JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02 No. 5, 810 819
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.322 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Azizah Husin
Randi Pranando
Dian Sri Andriani
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
e-mail: azizahhusin50@gmail.com, randipranando20@gmail.com, diansriandriani@gmail.com
*Correspondence: azizahhusin50@gmail.com
: 29
November 2022
: 15
December 2022
: 27
December 2022
Abstract: This study aims to identify the tourism potential of Taman Firdaus of Sriwijaya
University according to component 4A and SWOT analysis. This type of research is descriptive
with a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and
documentation. The research subjects were students of Sriwijaya University and the manager
of the construction of Taman Firdaus. The results obtained in this study are 1) Identification of
the potential of Taman Firdaus through the condition of the 4A components, namely
Attraction, Amenity, Accessibility, and Ancilliary. The attractions in Taman Firdaus are artificial
lakes and fruit plantations. Meanwhile, in Amenity, tourist facilities have not been built, but
there is already a road to Taman Firdaus as an accessibility component, although it has not
been asphalted yet. As for additional services for the Ancilliary component, there is already a
security team in charge of guarding the Taman Firdaus. 2) SWOT analysis shows that the
tourism potential in Taman Firdaus is a strategic location and a large area of land. However,
there are weaknesses in access to the location which is still in the form of soil and gravel and
does not yet have supporting tourism facilities and infrastructure. In addition, there is an
opportunity to make Taman Firdaus an object of ecotourism education so that it can create
jobs for the community and students. Meanwhile, the threat encountered at the location is the
large number of wild animals that can endanger the safety of visitors.
Keywords: Tourism Potential; SWOT Analysis; Taman Firdaus.
Azizah Husin
Randi Pranando
Dian Sri Andriani
| 811
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.322 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Sriwijaya University is the largest public
university in Indonesia in Southeast Asia.
Since the beginning of the construction of
the Sriwijaya University campus, namely in
1997 until now there are still many vacant
lands that have not been used. Among the
vacant lots is an unkempt swampy area. In
2018, Sriwijaya University inaugurated the
construction of Firdaus Park which can later
be developed into one of the tourist
attractions and as a research object for
Taman Firdaus is located on the
campus of Sriwijaya Indralaya University. In
the area, there are no tourist attractions so
it is hoped that the development of Firdaus
Park tourism can become a tourist
attraction for local people in Indralaya,
Ogan Ilir Regency and also attract people
from outside the area. Based on preliminary
observations, the development process of
the Embung I area with an area of 38
hectares is currently underway. The field
officer said that the construction of
Embung I, II, and III will be carried out.
Embung is another term for an artificial
Embung is an object that has the
potential to be developed into a tourist
attraction in Taman Firdaus. The results of
the study (2021) > Puspitasari produced
several things: 1). The concept of
Ecotourism that is applied pays attention to
5 (five) elements, namely, the environment,
society, education and experience,
sustainability, and management; 2). Priority
infrastructure needs are structuring
circulation, increasing electrical capacity,
handling waste, and waste management; 3)
Four development clusters were formed
and needed to be equipped with 28 types
of facilities.
According to the Regulation of the
Minister of Tourism Number 14 of 2016,
tourist attractions are uniqueness, beauty,
and values in the form of diversity of natural
wealth, culture, and man-made products
that are the destination of tourist visits
referred to as tourist attractions. Tourist
visits are influenced by the existence of 7
Sapta tourist charms, namely: Safe, Orderly,
Clean, Cool, Indh, Friendly, and Memorable
(Hadi: 2020).
Based on the results of preliminary
studies to field officers for the construction
of Taman Firdaus, embung or artificial lakes
function as providers of raw materials for
water during droughts, and the
construction of embung as a tourist
attraction (in Taman Firdaus. Embung which
is supported by the beauty of the
surrounding nature is a tourist attraction
sourced from nature (Pendit in Abdulhaji,
2016) so that it can be developed into an
interesting object and can be enjoyed by
tourists later (Marioti in Aulia, 2017).
Gusriza : 2022).
However, the construction of Embung
alone is not enough to make Taman Firdaus
a tourist attraction that can attract the
attention and interest of the public to visit.
Cooper in Wanda & Pangestuti (2018)
suggests that tourist destinations must
complete four components to attract
tourists. These components are attraction,
amenity, accessibility, & ancilliary or
abbreviated as 4A.
The standard of a location considered
to have tourism potential is that it must
812 |
have 4 A's, namely: The components are
attraction, amenity, accessibility, &
ancilliary or abbreviated as 4A. The
ownership of the 4 must be intact and
sufficient for each of them. If it is lacking
then there is still an opportunity for the
development of these standards into
strong potential to become tourist
In connection with the construction of
The Paradise Park which will be developed
into a tourist attraction, it should meet the
eligibility standards based on these four
components. Not only equipped with
public facilities, but also supporting
facilities, management of ride maintenance
that is built to create a sense of security and
comfort on tourist trips. Hamid in Ibrahim
(2014) states that tourism is a trip made by
a person or group of people to visit a
certain place with the aim of doing
recreation, self-development, or studying
the tourist attraction for a while.
The purpose of people traveling is not
only for recreation, there are also other
purposes such as education, self-
development, and so on. Firduas Park,
which carries the concept of aquatic
tourism, can fulfill these various purposes.
Therefore, it is necessary to identify the
feasibility of building the Firdaus Park so
that after it is officially opened, it can cause
a positive impression on tourists. The
positive impression felt by tourists can
cause loyalty to return to visit and even
provide information to others so that a
desire to travel to the place arises. This
study wants to identify the potential that
exists in paradise parks to become tourist
attractions in terms of 4 A. attraction,
amenity, accessibility, & ancilliary or
abbreviated as 4A and swot analysis.
This type of research is descriptive with
a qualitative approach. The qualitative
approach is used to examine certain social
conditions by correctly describing reality
formed by words based on relevant data
collection and analysis techniques obtained
from natural situations (Sugiyono, 2018).
Descriptively, information about the
tourism potential of Taman Firdaus
Universitas Sriwijaya is presented in terms
of component 4A, namely Attraction,
Ammenity, Accesibility, & Ancilliary.
The data collection method was
carried out through observation,
interviews, and literature studies related to
component 4A to identify tourism potential
in Taman Firdaus. Interviews are conducted
to the subject of the study. The selection of
respondents was carried out using
purposive sampling techniques, namely
Sriwijaya University students who have the
following criteria 1) have visited Taman
Firdaus, 2) have taken tourism courses
because in the interview instrument there
are questions about objects that have the
potential to become tourist attractions.
The identification of 4A in the Firdaus
Park tourist attraction is also strengthened
by a SWOT analysis (Strenght, Weakness,
Opportunity, Threat). SWOT analysis is a
model of identification based on various
factors systematically to formulate a
strategy that is expected to solve a problem
through a logical analysis process in
maximizing strengths and opportunities,
but simultaneously can also minimize
813 | Identification of The Tourism Potential of Firdaus Park Sriwijaya University
weaknesses and threats (Freddy, 2014).
The data analysis technique is carried
out with the following stages 1) collecting
data through observation and interviews, 2)
reducing data using source triangulation
techniques, 3) presenting data, and 4)
drawing conclusions. The series of data
analysis techniques refers to the theory of
Milles & Huberman (2019).
Sriwijaya University is one of the State
Universities located in South Sumatra
Province, Indonesia. Sriwijaya University
has two main campuses, namely in
Indralaya in Ogan Ilir regency and in Bukit
Besar in Palembang. The main campus is
located in Indralaya with an area of 712
hectares and is the center of educational
activities of various other administrative
Taman Firdaus is a park built in 2018 at
Sriwijaya University, Indralaya, Ogan Ilir
regency with initial plans for development
on a land area of 100 hectares. The Garden
of Paradise has a function as a water
catchment with three reservoirs. Apart from
being a water catchment, during the rainy
season the Lake of Taman Firdaus is also a
water reserve during the dry season.
Firdaus Park has the potential to be a tourist
attraction with the attraction of a bluish
lake or embung and the presence of fruit
plantations as an attraction.
Based on the results of the study,
information was obtained about the
completeness of component 4A in the
Firdaus Park tourist attraction as follows:
a. Attractions
Tourist attractions are something that
can be enjoyed by tourists in tourist
destinations covering nature, culture,
and artificial (Way et al., 2016). The
observation results show that Taman
Firdaus has a man-made lake
(embung) which is an attraction for
tourists. In addition, Sriwijaya
University also mobilizes academic
staff, lecturers, and students to grow
various fruits and control their
growth in Taman Firdaus. The fruit
plantation will also be an attraction in
the Paradise Garden.
Figure 1. Embung and Fruit Plantations in paradise garden
The existence of embung and fruit
plantations in Firdaus Park has the
potential to be developed as a natural
tourist destination for recreation as
well as education for tourists.
814 |
Facilities are things that include
facilities and infrastructure in the form
of commercially established buildings
such as hotels, homestays, inns,
souvenir shops, restaurants, toilets,
gazebos, parking lots, and others. The
facility does not yet exist in Taman
Firdaus because it is in the process of
construction so this component needs
to be held to meet the eligibility
standards of Taman Firdaus as a tourist
attraction before it is inaugurated later.
Accessibility is access to tourist
destinations that include land, air, and
sea transportation. Road access to the
Sriwijaya University area is quite good,
but if you continue the journey to the
paradise park tourist attraction, the
road condition is still in the form of
stones and soil. If it rains, it causes
puddles and mud holes that can hinder
travel to tourist destinations. In the
process of building this Paradise Park,
it is necessary to carry out the process
of paving roads and providing public
transportation for tourists. This is due
to the considerable distance from the
main road.
Figure 2. Road Conditions in Firdaus Park
(ancillary service)
Additional services, such as marketing,
security, physical development (road
directions, drinking water, electricity, street
lights, and others). In addition,
tourist information
, and stakeholders are also needed.
An additional service that already exists in
Taman Firdaus is that in the security aspect,
there is a security post that functions to
maintain security around the Firdaus Park
area. Then, the availability of electricity and
clean water networks also exists in Taman
Firdaus. Taman Firdaus has not yet entered
the marketing stage because it is still under
construction until now. Tourism
development potential needs synergy from
various sectors. Assyria, Rifqi et al: 2021.
The results showed that Hunimua
beach has great potential to become a
priority tourist destination for the region
and even Indonesia's priority. The
advantages of Hunimua Beach are easy
accessibility, supporting other tourist
attractions, located in traditional villages,
and extensive tourist locations. However, in
maximizing the potential of Hunimua
Beach, various obstacles need to be
815 | Identification of The Tourism Potential of Firdaus Park Sriwijaya University
addressed immediately, namely claims to
Hunimua Land, internal problems between
villages and regions, and weak support
from the central government. Ubaiyana, U.
The result of this research is that
Sumberagung Village has natural resources
that can be developed into tourist
attractions and can attract tourists. Tourism
management in Sumberagung Village has
not been optimal because there is no full
community involvement in developing and
managing the tourism potential of
Sumberagung Village. Recommendations
are given to provide a reference in the
management and development of tourism
in Sumberagung Village, especially bagasta
community-based development, A. R.:
The results showed that the Saribu
Rumah Gadang area has not optimally
developed the potential for existing tourist
attractions. The potentials that can be
developed include; natural potential:
traditional agricultural educational tourism,
circling the area using ontel bicycles,
cultural potential: traditional ceremonies,
weekly or monthly art performances, social
potential: maximizing the management of
130 existing cultural reserves, educational
tours related to the Surambi Natural
Kingdom of Sungai Pagu, bathing
ceremony, eating bajamba, and the
potential built: maximizing the
management of existing attractions such as
Songket Tower by renting out Minang
clothes such as basiba brackets, Takuluak
for women and Destar or Desta for men.
Based on this analysis, it is hoped that all
stakeholders can maximize the existing
potential. So that the number of tourist
visits will increase and the Saribu Rumah
Gadang area is increasingly known to local
tourists and international tourists Gusriza:
The results showed that the
opportunity factor for the development of
terracotta park tourism has the most
weight compared to other external factors.
In general, the magnitude of the weight on
the external factor ranges from 0.23 to 0.29.
The result of the calculation of the total
value of the weight of external factors has
obtained the result that the total value is
2.16. Terracotta compulsive parks are in
quadrant 1 where this condition is very
favorable for the owner because it has
advantages and opportunities if it can be
utilized properly. The strategy that must be
applied in this condition is to support
growth policy (Growth Oriental Strategy).
Although there are some weaknesses and
threats that are quite large, these
attractions can take advantage of
opportunities and strengths so that they
can make these tourist attractions develop
KURNIAWATI, Risa Amalia.et al.: 2022.
The results of the study explained that
Tempur Village has the potential to be
developed as a coffee agrotourism,
because this area has fertile land, extensive
coffee plantations and a natural
environment. In developing coffee
agrotourism, it is necessary to prepare well
from the government, coffee farmers, and
also local residents to be harmonious. The
empowerment of coffee farmers, local
residents and the production of attractive
coffee product packaging need to be
taught in developing coffee agrotourism.
Furthermore, it is necessary to improve
village facilities to achieve tourist
816 |
destinations to support tourism
development, so that the planned plan can
run well. With the coffee agrotourism
development plan, it is hoped that it can be
useful for academics and the government
in order to improve science Yudhiet Nur
Prasetyo: 2021..SINTA 5.
Based on these results, an alternative
development strategy is an aggressive
strategy by taking advantage of
opportunities to increase strength. So it can
be concluded that alternative strategies
and strategic priorities can be applied to
the development of the Laksa Culinary Area
to be able to improve better tourist
destinations. The author's advice is to
improve the facilities and quality of human
resources, innovate, involve food blogers or
food vloggers for promotion, and organize
events to be more widely known. Imam
Ardiansyah: 2022 SINTA 5.
The results of the study show the
potential attraction of educational tourism
that supports the management of UNPAD
as an environmentally friendly campus, one
of which is the integrated waste
management office area of UNPAD
Novianti, 2021.
Based on this information, it can be
said that the development of Firdaus Park
into a tourist attraction is still in the early
stages of development so that it has not
met the four components of 4A related to
the feasibility of an object becoming a
tourist destination area. The 4A component
must be provided before inaugurating the
opening of Firdaus Park as a tourist
attraction carried by Sriwijaya University.
Accessibility is weak, but attractions are
useful beachesThe importance of the role
of institutions to accelerate tourism pontesi
into a tourist destination. Habaora, F:2021.
After obtaining data on the
completeness of the 4A component in
Taman Firdaus, a SWOT analysis was also
carried out to determine the magnitude of
strengths and opportunities compared to
weaknesses and threats that may occur in
Taman Firdaus.
Table 1. SWOT Analysis of Tourism Potential of Firdaus Park
a. The area of 100 hectares.
b. It has a embung or lake as a tourist
c. The level of safety at the attraction
is guaranteed.
d. Accessibility is quite good.
e. A strategic place is within the
campus environment of Sriwijaya
Weakness (W)
a. The infrastructural is
still ground and rocky.
b. Paradise Park is not yet
widely known to the
c. Facilities and
infrastructure have not
been built in tourist
d. It has not yet been
seen the concept of the
type of tourism that will
be built in this park.
817 | Identification of The Tourism Potential of Firdaus Park Sriwijaya University
Opportunity (O)
a. There are no tourist
attractions on other
campuses yet.
b. Become a research
place for lecturers,
students, and other
c. Opening up
d. Student creation
e. Sriwijaya University
f. It is currently
underway planting
fruit trees and rare
trees that will
become a tourist
a. With an area of 100 hectares,
Firdaus Park can be used as
educational tourism,
ecotourism, and others.
b. Embung or lake as the main
attraction, explore the waters of
the lake by water vehicle, and
surround the environment
around the lake.
c. There are already security
guards (
and police)
and cctv as security support.
d. The planting of fruit trees as a
green open space and becomes
a tourist attraction.
e. Each faculty at Sriwijaya
University will build a vehicle
that represents their respective
fields of science.
f. A strategic place in the campus
environment, especially at the
graduation ceremony, can be
used by student families to
relax while promoting Paradise
Park to the community.
a. Repair of the
infrastructure should
be carried out
b. Promoting and
establishing wider
c. Construction of
facilities and
infrastructure to create
an atmosphere of
comfort for tourists.
Threat (T)
a. There are beasts
because of the
change in the
function of vacant
b. There is no
certainty of the
timing regarding
the completion of
construction in
Fidaus Park.
a. Establishing partners
with BKSDA (Natural
Conservation Center).
b. Maximizing
c. Repairing main roads,
leading roads, and
around the area.
a. Immediately completed
the construction of
access roads and other
b. Establish partners with
related parties in
tourism development.
Based on the table above, it is known
that the strengths and opportunities
contained in the Garden of Paradise are
more than the weaknesses and threats that
818 |
may occur. Firdaus Park has the strength of
land availability reaching 100 hectares, the
existence of artificial lakes and orchards as
tourist attractions. In addition, it is also
supported by various opportunities, such
as visiting interests. Sriwijaya University
conducts 6x graduation in 1 year and the
release of aluumni 10 faculties 6 x a year.
They need a memorable photo spot with a
pleasant atmosphere. Unsri can provide
Firdaus Park as a comfortable place to
enjoy the atmosphere and garden tourism
treats available. Taman Firdaus as the only
tourist attraction developed by Sriwijaya
University will be a recreational target by
students and the surrounding community.
This can also be seen from the absence of
tourist attractions in the Ogan Ilir area,
especially around the Sriwijaya Indralaya
University campus.
The analysis of tourism potential is also
seen from the aspect of weaknesses and
threats. This is necessary as a logical
consideration in the development of tourist
attractions. Taman Firdaus is in the early
stages of development so there are still
many tourist components that must be
equipped, such as facilities and
infrastructure. In addition, there are also
wild animals around Firdaus Park that can
threaten the security and safety of tourists
if not managed properly before this tourist
attraction is officially opened to the public.
These weaknesses and threats can be
minimized and alternative solutions are
sought by the management because
currently Firdaus Park is still in the initial
development process. These weaknesses
and threats are also insignificant compared
to the many strengths and opportunities
possessed by the Paradise Garden.
Therefore, Taman Firdaus Universitas
Sriwijaya has the potential to be developed
as a tourist destination area by fulfilling the
completeness of component 4A in the
construction of paradise park tourist
Taman Firdaus Universitas Sriwijaya has
the potential to be developed into a tourist
attraction. Based on the identification of
the 4A component, it has not been said to
be feasible because it is still under
construction. Based on the results of the
SWOT analysis, the strengths and
opportunities contained in the Paradise
Park outweigh the weaknesses and threats
that may occur. As the development
progresses, Firdaus Park can provide 4A
components properly. As for overcoming
the existing threat to attacks from wild
animals around Fidaus park, the manager
can first consult with the authorities
regarding the safety of the tourist
attraction without compromising the
preservation of the animal.
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