JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 6, 987 1007
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i06.331 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Sinto Sunaryo
Faculty of Economics and Business, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: rubiyanta@student.uns.ac.id, sintosunaryo_fe@staff.uns.ac.id
*Correspondence: rubiyanta@student.uns.ac.id
: 15
December 2022
: 10
January 2023
: 24
January 2023
Abstract: The several factor that have a very large role is Human Resources (HR). The HR element
in an organization is considered very important and related to service quality, customer satisfaction
and loyalty, competitive advantage, and organizational performance. This research aims to ensure
that the activities of the organization carried out can achieve the goals of the organization or
company so that the organization can develop in accordance with its goals. To be able to achieve
organizational goals, of course, involves many factors related to each other. The research method
used is quantitative research. The population in this study was 120 employees of CV Ziyad Visi
Media. This study used
sampling with a saturated sampling technique. The results
of this study can find the negative and significant moderation effect of devolved management on
the influence of organizational support on employee creativity, meaning that when there is high
organizational support, creativity will be high and this can be produced also through low devolved
management. The conclusions of the entire hypothesis proposed in this study are all proven. So
there are several implications of theoretical and practical studies in increasing the influence of
organizational support and proactive personality on employee creativity: the role of work meaning
and devolved management. The implication of studies on theory is that the results of this study
can provide a different testing model.
Keywords: Organization; Proactive; Employee Creativity; Devolved Management.
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In practice, the activity of business
activities requires careful management so
that it will be able to provide benefits for
their owner. The management aims to
ensure that the activities of the
organization carried out can achieve the
goals of the organization or company so
that the organization can develop in
accordance with its goals. To be able to
achieve organizational goals, of course,
involves many factors related to each other.
Of these factors, the one that has a very
large role is Human Resources (HR). The HR
element in an organization is considered
very important and related to service
quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty,
competitive advantage, and organizational
performance. This belief is supported by
many theories, models, and empirical
studies that emphasize the important role
of human resources for this organization
(Berhil et al., 2020).
HR is a valuable resource, asset, and
capability, rare, non-replaceable, or not
perfectly replicable so it can be an
important source for sustainable
competitive advantage and be able to
distinguish the quality of one organization
from other organizations (Jang, 2017).
Therefore, it is important for an
organization to be able to manage creative
and quality human resources.
Employee creativity becomes an
important element in the organization.
Employee creativity is one of the
determining factors for the success of an
organization (Chang & Teng, 2017;
Kandampully et al., 2016). The creative
attitude of employees will be able to
produce products that match market
preferences with better quality standards
compared to their competitors. It is not
enough for organizations to have a
comparative advantage, the most
important thing is to have a sustainable
comparative advantage resulting from
creative human resources.
One of the important elements in the
organization is the creativity of employees.
Creative employees will provide new ideas
that can provide solutions to support the
development of the organization
(Gorondutse & John, 2018). Through
creativity, employees will be able to find
various solutions to a problem or develop
new ways to provide better work results. If
employees are able to display creativity
within the scope of their work, then this
condition will encourage them to increase
their intrinsic motivation and psychological
well-being they have (Archianti, 2017;
Akgunduz et al.,2018). A creative employee
considers the work he has meaningful and
aims to deepen the individual's
understanding of oneself and the
The meaningfulness of work in
employees has an important role in
increasing the creativity of performance in
employees. Currently, companies are facing
constant innovation challenges to survive
in an increasingly competitive and fast-
changing business environment (Steger et
al.,2012). Interpreting duties and roles as an
employee can increase an individual's
desire to be able to do their work optimally.
For companies, employees who interpret
work will improve the performance of the
company and individuals can develop their
potential (Rozarie, 2017).
989 | The Influence of Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Employee
Creativity: The Role of Work Meaning and Devolved Management
Work meaningfulness will emerge
when employees have an understanding of
their abilities, what to expect, and how they
achieve success in their work environment
(Steger et al., 2012). When the individual
performs work in accordance with his role,
then he will contribute more to the
company. Meaningful work can make
employees more engaged and committed
to the company (Geldenhuys et al.,2014).
The impact for employees who have
meaningfulness in work is the emergence
of a willingness to spend more time on
work so that they will get satisfaction and
enjoy activities in their work. The
competence, commitment, and
contribution of employees to the company
make the company able to formulate
strategies and innovations so that it is able
to adapt to the times.
Companies that are able to survive
and continue to grow are those that are
able to adapt to the time-biding (Kraus et
al., 2018). Companies need the creative
thinking ability of their employees to
produce innovations in order to adapt. This
can be achieved if employees have
meaningful work in the workplace or
companying (Geldenhuys et al., 2014).
In addition to the meaningfulness of
work, employee creativity is also influenced
by internal factors, namely proactive
personality. Proactive behavior is actions
that are carried out before problems arise
or take various actions to anticipate
changes in the future (Crant, 2000).
Individuals who proactively change their
environment through the process of being
actively involved in demonstrating
initiative, identifying opportunities, and
acting to take advantage of those
opportunities, as well as being relatively
unforced to situations (Pons et al., 2016).
Proactive personalities are defined as those
who identify and use opportunities and
take the initiative until meaningful change
is achieved (Crant, 2000). They are also
referred to as someone who uses initiative
to improve existing conditions or create
new conditions (Crant, 2000).
Previously, the research of Kim et al.,
(2010) supported the idea that proactive
personality positively affects employee
creativity. This happens because individuals
who have a high proactive personalities
tend to have high motivation in taking the
initiative and responding to the situation
that occurs around them. Proactive
individuals also often bring in new ideas
and will be more motivated if the ideas they
provide can be applied to the surrounding
Another factor that plays a role in
employee creativity is organizational
support. Full support from the organization
or company can increase the ability of
employees to explore and exploit resources
which then these capabilities will increase
employee creativity in innovating (Chiang
& Hsieh, 2012). The elements that affect
employee creativity are the support of the
organization in which they work, positive
support from the leadership, and the entire
employee. This element will create a
conducive work situation so that employee
creativity will be better. When employees
feel that the company supports their
psychological needs, employees will have a
higher sense of responsibility towards the
company so the impact is that employees
will be more creative in completing work
(Jeung et al., 2016).
Sinto Sunaryo
| 990
The influence of organizational
support on employee creativity will be
stronger with the role of devolved
management. Devolved management is an
approach that involves giving more power
and autonomy to employees, leveling
organizational structures, and encouraging
communication (Tang et al., 2017), all of
which have an important effect on
creativity. In a devolved management
system, employees are more flexible in
determining their own work. As a result,
they are more likely to feel free from
external controls or restrictions and believe
that managers have confidence in their
decision-making abilities (Haar & Spell,
Employees who feel this flexibility will
think that they get high-level
organizational support so that they are
willing to maximize their work, think freely,
take risks and solve problems, and
consequently generate more creative ideas
(Wang & Cheng, 2009). Therefore, devolved
management strengthens the relationship
between organizational support and
employee creativity. Devolved
management requires granting more
power and autonomy to employees (Tang
et al., 2017). Employees who work in
organizations that implement devolved
management can experience a high degree
of autonomy (Tang et al., 2015), which
inspires their creative behavior (Zhang &
Bartol, 2010).
Of the various organizations or
companies, one that requires an aspect of
creativity is a book publishing company.
The book publishing business can also be
competitive in the international economic
arena if managed properly. This can
certainly encourage and support the
creative economy in the current era. The
creative industry is the first economic
concept that contains how imagination and
creativity determine what people want to
do and produce or a new economic
paradigm that relies on ideas, ideas, or
creativity with the main source of human
beings as the main production factor of
economic activity.
Scholars such as Sharon Zukin and
Allen Scott have emphasized the existence
of organizations that belong to the creative
industry, including advertising,
architecture, arts and antiques, crafts,
fashion design and design, video, film,
music, photography, visual arts,
performance, publishing, computer games,
software, and electronic publishing; radio
and TV (Kloosterman, 2004; Pratt, 1997).
As part of the creative industry, the
work of publishing books rests largely on
creativity as it publishes a new book every
month. Scriptwriting requires the creativity
of the writer or author. In addition, script
packaging also requires the creativity of
editors, content designers (layouts and
illustrators), and cover designers.
Book publishing industry players
must have a proactive mind to be able to
further explore their ideas. Therefore, it is a
consideration for business owners to fully
delegate the activities carried out in the
hope that employees are more flexible in
determining their own work targets so that
they can interpret work well and feel that
the company provides maximum support.
One of the emerging book publishing
companies is CV Ziyad Visi Media. The
company has been in the book publishing
industry since 2005 and in carrying out its
991 | The Influence of Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Employee
Creativity: The Role of Work Meaning and Devolved Management
organizational activities always prioritizes
creativity. This is evident from the products
that have been published. The number of
best-seller products reached 457 book
titles. However, the problem that occurs is
the demands of technological
developments and the increasing market
The same is the case with
competition between publishers, especially
the segmentation of children's books.
Publishers are competing to take
advantage of technological developments
to produce creative products. Nowadays,
book publishers who cannot keep up with
technological advances, will experience
setbacks and will not be able to compete.
On the contrary, publishers who can keep
up with technological advances and the
times will be able to survive and even still
be able to develop. This is what makes the
company demand that CV Ziyad Visi Media
employees can continue to increase their
Employee creativity has been
considered an important factor for
improving the performance and success of
an organization. Publishing companies rely
heavily on innovative products, both in
terms of theme, content, and packaging.
Examples of such innovative products are,
for example, combining children's books
with various features; lift the flap, magnetic
book, pull-push book, puzzle book, and QR
Code technology. In addition, book
publishing companies must also continue
to innovate in their product marketing
systems. If in the past the sales of its
products relied on bookstore networks,
then now it relies more on reseller networks
and through e-commerce platforms, such
as shopee, tokopedia, blibli, tiktok, and so
on. Creative and innovative ideas are
needed to continuously improve the
service process and service quality.
Based on the description above,
creativity is very important and needed by
book publishers as well as CV Ziyad Visi
Media. Therefore, more in-depth research
is needed on "The Influence of
Organizational Support and Proactive
Personality on Employee Creativity: The
Role of Work Meaning and Devolved
This research was conducted on
employees who work at CV Ziyad Visi
Media which is located at Jalan Banyuanyar
Selatan No. 4, RT. 02/ 012, Banyuanyar,
Banjarsari District, Surakarta City. The
research approach used is quantitative
research. The population in this study was
120 employees of CV Ziyad Visi Media. This
study used nonprobability sampling with
saturated sampling technique. The
saturated sampling technique is a census,
in which all members of the population are
sampled (Hair et al., 2019). Data analysis
used Partial Least Squares-Structural
Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the
research model. following the two-stage
analysis procedure suggested by Hair et al.,
(2019), in which the measurement model is
evaluated before the structural model.
Sinto Sunaryo
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Measurement Model Analysis
The evaluation of the measurement
model is tested with several indicators
including: Convergent Validity,
Discriminant Validity, and Reliability. The
measurement model is calculated using the
PLS Algorithm as follows.
1. Convergent Validity
Table 1. Convergent Validity Test Results
Loading Factor
The Meaning
of Work
Source: Data Processing Results, (2022).
993 | The Influence of Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Employee
Creativity: The Role of Work Meaning and Devolved Management
The outer loading value of all
variable indicators. Based on the
table, it shows that all indicators are
said to be valid if the outer loading
value of each variable indicator item
is above > 0.70. This criterion is in
accordance with Hair et al., (2019)
that the data is declared valid if the
value is more than 0.70. Convergent
validity tests also require an
average variance extracted (AVE)
value. According to Hair et al.,
(2014) the accepted AVE value for
convergent validity is > 0.5. Table 3
further shows the values (AVE) for
all constructs in this study, some of
which have met the minimum
criteria, which is greater than > 0.5.
This shows that the convergent
validity test based on outer loading
and the value (AVE) has been met,
because the average variation value
described by each indicator on each
construct tested is greater than the
error value on the construct, so that
all existing indicators can explain
the construct compared to other
factors that are not measured in the
measurement (Hair et al., 2014).
The results of the construct
reliability test from the study
covering all variables. Cronbach's
alpha (CA) and composite reliability
(CR) values for all constructs are
shown in table 3. All variables have
met the requirements set by Hair et
al., (2014), namely the value > 0.70.
Based on these results, it can be
said that all variables in the study
are reliable.
2. Discriminant Validity Test Results
Table 2. Discriminant Validity Test Results
Moderation Effect 1
Employee Creativity
The Meaning of
Source: Data Processing Results, (2022).
The result of calculating the
discriminant validity by looking at the
Fornell-Larcker Criterion value has a
value greater than the square
Sinto Sunaryo
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correlation value between variables.
A construct is said to have
discriminant validity if the indicator
has the highest loading value (AVE
root) in its own construct group (Hair
et al., 2019). The value indicates that
the discriminant validity has been
fulfilled, so it can be concluded that
each of the variables is able to explain
something unique and different from
one another.
3. Reliability Test Results
Table 3. Reliability Test Results
s Alpha
Devolved Management
Organizational Support
Moderation Effect 1
Proactive Personality
Employee Creativity
The Meaning of Work
Source: Data Processing Results, (2022).
Based on table 3, it can be
seen that the composite reliability
value of all research variables > 0.70
and Cronbach Alpha > 0.60. These
results show that each variable has
met composite realibility and
cronbach alpha so that it can be
concluded that the entire variable
has a high level of reliability. So that
further analysis can be carried out
by examining the goodness of fit
models by evaluating the inner
Structural Model Evaluation
After doing the outer model test, the
next step is to do an inner model test. Inner
model testing is carried out to see the
relationship between the construct,
significance value, and R-square of the
research model as follows.
1. Coefficient of Determination (R-Square)
Table 4. Coefficient of Determination Test Results
V a riabel
R-Square Adjusted
Employee Creativity
The Meaning of Work
Source: Data Processing Results, (2022).
Table 4 shows the adjusted R-
Square value of the Employee
Creativity variable of 0.856, this
value means that the Employee
Creativity variable can be explained
by the variables Organizational
Support, Work Meaning, and
Devolved Management of 85.6%
and the remaining 14.4% can be
explained by other variables not
995 | The Influence of Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Employee
Creativity: The Role of Work Meaning and Devolved Management
contained in this study.
The adjusted R-Square value
of the Work Meaning variable is
0.792, the value means that the
Work Meaning variable can be
explained by the Organizational
Support and Proactive Personality
variable of 79.2% and the remaining
20.8% can be explained by other
variables not contained in this study.
2. Predictive Relevance (Q-Square)
Table 5. Q-Square Test Results
Q² (=1-SSE/SSO)
Employee Creativity
Has a predictive
relevance value
The Meaning of Work
Has a predictive
relevance value
Source: Data Processing Results, (2022).
Based on the data presented
in table 5 it can be known that the
Q-square value on the dependent
variable > 0. By looking at these
values, it can be concluded that this
study has a good observation value
because the Q-square value is > 0
3. Hypothesis Testing
Testing structural relationship
models is to explain the
relationships between variables in
research. Structural model testing is
carried out through tests using PLS
software. The basis used in testing
the hypothesis directly is the output
of the image and the values
contained in the output path
coefficients. The basis used to test
the hypothesis directly is that if the
p value < 0.05 (significance level=
5%), then it is stated that there is a
significant influence of exogenous
variables on endogenous variables.
Here's a full explanation of
hypothesis testing:
Sinto Sunaryo
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Table 6. Hypothesis Test Results
Organizational Support -> the meaning of
Proactive Personality -> Meaning of Work
The Meaning of Work -> Employee
Organizational Support -> The Meaning of
Work -> Employee Creativity
Proactive Personality -> Meaning of Work -
> Employee Creativity
Organizational Support -> Employee
Moderation Effect 1 -> Employee Creativity
Source: Data Processing Results, (2022).
The results of the test of
organizational support variables and work
meaning show that it is proven that
organizational support has a positive and
significant effect on the meaning of work,
which means that when organizational
support is high, the meaning of work is also
high. The results of this study are in line
with research conducted by Akgunduz et
al., 2018, that organizational support
affects the meaning of work. According to
Social Exchange Theory (SET) (Blau, 1964),
if employees feel that they are supported
by the organization, as well as contribute
more to the results of the organization as a
way to respond to the support of that
organization. Employees are empowered
by knowledge, support, resources, and
opportunities such as the formal and
informal strengths provided by their
organizations (Tolay et al., 2012).
Empowered employees, experiencing the
meaning of work (Spreitzer, 1995), which
also leads to high intrinsic motivation (Fook
et al., 2011; Lashley, 2001; Ozaralli, 2015). If
employees see that they have the support
of the organization, then they will make a
greater contribution in return of the
support they receive from the organization.
Employees who are influenced by the
meaning of work also show characteristics
of increased instinct in work and are more
The results of the proactive
personality variable test and work meaning
showed that it was proven that proactive
personality had a positive and significant
effect on the meaning of work, which
means that when the proactive personality
is high, the meaning of work is also high.
The results of this study are in line with
997 | The Influence of Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Employee
Creativity: The Role of Work Meaning and Devolved Management
research conducted by Akgunduz et al.,
(2018), that employees who find the
meaningfulness of work have a high level
of creativity. Managers must find ways to
benefit from employees with proactive
personalities more effectively in the
organization. Thus, employees who work
and have a proactive personality will greatly
appreciate the meaning of work.
Employees with proactive personalities can
display positive behaviors, such as
innovation (Seibert et al., 2001), intrinsic
motivation (Horng et al. , 2016; Joo & Lim,
2009), performance target orientation
(Parker & Collins, 2010), work commitment
(Li et al., 2014), career adaptability (Hou et
al. , 2014; Tolentino et al. , 2014) , self-
esteem and the ability to work
independently (Cai et al., 2015).
Employees with proactive
personalities actively try to reorganize their
working life (Campbell, 2000) because they
take initiative rather than give up in the face
of challenges (Liguori et al., 2013). Such
individuals are open to new work
experience, they are interested in work and
organizations that give it a high level of
work meaning. Therefore, these individuals
will take risks if necessary to find new jobs
that align with their personality traits
(Bergeron et al., 2014).
The results of the variable test of work
meaning and employee creativity show that
it is proven that the meaning of work has a
positive and significant effect on employee
creativity, which means that when the
meaning of work is high, then employee
creativity is also high. The results of this
study support the research of Akgunduz et
al., (2018) showing that creativity increases
when employees accept or appreciate that
their work is meaningful. Creativity
generates new and useful ideas (Joo et al.,
2014). Employees work more effectively
and creatively when they have a positive
mood, which increases productivity and
efficiency (Liu, 2016). The creativity of
employees in an organization largely
depends on two different factors: career
satisfaction and perceived self-esteem (Kim
et al., 2009).
The results of the work meaning
variable test in mediating the influence of
organizational support on employee
creativity show that it is proven that the
results of this study can find a positive and
significant mediating effect of work
meaning on the influence of organizational
support on employee creativity, meaning
that when there is high organizational
support, it produces high creativity as well
and this can be produced also through a
high meaning of work. The results of the
research are in line with the research
conducted by Akgunduz, 2018 and also the
research of Chiang & Hsieh (2012)
organizational support can improve the
ability of employees in resource
exploration, which then this ability will
increase employee creativity in innovating.
The elements that affect employee
creativity are the support of the
organization in which they work, positive
support from the leadership and all
employees will create a conducive work
situation so that employee creativity will be
better. When employees feel that the
company supports their psychological
needs, employees will have a higher sense
of responsibility towards the company so
that the impact is that employees will be
more creative in completing work (Jeung et
Sinto Sunaryo
| 998
al., 2016). The meaning of work will appear
when employees have an understanding of
their abilities, what to expect, and how they
achieve success in their work environment
(Steger et al., 2012). When performing work
in accordance with their role, then
individuals will contribute more to the
company. Meaningful work can make
employees more engaged and committed
to the company (Geldenhuys et al., 2014).
The impact on employees who have
meaning in work is the emergence of a
willingness to spend more time on work so
that they will get satisfaction and enjoy
activities in their work.
The results of the work meaning
variable test in mediating the influence of
proactive personality on employee
creativity show that it is proven that the
results of this study can find a positive and
significant mediating effect of work
meaning on the influence of proactive
personality on employee creativity,
meaning that when there is a high proactive
personality, it produces high creativity as
well and this can be produced also through
a high meaning of work. The results of this
study are commensurate with the research
of Shalley et al., (2004), the complex
structure of work and the support that
employees receive from managers and
organizations increase employee creativity,
which is also supported by several
empirical studies (Diliello et al., 2011;
Akgunduz et al., 2018; Ibrahim et al., 2016).
The meaning of work has an important role
in increasing the proactive personality of
employees. Proactive behavior is actions
that are carried out before problems arise
or take various actions to anticipate
changes in the future. Interpreting duties
and roles as an employee can increase an
individual's desire to be able to do their
work optimally. For companies, employees
who interpret work will improve the
performance of the company and
individuals can develop their potential
(Rozarie, 2017). According to Akgündüz
(2013) internally motivated individuals
generate more creative ideas, show
attitudes and behaviors that increase
customer satisfaction, and show positive
behaviors to achieve organizational goals.
The results of the variable test of
organizational support and employee
creativity show that it is proven that
organizational support has a positive and
significant effect on employee creativity,
which means that when organizational
support is high, employee creativity is also
high. The results of this study are
supported by research conducted by
Akgunduz et al., (2018) employee creativity
increases when the level of organizational
support increases. When employees find
their company very supportive, they are
more likely to show trust and confidence
(Rich et al., 2010) thus encouraging their
willingness to propose creative ideas and
suggestions. Because such companies are
considered to tolerate failure and approach
based on trial and error (Edmondson,
1999). To support creativity and risk-taking
behaviors, employees are more likely to feel
psychologically secure in taking initiative
(Kahn, 1990) or engaging in creative
practice. Employees who receive a high
level of support from the company are also
more likely to show a positive moodling
(Rhoades & Eisenberger, 2002), which in
turn facilitates the creative process. In
addition, they are more willing to
999 | The Influence of Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Employee
Creativity: The Role of Work Meaning and Devolved Management
communicate and interact with others
(Erdogan, et al. , 2004) thus gaining more
information and knowledge and
generating more creative ideas (Chiang &
Hsieh, 2012). They tend to feel more
involved with their work (Hakanen et al.,
2008; Rich et al., 2010; Schaufeli et al.,
2006) who led them to enthusiastically
encourage creative ideas (Chang et al,
The results of the devolved
management variable test in moderating
the influence of organizational support on
employee creativity show that it is proven
that the results of this study can find the
negative and significant moderation effect
of devolved management on the influence
of organizational support on employee
creativity, meaning that when there is high
organizational support, creativity will be
high and this can be produced as well
through low devolved management. The
results of Tang and Yu's research (2017),
devolved management involves giving
more power and autonomy to employees,
leveling organizational structures, and
encouraging communication all of which
have an important effect on creativity.
Likewise, in Haar and Spell's (2009)
research in devolved management systems,
employees are more flexible in determining
their own work. As a result, they are more
likely to feel free from external controls or
restrictions and believe that managers have
confidence in their decision-making
abilities. Employees who feel this flexibility
will think that they get a high level of
organizational support so that they are
willing to maximize their work, think freely,
take risks, and solve problems, the impact
of which generates more creative ideas
(Wang & Cheng, 2009). Therefore, devolved
management strengthens the relationship
between organizational support and
employee creativity. Devolved
management requires the granting of more
power and autonomy to employees (Tang
et al., 2017). Employees who work in
organizations that implement devolved
management can experience a high degree
of autonomy (Tang et al., 2015), which
inspires their creative behavior (Zhang &
Bartol, 2010).
From the results of the research
analysis on the influence of organizational
support and proactive personality on
employee creativity: the role of work
meaning and devolved management can
be drawn conclusions that all hypotheses
proposed in this study are all proven. So
there are several implications of theoretical
and practical studies in increasing the
influence of organizational support and
proactive personality on employee
creativity: the role of work meaning and
devolved management. The implication of
studies on theory is that the results of this
study can provide a different testing model.
Researchers used a model of testing the
influence of organizational support and
proactive personality on employee
creativity: the role of work meaning and
devolved management, this study was
conducted to sharpen phenomena related
to employee creativity. The theoretical
contribution made is also in the form of
literature contributions to the use of
mediation and moderation variables to see
the influence of organizational support and
Sinto Sunaryo
proactive personality on employee
creativity. This study examined the
mediating effect of work meaning in the
influence of organizational support and
proactive personality on employee
creativity which suggests that it can have a
partial mediating effect in those influences.
In addition, it was also found that the
moderation of devolved management
variables had a low effect. This shows that
the higher the organization's support is
accompanied by the high level of devolved
management, the erratic or low employee
creativity will be.
This research certainly cannot be
separated from the shortcomings and
limitations. This research was conducted on
publication at CV Ziyad Visi Media. Thus,
the results of this study cannot necessarily
be generalized to other sectors. To apply
this study to different contexts, care is
needed to observe the objects taken in the
study. If this is ignored, it is estimated that
it has the potential to result in habituation
of test results which can have an impact on
errors in formulating policies taken at the
company. Therefore, for further research, it
is expected to expand the object of
research in order to compare the research
results obtained and provide a more
thorough picture of the company in
increasing employee creativity with the
support of proactive organizations and
personalities that strengthen the meaning
of work and devolved management.
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