Bhakti Nur Avianto
Marry Ismowati
Nanda Amelia
| 736
telecommunications means transmitting
information in pictures, writings, signs, or
signals from one party without restrictions.
The crucial meaning of communication is to
convey ideas or ideas so that others can
understand them. Humans need
telecommunications to convey and receive
messages over long distances. However,
humans have limited time and distance,
creating technology to extend their
abilities. Therefore, telecommunication
infrastructure has an essential meaning in
communication activities that connect the
sender and receiver of messages without
any distance and time limitations.
Telecommunication infrastructure in the
international world is closely related to
globalization. Globalization resulting from
the development of telecommunications is
capable of revolutionizing international
communication. Such as the convergence
of media, television, computers, and the
media industry, where much information is
digitally connected. In essence, the
operation of telecommunications is
defined as an effort to strengthen national
unity, facilitate the activities of the
government of a country, promote
economic activities, support the creation of
development goals, and establish good
relations with various countries.
Level of Connectivity and Use of IT by
After observing several interviews, the
level of connectivity and use of IT still needs
to be improved and developed, especially
in overcoming network errors and ease of
access—opinion Indrajit (2005:8) related to
the level of connectivity and used IT. By
observing the extent to which the current
government has utilized various
information technologies in assisting daily
activities, it will be seen how far their
readiness to apply the concept of e-
government will increase. Moreover,
development needs to be done. Networks
and ease of access are essential in
implementing e-government because they
can be a factor in the effectiveness of an
information technology system.
Implementing e-government can be
adequately achieved. For this reason, to
overcome obstacles such as network errors
and ease of access, building or creating a
data centre or data server specifically for e-
government must remain stable because
the centre is no longer the server computer,
the data server. Furthermore, the owned
capacity will be even more significant
because the limited capacity will cause
access to take longer due to the lack of free
space to access this application for an
extended time. Of course, with the
establishment of this server data centre, it
is necessary to have server officers who
have competencies related to information
technology to overcome network error
problem’s goal quickly.
Information technology is a tool (tools)
in communicating and increasing
knowledge in this era of globalization and
the information age. Mastery of
information technology in this era has
become a necessity. More specifically for
institutions, including the need to facilitate
service administration work in government.
Public services provided by government
agencies (Central, Provincial Government,
Regency, City, and District) to the
community manifest the state apparatus's
function as a public servant. In terms of