JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 4, 362 373
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i4.33 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Dinna Nurdiani Hapsari
Communication Sciences Department, Kebangsaan University, Indonesia
e-mail: Hasim.kbm@gmail.com
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Submitted: 22 November 2021, Revised: 10 November 2021, Accepted: 14 November 2021
Abstract. Sales promotion strategy is carried out by Little PEP Jaya to introduce its products to
consumers through digital media including social media, Instagram, company web. This company
is trying to attract consumers to buy its products by carrying out promotional strategies through
the role of influencers, such as artists, fashion bloggers, fashion stylish, and others, in this way is
expected to increase sales. This study aims to see an overview of digital marketing communication
strategies through the role of influencers implemented by Little PEP Jaya. This study uses a
qualitative research method with a descriptive approach and the data collection technique of this
research is through interviews with influencers and management staff at Little PEP Jaya. Study
literature through communication books and online sources relevant to this research. The result of
this research is Little PEP Jaya's digital marketing communication strategy planning through
influencers using Instagram as a medium for disseminating information. In planning the caption
that the influencer will upload on his personal social media as a form of promotion, Little PEP Jaya
helps the influencer to design the caption. The captions that will be posted on their social media
accounts are made by adjusting the personality of the Influencers. Informants from Little PEP Jaya
said that Instagram media is very effective to support marketing communication strategies because
the features contained in it can upload images and videos quickly and can reach consumers widely.
Keywords: marketing communication; digital; influencer.
Hasim, Dinna Nurdiani Hapsari | 363
The creative fashion industry is
currently quite in demand by young people
in Bandung as an alternative to their
business, one of the reasons for choosing
this type of business is because of the
assumption that basic needs are always
sought after by the community and there is
hope for big profits. Promotions are carried
out by large companies as well as small
companies to introduce products and
increase sales, this promotion strategy can
be done through public relations, personal
selling, and other strategies and with
promotional financing schemes that they
have arranged in such a way to maximize
their business. Strategy is a set of important
plans and describes the ways in which an
institution seeks to achieve its goals
(Nidillah, 2021).
According to (Kotler & Armstrong,
2008) corporate marketing communication
is a specific blend of advertising, sales
promotion, public relations, personal
selling, and direct marketing tools used by
companies to provide information and
build relationships with consumers.
Marketing communication is a form of
communication that aims to increase the
intensity of the application of marketing
and marketing strategies that aim to
support the company's promotional
activities. In addition, marketing
communication is an activity that aims to
introduce or establish communication with
business partners, consumers, and
companies that are business actors in
communicating the marketing of their
products to other people, namely
consumers, suppliers, and other
stakeholders (Cangara, 2009).
Sales promotion includes a variety of
promotional tools designed to motivate an
early market response. Sales promotions
can be in the form of consumer
promotions, such as product samples,
coupons, discounts and so on. Trade
promotions such as free products, reduced
purchase prices and so on (Machfoedz,
2010). Promotion in the business world has
a very important role in the stage of
forming customer awareness and
understanding. Thus a company requires
appropriate strategic planning so that it
can be easily accepted by the community.
The marketing communication strategies
carried out by the company also vary, such
as offering products with attractive
packaging, by communicating affordable
prices or strategic sales locations. In
addition, there is also a marketing
communication strategy in the form of
advertising in a number of media or with
the help of influencers. These various
marketing communication strategies are
not only used to introduce the existence of
a product, but also provide knowledge
about the benefits of a product so that it
creates a desire to buy it.
Various strategies are carried out by
companies to market their products or
services. However, Little PEP Jaya itself uses
digital influencers as one of its marketing
strategies. Digital influencers themselves
are currently popularly used by companies.
Digital influencers especially on social
media can open up new channels for them
to connect with customers directly, as well
as get in touch with their daily lives. As the
main link between brands and customers,
influencers through their openness, have
364 | Influencers as a Means of Marketing Communications Strategy Digital Marketing Little
PEP Jaya
high social influence and credibility.
This research is a study that is carried
out in depth and touches on objects that
have not previously been studied by other
parties. There are not many promotional
activities carried out by entrepreneurs
through online media that pay special
attention to influencers and the
promotions carried out are not optimal.
Previous studies have only been limited to
exploring the involvement of influencers
and have not conducted studies to their
personal search and collaboration between
units in the company in promotional
activities. In contrast to the research
conducted by this author, who tries to see
the collaboration and solid cooperation of
Little Pep Jaya with influencers. Little PEP
Jaya through public relations and related
units learn more about the personal
influencers, thereby determining the right
strategy in creating promotional content.
Research related to Influencers as a
means of marketing communication
strategy for Little PEP Jaya digital marketing
was designed qualitatively, the selection of
this research method was in accordance
with the theme raised by the researcher
and in accordance with its descriptive
nature (Ardianto, 2011). A qualitative
approach is a research procedure that
produces descriptive data in the form of
written or spoken words from people and
observable behavior (Sugiyono, 2017). This
approach is directed at the background
and the individual as a whole. In this case,
it is not necessary to isolate individuals or
organizations into variables or hypotheses,
but it is necessary to see them as part of a
whole (Moleong, 2017).
This study aims to see an overview of
digital marketing communication
strategies through the role of influencers
implemented by Little PEP Jaya. This study
uses a qualitative research method with a
descriptive approach and the data
collection technique of this research is
through interviews with influencers and
management staff at Little PEP Jaya. Study
literature through communication books
and online sources relevant to this research.
Overview Theory
There are a variety of digital marketing
strategies based (Suryadi, 2017):
1. The email marketing, email marketing is
marketing via email, usually in the form
of a welcome email series, specials,
2. Social media marketing, marketing by
creating company social media
3. Google Adwords, a method that uses
the Google search engine to bring
visitors to a business website.
4. Search engine optimization (SEO), a
technique to increase the visibility of
your blog/website.
5. Content Marketing, marketing by
planning, creating and distributing
content that is able to attract
6. Retarging Ads, providing relevant
advertisements to audiences who have
previously visited business/company
7. Digital influencers, Marketing that uses
Hasim, Dinna Nurdiani Hapsari | 365
Digital Influencers or Influencers, is
usually done on Instagram. This type of
marketing is used by Little PEP Jaya.
Characteristics and Selection of Digital
Of course, in determining influencers,
it is not just "choosing", but still needs to
be selected or filtered first. Before that,
starting from the company itself, the
company must first target its target
audience. First, they have to determine
their marketing goals first, with the right
target, companies need to think about who
they really want to reach through
influencers. Little PEP Jaya itself has a target
audience of children and parents, therefore
the influencers that are more suitable to be
used are children and parents. After
determining the target audience, it is
necessary to determine the right
influencers to click to influence the
audience. There are three factors in
measuring potency based on (Backaler &
Shankman, 2018):
a. Reach influencer is calculated from the
number of followers, traffic, etc. Each of
their approaches can be divided into
several categories, in Little PEP Jaya
divided between micro and macro
b. Resonance engagement between the
influencer and his followers or
community. Can be measured from
shares, likes, views, comments, retweets,
etc. Resonance is important because
influencers need to show that the
followers they are building are not just
numbers, but there is interaction and
shows that the community is genuinely
interested and engaged. Content
influencers. In Little PEP Jaya, resonance
is carried out through an examination
using the sociobuzz.com web to check
the engagement rate.
c. Relevance ensuring that the content
created by the influencer matches the
topics the community is interested in.
From the brand side, it is the same as
how relevant the influencer's content is
to the brand they will be working with.
This is quite important when selecting
influencers for the Little PEP Jaya
campaign. The selection of influencers
must be in accordance with Little PEP
Jaya's brand image, namely as a Family
Clothing Distributor so that the
influencers that are widely used are
Children and Parents.
Collaborating with Digital Influencers
In collaborating with digital
influencers, there are ways to collaborate
with influencers (Brown & Hayes, 2008)
marketing through influencers is
considered to increase brand awareness
and knowledge. In influencer marketing,
the company will create a message about
the brand (product or service) to the
influencer, what will be conveyed to their
community. In other words, influencers will
bring the company's message to market,
and because they are influencers, they tend
to be heard and trusted, like a bridge
between brands and audiences. Marketing
through influencers at Little PEP Jaya itself,
is carried out on Instagram influencers,
where they will post content according to
the directions (poses) and captions that
have been determined by the team.
This method is of course adapted to
what platform will be used by the company.
366 | Influencers as a Means of Marketing Communications Strategy Digital Marketing Little
PEP Jaya
In working with digital influencers, you
must first make sure that their image and
that of the company match or match.
The marketing communication
strategy carried out by Little PEP Jaya
includes assisting digital influencers, by
conducting product reviews to explain
product prices and quality. Digital
influencers are those whose skills and
expertise have made them followers”.
Because digital influencers are more
trusted by their followers or followers, their
opinions are also trusted so that the
published content can influence their
followers, including in trying or buying
products. Marketing communication
strategies using digital influencers then
become one of the company's choices in an
effort to promote their products or services.
The power of social media is indeed quite
significant at this time, in 2019-2020 the
Association of Indonesian Internet Service
Providers (APJII) surveyed 196.7 million
Indonesians who are internet literate (APJII,
2021). With the internet, marketing
communication strategies are increasingly
varied and marketing communication
activities in introducing a product or
company increasingly have many
alternative choices in conducting
promotions. This significant use of the
internet is then used as one of Little PEP
Jaya's marketing communication strategy
media, especially social media that is often
used by digital influencers, namely
Instagram (Febritania & Riyadi, 2020).
Little PEP Jaya as a creative industry in
the field of clothing distribution that tries
to keep up with the latest clothing styles
and the times which can of course be
accessed via mobile phone technology or
digital media, as well as target customers
who tend to actively use social media and
then decide to use digital influencers as an
effort to market their products. . This study
aims to describe the strategy of the Little
PEP Jaya marketing team in promoting the
use of influencers and the location of this
research was carried out at the Little PEP
Jaya company in Bandung, West Java.
About Little PEP Jaya
Little PEP Jaya is a fashion company
that started operations in June 2015 and is
located in Soekarno Hatta, Gedebage,
Bandung City, West Java. Basically, Little
PEP Jaya is like a fashion company that
provides clothing products, which is
chaired by Salsa Afanti.
Little PEP Jaya is a company inspired by
the owner's only child. Starting from the
owner's love for the world of fashion and
design as well as the owner's love for
children's clothing, Little PEP Jaya started.
Starting from the owner making designs of
cartoon characters that children liked at the
time, and applying these designs to
children's clothes, attracting the attention
and interest of friends and relatives in the
work he made. Starting from a limited
production only for children and closest
friends to be given free of charge, but the
great interest of the surrounding
community and wanting to buy, gave rise
to the owner's idea to create a small
business at that time until it has run until
The Little PEP brand itself has its own
meaning for its owner, starting from the
word Little which means small in English,
Hasim, Dinna Nurdiani Hapsari | 367
and the word PEP is taken from the
nickname of the father, Papap, who at that
time because the child was still small the
first words when learning to speak were
spoken from the child. A man whose father
only calls him by the word PEP. So the Little
PEP brand means Little Papap which is
indeed inspired by an only child. Little PEP
Jaya is a clothing brand for children and
parents that was born from the beginning,
which is intended to invite Indonesian
children to express themselves through the
t-shirts they wear. In terms of product
concept, Little PEP Jaya offers a choice of
clothing that makes anyone who sees it
happy or just glances at the wearer.
Based on the results of research with
the theme Influencers as a Means of
Marketing Communication Strategy for
Digital Marketing Little PEP Jaya, the
researcher describes and explains some of
the results from observations, interviews
with informants who are directly related,
namely company owners, influencers and
other parties who are still related, and the
researcher also adds some findings from
the search results through a literature
After the maximum planning stage,
enter the implementation stage where
marketing communications through
Influencers here will be published by
Influencers to the public, which aims to
make the audience know Little PEP Jaya's
brand and products.
It is explained in (Murniarti, 2019) that
Publicity is a translation of German and
Dutch publications. Publicity is a technique
that is often used in public relations
programs. The role of publicity is to
generate trust in the product, and
strengthen the image of the value of a
product and strengthen it to special
Publicity used in this research is
publication through social media. The
technique is Little PEP Jaya contacting its
prospective Influencers through social
media, email, or the Influencer contact
manager with the aim of promoting the
company or brand. them so that the
Influencers who are asked to promote
know more about the company, after
paying the Influencer fee that has been
agreed upon by both parties, don't forget
to send photos of the products or services
offered to the Influencer.
After that Little PEP Jaya will wait for a
response from the Influencer and Little PEP
Jaya will be contacted through the social
media used such as via private messages on
Instagram or direct messages on WhatsApp
and they will choose the items they want.
After the product is selected, the product is
sent and after it is received, the Influencers
share their photos using products from
Little PEP Jaya by uploading them on their
social media.
At the publication stage there is an
agreement between the Influencer and
Little PEP Jaya, after the product is sent and
received by the Influencer, Little PEP Jaya
will design the caption for the Influencer's
post on their social media. The caption that
the Influencer will post on Little PEP Jaya's
social media account is made by adjusting
the personality of the Influencers, Little PEP
Jaya studies Influencers, from looking at
their Instagram, how they make captions,
seeing what words are often used, so they
are impressed if they. who created the
message. Little PEP Jaya really thinks about
368 | Influencers as a Means of Marketing Communications Strategy Digital Marketing Little
PEP Jaya
the marketing communication strategies
they use to achieve awareness of the
existence of a product or service
(awareness), foster a desire to own or get
products in the minds of consumers
(interest), to retain customers (loyalty).
1) Advertising
Advertising is mass communication
through the media of newspapers,
magazines, radio, television and other
media or direct communications
designed specifically for business-to-
business (to-business-to-business)
customers and end users. Advertising is
a form of mass communication that
conveys market information to bring
together buyers and sellers at the point
of sale of products. Advertising is any
form of indirect presentation of
information and promotion by sponsors
to offer ideas, goods or services.
(Machfoedz, 2010).
Little PEP Jaya specifically advertises
on their social media by using good
messages and photo pamphlets, such as
announcements of discounts that are
often held on holidays or certain events
as well as notifications about the bazaars
they will participate in. PEP Jaya also
advertises their Influencers using
products from Little PEP Jaya itself, this
can be seen from the post on Little PEP
Jaya's Instagram account where
influencer Zhi Alatas wears a Little PEP t-
shirt, in his Instagram post there is the
caption Fun and compact family kak
@zhialatas with a doodle flower,
exciting moments like this will not be
2) Sales Promotion
Sales promotion is an activity or
material in its application by using
techniques under the control of the
seller or producer, which can
communicate interesting persuasive
information about the products offered
by the seller or producer, either directly
or through influencing parties.
purchasing decisions (Singh, 2018).
Therefore, a maximum sales promotion
is needed in planning the strategies
used in promoting products to
consumers, as well as Little PEP Jaya
which has a strategy in promoting its
products. As a producer, sales
promotion planning has a close
relationship with the communication
Sales promotion includes a variety
of promotional tools designed to
motivate an early market response. Sales
promotions can be in the form of
consumer promotions, such as product
samples, coupons, discounts and so on.
Trade promotions such as free products,
reduced purchase prices, and so on.
(Machfoedz, 2010) In addition, PEP Jaya
Kecil also often participates in bazaars
which are often organized by malls and
print media such as magazines. Other
sales promotions such as product
discounts, as well as other bonuses such
as cooperation in giving door prizes and
so on are often carried out on holidays
and certain events such as Little PEP
Jaya's birthday, year-end discounts and
clearance sales.
3) Public Relations
Public Relations is something that
summarizes the overall planned
communication, both internally and
Hasim, Dinna Nurdiani Hapsari | 369
externally between an organization and
its entire audience in order to achieve
certain goals based on mutual
understanding. PEP Jaya Kecil has public
relations within their company. They all
work in teams to showcase the products
they offer. The entire team is well versed
in the company and the products it
offers so that when consumers ask
questions they can answer well. Little
PEP Jaya Public Relations Duties and
Responsibilities include:
a. Little PEP Jaya Public Relations Duties
1. Perform strategic planning related
to publications and campaigns
2. Answer and explain questions
from the public or customers
3. Organize promotional events such
as exhibitions and visits
4. Provide and provide data
information about new
promotional opportunities and
campaigns to customers
5. Assign or conduct related market
6. Design, write, produce flyers,
publicity brochures, information
for websites and promotional
b. Responsibilities of Public Relations Little
PEP Jaya
As a profession, a Public Relations
officer is responsible for providing
information, educating, convincing,
gaining sympathy, and generating
public interest in something or making
people understand and accept a
situation. Public Relations of Little PEP
Jaya is required to create programs to
take deliberate and planned actions in
an effort to maintain, create, and
maintain mutual understanding
between the company and its
community. The position of Public
Relations is a supporter of achieving the
goals set by the management of Little
PEP Jaya. The target of Little PEP Jaya
Public Relations is customers, where
operationally Little PEP Jaya Public
Relations is tasked with fostering a
harmonious relationship between the
company and its customers and
preventing the emergence of
psychological barriers that may occur
between the two (Ruslan, 2008).
4) Personal Selling
Personal Selling is a form of direct
communication between sellers and
prospective buyers (person-to-person
communication). In this case the seller
tries to help or persuade potential
buyers to buy the products offered.
Little PEP Jaya uses a personal selling
strategy. One of them is by having
resellers and also by participating in the
bazaar, in participating in the Little PEP
Jaya bazaar the team involves their
marketing marketing team to directly
offer their products to customers who
visit the bazaar, so in this way Little PEP
Jaya can immediately try to help or
persuade potential buyers to buy Little
PEP Jaya products, besides participating
in this bazaar is one of Little PEP Jaya's
strategies to promote its brand, so that
it is not only known by customers in the
city of Bandung but can be known
outside the city according to the
location of the bazaar that Little PEP Jaya
is participating in, such as in the city
Jakarta, Surabaya and Banten.
5) Direct selling
370 | Influencers as a Means of Marketing Communications Strategy Digital Marketing Little
PEP Jaya
is an attempt by a company or
organization to communicate directly
with potential target customers with a
view to generating sales responses
and/or transactions. Little PEP Jaya uses
a Direct Selling strategy by selling in
offline stores that consumers can visit
directly, and in bazaars that they often
Little PEP Jaya in its direct sales strategy
also routinely provides information to
their followers through their social
media, especially Instagram to inform
the bazaar schedule they follow or about
their offline store, including. (Kennedy &
Soemanagara, 2006) said marketing
communication aims to achieve two
goals. The stages of change aimed at
consumers are:
a. The Knowledge Change Stage
The Knowledge Change Stage is
a change in knowledge shown by Little
PEP Jaya consumers knowing the
existence of this Little PEP Jaya product,
what the product is made for, and for
whom the product is intended so that
the message conveyed by Little PEP Jaya
is not again displays important
information from the products they
Little PEP Jaya said they only
optimize social media as a marketing
medium, especially Instagram
@little.PEP which they manage and
update every day with lots of product
posts every day. They also build
communication with consumers
through Instagram in a way, when their
consumers tag photos of the Little PEP
Jaya products they use, Little PEP Jaya
will give positive comments such as
"wow that's so cool".
Little PEP Jaya has more reliable
social media and different message
styles . Little PEP Jaya has products that
can be used as unisex (can be worn by
both men and women), funny, unique,
creative and quality, therefore they sell
their flagship products, namely T-shirts,
Shirts, Hoodies, Sweaters, Pants
Materials, Jeans and Raincoats funny
and can make other people can smile by
looking at it. Their segmentation is more
towards children and young parents and
their messaging style is more relaxed
and informal. These products are then
distributed to consumers through social
The same thing was also said by a
Little PEP Jaya customer, a customer
named Marsyella Chan bought Little PEP
Jaya products because the designs are
very creative, cute and "very young" like
the design on her clothes with the
"gundam" picture which is currently
being developed. unpretentiousness
among children and young parents. He
also admitted that he often saw on
Instagram, several influencers had used
this product from Little PEP Jaya. Spoken
by Marsyella Chan that:
I like the Little PEP Jaya t-shirt
because of its cute design, that's why I
bought it. I have seen Little PEP Jaya's
Instagram several times, some
influencers also use their products. I
think the social media is complete, but
I have never bought it online because
at that time I bought it at the Bintaro
Jaya X-Changce event.
b. Attitude Change Stage
Attitude Change Stage is an attitude
Hasim, Dinna Nurdiani Hapsari | 371
that describes a person's relatively
consistent judgments, feelings, and
tendencies towards an idea object,
someone here is a consumer of Little
PEP Jaya. The stages of attitude change
are related to the influence of marketing
communication on consumer
assessments of the products offered by
Little PEP Jaya. At the attitude factor
there are three components, namely:
1) Cognitive Component (belief in the
Trust in the brand is the
consumer's trust and knowledge of
the object, the object here is Little
PEP Jaya itself. Brand is important in
showing off the products offered.
Likewise with companies in Indonesia
that introduce their brands to their
customers through social media.
Because in this day and age where
technology is very advanced,
messages are made to make people
aware of the brand and its products
just by making friends or "add as
friend" and can be read by everyone
when the company writes a status
message on the page (Ridwan,
Ridwan, & Sy, 2020).
This company puts their profile
on the social media they use, just as
Little PEP Jaya puts their profile on
their website. So that it can be read
by all consumers and can instill
confidence in the minds of
consumers that the product is worthy
to be marketed and purchased
because it has good quality.
2) Affective Component (Brand
Brand evaluation is an emotion
that reflects one's feelings towards an
object (brand evaluation), whether
the object is desired or liked by
consumers. Like Little PEP Jaya's
brand ambassador, they have their
own audition for them and this brand
ambassador will display photos using
products both online and offline
(such as during the bazaar).
Little PEP Jaya also has product
photo quality that is clear and
pleasing to the eye so that consumers
are moved to buy it. Because they say
in showcasing their products, they
pay a lot of attention to the theme,
layout, design, colors and quality of
the photos. As in the layout which is
arranged in colors that are adjusted
to the full color product image, the
photo quality is also good because
the photo uses a large size so that the
photo does not break. If they feel
these five points are lacking, then
they will not randomly post product
Judging from Instagram's social
media, Little PEP Jaya often uses
'foreign' or foreign influencers so that
this brand seems international and
the tendency of advertising using
foreign-faced influencers is preferred
by consumers.
3) Behavioral Component (purchase
The behavioral Component
reflects the actual tendency and
behavior of an object, where this
component shows a tendency to take
an action (Simamora, 2002). Little PEP
Jaya has a combination of a good
message and attractive product
372 | Influencers as a Means of Marketing Communications Strategy Digital Marketing Little
PEP Jaya
photo packaging. This can be seen
from the number of followers who
reach more than ninety five thousand
followers, this number proves that
many already know their existence as
a company in the children's fashion
industry and their parents or family
partners of choice, and it can also be
seen from consumer testimonials. on
social media can also prove that
consumers are satisfied with Little
PEP Jaya's products and services.
The digital marketing communication
strategy of PT. Little PEP Jaya through
Influencers by using social media as a
medium for disseminating information. In
planning the caption that the influencer will
upload on his personal social media as a
form of promotion, Little PEP Jaya helps the
influencer to design the caption. The
captions that will be posted on their social
media accounts are made by adjusting the
personality of the Influencers. The
informant from Little PEP Jaya said that
Instagram media is very effective to
support marketing communication
strategies because the features contained
in it can upload images and videos quickly
and can reach consumers widely.
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