JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 4, 555 561
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
10.36418/jrssem.v2i04.313 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Albert Yakobus Chandra
Putri Taqwa Prasetyaningrum
Irfan Pratama
Department of Information System, Faculty of Information Technology Universitas Mercu
Buana Yogyakarta Indonesia
e-mail: albert.ch@mercubuana-yogya.ac.id
*Correspondence: albert.ch@mercubuana-yogya.ac.id
: 05 November 2022
: 16 November 2022
: 25 November 2022
Abstract: Employee performance could help the company success to achieve its goals. In this era
predicting employee performance is a necessity for companies to gain success. In this research, we
presented a prediction of the employee performance index using a neural network. In this study,
we are using the Cross-industry standard process for data mining (CRISP-DM) as the base
framework for the data mining phase. The neural network classification method is employed to
create the prediction model. The result shows that using a neural network could get a confusion
matrix at 97.777 percent. This model was then applied to get insight from the performance index
that showed a couple of factors is has an important role in employee performance.
Keywords: data mining; key performance index; neural network.
Albert Yakobus Chandra
Putri Taqwa Prasetyaningrum
Irfan Pratama
| 556
Information technology is a new field
that combines information science,
computer science, telecommunications,
and electronics. The evolution of
information technology involved several
steps leading to different developments
(Chitechi & Otanga, 2020). It is well known
that information technology affects
humans in almost every field, including
education, medicine, and especially in the
world of work or employment. Information
Technology is ubiquitous in the
industrialized world (March & Smith, 1995).
The use of information technology
demands that employees adapt quickly to
technology, which will obviously have
different impacts on employees. The
technology simplifies many functions,
which enhances performance and improves
professional satisfaction. The employee is
an organization most valuable asset. As a
result, employee performance has the
greatest impact on organizational
performance and ability to function. Some
employees perceive these as opportunities
and are more likely to use them as active
job aids to improve job performance and
satisfaction (Bala & Venkatesh, 2016). This
condition indicates that when an
organization decides to use information
technology to improve operational
performance. At this time, information
restores vacant and outdated capabilities
and contributes to the development of
performance skill of employee. Good
performance and employee efficiency are
one of the keys to successful organizations
(Rahmanidoust & Zheng, 2019). In order to
determine the level of employee
performance, we need to identify key
performance. Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) are performance assessment tools
that determine the extent of achievement
of desired parameters in industrial
production lines, that is of great
significance to the success of the
manufacturing company. Key performance
indicators reflect departmental
performance (Singh, 2015). To define this
key performance this paper implementing
neural network on data mining.
Artificial neural networks or simply
"neural networks" as the connection model,
the distributed parallel processing model,
and the polymorphic neural system. Neural
networks reappeared in the mid-1980s
after major advances in neuroscience
(Mohaghegh et al., 1995). The simply
"neuron", and utilizes the massive
computer's parallel elements to achieve
high-performance speeds. Neural networks
are often used for statistical analysis and
data modeling, in which their role is
perceived as an alternative to standard
nonlinear regression or cluster analysis
techniques (B. Cheng and D. M.
Titterington, 1994). The terminology, they
all try to borrow the structure and how the
biological nervous system works based on
our current understanding of it (Herzog &
Almeida, 2018). Neural networks are widely
used for effective data mining,
transforming raw data into usable
information. Data mining has fueled the
research and development of methods and
algorithms for manipulating vast amounts
of data to solve real-world problems
(Aggarwal, 2011). Data mining deals with
the analysis of large and complex
557 | Implementing Neural Network On Data Mining To Predicting Key Performance Index
From Employee
databases, using machine learning and
statistical techniques to discover new,
useful and interesting knowledge. Data
mining is still in its infancy, but companies
in a wide range of industries, including
retail, finance, healthcare, manufacturing,
transportation, and aerospace, have
historically already used data mining tools
and techniques to use their data. increase.
Data mining uses pattern recognition
techniques and statistical and
mathematical techniques to sift through
stored information. Data mining analysts
can identify important facts, relationships,
trends, patterns, exceptions, and otherwise
overlooked helps identify possible
anomalies (Katiyaar & Sharma, 2012).
This paper is expected give solution for
the company leader to identify the
strengths and weaknesses in their
performance. Once the company leader
obtains Implementing Neural Network on
Data Mining to define Key Performance
Index, it will be easier to make decisions
that will have a great impact on the
organization or the company. Currently, the
neural network is very suitable to solve data
mining problems because of its good
features, adaptive self-organization,
parallel treatment, distributed storage, and
high fault tolerance. Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) are generally used to
measure the performance of the
management process to recommend
appropriate future directions (de Andrade
& Sadaoui, 2017). The result using a neural
network, on data mining it will be more
efficient and the Key Performance Index
has a maximum level of accuracy. Neural
networks have high acceptance capacity for
noisy data and high precision and are
preferred in data mining (Krieger, 1996).
This research following Cross-Industry
Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-
DM) methodology. CRISP-DM act as
framework that provide standardized steps
on how to develop a data mining project.
CRISP-DM has six phases which is: business
understanding, data understanding, data
preparation, modelling, evaluation and
deployment [21]. In this research we are
using CRISP-DM as framework and
customize it to match the process and
result we wanted on this research. The
research phases diagram based on
customize CRISP-DM as follow:
Figure 1. Research Phase Diagram
Data Understanding
The data from (
BRI Data Hackathon -
People Analytics | Kaggle
, n.d.) is used as
dataset in this research. There are total
2205 rows data in this dataset. The
attributes in this dataset shown as below:
Albert Yakobus Chandra
Putri Taqwa Prasetyaningrum
Irfan Pratama
| 558
Figure 2. Attribute from dataset
Data Preparation
In this research, the data is prepared to
be used on the process, start from handling
the missing values, remove the duplicate
rows and load the data to be processing on
the modeling using neural network.
1. Modeling
In this phase the neural network
algorithm is employed. The data contained
numerical data and continuous data. The
neural network multilayer perceptron was
used to train the dataset and making the
neural network classifier. Using python to
process the dataset with neural network
classifier we get accuracy for neural
network is 97.777 confusion matrix.
Figure 3. Neural network confusion matrix
With implementing neural network
method on dataset, it shown classification
data based on indicators that affect the
performance of employees. The neural
network models need to be refined so as to
increase their performance. In choosing the
neural network, considerations should be
given to selecting a model based upon the
prediction risk. Figure 4 displays
performance the employee base on
gender, it shown best female at work 0.127
and best male at work 0.12 It's seems that
male are more productive than female. If
we see on the chart that has shown male
has got more productive than female.
Figure 4. performance based on Gender
Figure 4 shown significant difference
performance base on marital status,
already married at work 0,139 and have not
married at work 0.078. That significant
difference, married people are more
productive at workplace. Married people
have a family that depending on them, this
makes them more serious & productive at
workplace, this make sense.
559 | Implementing Neural Network On Data Mining To Predicting Key Performance Index
From Employee
Figure 5. Performance base on marital
Figure 3 shows performance base on
division, this dataset we have three division.
The employee on Mantri Kupedes have
percentage 50.4 % , Mantri KUR 46.1% and
the smallest percentage is 3.4% from
Mantri Briguna. Dataset the employee on
Mantri Kupedes have best performance
mor than Mantri KUR and Mantri Briguna.
Figure 6. Performance base on type of
Figure 6 shows surprisingly on
performance base on employee status, that
contract employee only have standard
performance compared to best permanent
employee 12.18%.
Figure 7. Performance base on Employee
Figure 7 shows performances base on
age with best age density above 0.12. Age
attribute showed a positive effect on
performance. This could be due to newly
working employees have energy and high
enthusiasm for work. On the other hand,
older employees may have had much
experience that would influence their
performance. It was observed that
employees between the age of 24 years
and 45 years showed better performance.
Figure 8. Performance base on age
Figure 8 shows best performance with
density above 1.6. Employees without
dependent prior to having one dependent
get the best performance from the dataset.
Because more and more dependents will
make employees much more serious in
pursuing their work targets to stay afloat.
Albert Yakobus Chandra
Putri Taqwa Prasetyaningrum
Irfan Pratama
| 560
Figure 9. Performance base on number of
Figure 9 shows Performance base on
GPA best employee have 0.175 0.200,
seems a reasonable predictor of effective
job performance a high GPA signals the
individual has a considerable degree of
Figure 10. Performances base on GPA
Figure 10 shows The Training attribute
had a slight effect on performance. The
percentage below 12 months 11.9%, 12-24
months 14.2%, and above 24 22.4%. The
employee who above 24 months
professional training showed better
performance compared to those below 12
months and 12 - 24 months. Generally, the
number of employees who had
outstanding performance after the training
was higher than those below 12 months
and 12 - 24 months.
Figure 11. Performance base on training
In this research shown that from the
dataset with using neural network classifier
we cloud get insight from the data and
doing exploratory data analysis (EDA)
resulted from the neural network classifier.
Couple insight has important role on
employee performance index such as
gender, marital status, GPA, division and
training. Using neural network to process
the data shown that this technique is very
good at predicting key performance index
from employee.
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license