JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 3, 403 416
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
10.36418/jrssem.v2i03.311 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Cris Kuntadi
Djamal Firmansyah
Bhayangkara University Greater Jakarta, Indonesia
STIA LAN Jakarta Polytechnic, Indonesia
e-mail: cris.kuntadi@dsn.ubharajaya.ac.id, djamal.firmansyah@hotmail.com
*Correspondence: cris.kuntad[email protected]arajaya.ac.id
: 05 October 2022
: 18 October 2022
: 27 October 2022
Abstract: This study aims to map the influence of leadership styles, systems, and the improvement
of resources on budgeting. The independent variables are leadership style, systems, and increased
resources while the dependent variable is budgeting in the study of the State Financial
Management Library. The purpose of this study as a literature review is to build hypotheses about
the influence of variables to be used in further research. This research method is a qualitative
method and literature review (Library Research). Examine theories and relationships or influences
between variables from books and journals both online sourced from Mendeley, Scholar Google,
and other online media. Based on the results of this literature review article, it is known that
leadership style influences budgeting, system improvement affects budgeting, and resources affect
Keywords: Budgeting, Leadership Style, System, and Resource Improvement.
Cris Kuntadi, Djamal Firmansyah | 404
The State Budget (APBN) is a list that
contains details of state revenues and state
expenditures or expenditures for one year,
starting from January 1 to December 31
(called fiscal year). The state budget
consists of the revenue budget, the
expenditure budget, and financing. In
simple terms, the state budget of the
structure can be indicated as domestic
revenues. The budget serves as a planning
tool control tool, a performance appraisal
tool, a motivational tool, and a tool for
creating public spaces (Mahsun S. and
Heribertus, 2011).
The Regional Revenue and Expenditure
Budget (APBD) is a list that contains details
of regional revenues and regional
expenditures or expenditures for one year
stipulated by Regional Regulations (Perda)
for a period of one year, starting from
January 1 to December 31. The regional
revenue and expenditure budget is
prepared in accordance with the needs of
government organizers and the ability of
regional revenues. In preparing the regional
revenue and expenditure budget, it is
sought so that operational expenditures do
not exceed the revenues in the relevant
fiscal year. The preparation of the draft
regional revenue and expenditure budget is
guided by the work plan of local
government in order to realize the
achievement of state goals (Mahsun S. and
Heribertus, 2011).
Budget in a government organization
has more meaning than just a planning
tool, it can even be said that the budget
serves as the main controlling tool for the
activities of the government organization.
The budget is used as a work guideline so
that in the process of compiling it requires
a good budget organization, the right
approach, and the calculation of the
amount of budget that is able to improve
performance. With the budget, each SKPD
can find out the occurrence of deviations
that will arise in the framework of the
activities or programs implemented,
namely by comparing the budget with its
realization. One of the functions of the
budget is as a performance assessment
tool, namely by measuring whether a work
unit has met targets, both in the form of
carrying out activities and meeting cost
According to Mulyadi (2001-488) a
budget is a quantitatively expressed work
plan measured in standard monetary units
and other units of measure covering a
period of one year. According to Supriyono
(1990-15), budgeting is a company's
financial planning that is used as the basis
for controlling (supervising) the company's
finances for the future period. Based on
Law Number 17 of 2003, it is stated that the
budget is a tool of accountability,
management, and economic policy. As an
instrument of economic policy, the budget
serves to realize economic growth and
stability as well as income equality in order
to achieve state goals (Asikin, 2014).
The preparation of the regional revenue
and expenditure budget begins with
making an agreement between the
executive and legislature on the general
policy of the regional revenue and
405 | Factors That Affect Preparation Budget: Style Leadership, Improvement System And
Source Power
expenditure budget and budget priorities
that will serve as guidelines for the
preparation of the revenue budget and
expenditure budget. The executive drafts
the regional revenue and expenditure
budget in accordance with the general
policy of the regional revenue and
expenditure budget and budget priorities
which are then submitted to the legislature
to be studied and discussed together
before being designated as regional
regulations (Perda). From an agency
perspective, this is a form of incomplete
contract, which becomes a tool for the
legislature to oversee the implementation
of the budget by the executive (Sularno,
The budgeting process contains high
political nuances (Wildavsky, 1991); Rubin,
2014; Purwanto, 2016), opportunistic
behavior (Moe, 1984); (Abdullah, 2012);
(Forrester, 1993) and participation in
budgeting is one way to address the
problem (Mardiasmo, 2002); (Marlowe &
Portillo, 2006) & Portillo, 2006; Im, et al.,
2014) so that people's trust in the
government can be better (Devas & Grant,
2003). If participation in the preparation of
change budgets is lower, then transparency
also becomes lower, giving rise to bias in
the decision-making of government
resource allocation (Larkey & Smith, 1989).
Bias in the determination of budget
spending can be caused by bias in
forecasting revenue budgets (Cassidy et al.,
Systematically made budgeting will be
very useful for planning in the future.
Budget is an important component to
translate organizational strategy, so that
the organization can run well (Munandar,
2007), in Yogantara, Wirakusuma, 2013).
The involvement and influence of leaders in
the budgeting process is participation in
budgeting in periodic and annual periods
(Brownell, 1982, in Hapsari, 2010).
According to (Kuntadi, 2017) in an
organization, the vision and mission are the
crystallization of values that have been
realized. However, this is not easy to
implement because there are possible
factors such as people in the organization
not quite understanding the vision and
mission that has been set. If the people
involved in the organization do not
understand the intention of the
organization's vision and mission, how can
it be possible to realize the goals contained
in the vision and mission of the
organization. To realize that realization is in
line with the vision and mission of the
organization, influence is needed for the
leader to the part involved in the
organization. It is also explained that
leadership is an influence, so the person
who does is more easily imitated than the
person who says it. Because a person is
more easily convinced by actions than by
Steers (1980) in Sopiah (2008) argues
that organizational commitment is a
condition where employees are very
interested in the goals, values and goals of
their organization. Wienner (1982) in
(Sumarno., 2005) stated that organizational
commitment is an encouragement from
within the individual to do something to
support the success of the organization in
accordance with the goals set and prioritize
the interests of the organization.
Organizational commitment can be a
psychological tool in running an
Cris Kuntadi, Djamal Firmansyah | 406
organization for the achievement of
expected performance (Nouri et al., 1996;
McClurg, 1999; Chong et al, 2002) in
(Kunwaviyah, 2010). According to Randal
(1990) in (Sardjito, 2007) high
organizational commitment will increase
high performance as well. According to
Mowday (1979) in (Suhartono, 2007)
organizational commitment is a strong
belief and support for the values and goals
(goals) that the organization wants to
achieve. According to (Solihin, 2011), to get
optimal support for its implementation, the
process of preparing the SKPD Strategic
Plan document requires building
commitment and agreement from all
stakeholders to achieve skpd goals through
a transparent, democratic and accountable
According to Been Lee (1970) in
(Alfatih., 2004) the purpose of improving
administration is to improve order, improve
methods, and improve working
performance. Wallis (1989) in (Rakhmat,
2005) said that administrative improvement
includes three aspects, namely a change
must be an improvement from the previous
situation, improvement is obtained by
deliberate effort and does not occur by
chance, and is long-term and not
temporary. According to (Bastian, 2006)
performance-based budgeting requires a
public administration system that has been
well laid out, consistent and structured so
that budget performance can be achieved
based on predetermined measures.
According to Tjokroamidjojo (1985) in
Sinaga (2008) mentioned that
administrative reform needs to be aimed at
improving administration to support
regional development.
The condition for the running of an
organization is ownership of resources.
According to Edward III (1980) in (Akib,
2010), resources are important in the
implementation of good policies. The
indicators used to see the extent to which
resources affect policy implementation
consist of: human resources, budget
resources, information in the form of data,
and other supporting facilities. The main
activity in performance-based budgeting is
to obtain quantitative data and make its
budgeting decisions. According to
(Kiswara, 2008), the process of obtaining
quantitative data aims to obtain
information and understanding about
various programs that produce expected
outputs and outcomes.
As a plan, the budget reflects
development priorities, partiality to the
public, and the power of power of budget
actors, which will be implemented during a
single fiscal period (Wildavsky, 1991).
Based on information from
Kompas.com 2021 with the title of the
article 4 Years of Anies Governor of DKI
Jakarta: Officials resign, ASN is unwilling to
promote, and there are policies that are felt
to have no effect related to the
performance of an activity in the article
Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD About
Anies changing the name of the Hospital:
Stop creating inconsequential policies, a
policy from the government that is not
approved by the public regarding the
change of street names by the Governor of
DKI Jakarta and the future impact of the
policy A government that burdens the
407 | Factors That Affect Preparation Budget: Style Leadership, Improvement System And
Source Power
The method of writing this scientific
article is by qualitative methods and
literature review (Library Research).
Examines theories and relationships or
influences between variables from books
and journals both online sourced from
Mendeley, Scholar Google and other online
In qualitative research, literature review
should be used consistently with
methodological assumptions. This means
that it must be used inductively so as not to
direct the questions posed by the
researcher. One of the main reasons for
conducting qualitative research is that the
research is exploratory (Ali, 2013).
Based on theoretical studies and
relevant previous research, the discussion
this literature review
article in the
concentration of State Financial
Management is:
1. The Influence of Leadership Style on
(Ayu, 2020) examined the Analysis of
Factors Affecting the Preparation and
Application of Performance-Based
Regional Revenue and Expenditure
Budgets (Study on the Organization of
Regional Apparatus of Bima Regency). The
results of the research conducted show
that Leadership Style affects Budgeting the
lower the leadership style, the
performance-based budgeting will also be
low. However, this is not in accordance with
the conclusion that explains that
Leadership Style does not affect
budgeting. In the results of the study, it
was also conveyed related to the influence
of Leadership Style on budget preparation,
namely if not applied a leadership style
directed at openness and is more of a
humanist where there is no maintained
good relationship and communication
between superiors and subordinates will
tend not to give subordinates the
opportunity to take part in participating
and will only result in anxiety, pressure, as
well as decreased levels of motivation.
(P. Rumenser., 2014) examined the
Effect of Commitment, Quality of Human
Resources, and Leadership Style on
Budgeting Ability in Manado City
Government. The results of the study
stated that Leadership Style affects
budgeting ability. With the concern of
superiors to provide good and correct
instructions regarding budget preparation,
pay attention to every problem that exists
in the SKPD, there is a relationship which is
good in the event that it is asked for advice
by the superior, in connection with the
preparation of the budget, a quality
budget will be produced in accordance
with the established guidelines. The results
of this study agree with the previous
research conducted by (Sumarno., 2005).
Cris Kuntadi, Djamal Firmansyah | 408
2. Effect of System Improvement on
(Rasuli, 2018) examined the Influence
of Leadership Style, Improvement of the
Administrative System, Commitment from
All Components of the Organization,
Adequacy of Resources, and Reward
Punishment System on the Preparation of
APBD-Based Performance in SKPD Riau
Province. Research Results For the variable
of improvement of the administrative
system, it shows a significance value of 0.
The significance level used is 0.05,
meaning 0 < 0.05. This means that the
improvement of the administrative system
has a significant effect on the preparation
of performance-based APBD. This is
supported by the research of Sembiring
(2009), Mubar et al (2012), and Saffitri
(2012), getting the conclusion that the
improvement of the administrative system
has a significant effect on the preparation
of the APBD performance-based.
Performance-based budgeting requires a
public administration system that has been
well laid out, consistent and structured so
that budget performance can be achieved
based on predetermined measures.
(Ayu, 2020) examined the Analysis of
Factors Affecting the Preparation and
Application of Performance-Based
Regional Revenue and Expenditure
Budgets (Study on the Organization of
Regional Apparatus of Bima Regency).
Based on the results of the research
conducted, it shows that Variable X2
(Administrative Improvement) has a
positive and significant effect on
performance-based APBD. This can be
proven by a calculated test value of 3.660
and a table statistical value of 1.672 (3.660
> 1.672) with a significance of 0.001 less
than α (0.05). This test showed that H0
was rejected and H1b was accepted. These
results show that performance-based
budgeting requires a public administration
system that has been well-organized,
consistent and structured so that budget
performance can be achieved based on
predetermined sizes. Similarly, according
to Sinaga (2008) that administrative reform
needs to be aimed at improving
administration to support regional
development. Continuous administrative
improvement in the form of preparation of
performance-based budget measurement
instruments continuously through
continuous improvement of performance-
based budget measurement instruments
existing Minimum Service Standards,
Shopping Analysis Standards, Performance
Targets, and Cost Standards are important
factors in the successful preparation of
performance-based APBD. This is in
accordance with the Regulation of the
Minister of Home Affairs Number 59 of
2007 Article 100 paragraphs (2) and (3).
(Hasan, 2018) examined the Factors
Affecting Performance-Based Budgeting in
the Gorontalo Provincial Government.
Research Results The effect of improving
the administrative system on
performance-based budgets is positive
and significant. The positive influence
shows that the effect of improving the
administrative system is in the same
direction as the performance-based
budget or in other words, the
improvement of a good/high
administrative system will be affects
good/high performance-based budgets,
and vice versa if the improvement of the
409 | Factors That Affect Preparation Budget: Style Leadership, Improvement System And
Source Power
administrative system is low/bad then the
performance-based budget will be low/
laborers. The significant influence shows
that the improvement of the administrative
system has an important role in increasing
performance-based budgets.
(Ismid, 2020) examined the Analysis of
Factors Affecting the Preparation of a
Performance-Based Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget in the Aceh Singkil
Regency Government. Research Results,
namely the Effect of Improving the
Administrative System on Performance-
Based Budget Preparation Based on the
results of the partial test (t test) shows that
the improvement of the administrative
system has a positive effect and is
significant. This means that the
improvement of the administrative system
has a positive and significant effect on
performance-based budgeting. This
research is consistent with semirings
(2009) research found that the
improvement of the administrative system
has a positive and significant effect on
performance-based budgeting. Thus the
hypothesis that states that it is alleged that
the improvement of the administrative
system has an effect and is significant to
the preparation of performance-based
budgets is accepted. System improvement
in this case what is meant is performance
targets, performance measurement,
performance analysis, minimum service
standards, and cost standards. This
indicator is used as a tool for measuring
performance base budget
implementation. If the improvement of the
administrative system is good/high, it will
affect the preparation of a good/high
performance-based budget, and vice versa
if the improvement is poor/low
administrative system then performance-
based budgeting will be bad/low (Deliana
& Nasution, 2016).
(R. Yandra & E. Sutrisna, 2013)
examined the Preparation of Performance-
Based APBD. The results showed that the
improvement of the administrative system
did not affect the preparation of
performance-based APBD. The results of
statistical testing showed a significant level
of Administrative System Refinement of
0.219 which was greater than the
significant level of 0.05 so the hypothesis
made was rejected. The results of this
study contradict the theory proposed by
the BPKP which states that the
improvement of the administrative system
is one of the factors that influence the
preparation of performance-based APBD.
This shows that the variables of improving
the administrative system do not have an
important role in the preparation of
performance-based regional budgets in
the Siak Regency. The difference between
the results of the study and this hypothesis
is that the Siak Regency Government in the
preparation of the APBD prioritizes the
timeliness achieved in the preparation of
the APBD compared to carrying out
convoluted administrative processes. This
often happens because in the preparation
of the APBD the Siak district government
has limited time, so to catch up with the
deadline sometimes The steps that must
be taken in the existing administrative
system are missed. Thus, the improvement
of the administrative system has a less
significant effect on the preparation of
performance-based APBD.
Cris Kuntadi, Djamal Firmansyah | 410
3. The Effect of Resources on Budgeting.
(P. Rumenser., 2014) examined the
Effect of Commitment, Quality of Human
Resources, and Leadership Style on
Budgeting Ability in Manado City
Government. The results of the study that
partially the Human Resource Quality
Variable (X2) did not have a significant
effect on the Budgeting Ability of each
SKPD. This is because in the preparation of
the budget does not depend only entirely
on the quality of human resources, there
are other resources such as budget
resources, information in the form of data
and other supporting facilities. In budget
reporting, it is still found that budget
allocations are not in accordance with the
needs and priority scale and do not reflect
economic, efficient and effective aspects.
(Hasan, 2018) examined the Factors
Affecting Performance-Based Budgeting in
the Gorontalo Provincial Government.
Research Results The effect of human
resources on performance-based budgets
is positive and significant. The positive
influence shows that the influence of
human resources is quite in the same
direction as the performance-based
budget or in other words good/high
enough human resources will affect the
good/high performance-based budget,
and vice versa if the human resources are
low enough/bad then the performance-
based budget will low/bad.
(Ismid, 2020) examined the Analysis
of Factors Affecting the Preparation of a
Performance-Based Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget in the Aceh Singkil
Regency Government. Research Results,
namely the Effect of Human Resource
Quality on Performance-Based Budgeting
Based on the results of the partial test (t
test) shows that the quality of human
resources has a positive effect and
significant. This means that the quality of
human resources has a positive and
significant effect on performance-based
budgeting. This research is consistent with
Syafira's (2013) research which found that
the quality of resources has a positive and
significant effect on performance-based
budgets. Thus the hypothesis that states
that it is suspected that the quality of
human resources has an effect and is
significant to the preparation of
performance-based budgets is accepted.
Work organizations are expected to have
carried out the development of skills as
well as mental abilities of personnel to
support personnel in problem-solving
when making related decisions regarding
performance based budgeting.
Furthermore, all personnel should have an
educational background, talents, potential,
personality, and work motivation
appropriate to the field of work related to
performance-based budgeting. Resources
are important in good policy
implementation where indicators are used
to see the extent to which resources affect
policy implementation consisting of:
human resources, budget resources,
information in the form of data, and other
supporting facilities. Resources are rational
factors that measure the extent to which an
organization has relevant resources for the
effectiveness of performance-based
budget implementation. If there are
resources, namely staff, and funds
specifically to develop and evaluate
performance, it will have an impact on the
adoption of performance measures.
411 | Factors That Affect Preparation Budget: Style Leadership, Improvement System And
Source Power
Emiya, et al (2022) examined the
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Quality
of Regional Budget Preparation (Case
Study at the Karo Regency Regional
Financial, Revenue, and Asset
Management Agency). The results of the
study that the value of the regression
coefficient of human resources is 0.375
which means that the better human
resources are in implementing and
managing regional interests, they will be
more able to provide the quality of
regional budget preparation that is
increasingly appropriate. This is also in line
with the results of the hypothesis test
which shows that human resources have a
positive and significant effect on the
quality of regional budget preparation
because The calculated value (2,713) >the
ttable value (2,015) or the significance
value t (0.009) is smaller than the alpha <
( 0.05 ). The results of this study are in line
with research from Harahap & Syardiansah
(2021) which states that organizational
commitment has a significant effect on the
quality of APBD preparation.
(R. Yandra & E. Sutrisna, 2013)
examined the Preparation of Performance-
Based APBD. The results showed that
sufficient resources did not have a
significant effect on the preparation of
performance-based APBD. The statistical
tests carried out showed that the
significance value of the variable sufficient
resources was 0.692 which is greater than
the significant level of 0.05 so the
hypothesis that made rejected. The results
of this study contradict the theory
proposed by the BPKP which states that
sufficient resources are one of the factors
that influence the preparation of
performance-based APBD. This means that
if there are enough resources available, it
will not necessarily affect the improvement
of performance-based APBD preparation
and vice versa. So sufficient resources do
not play an important role in the
preparation of performance-based APBD
within the Siak Regency Government. The
difference between the results of the study
and the hypothesis compiled is that the
Siak Regency Government in the
preparation of performance-based APBD
pays more attention to the amount of
APBD value than to available resources. So
sometimes in the implementation of the
APBD, it often involves parties outside the
agency to help with limited resources.
Siak's budget, which is relatively large
when compared to other regencies/cities
in Riau Province, is more likely for the
government to cooperate with parties
outside that has the resources needed. So
sufficient resources from the internals of
Siak Regency itself have less influence on
the preparation of performance-based
Conceptual Framework
Based on the formulation of the
problem, theoretical studies, relevant
previous research and discussion of the
influence between variables, a frame of
thinking about this article is obtained as
Cris Kuntadi, Djamal Firmansyah | 412
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Based on the conceptual framework
image above, then: Leadership Style,
System Improvement, and Resources affect
Apart from these three exogen
variables that affect Budgeting, there are
many other variables that affect it
a) Organizational Commitment:
(P. Rumenser., 2014) examined the
Effect of Commitment, Quality of Human
Resources, and Leadership Style on
Budgeting Ability in the Manado City
Government. The results of the research on
the organizational commitment that
affects the preparation of the Budget at
SKPD in Manado City.
(R. Yandra & E. Sutrisna, 2013)
examined the Preparation of Performance-
Based APBD. The results of the study,
namely the commitment of all
components of the organization, partially
affect the preparation of performance-
based APBD.
Emiya, et al (2022) examined the
analysis of Factors Affecting the Quality of
Regional Budget Preparation (Case Study
at the Karo Regency Regional Financial,
Revenue, and Asset Management Agency).
Research results that the better the
organizational commitment that is
established between regional apparatuses,
the more able it will be in providing quality
in preparing regional budgets the better.
This is also in line with the results of the
hypothesis test which shows that
organizational commitment has a positive
and significant effect on the quality of
regional budget preparation.
b) Awards (rewards):
Nurwira Rahayu Mubar (2021)
examined the Factors Affecting the
Preparation of Performance-Based
Regional Revenue and Expenditure
Budgets. Research Results The effect of
awards on the preparation of
performance-based APBD is positive and
insignificant. The positive influence can be
seen from the regression coefficient of the
reward variable of 0.085 and is insignificant
where the significant level is greater than
0.05 (0.330 > 0.05) and the calculated value
is smaller than ttabel (0.981 < 1.670).
Positive influences show that rewards are
important to achieve successful
performance-based APBD preparation. In
accordance with the theory put forward by
Gibson et al (2000) in Wibowo (2007)
Leadership Style
413 | Factors That Affect Preparation Budget: Style Leadership, Improvement System And
Source Power
which states that the main purpose of the
reward program is to motivate employees
to achieve performance.
(Ismid, 2020) examined the Analysis of
Factors Affecting the Preparation of a
Performance-Based Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget in the Aceh Singkil
Regency Government. The results of the
study, namely the Effect of Rewards on
Performance-Based Budgeting Based on
the results of the partial test (t test) showed
that rewards had a positive and significant
effect. This means rewards have a positive
and significant effect on budgeting-based.
This research is in line with Yandra's
research (2013) which found that rewards
have a significant effect on performance-
based budgeting. Thus the hypothesis
stating that it is suspected that rewards
have an effect and significant effect on
performance-based budgeting is
(Ayu, 2020) examined the Analysis of
Factors Affecting the Preparation and
Application of Performance-Based
Regional Revenue and Expenditure
Budgets (Study on the Organization of
Regional Apparatus of Bima Regency).
Based on the results of research that has
been carried out, it shows that the variable
X5 (Award) has a positive and significant
effect on performance-based APBD. This
means that this can be proven by a
calculated test statistical value of 23,561
and a ttable statistical value of 1,672
(23,561 > 1,672) with a significance of
0.000 less than α (0.05). This test showed
that H0 was rejected and H1e was
accepted. If the independent variable,
namely the award (X5), increases, the
dependent variable, namely performance-
based APBD, will also increase. The award
affects the APBD because this program is a
program that can stimulate employees in
carrying out their duties as well as possible.
The significant influence is due to the fact
that the Bima Regency government has
implemented a reward system to support
the successful preparation of performance
budgets, such as providing incentives for
program implementers so that they
support and work in total in implementing
c) Sanctions (Punishment):
(R. Yandra & E. Sutrisna, 2013)
examined the Preparation of Performance-
Based APBD. The results showed that the
results of the study that sanctions had a
significant effect on the preparation of
performance-based APBD. The results of
statistical testing show that the
significance level of the punishment
variable is 0.000 where is smaller than the
significance level of 0.05 which means
that the hypothesis is accepted. The
results of this study support the theory
proposed by the BPKP which states that
punishment is one of the factors that
influence the preparation of performance-
based APBD.
(Ismid, 2020) examined the Analysis of
Factors Affecting the Preparation of a
Performance-Based Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget in the Aceh Singkil
Regency Government. Research Results on
the Effect of Punishment on Performance-
Based Budgeting The effect of punishment
on the preparation of performance-based
APBD is positive and significant (Rafiqah &
Nasution, 2015). The positive influence
shows that the application of sanctions
(punishment) is important in the successful
Cris Kuntadi, Djamal Firmansyah | 414
preparation of performance-based APBD.
This research is in line with the theory
proposed by Skinner (1983) in
Wahyuningsih (2009) which reveals that
human behavior is formed by the series of
reinforcements and punishments he
receives from the environment. Similarly,
according to Subagyo (2006) in
Wahyuningsih (2009), socialization of the
implementation of the main regulations of
the organization to members of the
organization is not enough even though it
is carried out continuously if it is not
accompanied by a strict sanctions
mechanism and implemented as
appropriate. The application of strict
sanctions for delays in submitting
performance accountability reports and
non-success in the implementation of
performance-based budgets can be a
motivation for SKPD to realize
performance-based APBD. This is in
accordance with Government Regulation
Number 8 of 2006 concerning financial
reporting and performance of government
agencies Article 34.
(Ayu, 2020) examined the Analysis of
Factors Affecting the Preparation and
Application of Performance-Based
Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budgets
(Study on the Organization of Regional
Apparatus of Bima Regency). Based on the
results of research that has been carried
out, it shows that the variable X6
(Sanctions) has a positive and significant
effect on performance-based APBD. This is
evidenced by the statistical value of the
calculated test of 11,769 and the statistical
value of 1,672 (11,769 > 1,672) with a
significance of 0.000 less than α (0.05).
This test showed that H0 was rejected and
H1f was accepted. If the sanctions variable
is applied, it will result in a better
performance-based APBD preparation and
implementation process. The application
of strict sanctions for delays in submitting
performance accountability reports and
non-success in the implementation of
performance-based budgets can be a
motivation for OPD to realize a
performance-based APBD and with
sanctions, employees will be more careful
at work.
Based on theory, relevant articles and
discussions can then be formulated
hypotheses for further research: 1)
Leadership Style affects Budgeting. 2)
System Improvement affects Budgeting. 3)
Resources affect Budgeting.
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