679 | Analysis of The Reputation of Youth Resilience Programs In Indonesia; Generation Berencana
(Genre) From The Perspective of The Genre Ambassadors
through the creation of good relations and
communication with various stakeholders,
internal and external (Seitel, 2017)
The same is true for Genre Indonesia
organizations, in carrying out their
functions, they must have good
cooperation with stakeholders. Genre
Ambassador is one of the stakeholders that
are discussed in this study. All activities and
responsibilities carried out by Genre
Ambassadors will be supervised and
fostered by Genre Indonesia. Genre
Ambassadors can be said to be the face of
the genre Indonesia, because of their
important role in socializing the Generation
Berencana (GenRe) program. Genre
Ambassador can be considered as a
member of GenRe Indonesia's workforce or
an employee who works to promote the
Indonesian Genre program. Therefore if
Genre Indonesia provides job satisfaction
for Genre Ambassadors, then Genre
Indonesia in return will have a good
reputation from the point of view of GenRe
Ambassadors. The objective of this
research is to determine the reputation of
the Indonesian Genre from the point of
view of GenRe Ambassador community.
A business reputation is the "net"
affective or emotional reaction of
customers, investors, employees, and the
general public to the company's name,
whether positive or negative, weak or
strong (Fombrun et al., 2000). (Oktaviani &
Septiani, 2020) argued that a company's
reputation is the most crucial factor, as a
company's positive or negative reputation
is a significant indicator of its performance.
(Wæraas & Dahle, 2020) stated that
reputation is not only about relationships
with external stakeholders, but also formed
by relationships with internal stakeholders.
In recent years, research has been more and
more interested in how employee voice and
behavior affect organizational reputation;
(Rokka et al., 2014); (Walsh et al., 2016);
(Könsgen et al., 2018); (Schaarschmidt,
2016) In other words, stakeholders play a
crucial part in defining an organization's
Dimensions of Support for Reputation
(Fombrun et al., 2000), describe
reputation as a cognitive representation of
a growing organization due to the fact that
stakeholders are aware of corporate
operations. Moreover, according to Chun
(2005) in (Alniacik et al., 2011), reputation
can be viewed as a summary of the
perceptions held by all relevant
stakeholders of an organization, i.e. what
customers, employees, suppliers,
managers, creditors, the media, the
organization's community, and the
associations they form with it believe.
(Fombrun et al., 2000) identified the
following dimensions or variables that
contribute to the establishment of
a. Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an
organization's or company's attitude as a
decent citizen, accountable for the
environment, work, and upholding high
standards for how to treat people.
b. Emotional appeals
The emotional dimension at issue is a
person's positive feelings, admiration,
respect, and trust in the organization.