443 | Implementation of Sustainable Finance and Environment
company's implementation to keep
financial statements running according to
existing regulations, starting with keeping
the reports transparent, accountable, and
presented in accordance with the
Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards (PSAK). Because this company is
a public company, reporting must be
informed openly and as widely as possible
to both the public and the government.
Furthermore, the principles of Good
Corporate Governance (GCG) must be
applied in funding activities, from the most
basic through the application of the
company's vision and mission in every
company activity to social responsibility
(Soelton et al., 2020). In addition, the
company must also manage cash flow well
and be able to contribute to stakeholders,
cash flow management is one of the key
components of the company's financial
stability. The benefits of cash management
are that it makes it easier for companies to
carry out various business transactions as
well as monitoring the transactions carried
out, minimizing the possibility of risks that
may occur in each transaction, and all
financial transactions can be structured and
controlled (Santioso et al., 2021).
Furthermore, for the company's
sustainability implementation for
environmental aspects, one of them is by
having and implementing K3L (Health,
Occupational Safety, and Environment)
policies. The policy implies a commitment
to assisting the community in finding
answers to all problems related to meeting
the needs of the community in the area
around the company's project operations
and future generations. It aims to create
independence and quality of life for the
community. By continuing to apply high
standards of safety, occupational safety,
environment, and public health as well as
establishing partnerships with the
government and local communities, the
company is simultaneously trying and
creating sustainable development in the
economic, environmental and social fields
in the long term (Caesaria & Basuki, 2017).
In carrying out business activities, the
company makes efforts to preserve the
environment and empower the
community's capabilities. The commitment
to preserving the environment is realized
through the provision of a special budget
for financing various environmental
conservation programs and activities. In
addition, the company also carries out
energy savings, water management,
emission control, waste management (B3
and non-B3), implementing Go Green
Construction, restoration and protection of
habitats (Aniela, 2012).
The company's efforts to save energy
are by making efficient use of electrical
energy, replacing fuel oil with gas fuel, and
utilizing solar panels to generate electricity
which is then used as lighting. Water
management is carried out by the company
by utilizing and optimizing efforts to
maintain the availability of water sources.
For the process of working on projects that
require water, land for projects in the
regions and using PDAM for projects in
urban areas. Water intake and utilization is
carried out with regular supervision.
Furthermore, to be able to control
emissions, what the company does is to
plant trambesi trees which are very useful
for absorbing carbon gas emissions and
carry out regular emission measurements,