405 | Factors That Affect Preparation Budget: Style Leadership, Improvement System And
Source Power
expenditure budget and budget priorities
that will serve as guidelines for the
preparation of the revenue budget and
expenditure budget. The executive drafts
the regional revenue and expenditure
budget in accordance with the general
policy of the regional revenue and
expenditure budget and budget priorities
which are then submitted to the legislature
to be studied and discussed together
before being designated as regional
regulations (Perda). From an agency
perspective, this is a form of incomplete
contract, which becomes a tool for the
legislature to oversee the implementation
of the budget by the executive (Sularno,
The budgeting process contains high
political nuances (Wildavsky, 1991); Rubin,
2014; Purwanto, 2016), opportunistic
behavior (Moe, 1984); (Abdullah, 2012);
(Forrester, 1993) and participation in
budgeting is one way to address the
problem (Mardiasmo, 2002); (Marlowe &
Portillo, 2006) & Portillo, 2006; Im, et al.,
2014) so that people's trust in the
government can be better (Devas & Grant,
2003). If participation in the preparation of
change budgets is lower, then transparency
also becomes lower, giving rise to bias in
the decision-making of government
resource allocation (Larkey & Smith, 1989).
Bias in the determination of budget
spending can be caused by bias in
forecasting revenue budgets (Cassidy et al.,
Systematically made budgeting will be
very useful for planning in the future.
Budget is an important component to
translate organizational strategy, so that
the organization can run well (Munandar,
2007), in Yogantara, Wirakusuma, 2013).
The involvement and influence of leaders in
the budgeting process is participation in
budgeting in periodic and annual periods
(Brownell, 1982, in Hapsari, 2010).
According to (Kuntadi, 2017) in an
organization, the vision and mission are the
crystallization of values that have been
realized. However, this is not easy to
implement because there are possible
factors such as people in the organization
not quite understanding the vision and
mission that has been set. If the people
involved in the organization do not
understand the intention of the
organization's vision and mission, how can
it be possible to realize the goals contained
in the vision and mission of the
organization. To realize that realization is in
line with the vision and mission of the
organization, influence is needed for the
leader to the part involved in the
organization. It is also explained that
leadership is an influence, so the person
who does is more easily imitated than the
person who says it. Because a person is
more easily convinced by actions than by
Steers (1980) in Sopiah (2008) argues
that organizational commitment is a
condition where employees are very
interested in the goals, values and goals of
their organization. Wienner (1982) in
(Sumarno., 2005) stated that organizational
commitment is an encouragement from
within the individual to do something to
support the success of the organization in
accordance with the goals set and prioritize
the interests of the organization.
Organizational commitment can be a
psychological tool in running an