JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 5, 729 742
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.317 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Bhakti Nur Avianto
Marry Ismowati
Nanda Amelia
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik; Universitas Nasional
e-mail: bh4kti.nur@gmail.com
, mary.ismowati@civitas.unas.ac.id
*Correspondence: bh4kti.nur@gmail.com
: 26
November 2022 Revised: 15
December 2022 Accepted: 21
December 2022
Abstract: In the development of Revolution 4.0, the application of information technology is a
must for state administrators (government). And also, the use of information technology in
governance (e-government) is also one way to realize bureaucratic reform in improving the quality
of public services to make them more effective, efficient, and transparent and accountable. The
research method used is qualitative with a descriptive verification approach and in-depth
interviews with various informants relevant to the study. The results of the research show that the
government needs to adapt quickly to support people's needs in a more effective and efficient
way. Namely by implementing an E-government system or government that utilizes technology for
a transparent, effective, efficient and accountable service to the public. This digital gap can be seen
from one of the factors, namely whether or not internet access is evenly distributed and the extent
of local people's knowledge regarding digital use. Between these gaps, sometimes we feel irritated
when a digital-based service is arguably of good quality in a government agency, but the gap
comes from the humans themselves who have not been able to properly utilize their digital
infrastructure. Therefore, the government needs more attention to monitor the ability of human
resources or ASN to be more consistent with e-government based services. If the HR capabilities
are still not able to utilize the e-government system properly, then the funds spent will be in vain.
Apart from digital infrastructure funding, there are things that are more urgent than that, namely
repairing damaged roads in the regions which of course provide direct satisfaction to the
community rather than pouring digital infrastructure funds into the readiness of human resources
itself which is low or cannot yet implement e governance over e government.
Keywords: E-government; public service; digital; government; quality.
731 | Implementation E-Government In Supporting Of Online-Based Service Quality And
Fundamentally, the industrial
revolution 4.0 has resulted in changes in
how humans think, live, and relate to one
another in various activities carried out by
humans in various fields. The ease of access
to the internet and technology because it is
all digital finally makes people's behaviour
slowly shift from being wholly manual or
traditional to turning into a digital system
(Morra, 2017; Khan & Turowski, 2016;
Amalia, 2018; Manda & Dhaou, 2019).
Therefore, activities carried out manually/
traditionally are no longer effective. With
these changes, the government must keep
up with existing developments by utilizing
information technology. One of them is by
implementing eGovernment. Therefore, as
a developing country, Indonesia needs to
operate and enforce e-government in
facing challenges and demands for
progress and creating good governance.
Based on Presidential Instruction Number 3
of 2003 concerning National Policy and
Strategy for the Development of Electronic
Government, the work process within the
government in utilizing information
technology (e-Government) includes two
related activities, namely: (1) Data
management, information management,
management systems, and work processes
electronically; and (2) Utilize advanced
information technology to access public
services quickly and cheaply by people
throughout the country. Thus, to face
challenges and demands for progress and
create good governance, the government
needs to utilize information technology by
implementing and developing Electronic
Government (Amalia, 2018; Fuadi &
Marom, 2016; Indrajit, 2007).
In its implementation, Electronic
Government has several development
targets as outlined in the Blueprint for the
Electronic Government Application System
(Indrajit, 2007; Khan & Turowski, 2016;
Manda & Dhaou, 2919; Wulansari & Inayati,
2019), namely:
1. Establishment of quality and
affordable public service information
and transaction networks
2. Formation of interactive relations
with the business world to improve
and strengthen the ability of the
economy to face changes and
international trade competition
3. Establishment of a communication
mechanism between government
agencies and the provision of
facilities for community participation
in the governance process;
4. Establish a transparent and efficient
management system and work
process and facilitate transactions
and services between government
agencies. Presidential Regulation
Number 95 of 2018 concerning the
Electronic-Based Government
System (SPBE) has been issued to
explain the mechanism for
implementing e-government.
Presidential Regulation Number 95 of
2018 concerning the Electronic-
Based Government System (SPBE)
explains that the Electronic-Based
Government System (SPBE) is a
government administration that
utilizes information and
communication technology to
provide services to SPBE Users.
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Since the enactment of the SPBE
Presidential Regulation, the
implementation of the Electronic-Based
Government System or e-government
carried out by the government in Indonesia
has shown an increase yearly. The e-
Government Development Index (EGDI)
survey conducted by the United Nations
shows that overall. Indonesia scored a
score of 0.6612 in the High E-Government
Development Index (EGDI) group in the UN
E-Government Survey 2020, successfully
placing Indonesia in the top 100. world
ranking at position 88 out of 193 countries
previously in 2018, it was ranked 107.
In the Blueprint for the Electronic
Government Application System (Internet:
Indonesia, 2009), there are several
governments functions whose
implementation can be assisted through
the electronic system, namely: 1)
Community service, 2) Staffing, 3) Regional
finance, and 4) Asset management. One
example of a financial data management
application system to implement SPBE or e-
government in government agencies is the
application of e-government at the
Secretariat General of the MPR RI through
the Billing Control Information System
(SINTAG). The Billing Control Information
System (SINTAG) is a modern information
system that focuses on the operational
efficiency of government agencies'
financial management services at
ministries/agencies that is very flexible with
the size and condition of the organization
(Manda & Dhaou, 2019; Morra, Arman, &
Mousa; 2017; Indrajit, 2007; Pratiwti &
Alfirdaus, 2018).
SINTAG was built and developed in
2009, which was first implemented at the
BPK RI Head Office in 2011then followed
by the BPK RI Education and Training
Centre, which also implemented the
SINTAG application. This information
system complements the mandatory
information system that must be operated
by every work unit in the
ministry/institution environment. Because
all company activities or activities are
related to obtaining working capital
funding, using or allocating funds, and
managing assets owned to achieve the
company's main goals and government
institutions. Before using SINTAG, financial
management was manual. As in preparing
financial reports where bookkeeping is
done with paper or books or recording
through software (Microsoft Excel or the
like). With this manual recording, the data
obtained is recorded separately from one
unit to another, and manual double entry
must be used as a ledger until it becomes a
report. So every year towards the end of the
year, it is necessary to do data matching
between data sources with one (Prabawati
et al., 2020; Khan & Turowski, 2016;
Kurniawan & Atmojo, 2020; Rachman &
Noviyanto, 2017).
The Billing Control Information System
(SINTAG) is applied to implement e-
government in the government, especially
in financial management at the Secretariat
General of the MPR RI. In addition, this
method also takes much time because it
has to match one data with another. Then
in the filing/billing process where the file
that has been given to the finance
department can only be known by asking
directly the party concerned (financial
officer) regarding the position of the
733 | Implementation E-Government In Supporting Of Online-Based Service Quality And
file/document. Sometimes there are cases
of missing files because the records
between officers are still different. As
noted, one of the file officers still needs to
enter or register with the finance
department, while another officer has seen
(corrected) the file/document or vice versa.
Therefore, this is considered less effective
and needs to reflect good governance.
Create to simplify the accounting
process for financial files to become more
effective and efficient. At the Secretariat
General of the MPR RI, this application only
began to be implemented at the end of
2019, precisely in September. The
implementation of e-government through
the Billing Control Information System
(SINTAG) is an effort to improve the
administrative process in financial
management at the Secretariat General of
the MPR RI. In principle, SINTAG is a
development that standardizes each
invoice document's settlement/payment
process in a workflow. It applies the 'Single
Entry Principal' concept to maintain data
integrity and avoid inputting the same data
more than once (repeated inputting) to
prevent discrepancies. Then other benefits
that are felt from using SINTAG are file
tracking and billing data recapitulation.
However, during one year of its
implementation, the SINTAG application
still has several obstacles. The most
common problem is a network error. When
an error occurs on the network, the filing
process cannot be carried out. Even the
mistake can last for an entire day
(Samsudin & Muslihudin, 2018; Suharyana,
2017; Prabawati, 2020). Then some
employees still need to be more reliable or
understand SINTAG. So, the benefits of the
application have yet to be felt complete.
Network connectivity that still uses a LAN /
local network limits access and can only be
done at the office.
This study explores what obstacles
exist in applying the Billing Control
Information System (SINTAG) to implement
e-Government at the Secretariat General of
the MPR RI. So that when employees do
work from home or Work from Home
(WFH) during the Pandemic, the SINTAG
cannot be accessed. Things that are still
often before SINTAG are delays in the
Contractual. File process where the
deadline for processing the Contractual file
is 14 working days until it is reported to the
KPPN, so the filmmaker needs to pay
attention to the time given to process the
file, so there is no delay. The obstacles can
certainly hinder employees' work, so the
primary goal of implementing e-
government is inappropriate. Therefore, to
implement e-government in Government
Agencies, it is necessary to know its
readiness from various aspects.
Literature review
E-Government Application System
The development of e-government
covers a national scale. Therefore, there is a
need for a communication framework
between e-government systems to interact
and cooperate. In addition, the scope of
function of the e-government system is
also quite large, so in its development, it
almost certainly involves many vendors,
and a standard communication mechanism
is needed between systems. So, in building
an e-government application system,
standardization of application system
Bhakti Nur Avianto
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development needs is required, ensuring
that any system developer vendor can
communicate between these systems. In
the e-Gov Blueprint (Basuki, 2018; Rusli,
2019; Said, 2007; Sedarmayanti, 2009), it is
stated that to develop an e-Government
application system, and there are standard
application system requirements that must
be met, namely: 1) Reliable The application
system will run reliably, robustly against
data entry errors, operating system
changes, and bug-free; 2) Interoperable
Ensure that application systems will
communicate with each other and
exchange data and information with other
application systems to form system
synergies; 3) Scalable, Ensure that the
application system can be easily upgraded,
especially new features, additional users,
and excellent data management
capabilities; 4) User Friendly Ensuring that
the application system will be easy to
operate with a user interface commonly
used in government and following its users'
language and cultural habits; and 5) The
integrate able, Ensuring that the
application system has features for easy
integration with other application systems,
especially for conducting data and
information exchange transactions
between e-government application
systems, both within the scope of one local
government with other local governments
(Rusli, 2019; Samsudin & Muslihudin, 2018).
Billing Control Information System
The Billing Control Information System
(SINTAG) is a modern information system
that focuses on the operational efficiency
of government agency financial
management services at the
ministry/institution, which is very flexible
with the size and condition of the
organization.18 This information system
complements the mandatory information
system that must be operated by every
work unit in the ministry/institution
environment. Because all company
activities or activities are related to
obtaining working capital funding, using or
allocating funds, and managing assets
owned to achieve the company's main
goals and government institutions. The
principles in developing SINTAG are to
standardize each invoice document's
settlement/payment process in the form of
a workflow. Furthermore, apply the concept
of 'Single Entry Principal' so that data
integrity can be maintained and avoid
inputting the same data more than once
(entering the same data more than once),
focusing on the operation of financial
management services. This information
system is expected to encourage the
creation of efficiency and effectiveness of
financial management in ministries and
central government institutions.
This study used qualitative research
methods with a purposive sampling
technique to determine informants
(Ahmadi, 2015; Fuad & Nugroho, 2014;
Fitrah & Luthfiyah, 2017). Qualitative
methods are methods that focus on in-
depth observations. Therefore, the use of
qualitative methods in research can result
in a more comprehensive study of a
phenomenon. The secondary data is data
taken through intermediaries or parties
who have collected the data previously, in
735 | Implementation E-Government In Supporting Of Online-Based Service Quality And
other words, researchers do not directly
take their own data into the field. Data
collection techniques through:
1. Interviews will be carried out in this
study by asking structured
questions using interview
guidelines arranged wholly and
systematically to collect data and
information regarding the
Implementation of SINTAG at the
Secretariat General of the MPR RI.
Interviews in this study were
conducted with the Head of the
Treasury Subdivision of the
Assembly (Financial Treasurer),
Finance Staff (Financial Bureau PPK
Staff, File Verifier, Budget Verifier),
Staff of the Secretariat General of
the MPR RI (application users). All
interviews were used by zoom
cloud meeting (FGD).
2. Documentation. In this method,
data collection is carried out using
existing documents, such as
research journals and articles
related to the application of e-
government, which are recorded to
improve the existing data from the
3. Observation. In this study, the
researchers' statements were
collected by reviewing or directly
visiting the Secretariat General of
the People's Consultative Assembly
of the Republic of Indonesia,
especially the Finance Bureau.
Telecommunication Infrastructure
The SINTAG application as an e-
government telecommunications
infrastructure has been running well for
one year of its implementation. Evident
from several opinions which are satisfied
with the SINTAG application. The
telecommunication element emphasized
here is the tracking of the file's position,
which is indirectly the result of the
interaction of the administrator, file verifier,
treasurer, and budget verifier. In addition,
the amount of the budget that has been
absorbed has also fulfilled these elements.
However, there are still some obstacles in
its application, such as some users' need for
more understanding. One of the factors is
the appearance of the SINTAG application,
which is considered less user-friendly or
confusing. In the future, SINTAG will need
to develop related to the main display and
features that can help other work.
In addition to being the main
foundation and one of the conditions for
accelerating digital transformation,
telecommunication infrastructure is also a
driver of digital economic growth. The
arrangement of telecommunications
infrastructure requires stakeholder synergy
to realize the national
is a physical structure that
forms the basis of communication
networks and supports long-distance
communication activities.
Telecommunications infrastructure itself
consists of two words; infrastructure and
Infrastructure means buildings, and
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telecommunications means transmitting
information in pictures, writings, signs, or
signals from one party without restrictions.
The crucial meaning of communication is to
convey ideas or ideas so that others can
understand them. Humans need
telecommunications to convey and receive
messages over long distances. However,
humans have limited time and distance,
creating technology to extend their
abilities. Therefore, telecommunication
infrastructure has an essential meaning in
communication activities that connect the
sender and receiver of messages without
any distance and time limitations.
Telecommunication infrastructure in the
international world is closely related to
globalization. Globalization resulting from
the development of telecommunications is
capable of revolutionizing international
communication. Such as the convergence
of media, television, computers, and the
media industry, where much information is
digitally connected. In essence, the
operation of telecommunications is
defined as an effort to strengthen national
unity, facilitate the activities of the
government of a country, promote
economic activities, support the creation of
development goals, and establish good
relations with various countries.
Level of Connectivity and Use of IT by
After observing several interviews, the
level of connectivity and use of IT still needs
to be improved and developed, especially
in overcoming network errors and ease of
accessopinion Indrajit (2005:8) related to
the level of connectivity and used IT. By
observing the extent to which the current
government has utilized various
information technologies in assisting daily
activities, it will be seen how far their
readiness to apply the concept of e-
government will increase. Moreover,
development needs to be done. Networks
and ease of access are essential in
implementing e-government because they
can be a factor in the effectiveness of an
information technology system.
Implementing e-government can be
adequately achieved. For this reason, to
overcome obstacles such as network errors
and ease of access, building or creating a
data centre or data server specifically for e-
government must remain stable because
the centre is no longer the server computer,
the data server. Furthermore, the owned
capacity will be even more significant
because the limited capacity will cause
access to take longer due to the lack of free
space to access this application for an
extended time. Of course, with the
establishment of this server data centre, it
is necessary to have server officers who
have competencies related to information
technology to overcome network error
problem’s goal quickly.
Information technology is a tool (tools)
in communicating and increasing
knowledge in this era of globalization and
the information age. Mastery of
information technology in this era has
become a necessity. More specifically for
institutions, including the need to facilitate
service administration work in government.
Public services provided by government
agencies (Central, Provincial Government,
Regency, City, and District) to the
community manifest the state apparatus's
function as a public servant. In terms of
737 | Implementation E-Government In Supporting Of Online-Based Service Quality And
regional autonomy, the function of public
services is one of the focuses of attention
in improving the performance of local
government agencies. Performance
improvement can be made through the
facilities used, one of which is utilizing the
development of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT).
Information technology is needed to
solve the problems faced by society. The
use of information and communication
technology (ICT) in public services can
increase employee productivity in
providing services to the community. The
role of information technology in public
services is likely to increase work
productivity with a high level of accuracy,
speed, and convenience. The use of
information technology then produces new
relationships such as G2C (government to
citizen), G2B (government to business), and
G2G (government to government). The
public's demands for good governance are
very urgent to be implemented by the
apparatus. One solution that is needed is
integrating the government administration
system through an online network between
government agencies, both central and
regional, to access all information data,
especially those related to public services.
Readiness of Human Resources in
An essential aspect in developing eGov
in Indonesia is skilled human resources in
the field of information technology (e-
Skills) and competence in implementing
electronic-based service concepts. Several
previous studies have focused on the
availability of e-Skills. They have yet to pay
attention to how these e-Skills contribute
to eGov, so it is necessary to study further
how to increase the role of e-Skills so that
they can accelerate development in
Indonesia. The e-Skills needed are not only
at the technical level but also various
aspects related to the skills needed to
encourage the implementation of eGov.
The Indonesian National Work
Competency Standardization System
(SKKNI) is an arrangement of linkages
between components of national work
competency standardization that is
comprehensive and synergistic to achieve
the goal of standardizing national work
competencies in Indonesia. The Indonesian
National Work Competency Standard,
abbreviated as SKKNI, is a workability
formulation that includes aspects of
knowledge, skills, and expertise, as well as
work attitudes that are relevant to the
implementation of duties and job
requirements stipulated under the
provisions of the legislation.
HR's readiness to implement SINTAG
at the Secretariat General of the MPR RI has
been said to be good. However, some
obstacles exist, such as some employees
needing more understanding, so they tend
to be reluctant to use this application. If this
happens, the effectiveness of an
information technology system, in this
case, SINTAG, cannot be achieved because
some users still need to fully utilize it,
especially users or users from the external
Finance Bureau. Therefore, further
socialization or counselling related to the
procedures for using this application needs
to be carried out. Then employee training
on understanding the technological era
also needs to be carried out so that the HR
in the Secretariat General of the MPR RI can
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follow and adjust existing developments.
Availability of Funds and Budget
From the interview results, funds, and
budget, the availability of funds and
funding is sufficient and strongly
supported by the Budget User Authority. In
addition to the availability of application
procurement funds, the Secretariat General
of the MPR RI also holds a budget for
developing the SINTAG application every
year. The availability of sufficient funds and
funding for changes during this application
needs to be considered. Because in
government, the budgeting plan is carried
out for one-year, careful planning
regarding the budget for this application is
needed so that there are no obstacles.
Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 3
of 2003 concerning national policies and
strategies for the development of E-
government makes e-government very
feasible to be implemented as a form of
support for the development of services to
the community. Changing from a
conventional model to e-government
certainly has its challenges, especially to
start. The government often needs
clarification about where to start because
of the lack of human and natural resources.
However, initial steps must be taken
immediately, for example, showing
regional tourism potential, general
information related to the government
(photo and name of the governor, office
addresses), and commercial information
such as chili prices today. In addition,
educational information is also vital to
convey, such as study hours, school profiles
in certain districts, and other educational
Legal Tool
The legal instruments used as the basis
for implementing e-government through
SINTAG at the Secretariat General of the
MPR RI are still in the form of circulars. Only
by using the circular can this application
run well but not optimally. So, there is a
need for more vital legal instruments such
as the Secretary General's Regulation or the
like to regulate the mechanism for
implementing SINTAG to run in a
conducive manner. Of course, in these legal
instruments, it is necessary to have an SOP
for SINTAG, which contains procedures for
use, time limits for processing, and a factual
basis for using this application. Legal solid
instruments are also needed to regulate the
use of this application so that there is a
basis for employees required to use it. D.6.
A paradigm shifts in e-government, the
essence of the paradigm is a change in the
basic assumptions where there is a change
in management that requires a desire to
change the paradigm and way of thinking.
Paradigm change refers to the need for
self-awareness to change working,
behaving, and daily habits. Paradigm
change can be one of the factors in
implementing good governance because it
is dynamic and refers to current
developments. Thus, the application of e-
government in a government agency is
Based on the interviews with several
sources, it is known that the paradigm shifts
at the Secretariat General of the MPR RI had
a good impact on supporting employee
performance. Supporting performance
here, employees get convenience in
tracking files and recapitulating billing
739 | Implementation E-Government In Supporting Of Online-Based Service Quality And
data. In addition, a neat and complete
recap of billing data also supports the
version for reporting finances at the end of
the year faster before using SINTAG. The
problem is related to several other
components, such as connectivity and the
use of IT. Some employees are still reluctant
to use this application because they need
help understanding its use. Then in terms
of infrastructure, the appearance of this
application also needs to be changed so
that ordinary users more easily understand
Moreover, the last obstacle is that the
legal instruments used are not vital, and
there are no regulations that require
employees to use this application. So, it is
undeniable that there are still employees
who think this application needs to be
more influential in a financial filing.
Therefore, readiness in all fields also needs
to support a paradigm shift.
Dilemma e-government in Indonesia
The dilemma when talking about what
is an obstacle to an e-government
implementation, especially in the current
situation, namely the existence of covid 19
which requires people to maintain distance
and fast public services. This digital gap is
caused by the distribution gap of internet
access, the unequal distribution of digital
infrastructure, the lack of funds due to the
high cost of digital infrastructure or what is
worse, the human resources themselves are
not ready to face the demands of the digital
world. We do not deny that there is a digital
divide in various regions or city/district
government agencies. This digital gap can
be seen from one of the factors, namely
whether or not internet access is evenly
distributed and the extent of local people's
knowledge regarding digital use. Among
these gaps, sometimes we feel irritated
when a digital-based service that can be
said to be of good quality is in a
government agency, but the gap comes
from the humans themselves who have not
been able to make good use of their digital
infrastructure. Therefore, the government
needs more attention to monitor the ability
of human resources or ASN to be more
consistent with e-government based
services. If the HR capabilities are still not
able to utilize the e-government system
properly, then the funds spent will be in
vain. Besides digital infrastructure funding,
there are things that are more urgent than
that, namely repairing damaged roads in
the area which of course gives direct
satisfaction to the community rather than
pouring digital infrastructure funds to the
readiness of its human resources itself is
low or has not been able to implement e
governance over e-government.
The existence of this regional
autonomy policy has consequences in the
administration of government. The
advantages and disadvantages of regional
autonomy are that politically the existence
of regional autonomy is a step towards
democracy because the government can
become closer to its people so that it can
make people feel more about the existence
of the government. In addition to political
consequences, there are also economic
consequences, namely decentralization is
expected to create community innovation
and motivate people to be more
productive. But unfortunately, in reality
there are negative impacts brought about
by the decentralization policy.
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Decentralization in the form of regional
autonomy has also become a source of
people's injustice due to many local
governments acting arbitrarily and abusing
their powers. As a result, the standard of
living of the people has not been able to
increase as expected. This could be a real
example of the problem of good
governance in Indonesia. With corruption
and abuse of office above seem to be the
main problems of good governance in
Indonesia, finding people with high
integrity seems to be a challenge in itself.
Choosing a state apparatus that has
superior and noble character will of course
have a positive impact on the
administration of the state with good
governance. If corruption and abuse of
office still exist, it is almost impossible for
good governance to be implemented in
our country.
As an effort to realize good
governance in Indonesia, taking preventive
and countermeasures can be our collective
effort. Prevention can be done by
guaranteeing legal certainty to create open
government. This guarantee is given as a
public right, such as the right to observe
the behavior of officials, the right to access
information, the right to participate in
policy making and the right to file an
objection if the three previous rights are
not fulfilled. In addition, countermeasures
can be made by ensuring that violators of
the rules receive appropriate punishment,
regardless of whether the person is a
certain official or a member of a certain
group. Thus the discussion this time about
the problem of good governance in
Indonesia. By understanding the existing
problems, it is hoped that together we can
find the best solution for the realization of
good governance for clean government
and the welfare of the people.
From the results of the discussion and
a series of analyses carried out at the
Secretariat General of the MPR RI, it is
concluded that the implementation of e-
government through the Billing Control
Information System (SINTAG) at the
Secretariat General of the MPR RI has not
run optimally. There are still several
obstacles in the government's readiness
component for implementing e-
government. The problem that often occurs
is the Connectivity Level component and
the use of IT, where system errors still
happen, resulting in delayed work. Indeed,
needs to reflect one of the goals of
implementing e-government, namely fast
and efficient. In addition, using networks
that are still local / LAN is also one of the
factors that SINTAG still needs to be
optimally implemented as an e-
government. Access is still limited; it can
only be accessed at the office, while outside
the SINTAG cannot. Another factor is the
HR Readiness component in implementing
SINTAG. Some employees need to
understand and have sufficient
competence in implementing SINTAG, thus
making SINTAG not feel its full role and
benefits. It was also related to the Legal
Apparatus component, where there is a
need for legal instruments that regulate the
mechanism of use, such as SOPs, officers,
and other things that can control the
implementation of SINTAG so that it runs
well and effectively. Therefore, making legal
instruments such as the Secretary General's
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