Angga Sulaiman
Bhakti Nur Avianto
Shalilha Shalilha
| 710
temporarily remove the obligation to
disburse non-cash. Can use recurring costs
for food, health, and educational needs to
support distance learning communication
costs. Then, routine funds (which usually
fall in June and are used to meet school
needs instead of cash), which are typically
paid every six months, are currently
abandoned and paid monthly. Thus, the
notional amount to be paid every month is
Rp. 250,000 for SD, Rp. 300,000 for SMP, Rp.
420,000 for SMA, Rp. 450,000 for SMK, and
Rp. 300,000 for PKBM. In addition, during
the COVID-19 pandemic, the DKI Jakarta
Disdik expressed concern for the health
and safety of KJP Plus recipients to
eliminate cheap food costs temporarily.
Instead, the DKI Jakarta Provincial
Government provides a free social
assistance program during the PSBB
period. Therefore, the funds in KJP Plus
were initially used to buy cheap necessities
that could be used for other more urgent
needs (Afriansyah, 2017; Pertiwi &
Yuningsih, 2016)
This policy started in May, only during
the PSBB period. Then there are additional
funds for students who have just graduated
from high school / vocational school. KJP
Plus recipients who have entered category
twelve or plan to continue to university
level will still receive a transitional fund of
IDR 500,000 per person to congestion at
DKI bank service offices and ATMs. The
allocation of KJP Plus funds for the first
phase of 2020 is based on a schedule
adjusted for each level of education. For
KJP Plus SD / SDLB / MI starting May 15,
2020. KJP Plus SMP / SMPLB / MT / PKBM
beginning May 18, 2020. KJP Plus SMA /
SMALB / beginning May 20, 2020, MA /
SMK. As well as payment of transfer funds
or other fees for students in class XII will
also be held in May 2020. KJP Plus
recipients who already have the “JakOne”
Mobile application are also advised to
monitor funds and transactions received
through their cellphones. The government
plays an essential role in protecting the
public to participate in improving
education in Indonesia. However, in this
case, especially in the Jakarta Smart Card
Plus (KJP Plus) program, good governance
has not been implemented for the
community's welfare. Good governance is
needed to goals and ideals of the nation
and state can be achieved. Corporate
Governance (English: corporate
governance) is a series of processes,
customs, policies, rules, and institutions
that influence the direction, management,
and control of a company or corporation.
Corporate governance includes the
relationship between the stakeholders
involved and the objectives of the
company's management. The main parties
in corporate governance are shareholders,
management, and the board of directors.
Other stakeholders include employees,
suppliers, customers, banks and other
creditors, regulators, the environment, and
the wider community. In the
implementation of a policy, of course, there
are various kinds of problems that exist, this
can be seen based on the findings in the
field along with the implementation of the
Jakarta Smart Card Plus (KJP Plus) program,
which is still experiencing some obstacles
or problems. The weakness of this
regulation is the lack of supervision from
the KJP Plus provider and the provision of
cash to the KJP Plus recipient community.