JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 5, 677 686
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.325 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Qinchara Indra Devinta
Universitas Bakrie Jakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: suharyanti@bakrie.ac.id, qincharaindradevinta@bakrie.ac.id
*Correspondence: suharyan[email protected]c.id
: 28 November 2022
05 November 2022
: 09 December 2022
Abstract: The National Family Planning Coordinating Board of Indonesia (BKKBN) launched the
Generation Planning (GenRe) as a youth resilience program in response to adolescent issues. The
GenRe Ambassadors (GA) are role models whose job is to socialize and persuade young people in
Indonesia to behave in a healthy manner. GenRe E Indonesia is an organization that accommodates
GenRe Ambassadors. The success of Gnere Ambassadors in carrying out their duties is also
determined by how they perceive the reputation of the organization they shelter. The purpose of
this research is to know the reputation of GenRe Indonesia as perceived by Duta GenRe by using
the dimension of reputation. This research approach is qualitative and employs phenomenological
methods. The informants are the GenRe Ambassadors, who have served as ambassadors for 23
years. Sampling was carried out using a snowball technique for further in-depth interviews. The
result of this study is emotional appeal, which is the strongest dimension in shaping positive
perceptions of GenRe Indonesia. Meanwhile, in the dimensions of workplace and development,
financial and coordination constraints are factors that form unsatisfactory perceptions for GenRe
Ambassadors. Considering the emotional connection that is formed, it should be the concern of
BKKBN and GenRe Indonesia to immediately respond to the GenRe Ambassador's dissatisfaction.
Keywords: Reputation; Herberg's Motivating-Hygiene theory of Motivation; Job Satisfaction.
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| 678
10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.325 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Indonesia's population continues to
grow significantly each year. Based on
information published by the Central
Statistics Agency (BPS, 2021) Indonesia's
adolescent population predominates in
comparison to children and the elderly. The
majority of adolescents in Indonesia
necessitates specific attention from various
Meanwhile, in adolescence, a person
begins the journey from puberty to
adulthood, the period of identity
exploration. This transition period is
marked by very complex physical,
behavioral, and emotional changes. They
also go through changes and cognitive
development. They need education and
social adjustment to become adults and
have mental maturity. Especially now, when
technology is rapidly evolving and will
undoubtedly have an impact on teenagers
as they mature. The flow of globalization
and information that cannot be controlled
can result in the behavior of today's
adolescents becoming unhealthy and
needing more attention.
To anticipate negative behavior that
appears in line with the digital era, the
Government of Indonesia through the
Indonesian National Population and Family
Planning Agency (BKKBN) which is
responsible for population issues in
Indonesia, created a communication
program, namely Generation Planning
(Genre) which focuses on youth resilience.
The Genre Program is a forum for building
and developing the character of youth by
educating Indonesian youth to stay away
from premarital sex, early marriage and
drugs so that they become a strong young
generation and are able to contribute to
Indonesia's development.
In 2016, the National Population and
Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) formed
an organizational forum, namely Genre
Indonesia, which serves as a forum for the
development and capabilities of youth who
join the GenRe forum. Through this forum,
the selection of GenRe Ambassadors was
carried out. Genre Ambassador elections
are held every year in 34 provinces in
Indonesia, and the participants are young
people aged 17-22 years. After the
selection of Genre Ambassadors, all
activities and responsibilities carried out by
Genre Ambassadors will be supervised and
fostered by BKKBN. The selected GenRe
ambassadors will become agents of change
tasked with socializing and adapting youth
to avoid pre-marital sex-early marriage,
and drug use. Genre Indonesia is an
organization that functions as a forum for
the development and capabilities for
programs, members of Genre forums
throughout Indonesia, and establishes
partnerships and creates collaborations in
the development of sustainable and
sustainable work programs to achieve the
organization's vision and mission.
According to Sitel (2017) to achieve the
interests and goals of an organization, all
components of the organization must work
together in order to create a positive
perception, image, and reputation in the
eyes of stakeholders. Furthermore,
building a reputation is very important in
creating recognition, credibility, and trust in
the eyes of the community and its
employees. Reputation can be built
679 | Analysis of The Reputation of Youth Resilience Programs In Indonesia; Generation Berencana
(Genre) From The Perspective of The Genre Ambassadors
through the creation of good relations and
communication with various stakeholders,
internal and external (Seitel, 2017)
The same is true for Genre Indonesia
organizations, in carrying out their
functions, they must have good
cooperation with stakeholders. Genre
Ambassador is one of the stakeholders that
are discussed in this study. All activities and
responsibilities carried out by Genre
Ambassadors will be supervised and
fostered by Genre Indonesia. Genre
Ambassadors can be said to be the face of
the genre Indonesia, because of their
important role in socializing the Generation
Berencana (GenRe) program. Genre
Ambassador can be considered as a
member of GenRe Indonesia's workforce or
an employee who works to promote the
Indonesian Genre program. Therefore if
Genre Indonesia provides job satisfaction
for Genre Ambassadors, then Genre
Indonesia in return will have a good
reputation from the point of view of GenRe
Ambassadors. The objective of this
research is to determine the reputation of
the Indonesian Genre from the point of
view of GenRe Ambassador community.
A business reputation is the "net"
affective or emotional reaction of
customers, investors, employees, and the
general public to the company's name,
whether positive or negative, weak or
strong (Fombrun et al., 2000). (Oktaviani &
Septiani, 2020) argued that a company's
reputation is the most crucial factor, as a
company's positive or negative reputation
is a significant indicator of its performance.
(Wæraas & Dahle, 2020) stated that
reputation is not only about relationships
with external stakeholders, but also formed
by relationships with internal stakeholders.
In recent years, research has been more and
more interested in how employee voice and
behavior affect organizational reputation;
(Rokka et al., 2014); (Walsh et al., 2016);
(Könsgen et al., 2018); (Schaarschmidt,
2016) In other words, stakeholders play a
crucial part in defining an organization's
Dimensions of Support for Reputation
(Fombrun et al., 2000), describe
reputation as a cognitive representation of
a growing organization due to the fact that
stakeholders are aware of corporate
operations. Moreover, according to Chun
(2005) in (Alniacik et al., 2011), reputation
can be viewed as a summary of the
perceptions held by all relevant
stakeholders of an organization, i.e. what
customers, employees, suppliers,
managers, creditors, the media, the
organization's community, and the
associations they form with it believe.
(Fombrun et al., 2000) identified the
following dimensions or variables that
contribute to the establishment of
a. Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an
organization's or company's attitude as a
decent citizen, accountable for the
environment, work, and upholding high
standards for how to treat people.
b. Emotional appeals
The emotional dimension at issue is a
person's positive feelings, admiration,
respect, and trust in the organization.
Qinchara Indra Devinta
| 680
c. Workplace Environment
A well-managed workplace will foster a
pleasant working atmosphere, and people
will like their work.
d. Product and Service
Stand behind a product or service,
backing products or services in
accordance with customer
Offers high-quality goods and
services, i.e., goods and services that
meet consumer needs effectively.
Developers innovate products or
services, namely through creating
innovations or new products or
Offers items and services with a high
value to consumers, i.e., products and
services that are valued or have a
high value.
e. Vision and Leadership
Organizational leaders possess a
strong leadership sensibility.
An organization has a clear vision for
its future. Market opportunities are
identified and capitalized on.
f. Financial Performance
Superiority over rivals, profitable track
record, low-risk investment, and growth
The researcher limits the focus on the
dimensions that are relevant to this
research, namely the dimensions of
emotional appeal, workplace environment
and vision and leadership.
This method of research is qualitative
and incorporates phenomenological
techniques. (Creswell, 2013) defined
phenomenology as a way for articulating
the meaning of an idea or phenomenon
based on the lived experiences of
numerous individuals. At the core of
phenomenological research is the concept
of the lifeworld, which recognizes that each
individual's reality is unique and that
individual actions can only be understood
through examining the lifeworld of
individuals and their shared perspectives
Researchers must therefore access
individuals' "common-sense reasoning" in
order to examine their motivations, actions,
and social reality from their perspective.
The phenomenon under investigation is the
GenRe Ambassadors' perception of GenRe
Indonesia. This method and strategy
enabled GenRe Ambassadors to express
their views, feelings, and experiences in
their own words, unrestrained by the fixed-
answer questions often employed in
quantitative research.
Three adolescents who have served as
GenRe Ambassadors for two to three years
are the informants. Using a snowball
sampling technique, informants who met
the predetermined criteria were obtained
through random sampling. This sampling
technique entails primary data suppliers
suggesting other possible data sources
who can participate in research
Researchers conducted is in-depth
interviews with informants to collect data.
During the process of data analysis, how
GenRe ambassadors perceive the
reputation of GenRe Indonesia
engagement was categorized according to
dimensions of support for reputation
681 | Analysis of The Reputation of Youth Resilience Programs In Indonesia; Generation Berencana
(Genre) From The Perspective of The Genre Ambassadors
Reputation Analysis
1. Emotional Appeals
The emotional dimension is a sense of
awe, pride, trust and belonging that is felt
by Genre Ambassadors to be part of the
Indonesian Genre. stated that that looks at
stakeholder perceptions of university
reputation. According to (Dursun &
Gumussoy, 2021), services' quality and
emotional appeal have an impact on
universities' reputations.
Genre Dutas feel very proud to be
Indonesian Genre Ambassadors (National
Genre Ambassadors). They are very proud
because they are entrusted with a great
responsibility. In addition, they also have
the opportunity to broaden relationships,
add insight, and at the same time learn how
to have a strong mentality and good self-
“Very proud. Being a Genre Ambassador is
something to be proud of, not to mention
at the National level, even in the district if
you become a Genre Ambassador it brings
great responsibility.” (A- in interview on 3
July 2021)
The Genre Ambassadors still feel proud
to serve as Genre Ambassadors, even
though no operational funds have been
provided. Thus, the element of one of the
supporting elements of reputation, namely
emotional appeal, is fulfilled.
2. Workplace Environment
Although emotionally the GenRe
Ambassadors are proud to be part of
GenRe Indonesia, operationally they
experience problems, namely financial and
coordination problems.
Indonesian genres. whose function is as
a forum, has not been able to meet the
financial needs of Duta GenRe, in the sense
of a fixed salary or honorarium. This is
because GenRe Indonesia is a non-profit
organization engaged in the social sector
which for financial aspects depends on
BKKBN policies.
Sometimes there are those who give
money for transportation, sometimes there
are also friends who really ask for help
without any money for transportation. But
in terms of consumption facilities, yes it is
definitely facilitated. If someone invites a
friend from the GenRe Forum, there is no
pocket money or transportation. But if
someone invites you from a private
agency/institution, they usually pay for
transportation.” (C - in interview on July 3,
However, based on the results of
interviews with the Genre Ambassadors, if
there are activities specifically held by the
GenRe Indonesia involving Indonesian
Genre Ambassadors, then the Indonesian
Genre Ambassadors will be facilitated by
the central BKKBN such as accommodation,
transportation, and so on.
"If there is a workshop initiated by FGI or
BKKBN, accommodation and
transportation will be provided. There is
also pocket money from the BKKBN. But if
there is no pocket money from FGI," (F - in
Interview on 9 July 2021).
Besides that, they also feel that the
chemistry between the GenRe
Ambassadors has not been formed, so
when they have to coordinate to carry out
Qinchara Indra Devinta
| 682
joint activities, it is rather difficult. This is
because GenRe Ambassadors are spread
throughout Indonesia and each region has
its own work agenda.
"The reality is it's not easy to unite GneRe
Ambassadors from all over Indonesia who
have different perspectives. But basically
we are all aware that we are the same
teenagers who have been selected as
ambassadors, who must be able to work
together well so that our tasks can run
smoothly. “(A - , Interview on July 9, 2021).
A study by (Sukamto & Malau, 2019)
regarding the GenRe program in Padang,
West Sumatra, shows somewhat different
findings. In addition to the problem of a
lack of financial support, the difficulty in
managing time between their duties as
ambassadors and their obligations as
students makes it difficult for them to carry
out GenRe activities which are quite dense.
Constraints like these should be of concern
to the BKKBN, because GenRe
Ambassadors are the spearhead of
socializing GenRe programs.
An example of an ideal work
environment is what Google company uses
(Siahaya, 2013). This study explains that
employee relations conducted by Google
are very well built. Google designed its
unique offices and cafes to encourage
interaction between Googlers in teams and
other teams and foster conversation about
work as casual as playing. From this
exposure it can be concluded that Google.
implementing a culture of participation.
Even Googlers (a term for Google
employees) have the right to ask questions
by asking questions directly to Google's
leaders. Not only does Google believe that
making employees happy or humanizing
will radiate a good company reputation in
the eyes of employees and even other
external stakeholders. That way, employee
productivity will increase and the
company's vision and mission will be
achieved (Siahaya, 2013). Given that GenRe
Ambassadors are young people, a
participatory culture and work system that
allows "work while playing" interactions
such as Google may need to be
implemented by GenRe Indonesia.
3. Product and services
In this study, product and service are
products and supporting services provided
to Duta Genre in carrying out their duties
and responsibilities given by the
Indonesian Genre.
According to the GenRe Ambassadors,
they are equipped with daily Uniforms
(PDH) for official visits when they carry the
name of the Indonesian Genre and also a
sash which is used as a symbol that they
represent the Indonesian Genre. Apart from
that, seminars and training were also given
to them in order to improve their capacity
as ambassadors.
What I like about being a GenRe
Ambassador is the training or workshops
held to increase my knowledge and skills,
such as workshops on the dangers of drugs,
public speaking training and other useful
activities that make me feel confident and
proud (C - , In interview on July 9, 2021).
4. Vision and Leadership
The GenRe Indonesia has been around
for 10 years. According to the Genre
683 | Analysis of The Reputation of Youth Resilience Programs In Indonesia; Generation Berencana
(Genre) From The Perspective of The Genre Ambassadors
Ambassadors, the Genre Indonesia’s
leaders already have a very good
leadership spirit and are also great people.
The Genre Ambassadors also argue that the
Indonesian Genre is different from various
existing movements because it has a very
clear and integrated vision and mission.
Previous research from Men & Stacks also
shows that transformational leadership
positively influences employees'
perception of organizational reputation,
not only directly but also indirectly, through
empowering employees. Transactional
leadership has a significant negative direct
effect on employees' perception of
organizational reputation. Employees who
feel more empowered in terms of perceived
competence and decisionmaking control
have a more favorable evaluation of
organizational reputation.
The Indonesian genre is managed by really
cool people and has good leadership skills.
The vision is also clear, seen from its
activities such as discussions on
reproductive health, Gen Z doctors, youth
forums that understand sex and talk shows
at school. Moreover, GenRe is under the
BKKBN which is directly responsible to the
president. So GenRe Indonesia is a credible
and prestigious organization. (F - in an
interview on 9 July 2021).
According to the findings of the
discussion above, the chairman of the
Indonesian Genre's vision and mission, as
well as the leadership, sufficiently meet the
requirements of vision and leadership as
one of the aspects supporting reputation.
The results and discussions above
indicate that emotional appeal is the most
important reputation dimension. This can
be seen from the GenRe Ambassador's
answers, which all lead to positive
emotional appeal. Even though there are
financial constraints and coordination that
is not ideal, the GenRe Ambassadors still
feel proud and emotionally attached to
GenRe Indonesia. These findings are
somewhat different from a study by
(Gouthier & Rhein, 2011) which stated that
employee views of management's
treatment have a significant impact on their
emotional and behavioral responses and
attitudes. Therefore, employee
organizational pride can only grow if
workers believe that the company interacts
with its stakeholders in a responsible and
honest manner.
Pride, fostering a positive work
environment, and interpersonal
interactions with all members of the
company are significant aspects of
emotional appeal (Men & Yue, 2019). The
pride, adoration, and sense of duty that
Genre Ambassadors feel as such have been
frequently expressed. To ensure the success
of the GenRe program, Genre Ambassadors
volunteer their services. Even though the
Indonesian Genre and Duta Genre are not
yet ideally bonded, they are aware that this
is a normal part of a growing organization.
In order to properly advance the Genre
program in accordance with the current
vision and goals, the Genre Ambassadors
still feel that there are many benefits to be
gained by becoming ambassadors and feel
proud. As a result, it can be said that the
Indonesian genre still has a good
reputation to this day. However,
organizations must continually work to
develop and maintain strong bonds, a
Qinchara Indra Devinta
| 684
favorable impression and reputation, and
favorable attitudes among stakeholders.
The dimensions of support for
reputation used in this study, namely
emotional appeal, workplace environment,
product and service and vision and
leadership, can be used to analyze the
reputation of GenRe Indonesia from the
perceptions of the Gene Ambassadors who
are the subjects of this study. In particular,
the emotional appeal dimension is an
important value that must be maintained
and developed in order to form a closer
engagement. This emotional bond is an
excuse for the GenRe Ambassadors to be
able to accept some dissatisfaction such as
poor financial support and coordination
problems. Of course, GenRe Indonesia and
the BKKBN must immediately follow up on
these deficiencies, bearing in mind that
GenRe Ambassadors are the frontline in
socializing GenRe programs.
For further research, the researcher
recommends to elaborate more deeply on
Genre Ambassadors job satisfaction in
carrying out their duties by using theories
or concepts such as organizational
communication and internal
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under the terms and conditions of the Creative
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