747 | The Family Hope Program For Conditional Cash Transfer Programmed: Case Depok City
implementation of this policy. Policy
implementation in principle is a method so
that an approach can achieve its goals. The
series of policy implementation can be
observed, starting from the program to the
project and the activity. The model adapts
common mechanisms in management,
particularly public zone management.
Policies are derived in the form of programs
that are then reduced to projects. The
conclusion is in activities carried out by the
government, citizens, or in collaboration
between the government and citizens.
Implementation is defined as actions in
previous decisions. These actions include
efforts to change decisions into operational
activities within a certain period or continue
to achieve significant and small changes
attempted by public organizations to
achieve established goals. For a policy to
realize the desired goal, until the
preparation of the policy implementation
process must utilize available resources,
link people or groups of people in
implementation, interpret policies,
programs implemented must be planned
with good management, and provide
services and benefits to citizens. Several
aspects influence the implementation of
government programs with a decentralized
A program can be defined as a
comprehensive plan that includes the
future use of different resources in an
integrated pattern and establishes a
sequence of required actions and time
schedules for each to achieve the stated
objective. The makeup of a program can
include goals, policies, procedures,
methods, standards, and budgets. The
program in the context of public policy
implementation consists of several
sessions, namely: 1) Designing the program
along with the details of tasks and the
formulation of clear objectives,
determination of precise dimensions of
achievement and pay and time; 2)
Performing (application) programs by
utilizing structures as well as personnel,
funds and other sources, appropriate
procedures and procedures; 3) Develop
scheduling, monitoring, and appropriate
monitoring facilities and assessment
(results) of policy implementation. The
Family Hope Program is a social
encouragement program characterized by
giving it from the social department to
Poor Families, inaugurated as PKH
beneficiary families. As an effort to
accelerate poverty reduction, since 2007,
the Government of Indonesia has
conducted PKH. PKH is cross-Ministerial
and Institutional because the main actors
are the National Planning Agency, the
Ministry of Social Affairs, National Learning,
the Ministry of Religion, Communication,
and Information, and the Central Statistics
Agency. Success for the program, PKH
team, must be experts as to who
consultant. The Social Protection Program,
also known internationally as Conditional
Cash Transfers (CCT), has been proven to
be quite successful in overcoming the
poverty experienced in these countries,
especially the problem of chronic poverty.
As a conditional social encouragement
program, PKH opens access for low-income
families, especially mothers of two and
children, to use various health service
facilities (fakes) and learning service
facilities nearby. Benefits PKH is also
starting to encourage people with