JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 5, 743 754
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i05.316. https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Erna Ermawati Chotim
Jeanne Noveline Tedja
Universitas Nasional
e-mail: erna.chotim@civitas.unas.ac.id; jeane.noveline.tedja@civitas.unas.ac.id
*Correspondence: erna.chotim@civitas.unas.ac.id
: 27
November 2022
: 17
December 2022
: 22
December 2022
Abstract: As an effort to accelerate poverty alleviation, since 2007 the Government of Indonesia
has implemented PKH. The Social Protection Program, which is also known internationally as
Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT), has proven to be quite successful in overcoming the poverty
faced in these countries, especially the problem of chronic poverty. However, as a conditional social
assistance program, PKH has not made it easy for poor families, especially pregnant women and
children, to take advantage of the various health service facilities and educational service facilities,
available around them. The benefits of PKH have also begun to be encouraged to cover persons
with disabilities and the elderly by maintaining their level of social welfare in accordance with the
mandate of the constitution and the Nawacita of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. This
method uses a qualitative approach using relevant informants. The results of the study showed
that there were still findings of PKH maladministration by public service supervisory agencies
because socialization was not optimal. Second, there is still inaccurate recipient data so that there
are still families who are eligible to receive PKH assistance but do not receive it. On the other hand,
families who are not eligible receive assistance. Apart from the social development strategy by the
individual, there are other strategies such as the social development strategy by the community. In
addition, this PKH strategy focuses on community development and social development, then
there is also community action, participation and social development. Furthermore, there is a social
development strategy by the government that focuses on promoting social development through
integrated planning.
Keywords: Family of Hope Program (PKH), policy implementation, effectiveness.
745 | The Family Hope Program For Conditional Cash Transfer Programmed: Case Depok City
The problem of poverty in Indonesia is a
social problem that is always relevant to be
studied continuously. The issue of poverty
has existed for a long time. It is still present
today, but because now the symptoms are
increasing in line with the multidimensional
crisis that the Indonesian nation is still
facing (Adewara & Olson, 2013; Nansadiqa
et al., 2019; Habibullah et al., 2012; Juwita,
et al., 2018; Martha & Aprilianti, 2012).
Indonesia is one of the developing
countries with a population that continues
to grow every year. The welfare of its
people is still far below the level of interest
of developed countries. Based on data from
the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West
Sumatra in September 2019, the number of
poor people in West Sumatra reached
343.09 thousand people (6.29 percent). The
percentage of poor people in March 2019
in urban areas was 4.76 percent, while in
rural areas, it was 7.88 percent. From these
data, the government was seen had a
responsibility to improve the welfare of its
people's lives (Musaddad & Kriswibowo,
2021; Budhi & Kembar, 2013; Martha &
Aprilianti, 2012; CBI, 2013). Therefore, there
is a need for policies carried out by the
government to reduce poverty. Reducing
the poverty rate is a crucial policy step. The
government must carry it out as a
responsible development implementer to
achieve a prosperous life for the people of
Indonesia. Many developing countries have
implemented programs aimed at
alleviating poverty. In Indonesia, there have
been many programs aimed at poverty
alleviation, such as the development of
underdeveloped villages, village-level
development, integrated movements for
poverty alleviation, and many other
previous programs aimed at poverty
alleviation (Bangun et al., 2019; Musaddad
& Kriswibowo, 2021). Therefore, the West
Sumatra government, as an extension of
the central government, participates in
implementing the Family Hope Program
(PKH) as a step to improve the social
protection system to ease the burden on
poor households to gain access to health
services and primary education, to achieve
their goals. Program to eradicate poverty.
In 2007, Indonesia began to intensify the
PKH program in 7 provinces. It was first
launched in West Sumatra in July 2007 as a
pilot phase hoping that this program can
run as expected and be sustainable. The
launch of PKH was based on the problems
that occurred, namely that there were still a
large number of poor people and had low
human resources. For this reason, the
Family Hope Program was created to
accelerate poverty alleviation and the
development of the social security system.
He referred to the condition of the people
of South Coast Regency, especially the
District of Ranah Ampek Hulu, which has a
reasonably high number of poor people
and has obstacles in their children's
education. The Central Statistics Agency
has noted that the South Coast Regency of
West Sumatra is one of the provinces with
a comprehensive area coverage in
Indonesia. The highest number of poor
people in West Sumatra Province, namely
South Coast Regency which in March 2019,
the number of poor people (population
with per capita expenditure per year) per
capita per month below the Poverty Line) in
South Coast as many as 36.51 thousand
Erna Ermawati Chotim
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people (7.88 percent), an increase of 1.59
thousand people compared to March 2018
conditions of 34.92 thousand people (7.59
percent). One of the ultimate goals of PKH
is to reduce the number and break the
chain of poverty, improve the quality of
human resources, and change behaviors
that do not support enhancing the welfare
of the poorest groups. In the
implementation of the program, of course,
there are no obstacles or things that can
interfere with the program's running. As
reported by the news media, Fajar
Indonesia Network, with a publication date
of December 11, 2019, stated that
Ombudsman Member Ahmad Suadi said
his party had found maladministration in
the implementation of PKH Ministry of
Social Affairs and the State Bank
Association (Himbara). One of them is the
slow process of handling complaints at the
regional level. There are also obstacles
related to PKH so far: regarding the validity
of the data on the eligibility of PKH
participants who are considered not to be
RTSM participants. At the same time, some
people are assessed as RTSM but are not
recorded and are not included as
prospective PKH participants. PKH shows
that the data collection and targeting of
this program are not correct.
Second, the assistance received by PKH
participants is used to meet daily
household life. Showing aid funds provided
have not been well targeted in terms of
their use, deviating from what was
targetedreported from Tempo.com,
December 11, 2011. The obstacles in
distributing the budget for the Family Hope
Program; the block was regarding the
accuracy of PKH recipient data where there
were still families that were not eligible to
receive PKH assistance. However, the data
are listed as PKH recipient families. The
Kompasiana publication date of June 26,
2019, stated that many families were
deemed unfit to receive PKH assistance,
and also many RTSM were not registered as
PKH recipients. There are various
indications of problems reported by the
Indonesian news media regarding
implementing the PKH program. In
Tempo.com, Juliari Batubara, as the
Minister of Social Affairs, stated that there
are still problems in distributing the budget
in PKH. In line with what was conveyed by
the news media Kompasiana and Fajar
Indonesia Network, which stated that the
issue of PKH lies in the RTSM target, which
is not correct, and there are
maladministration errors in the
implementation of PKH. or RTSM at most
among other sub-districts. This area is a
transit area for transmigrants and is also a
border with Mukomuko Regency. With the
implementation of PKH in the District of
Ranah Ampek Hulu, it is necessary to have
coordination from related parties so that in
its performance, it can be on target and
minimize the possibility that unwanted
events will occur. This PKH assistance is
expected to help RTSM in the district of
Ranah Ampek Hulu to fulfill their life.
Literature review
This PKH research used the policy
implementation theory because the
approach and indicators in assessing
implementation are often equated in both
programs and policies. So that PKH in this
study can be explored using the view of the
747 | The Family Hope Program For Conditional Cash Transfer Programmed: Case Depok City
implementation of this policy. Policy
implementation in principle is a method so
that an approach can achieve its goals. The
series of policy implementation can be
observed, starting from the program to the
project and the activity. The model adapts
common mechanisms in management,
particularly public zone management.
Policies are derived in the form of programs
that are then reduced to projects. The
conclusion is in activities carried out by the
government, citizens, or in collaboration
between the government and citizens.
Implementation is defined as actions in
previous decisions. These actions include
efforts to change decisions into operational
activities within a certain period or continue
to achieve significant and small changes
attempted by public organizations to
achieve established goals. For a policy to
realize the desired goal, until the
preparation of the policy implementation
process must utilize available resources,
link people or groups of people in
implementation, interpret policies,
programs implemented must be planned
with good management, and provide
services and benefits to citizens. Several
aspects influence the implementation of
government programs with a decentralized
A program can be defined as a
comprehensive plan that includes the
future use of different resources in an
integrated pattern and establishes a
sequence of required actions and time
schedules for each to achieve the stated
objective. The makeup of a program can
include goals, policies, procedures,
methods, standards, and budgets. The
program in the context of public policy
implementation consists of several
sessions, namely: 1) Designing the program
along with the details of tasks and the
formulation of clear objectives,
determination of precise dimensions of
achievement and pay and time; 2)
Performing (application) programs by
utilizing structures as well as personnel,
funds and other sources, appropriate
procedures and procedures; 3) Develop
scheduling, monitoring, and appropriate
monitoring facilities and assessment
(results) of policy implementation. The
Family Hope Program is a social
encouragement program characterized by
giving it from the social department to
Poor Families, inaugurated as PKH
beneficiary families. As an effort to
accelerate poverty reduction, since 2007,
the Government of Indonesia has
conducted PKH. PKH is cross-Ministerial
and Institutional because the main actors
are the National Planning Agency, the
Ministry of Social Affairs, National Learning,
the Ministry of Religion, Communication,
and Information, and the Central Statistics
Agency. Success for the program, PKH
team, must be experts as to who
consultant. The Social Protection Program,
also known internationally as Conditional
Cash Transfers (CCT), has been proven to
be quite successful in overcoming the
poverty experienced in these countries,
especially the problem of chronic poverty.
As a conditional social encouragement
program, PKH opens access for low-income
families, especially mothers of two and
children, to use various health service
facilities (fakes) and learning service
facilities nearby. Benefits PKH is also
starting to encourage people with
Erna Ermawati Chotim
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disabilities and the elderly by maintaining
their level of social welfare. PKH's big
mission is to minimize poverty, considering
that the number of poor people in
Indonesia until March 2016 was still 10.86%
of the total population of 28.01 million
people. The government has set a target for
reducing poverty to 7-8% by 2019, as
stated in the 2015-2019 RPJMN. PKH is
expected to significantly lower the number
of poor people, reducing inequality (Gini
ratio) while increasing the Human
Development Index (HDI).
In this study, the researcher used a
qualitative approach, namely conducting a
questionnaire and describing how the PKH
implementation occurred at the research
location. The interviews obtained are then
processed, and data is accepted to support
this research. This research focuses on the
District of Ampek Hulu District, South Coast
Regency, West Sumatra. The researcher
uses a descriptive qualitative approach,
which aims to obtain a complete picture of
a matter according to the human being
studied. Qualitative research deals with the
ideas, perceptions, opinions, or beliefs of
the studied people, all of which cannot be
measured by numbers. In qualitative
research, the researcher is the primary
research tool. Furthermore, a descriptive
technique described how PKH was
implemented in Ranah Ampek Hulu
District, South Coast Regency. Informants
in this study were the Head of Social
Welfare, Ranah Ampek Hulu District, PKH
Facilitator, Ranah Ampek Hulu District, Wali
Nagari District, and the Upper Ampek
Realm. The usual informants are KPM PKH.
The informants in this study were the
Head of Social Welfare, Ranah Ampek Hulu
District, PKH Facilitator, Ranah Ampek Hulu
District, Wali Nagari, Ranah Ampek Hulu
District. The usual informants are KPM PKH
using observation techniques, and
researchers directly observe the research
locus, which is located at Beriang Market at
- Jl. Kampung Tengah - Binjai, Nagari
Kampung Tengah Tapan, Pesisir Selatan
Regency, West Sumatra. Interviews were
conducted by going now to the informants
and asking things related to the main issues
following the interview guidelines made.
And in the interview process, researchers or
those who ask questions only listen
carefully, take notes and even record what
the informants say. Information analysis in
qualitative research is carried out when
information collection occurs, after the end
of information collection in a certain
period. At the time of the interview, the
researcher had carried out an analysis of
the answers from the informants. If the
interviewee's responses after being
analyzed feel unsatisfactory, the researcher
will continue the problem again until a
particular session to complete the required
Upstream can be declared to have been
right on target. PKH implementation has
been appropriately achieved, starting from
the mechanisms and procedures. Suitability
amount assistance received by the
participants has gone well and is following
the general guidelines for the
implementation of PKH and the benefits of
749 | The Family Hope Program For Conditional Cash Transfer Programmed: Case Depok City
PKH funds which have eased the burden.
PKH participants in the fields of education,
health, and social welfare. However, there is
still a need for improvement regarding
KPM, who are no longer eligible to receive
assistance to have their data deleted as
PKH recipients, and vice versa. Resources in
the implementation of PKH in the Ranah
Ampek Hulu sub-district are following what
is requested as a requirement to become a
PKH companion, educated, informative.
They can be a good bridge in
communicating with KPMs of various
characters. And in carrying out their duties,
they also receive direct training from the
Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs related
to the implementation of PKH.
Communication between organizations in
the implementation of PKH has been going
well from the coordination between PKH
facilitators for technical discussions on
implementation and discussions on PKH
KPM data. Communication between PKH
facilitators and PKH KPM has been very well
established. Conveyed directly by PKH
KPM, it can be seen from the absence of
complaints from KPM regarding the
implementation of this program.
Inseparable from the role of good
communication between PKH facilitators
and KPM.
In the indicators of implementing
attitudes, researchers can conclude that the
perspective of PKH implementing agents in
Ranah Ampek Hulu District has been going
well. Several informants as KPM PKH said
attitude facilitators towards their KPM
members had played a perfect role. It was
reflected in every socialization and other
PKH meeting activities that PKH facilitators
in Ranah Ampek Hulu District were very
nurturing and informative to the
community members. Members of the KPM
PKH. The indicators for the characteristics
of this implementing agent have been
running well. Based on the researcher's
assessment of the implementing agents
involved in the implementation of PKH in
the District of Ranah Ampek Hulu. A
structured implementation agency starting
from the central level and tiered down to
the PKH companion level. The cooperation
between fellow implementing agents is
excellent in terms of coordination and
control over each other. If there is one error
from one implementing agent, it can be
resolved quickly.
Social and economic environment
indicators, the researcher can conclude that
it is following the expected targets. The
social-economic was reflected in the good
social conditions of the KPM PKH. From the
financial side of the KPM, PKH usually
works as farm laborers on other people's
land; income from work as farm laborers is
not permanent. After all, there may be no
income in one day because there is no call
from landowners to work, so there is no
income. From a social point, the house's
condition inhabited by KPM PKH can be
said to be unfit for habitation. The body of
the house made of wood and the age of the
place that has been for decades makes it
uninhabitable, plus the number of
occupants that exceeds capacity, the size of
the house inhabited by three people but
inhabited by six people. The results of other
studies show that the implementation of
the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Ranah
Ampek Hulu District can be said to have
been going well. However, some things
must be improved when viewed from the
Erna Ermawati Chotim
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six indicators used to see the
implementation of PKH in Ranah Ampek
Hulu District.
a) Policy Standards and Objectives; In
the standard indicators and policy
objectives, the researchers stated
that they had reached the right
target because it was not optimal
and still needed improvement in
their implementation. There were
still KPMs who were deemed
inappropriate to receive PKH
funding but still received PKH
funding assistance in the field.
There were still residents who were
considered eligible to receive PKH
funding assistance. Still, the data is
not listed as PKH KPM. It is not a big
problem to update data on the
social and economic conditions of
PKH PKM. If it is said that it is no
longer eligible to receive PKH
assistance, then the data will be
deleted as KPM vice versa. In terms
of benefits, PKH fund assistance has
a tremendous impact on the lives of
PKH KPMs; this can be seen in the
realization of funds that are directly
used by PKH KPM to meet
household needs and school needs
and can be seen from PKH KPM
children who had dropped out of
school due to lack of funds. But
since receiving PKH assistance, PKH
KPM can send their children back to
b) Resource; In this resource indicator,
the researcher states that it has
been running well. Based on the
assessment of the human
resources, namely PKH facilitators
in Ranah Ampek Hulu District have
met the criteria for becoming a
PKH. And then, there is also
technical and implementation
training and computerization for
PKH facilitators. It is always direct
from the center in stages regarding
the implementation of this PKH.,
and PKH facilitators as resources
who have direct contact with PKH
KPMs have provided good
socialization. Then the financial
resources of this PKH program
come from central funds or the
state budget;
c) Characteristics of Implementing
Agents, the indicators of the
characteristics of implementing
agents have been running well.
Based on the researcher's
assessment of the implementing
agents involved in the
implementation of PKH in the
District of Ranah Ampek Hulu. A
structured implementation agency
starting from the central level and
tiered down to the PKH companion
level. The cooperation between
fellow implementing agents is
excellent in terms of coordination
and control over each other. If there
is one error from one implementing
agent, it can be resolved quickly.
d) Communication; In this
communication indicator, the
researcher assesses that the
communication indicators built by
the implementing agents have
gone well. The description of the
coordination between
implementing agents through the
751 | The Family Hope Program For Conditional Cash Transfer Programmed: Case Depok City
exposure of informants. And also
communication between PKH
facilitators and PKH KPM. For
example, technical socialization
withdrawals of PKH funds through
ATMs. The PKH assistant in Ranah
Ampek Hulu District directly
explained to his PKH KPM members
regarding the technical withdrawal
of funds through ATMs because
there are still many KPM members
unfamiliar with the Bank system
PKH fund withdrawals through the
post office.
e) Implementing attitude; In the
indicators of implementing
attitudes, researchers can conclude
that the perspective of PKH
implementing agents in Ranah
Ampek Hulu District has gone well.
Directly to several informants as
KPM PKH, who noted that the
attitude facilitators towards their
members had played a perfect role.
Reflected in every socialization and
other PKH meeting activities that
PKH facilitators in Ranah Ampek
Hulu District were very nurturing
and informative to the community
members of the KPM PKH.
f) Social and economic environment;
In the social and economic
environment indicators, the
researcher can conclude that it is
following the expected targets. The
good social and economic
conditions of the KPM PKH, from
the financial side of the KPM PKH,
usually work as farm laborers on
other people's land; income from
work as farm laborers is not
permanent. After all, there may be
no income in one day because
landowners call to work, so there is
no income: the social point, the
condition of the house inhabited by
KPM PKH to be unfit for habitation.
The body of the house made of
wood and the age of the place that
has been for decades makes it
uninhabitable, plus the number of
occupants that exceeds capacity,
the size of the house inhabited by
three people but inhabited by six
Program Analysis
In the current pandemic era, community
groups are vulnerable to social problems,
whether economic, social, educational and
others. The problems that arise can be from
several factors, one of which is the
government's policy of imposing large-
scale social restrictions (PSBB). This can
happen because in the community there is
a small scope, it is difficult to get a job,
moreover it is difficult to access mobility
during the PSBB policy. So it is not
impossible to emerge poor families who
find it difficult to survive during a situation
like this. This condition also allows the
occurrence of social inequalities in society
that are striking, where the middle and
upper class of society who are able to
survive in a situation like this will be safe
and peaceful. Meanwhile, the lower middle
class or the poor will struggle to survive in
the present and will remain poor.
Poor or poverty itself is a condition of
the inability of individuals or groups
economically, but not only that, the failure
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to fulfill basic rights and different treatment
for a person or group of people in living life.
Poverty is divided into several forms and
characteristics, including absolute and
relative poverty, cultural and structural,
chronic and temporary. Limited capital and
human resources, geographical location or
location, declining global per capita
income, declining work ethic, high cost of
living and uneven distribution of income
subsidies are factors that affect poverty. As
for other factors of poverty, the first,
internal factors, namely factors that come
from within the individual himself. The
inability of an individual to do business or
be creative, makes their life poor, physically
disabled, lack of intellectual, mental and
psychological conditions. And second,
there are external factors that come from
outside the individual. Forms of influence
from outside enter into the part of external
factors, including limited social services,
limited employment opportunities,
development that is only physically
oriented to material, and public policies.
The Family Hope Program is a program
of providing conditional social assistance to
Poor Families (KM) designated as PKH
beneficiary families by the Ministry of Social
Affairs. The program with the international
term Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) has
been operating since 2007 and has been
quite successful in overcoming poverty in
Indonesia. This program itself has a goal,
namely to improve the living standards of
the poor in Indonesia through access to
health, education and social welfare. Then
it also aims to reduce poverty and social
inequality by minimizing the burden of
spending and increasing family income.
Moreover, during a pandemic like now,
many families find it very difficult to get
income from several jobs that have been
limited by the government, in the context
of implementing policies to reduce the
number of victims of Covid-19. Of course,
families who can't afford it are very, very
overwhelmed to find solutions to problems
in their families. Starting from diseases that
arise due to lack of adequate intake for
health, household needs, to the costs that
must be paid for homes, schools and even
daily needs.
This program provides solutions for
underprivileged communities in carrying
out their daily lives, especially during the
pandemic. PKH itself provides assistance in
the form of cash and basic necessities
intended for pregnant women to school
children or a maximum of four people in
one family. The amount of cash assistance
issued by the government itself reached
around Rp 37.4 trillion for 10 million
Beneficiary Families (KPM). The breakdown
of the amount distribution is that families
with pregnant women or toddlers will get
Rp. 3.75 million per year, families with
elementary school children receive around
Rp. 1.12 million per year, junior high school
children Rp. 1.8 million per year, high
school children Rp. 2.5 million per year,
severe disability Rp. 3 million per year and
the elderly aged 70 years and over Rp. 3
million per year. This assistance program
continued until the Covid-19 pandemic
with the distribution of assistance every
month since April 2020 and usually every
three months (quarterly).
As one of the conditional social
assistance programs, PKH provides access
for poor families to take advantage of
753 | The Family Hope Program For Conditional Cash Transfer Programmed: Case Depok City
various health care facilities and
educational service facilities available in the
surrounding environment. PKH also serves
people with disabilities and the elderly. This
national program, according to the World
Bank, is considered the most cost-effective
program in terms of reducing poverty in a
country as well as reducing disparities
between poor groups. This program is also
a program that has the highest level of
effectiveness in reducing the Gini
coefficient. What is meant by the Gini
coefficient is a statistical measure that
shows the distribution or circulation of
expenditure per capita of the population in
an area. Various other studies have shown
that PKH is able to lift beneficiaries out of
the poverty zone and increase family
consumption. In fact, on a wider scale this
program is able to encourage stakeholders
at the Central and Regional Governments
to make improvements to health and
education infrastructure facilities.
In the context of social development,
PKH is one of the programs which believes
in a process of planned social change to
improve the welfare of society as a whole.
The purpose of this social development is
to raise social welfare from conditions of
social inequality, such as not fulfilling the
basic needs of the family and not creating
social opportunities. In order for social
development goals to be fulfilled, mature
strategies are needed as tools to achieve
prosperity, one of which is by holding this
PKH program. There are three types of
social development strategies that exist,
namely social development strategies for
individuals, social development strategies
by the community and social development
strategies by the government.
The Family Hope Program (PKH) is
actually more inclined to use social
development strategies for individuals in
empowering their communities. This
strategy explains that the welfare of society
as a whole can be raised when individuals
try to increase their own welfare. In this
strategy there are three ways, first, by
helping the culture of 'enterprise' or efforts
to support social progress where the
government also has an important role in
providing institutions to facilitate society.
Second, by creating small businesses for
people in need. The PKH program has been
very supportive in terms of providing
assistance in the form of cash to the
community. The government should also
provide services in the informal sector and
infrastructure development. Then the third,
by relying on individual abilities to increase
social welfare. Societies must be made to
function effectively and work confidently
according to their own abilities.
Apart from the social development
strategy by individuals, there are other
strategies such as social development
strategies by the community. Where this
strategy focuses on community
development and social development, then
there is also community action,
participation and social development.
Furthermore, there is a social development
strategy by the government that focuses on
promoting social development through
integrated planning. What is meant by
integrated planning here is development
planning that requires the government's
economic and social planning to be
carefully coordinated. Integrated planning
is none other than provided by the central
government to regional governments. The
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provision of PKH assistance in the form of
cash assistance provided by the central
government to local governments, namely
the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos)
has collaborated with the Social Service. So
that every province in Indonesia receives
the PKH direct cash assistance. From the
province it was directly distributed to sub-
districts and then to poor households.
The government and the community are
also very important actors so that this
program can run smoothly. The
government, which has provided economic
stimulus to the people, must be used as
well as possible. Apart from meeting daily
needs, this cash assistance can be used as a
good start-up capital for small business
start-ups. Because there will be a time when
this country starts enacting policies that
make people not just stay at home. This can
really happen on condition that the
community complies with applicable health
rules and protocols. So it is very possible
that there will be a decrease in the level of
strictness of policies during the pandemic.
When that time comes, beneficiary
communities who have saved their money,
which may be left over from fulfilling their
needs, can be used to start new small
businesses, provided they do not have the
potential to create crowds. That way,
people will slowly not always depend on
government assistance, when they already
have this mindset. The community is
starting to be able to cover their daily
needs slowly, through the small business
process it can become a steady source of
income for a family
Implementation of PKH in the District
of Ranah Ampek Hulu using the
implementation theory of Van Meter and
Van Horn. The researchers can conclude
that implementing the Family Hope
Program (PKH) in the District of Ranah
Ampek Hulu has been going well. The
series or process of activities starting from
the initial socialization of program
implementation, program monitoring has
been going well. However, there are still a
few obstacles regarding the target in
determining residents as KPM. Namely,
some residents are still considered unfit to
be designated as KPM PKH, but in fact,
these residents received PKH funding
assistance. However, in this case, as the
implementing agent of PKH, he continues
to evaluate the KPM targets in receiving
PKH assistance. Perspective community as
a KPM, PKH has a tremendous impact and
benefit for the receiving family. KPM who
have realized the importance of education
so that the dropout rate decreases. KPM
will send their children to school, prioritize
their children's education, and forget the
needs of households that PKH funds have
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tanggal 02 September 2018)
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18.30 WIB)
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