, the misappropriation of palm oil
scarcity as one of the food security
programs. Everywhere the citizens of the
community screamed in search of the
existence of cooking oil which was
considered a step by the community. Even
though cooking oil production in Indonesia
exists, but residents of the community are
very difficult to get cooking oil. After an
evaluation by the government, it turns out
that there is a game at the level of cooking
oil producers and investors who want to
make a profit on the condition of this
cooking oil scarcity. The result of the policy
evaluation of the scarcity of cooking oil was
to find that there were officials in the
ministry of trade at the level of the director
general who deliberately sought benefits in
the conditions of scarcity of cooking oil,
even suspected of being the perpetrators
of officials above the director general. So
the solution is that the president as the
chief administrator of the country must
dismiss the minister who deals with the
food scarcity of cooking oil. With the
course of the scarcity of cooking oil, it
reminds us that a developed country will be
determined by how good or qualified it is
in carrying out proper public
administration. This means that a
Roni Lukum
, Resmiyati Yunus
| 919
developed country will be determined by
the welfare of its citizens for basic needs,
one of which is the need for food
availability. All this will be a consensual of
public policy in our country, especially in
the Boalemo district of Gorontalo Province
as a transmigration placement area from
the central government. Why the issue of
transmigration residents has become hotly
discussed, because almost most of the
presence of transmigration residents in the
Gorontalo regency, Boalemo regency and
Pohuwato regency as transmigration
placement areas by the central government
has a positive influence on the
development of food security programs for
the Gorontalo Province.
If you look at several areas where the
placement of transmigration residents by
the central government is located, such as
in Irian Jaya Province, Kalimantan Province,
Sumatra Province, North Sulawesi Province
and in Gorontalo Province, there are
progress in the aspect of food security in
the destination area for the transmigration
program. For the Gorontalo province itself
as a transmigration placement area,
especially in the Boalemo regency area,
precisely in the Wonosari district,
transmigration residents make the greatest
contribution in improving food security for
the Boalemo regency area. This condition
can be seen where previously unproductive
lands become productive land as a result of
the enthusiasm of transmigration residents
in managing their agricultural land. The
current condition of transmigration
residents in Wonosari District has changed
very rapidly. Especially in the cultivation of
agricultural land which has strengthened
food security for the local government of
Boalemo district, Gorontalo Province.
The impact of the transmigration
program in the Wonosari sub-district area
has an influence on the availability of food
for the people of Boalemo regency,
because what is needed to meet the need
for food can be available, both for
transmigration households and local
residents of Boalemo regency who need
food availability can be met by the market
in the Boalemo Regency area. Indeed, the
availability of food for transmigration
residents and residents of Boalemo regency
is met, but that does not mean that we can
conclude that food security is getting
better, without research that shows that
every head of household will meet their
basic needs. This fact can be revealed
through knowledge of food security
indicators. The measure of food security
follows the FAO model or standard
indicators used by BPPS in looking at the
ability of regions to build food security. All
government efforts in realizing food
security will be influenced by variables in
food availability or food production in an
area. The determining factors in improving
food security are strongly influenced by the
participation of community members in
cultivating agriculture. Superior and
professional farm management can
support productivity towards food security
in an area. Thus, if the residents of the
community are able to manage agriculture
professionally, they will be able to improve
food security in the Boalemo district area.
The agricultural productivity
indicator is only one of the measures in
measuring the food security index in the
Boalemo district area. However, there are
still driving indicators in achieving food
920 | Implementation of Food Security Policies and Their Implications For Food Availability For
security including the basic needs of each
household that are met such as the need
for giji, the need for education, the income
of the community and also the need for
health services. All these indicators will
determine whether the Boalemo Regency
area as a target area for the transmigration
program, especially in the Wonosari
District, can contribute to food security in
the region. Or vice versa whether the
presence of transmigration residents will be
a burden on local governments.
Based on the question above,
whether the contribution of transmigration
residents to food security in the Wonosari
sub-district area, especially for residents in
the Boalemo Regency area of Gorontalo
Province, will be traceable through the
results of research that has been carried out
in the Wonosari sub-district area. However,
at first glance, the presence of
transmigration residents in the Boalemo
regency area, especially in Wonosari
district, has changed the condition of
agricultural land in the region, which was
once a lot of sleeping land, has now
become a very productive land in the
development of agriculture, fisheries and
animal husbandry.
The current condition in the
Wonosari sub-district area is a rice granary
for the local government of Boalemo
regency, and is not only a rice commudity,
but also accompanied by vegetable
plantations, rica, onions, papaya
plantations, onion plantations, tomatoes
(horticultural crops). In addition,
transmigration residents also develop
livestock businesses. For example, cattle,
goats, chickens, ducks, etc. farms are
successfully cultivated in the Wonosari sub-
district area. What transmigration residents
do will affect the availability of food for the
local government of Boalemo district,
Gorontalo Province.
Thus, the efforts of the central
government in the New Order era have
changed the condition of transmigration
residents in their home areas only to
beggars and scavengers, and there are
even transmigration residents who live
mediocrely in their home areas to change
after occupying the transmigration
destination area for a long time. As
happened in Boalemo Regency, especially
in Wonosari sub-district, transmigration
residents with a high work ethic eventually
become economic actors in the destination
area. All this is thanks to the enthusiasm
and hard work of transmigration residents
in changing their lives to become farmers
when they first entered the Boalemo
Regency area. Now the transmigration
community is a new player in the market in
Boalemo district. This condition shows that
many transmigration residents in Wonosari
District open agricultural land, open
trading businesses and even home
industries are developing in the Wonosari
District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo
The success of transmigration
residents in the Boalemo Regency area,
especially in Wonosari sub-district in
managing agriculture, plantations and
livestock as well as the development of
trade businesses in Boalemo regency has
encouraged the realization of food
availability as a result of the policies of the
local government of Boalemo regency
which follows the policies of the central
government in realizing food self-
Roni Lukum
, Resmiyati Yunus
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sufficiency in order to fulfill state
administrative obligations. Where the
purpose of the Indonesian state or state
organization is established in order to fulfill
state goals as stated in the preamble. The
state is formed on the basis of realizing
welfare and social justice or the state is
formed towards a prosperous state welfaire
state (prosperous state).
This form of support can maintain
price stability in traditional markets in the
Boalemo district area.To see how much
inflation of processed food products of
transmigration residents will be traced how
much the increase in the price of basic
necessities is still in the Boalemo district
area. Invisibly, the price comparison that is
in the first hand of the producer until it is in
the hands of the merchant to the consumer
is not too big a difference. All this is due to
the intervention of local governments in
opening access roads to agricultural areas.
So that the transportation costs do not
require high costs. And this has an impact
on the price of basic needs in meeting food
needs that can be affordable and met in
traditional markets.
By looking at the current condition of
the migration residents in Wonosari
Subdistrict who have changed both in
terms of the physical initial building they
occupied, it has turned into a permanent
building with a larger size than the house
they occupied at the beginning of coming
in the Wonosari District area. This change
signals that the welfare condition is
progressing very well. This can also be seen
from the agricultural land that was
originally owned by only 2 hectares per
head of household for transmigration
residents, currently increasing the area of
agricultural land. All this is thanks to the
hard work of transmigration citizens. The
success of transmigration residents in
Wonosari Subdistrict has a positive impact
on the original income of Bolamo Regency
through the proceeds of taxes paid by
transmigration residents. Moreover,
through trade and workshop businesses, it
is very large for the original income of the
Boalemo Regency area. Thus,
transmigration residents have a strategic
position in building food security and
increasing local sources of income.
Data and information are collected in
the form of qualitative descriptions In
addition, this research emphasizes more on
disclosing the meaning contained in the
description of the data, therefore this
research uses a qualitative research method
Qualitative research method is a
research method used to examine the
condition of natural objects, (as opposed to
experiments) where the researcher is a key
instrument, data collection techniques are
carried out triangulation (combined), data
analysis is inductive / qualitative and
qualitative research results emphasize
meaning rather than generalization
(Sugiyono, 2009: 1)
The object in qualitative research is a
natural object, or
Natural setting,
so this
research method is often referred to as the
naturalistic method. A natural object is an
object that is what it is, not manipulated by
the researcher so that the condition at the
time the researcher enters the object, after
being in the object and exiting the object is
922 | Implementation of Food Security Policies and Their Implications For Food Availability For
relatively unchanged.
In qualitative research, data collection
is not guided by theory, but guided by facts
found at the time of research in the field.
Therefore the analysis of the data carried
out is induction based on the facts found
and can then be constructed into
hypotheses or theories. (Sugiyono, 2009:3).
Food security is a program in
achieving food availability for a country,
because food is the basic need of every
citizen in the world. If the condition of food
availability cannot be met by a country, it
will result in a national disaster and even
become a humanitarian disaster. As is the
case in some parts of the country on the
mainland of the African continent. Like the
country of Ruwanda, the country of
Ethiopia. The scarcity of food availability
results in starvation for its citizens, so the
role of the United Nations through the
world body FAO
(Food And Agriculture
Organization Of The United Nations)
distributes aid to famine-stricken countries.
What happened on the African continent
was the scarcity of food due to
geographical conditions and food
governance management that was slightly
underdeveloped, especially since the
country was often plagued by conflicts
between tribes or factions, thus adding to
the suffering of its people who were
temporarily hit by famine.
Based on the assumption of
problems that exist in several countries in
the African continent, our country is
obliged to reach out to help countries on
the mainland of the African continent in
fulfilling food, because of the problem of
hunger that occurs in any part of the world,
our country is obliged to help countries
experiencing food crisis. Especially when
there is a massive famine. An attitude of
international solidarity must be embodied
in helping the citizens of the world when hit
by famine in any part of the world.
Hopefully, the good faith of our country in
helping to ease the burden on countries
plagued by hunger, will bear fruit in
realizing the Swasembeda Pangan, in order
to meet the basic needs of our citizens and
extend assistance to countries that are
experiencing hunger as a result of food
scarcity in their countries.
In the New Order Era, our country has
experienced Swasembeda Pangan, so it
exports a lot to other countries and also
carries out humanitarian missions by
helping countries around the world that are
experiencing hunger. And that history is
highly dreamed of repeating itself in the
current era of reform. For this reason, a
strategy is needed in developing the
country in realizing food availability
through food security development
programs in all regions in Indonesia.
If our country wants to re-realize the
achievement in the New Order era of food
swasembeda, it is necessary to have a
collective understanding of food security
by all components related to the
achievement of food security, such as local
governments and farmers as the main
actors in realizing food security in the
regions. For this reason, let us understand
the meaning of food security and the
indicators of food security below.
Based on the description above
about the meaning of food security and
Roni Lukum
, Resmiyati Yunus
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food security indicators, to answer what is
the object of research on the Boalemo
Regency Local Government Policy on Food
security for Transmigration residents in
Wonosari district, Gorontalo Province, it
can beseenfrom several local government
policies. boalemo district as follows :
a. Policies carried out by the Wonosari
District Government towards
transmigration residents in building food
security for the local government of
Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province.
The Wonosari Subdistrict
Government has intervened in realizing a
food security program for transmigration
When viewed from the informant's
answer above, the efforts of the sub-district
government have been very good in
supporting the efforts of transmigration
residents in villages in the Wonosari District
area, even the distribution mechanism is
based on egalitarian principles, meaning
that the sub-district government does not
discriminate between transmigration
residents and local residents of Gorontalo.
With the efforts made by the sub-district
government together with the local
government of Boalemo Regency, it reaped
the results of the food security program in
the Wonosari District area. This success is
inseparable from the participation of local
residents and the sub-district government
in coordinating with the Boalemo Regency
government in the success of the food
security program in Boalemo district.
One of the things that boosts the
success of the food security program in
Wonosari District is irrigation irrigation as a
result of the intervention of the local
government of Boalemo Regency and
coordination with the Gorontalo Provincial
government in facilitating irrigation in the
Wonosari District and its surroundings. This
facility supports the residents of the
community in the success of food
availability for residents of the community
in Boalemo district. And it's not just the
residents of Boalemo Regency who enjoy
food production from Wonosari district.
However, the food products of Wonosari
District have been distributed to the
markets in Gorontalo city and even to all
areas in Gorontalo Province, there must be
food production from Wonosari District.
This is an effort by the government to
support the food security program in the
Wonosari District area, with a policy of
improving supporting facilities in
marketing the food production products of
transmigration community residents in
Wonosari District such as repairing
damaged road and bridge access and the
policy has had an impact on community
welfare, especially for transmigration
residents and local residents of Gorontalo
in the Wonosari District area.
b. The impact of food security policies on
the welfare of the community in the
Wonosari District, Boalemo Regency,
Gorontalo Province.
The achievement of a food security
program cannot be determined based
solely on the interpretation of a person or
local government officials, without being
supported by the value of the food security
index. So that in determining an area has
succeeded in achieving a food security
program, it can use indicators that can
measure the status of villages or regions in
achieving these food security
924 | Implementation of Food Security Policies and Their Implications For Food Availability For
To see the impact of the local government
policy of Boalemo district in its success in
improving food security, it can be seen
from the food security index that has been
carried out by the local government. Based
on the results of research on local
government policies, it has shown that the
success of this is shown by the following
data :
1. The ratio of per capita normative
consumption to the availability of clean
water. The ratio of normative
consumption per capita to the
availability of clean water, rice, corn,
cassava and sweet potatoes.
When viewed from existing data, the
Wonosari sub-district area almost all
existing villages already have access to
clean water obtained through injection
wells and there is also sourced from PDAM
which is distributed to residents' homes.
Likewise, the needs of rice, corn, cassava
and sweet potatoes have been met in the
Wonosari subdistrict of Boalemo regency.
2.Percentage of the population living below
the poverty line.
Poverty in the Wonosari sub-district
area due to the impact of local government
food security policies has succeeded in
improving welfare as found in the field of
people in the transmigration area their
welfare above the line poverty. This is
shown by the physical condition of
residential houses and places of business
trade and agricultural development in the
Wonosari sub-district area developed and
developed rapidly before the existence of
transmigration in the area. Moreover, it is
supported by local government policies in
supporting food security programs.
3. Percentage of households with a
proportion of expenditure on food more
than 65 percent of total expenditure.
The impact of local government support
through policies to build food security in
the Boalemo district area has saved
people's expenditure on food. This is
basedon the results of research on the
results of the study showing indicators of
the percentage of households with a
proportion of expenditure on food of more
than 65% to total expenditures met . This
data is shown in the results of research that
transmigrationand local ethnic residents
expenditure on food does not burden their
citizens, because the need for food has
been met by managing agriculture,
plantations, animal husbandry, industr i
home and trade sector carried out by its
citizens 65% expenditure is not absorbed
all, why for food needs for transmigration
residents and local ethnic residents helped
by agricultural, livestock, plantation,
industrial and trade businesses, has helped
in meeting their living needs for food
availability, even 65% expenditure is not
absorbed, because all they have done
themselves to meet the need for food. So
that the percentage of expenditure for food
is not used, but is used for other needs.
4.Percentage of households without access
to electricity.
The policy of the local government of
Boalemo County has successfully fulfilled
the obligations to its citizens on the
fulfillment of lighting. This is shown by
research data where transmigration and
local residents in Wonosari District all
villages have enjoyed electricity. Even if
there is a possibility in preparatory villages
such as SP1, SP2 and SP3 villages whose
village status is still independent village
Roni Lukum
, Resmiyati Yunus
| 925
preparation villages which are used as new
placement areas for transmigration
residents. It is there that access to electricity
is still being pursued by the local
government of Boalemo district.
5. The average length of girls' schooling is
over 15 years.
The policy of the local government of
Boalemo district in supporting gender
equality is carried out, especially on the
education policy that girls are given the
same rights as boys in following primary
education. Not only that, the average
indicator of the length of schooling for girls
over 15 years is also met by local
governments. This shows that the results of
research on the condition of educational
facilities in Wonosari District are quite
adequate in educating community
members, especially for women in the
Wonosari District area.
When connected with indicators on
food security about the average length of
schooling for women over 15 years will be
resolved, why is this, because students in
grades 8 to 9 of the female sex enjoy a lot
of this education, so hopefully our women
must know about reading, writing and
counting in the sense that women do not
experiencing backwardness in education,
while the position of women who will
become forerunners as mothers of the next
generation must have insight into
knowledge in improving their generation.
So that when viewed from the presence of
educational infrastructure in the Wonosari
District Area, it is considered quite
adequate in building a smart generation in
the future.
For the assessment of the food security
index according to the index Average
length of schooling of girls over 15 years. It
will be overcome in the Wonosari sub-
district area of Boalemo Regency, because
the condition of the Wonosari sub-district,
specifically in the field of education,
supporting facilities, is very adequate in
realizing food security for the residents of
the community in Wonosari District. All of
this is inseparable from the role of the local
government of Boalemo Regency in
realizing Food security in all sub-districts
including Wonosari district.
6.Percentage of households without access
to clean water.
The basic needs of community
residents in the Wonosari Subdistrict area,
especially access to clean water, continue
tobe pursued by local governments in
meeting the indicator of the percentage of
houses without access to clean water does
not exist again in the Boalemo district
area , especially in Wonosari District. This
shows the results of research on the
condition of transmigration residents and
local ethnic households without access to
clean water is rarely found, because all
villages that have clean water irrigation
systems can be obtained through PDAM
irrigation channels and through injection
wells or DAP.
Based on the statement of one of the
informants from the village staff in the
Wonosari Subdistrict area above, overall
the villages in the Wonosari District area
have met their clean water needs, but there
are also problems with the quality of the
water produced. However, for SP1, SP2 and
SP3 villages, the local government is trying
to establish PDAM connections in villages
that are still not connected to PDAM.
926 | Implementation of Food Security Policies and Their Implications For Food Availability For
7.The ratio of the population to the level
of population density.
The policy of the local government of
Boalemo district in the health sector is
urgently needed in order to increase the life
expectancy of its people. If you look at the
current condition, Boalemo regency has
health facilities in the form of two hospitals
located on the trans Sulawesi road and
hospitals in Tilamuta District, the distance is
not too far from the Wonosari District area.
When measured by the distance traveled
from the Wonosari District area, it is only
reached with approximately 30 minutes to
arrive at Boalemo Hospital (Iwan Hospital
Bokings) and Tilamuta Hospital. And after
all, the local government of Boalemo
district strives that every sub-district must
have a PUSKESMAS and PUSTU in each
village along with the presence of medical
personnel. All of this is done by the local
government of Boalemo Regency in order
to improve the quality of life of the people
of Boalemo regency , Gorontalo Province.
Based on the results of research, the
problem in Wonosari District is that doctors
are considered inadequate with a
population ratio of only seven doctors, and
the total population is 26,422. Youcan see
more details in the table below.
Table : 1 Number of Health Workers By Village in Wonosari District.
Mekar Jaya
Like Forward
Teak Mulya
Tri Get Along
Love Mulya
Sari Tani
Cape of Good Hope
SP 1
SP 2
Wonosari Subdistrict
Source /Source : Village Office in Wonosari sub-district/
All Village office in Wonosari Subdistrict 2021.
With the number of medical personnel
with a population ratio of 26,422 people
and seven doctors, it is considered
inadequate in tackling public health in the
Roni Lukum
, Resmiyati Yunus
| 927
Wonosari District area, but anticipates that
medical personnel in the Wonosari District
area will be able to be supported in
neighboring districts such as Paguyaman
district which has doctors. And if you really
need a patient to be referred to the nearest
hospital, it is still in the Boalemo County
area. Such as hospitals in the Tilamuta
District area and hospitals in Boliyohuto
District which are approximately 15 to 20
km away which are reached within 30 to 45
minutes or an hour drive using a transport
car or ambulance carfrom the center of
Wonosari district.
9.Percentage of toddlers of substandard
height (
The local government of Boalemo
district plays an important role in
improving the quality of life of toddlers in
the Boalemo County area. This can be seen
from the policy of the local government of
Boalemo Regency in tackling
Based on the results of research, it shows
for toddlers in the Wonosari
District area still exists, the cause
issometimes due to genes from their
parents. However,
conditions due
to giji deficiency are caused by the fact that
there is no food available, not found in the
Wonosari sub-district area.
Based on the informant's statement
above, the misconception of stunting still
confuses village staff, so it is necessary for
socialistsfrom Puskesmas workers to
explain what the real stunting conditions
are, but the efforts of the village
government as an extension of the sub-
district government in tackling
has been implemented by the village
government as stated by the informant
such as providing food assistance such as
milk once a month and providingmore
supervision of the development of b alita
in Hope Village. With the intervention of
local governments through sub-district
governments to the village level, the
problem of stunting for the Wonosari
District area has become a concern for local
governments in realizing the golden
generation through food security
programs, one of the indices in measuring
the quality of food security is the problem
which is currently the
constituency of the Boalemo County local
government. With the command system
from the local government of Boalemo
Regency in implementing the stunting
program, so that the Wonosari sub-district
government up to the village level carried
out efforts to overcome
toddlers together with health workers from
the Community Health Center
(PUSKESMAS) assisted by PUSTU (Auxiliary
Puskesmas). This synergy in overcoming
is what is happening in the
Wonosari District area today. Thus, the food
security index above has been
implemented by the Wonosari sub-district
government which is a requirement in
measuring food security, so that the
variables of food security in Wonosari
District are perfect. From the results of
researchers' searches on
in the
Wonosari sub-district area, it has been
answered with very strong achievements in
realizing food security in the Wonosari
District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo
10.Life expectancy at birth. The average
length of life of a newborn is estimated
assuming no change in mortality
patterns throughout its life.
928 | Implementation of Food Security Policies and Their Implications For Food Availability For
This data is not yet available, but the
data will be traced to the Puskesmas in the
Wonosari sub-district area. However, when
viewed from the economic conditions of
transmigration residents and existing
health facilities, it is very good at increasing
life expectancy at birth. Moreover, the local
government is very concerned withthe
problem of a n
so that it will affect
the life expectancy at birth. Indeed, this is
also a priority for the local government of
Boalemo Regency, so that strategic steps in
overcoming the infant mortality rate are
held PUSTU in each village, in addition to
the Puskesmas facilities in the center of
Wonosari District. The programs carried out
by villages and puskesmas are through
Posyandu in each village which is routinely
carried out there is also a task force from
the village and Puskesmas staff visiting
residents' homes in caring for the
community, especially toddlers. This activity
is currently occurring in the Wonosari
District in overcoming the mortality rate at
birth expectancy
Based on the results of research on the
implementation of food security policies
and their implications for food availability
for community residents (Study in the
transmigration placement area of Wonosari
District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo
Province) several conclusions can be drawn
as follows:
1. The policy of the local government of
Boalemo district towards food
security for transmigration residents
in Wonosari District. Where the local
government of Boalemo Regency has
made efforts to improve the quality of
life of its residents through education,
health and community welfare
policies in the form of ease of
obtaining superior seeds, making
irrigation, improving facilities and
infrastructure to support food
security, accelerating electricity in
villages, opening access to clean water
for its residents and many more
homework that must be completed by
local governments based on research
findings. Such as the ratio of medical
personnel to the community which is
considered insufficient for public
health needs, the addition of clean
water networks, and electricity
networks in new areas where
transmigration residents such as SP 1,
SP2 and SP3 still need access to clean
water and access to electricity.
2. The Food Security Index in the
Wonosari District of Boalemo
Regency, Gorontalo Province is at a
very resilient level. Because some of
the indicators used as a reference for
assessing food security are met
mostly on these food security
indicators. However, there is also data
that has not been filled in in the profile
of Wonosari sub-district, according to
the size of the food security index. For
this reason, it still needs to be
explored again in completing the
assessment of the food security index
in Wonosari District. However, the
unfulfilled index, when viewed from
the data on the results of status
determination in sixteen villages in
Wonosari District, is at the level of self-
help village status. This means that
Roni Lukum
, Resmiyati Yunus
| 929
several indicators from each village
have been qualified in answering the
food security index indicators for the
Wonosari District government of
Boalemo Regency.
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