JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02 No. 4, 544 554
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
10.36418/jrssem.v2i04.308 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
PROVINCE IN 2017-2020
Nico Candra Pratama
Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: nicocandra02@gmail.com, mi148@ums.ac.id
*Correspondence: nicocandra0[email protected]
: 09 November 2022
: 18 November 2022
: 28 November 2022
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to measure the direction and magnitude of the influence of
education levels, economic growth, allocation of government expenditure, and the number of poor
people unemployed in Bali in 2017-2020. The analysis method used is the Panel Least Square (PLS)
regression method with
cross sections
covering 8 regencies and 1 city in Bali province, namely:
Jembrana Regency, Tabanan Regency, Badung Regency, Gianyar Regency, Klungkung Regency,
Bangli Regency, Karangasem Regency, Buleleng Regency, Denpasar City. And this research uses a
time series starting from 2017-2020. Independent variables used to explain the factors influencing
the unemployment rate are the level of education, economic growth, goverment expenditure
allocation, and the number of poor people.
Keywords: Unemployment, Education Level, Economic Growth, Government Expenditure
Allocation, and Number of Poor People, PLS.
Nico Candra Pratama, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 545
Bali Province is one of the regions that
has world famous tourist destinations that
attract local and foreign tourists, where Bali
Province relies on this attraction for the
economy and dependence on tourism. It
turns out that the advancement of the
economy of Bali Province by the tourism
industry has not been able to overcome the
problem of unemployment in Bali Province.
Unemployment is an inexhaustible
problem and often occurs in developed and
developing countries and in every region.
The unemployment rate is one of the
indicators used to measure economic
progress in the area, where if the
unemployment rate is high then the
economy in the area is bad, and vice versa
if the unemployment rate in the area is low
then the economy is good. And if the
unemployment rate in the area is high, it is
also a factor hindering long term
development for the area.
A. W. Philips has observed a link
between inflation and unemployment
based on the incidence of economic
depression in America in 1992. From his
observations, there is a relationship
between inflation and unemployment,
where if inflation is high, unemployment
will be low.
Yacoub (2012) efforts to reduce the
unemployment rate and the poverty rate
are equally important. Because in theory, if
people are not unemployed, it means
having a job and income. With this income,
it is hoped that it can meet the needs of life,
if the needs of life are met, it can help
reduce poverty. So it can be said that with
a low unemployment rate, the poverty rate
is also low.
According to Elfindri (2001: 239)
another factor that also influences the
unemployment rate is the level of
education. The relationship between the
level of education and the unemployment
rate is that the level of education can
determine the employment status of a
person, because, with a better level of
education, a person will tend to get a more
qualified job so that they can meet the
needs of life and on the other hand can also
reduce the unemployment rate. In addition,
if someone is highly educated, then the
unemployment situation will not be as
severe as when compared to people who
are poorly educated and they are also able
to earn wages that range from the
minimum wage limit.
With a high level of education, a
person is expected to increase their
chances of getting a job. Education that a
person completes will be expected to be
able to produce quality human resources,
based on human resource coaching is an
effort to enlarge a person's production
ability either in work or other activities that
can make it easier for that person to be
placed in the job. Efforts to foster human
resources as one of the efforts to create job
opportunities that can create more job
opportunities are expected to reduce the
unemployment rate (Yos Merizal, 2008).
Growth and economic development
are two very important terms when talking
about the concept of economic
development. Economic growth is an effort
546 | The Effect of Education Level, Economic Growth, Allocation of Government Expenditure, and
The Number of Poor People on Unemployment In Bali Province In 2017-2020
to shape the identity of a country from an
economic perspective. Berger Hazil
Mulyadi (2003) argues that an
increasing population can result in a large
number of labor forces. This means the
bigger the more people are looking for
work or unemployed.
The unemployment rates is also due to
the high criteria expected by companies
that create jobs, many companies require a
Bachelor's degree or even a Master's
degree for applicants. Therefore,
unemployment is the responsibility of the
community, especially the government as
the hope of the process of improving
people's lives, to immediately find a way
out by formulating strategic and systematic
measures as a way to deal with the problem
of unemployment. "A person is seen as
unemployed if he is temporarily
unemployed, is looking for a job, or waiting
for time to start a new job" Mankiw (2000:
According to Kurniawan (2013: 7). The
close relationship between economic
growth and unemployment is that the
increasing economic growth in a country
has an impact on the rapid flow of capital
entering the region and the country, thus
providing employment opportunities
marked by the number of new business
sectors, thereby reducing the number of
unemployed in the country and the country.
Unemployment usually occurs in the
younger generation who have just
completed middle and high education.
Those who have just completed their
education tend to try to find work in
modern sectors such as offices. So they are
willing to wait for some gunda to get the
job. It is also possible that they are looking
for work by migrating to cities, provinces,
or being bullied by more developed
industrial activities. And this is one of the
causes of the open unemployment rate is
quite high in the city or area. And
conversely, the open unemployment rate in
regions or in provinces where economic
activity still rests on the traditional sector,
the open unemployment rate is low,
especially if the level of education in that
area is still low (Kuncoro, 2003: Junaidi &
Zulfanetti, 2016).
According to Jhingan (2012) economic
factors include factors of land and natural
wealth, capital accumulation, organization,
technology and division of labor and scale
of production. Land and other natural
wealth are natural resources that are the
main factors influencing economic growth.
According to Todaro (2004), public
expenditure is an expenditure that
increases community capital in the form of
development, both physically and
nonphysically. Development expenditure is
an expenditure shown to finance
development programs so that the budget
can always be adjusted to the funds spent.
In macro analysis, the level of economic
growth achieved by a country is measured
by the development of real national income
achieved by a country (Sukirno, 2006).
A country's high unemployment rate
can be attributed to GDP growth within the
country or to a smaller scope called Gross
Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), which
means an increase in regional income.
Okun's law explains the negative
relationship between unemployment and
GRDP. Any increased unemployment is
often associated with declining economic
Nico Candra Pratama, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 547
growth, hence the number of unemployed
will increase. And vice versa, if economic
growth increases, then the problem of
unemployment can be reduced.
Unemployment is a problem that must
be experienced by countries, both
developing and developed countries and in
every region.
Indonesia itself is a country with one of
the largest populations in the world which
should be the driver of the economy, and
as a result of the large number of people in
a country or in an area, it also causes an
unemployment rate caused by several
factors, such as education, environment,
technology, and equality from the
A larger population can get a large
number of jobs. This means that the bigger
the more people need jobs and also lead
toan unemployment rate. In the opinion of
Mulyadi (2003).
Level of education
The level of education also affects and
can reduce the unemployment rate, which
is where if the person is educated or has
skills then can find a job and get wages as
done, if it can be implemented then the
unemployment rate will decrease.
According to Simanjuntak (1998).
Higher education results in better work
productivity so that the impact will provide
a greater income. Because if the education
is low and does not have skills, the choice
of work to meet the needs of life becomes
limited so that the job chosen is also an
ordinary job that earns a low income.
Kuncoro in Subli (2005: 26) gives the
choice of people who work as farmers have
an income of 4.82%, people who work as
employees in the field of production and
services get an income of 7-9%, and people
who work as managers or entrepreneurs
have an income of 35%. And it can be
concluded from the study that jobs that
require higher education or skills have a
greater income.
Economic growth
Looking at the development of data on
the Gross Regional Domestic Product
(GRDP) of a region is one way to measure
economic growth. GRDP is the sum of the
value of economic output produced or
generated by all economic activities in a
certain area (Regency/City). In units of a
certain period on the prevailing price and
constant price.
Economic growth is the long term
capacity increase of the country concerned
to provide its population with various
economic goods. The increase in capacity is
made possible by the advancement and
adjustment of technology, and ideology to
various existing circumstances. Simon
According to Smith, the available
natural resources (SDA) are the most basic
container of community production
activities. The amount of natural resources
available (SDA) is the maximum limit for the
growth of an economy.
Allocation of Government Expenditure
The allocation of government
expenditures is government sector
expenditures that are allocated including
548 | The Effect of Education Level, Economic Growth, Allocation of Government Expenditure, and
The Number of Poor People on Unemployment In Bali Province In 2017-2020
the purchase of goods, services, and
subsidy payments and are based on data
sources from the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS) of regencies/cities in Bali Province in
The free market system of full use of
labor is not always created so it is necessary
to make efforts and government policies to
create the use of labor and economic
growth (Sukirno, 2004: 7). One solution that
can be done is to carry out fiscal policy
through tax reductions and additional
government spending.
Number of Poor Population
Poverty can be interpreted as a
condition of inability of income to meet
basic needs so that the ability to survive is
lacking. The number of poor people
according to the Central Statics Agency
(BPS) is the number of people who are
below the poverty line. The data taken at
the Central Statistics Agency of Bali
Province for 2017-2020 is secondary data.
to measure poverty by using the concept of
the ability to meet basic needs (basic need
approach). With this approach, poverty is
seen as the inability from the economic side
to meet the basic needs of food and not
food as measured from the side of income.
So the poor are those who have an average
monthly per capita expenditure below the
poverty line. According to the Central
Statistics Agency (BPS).
According to Arsyad (2010) there is a
relationship between the unemployment
rate and the level of poverty. For people
who do not have a permanent job or only
work part time (part-time) are always in the
poor community. The more demanding job
seekers but the narrow job opportunities
will make the number of unemployed
worse which means that a high
unemployment rate can lead to low
incomes which further triggers poverty and
the number of poor people who arise due
to insufficiency of basic needs.
A. Data and data sources
The main data to be used is secondary
data sourced from the publication of data
published by the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS) Bali in the year between 2017-2020
1. Data Sources
Data sources will be obtained from
secondary data, namely publications from
the Central Statistics Agency of Bali
Province in 2017-2020.
2. Data Collection Methods
The data collection method that will be
carried out is through secondary data
stages and then data processing and
analysis are carried out through the EViews
10 computer program.
3. Operational Definition
The operational definition described
here is as follows:
a. Unemployment
A situation in which a person
belonging to the labor force who wants to
get a job but has not got or can get it, and
unemployment itself can occur due to
several things, one of which is because of
technology, technological advances
themselves make Some people replaced by
the technology. The unit of unemployment
data is %.
Nico Candra Pratama, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 549
b. Education Level
The level of education is seen from the
number of people who have passed the
latest education of SMA / SMK and above
in bali province in 2017-2020, which is
measured in units of soul.
c. Economic Growth
Economic growth is a process by which
the production capacity of an economy
increases over time. The economic growth
data used in this study is the rate of
economic growth on the basis of constant
prices in 2000.
× 100%
The unit of economic growth data is %.
d. Allocation of Government
The allocation of government
spending is data used to determine the
magnitude of the effect of government
spending on the unemployment rate. In
units of billions of rupiah.
e. Number of Poor People
Poverty can be interpreted as a
condition of the inability of income to meet
basic needs so that the ability to survive is
lacking. The number of poor people
according to the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS) is the number of people who are
below the poverty line. And the data will be
taken at the Central Statistics Agency of Bali
Province in 2017-2020. The unit of the
number of poor people is %.
f. Models and analysis tools
1. Panel
According to the analysis method used
in this study is panel data regression which
is a combination of (Gaby Dainty Julliet
Roring1 A. G., 2020)time series data and
cross section. Time series data typically
includes a single object/individual, but
spans multiple periods (daily, monthly,
quarterly, or yearly). Cross data consists of
several or many objects, often referred to
respondents for example a certain area
with some type of data in a certain period
of time.
2. Fem
According to (Gaby Dainty Julliet
Roring1 A. G., 2020) the fixed effect model,
it is a technique of estimating panel data
using variables dummy to catch any
intercept differences. This understanding is
based on the difference in intercepts
between companies but the intercepts are
the same between times (time invariants).
The model also assumes that the regression
coefficient (slope) remains between
companies and between times.
3. Rem
According to the method of panel data
analysis with (Gaby Dainty Julliet Roring1 A.
G., 2020) a random effect model, it must
meet the requirements, namely. The
number of cross sections should be greater
than the number of research variables. The
equation of the random effect model
according to Gujarati (2012).
4. Chow
According to the Chow Test is a test
carried out to determine the right model
among the (Gaby Dainty Julliet Roring1 A.
G., 2020). Common Effect or Fixed Effect to
be used in estimating panel data. Note the
probability value for cross section F, if the
value > 0.05 then the selected model is
CEM, but if the cross section F probability
value < 0.05 then the selected model is FEM.
550 | The Effect of Education Level, Economic Growth, Allocation of Government Expenditure, and
The Number of Poor People on Unemployment In Bali Province In 2017-2020
5. Hausman
The Hausman Test is a test carried out to
determine the right model among the
(Gaby Dainty Julliet Roring1 A. G., 2020).
Fixed Effect or Random Effect to be used in
estimating panel data. If the Cross section
Random probability value > 0.05 then the
model used is REM, but if the Cross section
Random probability value < 0.05 then the
selected model is the FEM model.
Based on the results of the panel data
test that has been carried out, it is known
that uji Chow shows that the best method
is Fixed Effect rather than Common Effect.
So the next step to determine whether
Fixed Effect is better than Common Effect,
Hausman test is needed.
Hausman's test shows that the best
method is Random Effect rather than Fixed
Effect. So the next step to determine
whether Random Effect is better than
Common Effect, a Lagrange Multiplier test
is needed.
To estimate the direction and magnitude
of the influence of education levels,
economic growth, allocation of
government expenditures, and the number
of poor people on unemployed in Bali
province in 2017-2020.
The panel data regression analysis
resulting from the secondary data of the
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Bali
Province with an econometric model which
is a combination of equation models that
are modifications by Ma'ruf and Wihastuti
(2008), Baltaqi (2000) are as follows:
= 𝛽
+ 𝛽
+ β
+ β
+ 𝛽
+ e
Where :
UEMP : Unemployment (%)
EDU : Level of Education (soul)
PRTMB : Economic Growth (%)
PNGEL : Government Expenditure Allocation (billion rupiah)
PO : Number of Poor People (%)
: Error Term (error factor)
0. : Constant
: Independent Variable Regression Coefficient
I : Regencies/Cities
t : T-th year
Nico Candra Pratama, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 551
After the first test, the chow test is as follows:
Table 1. uji chow
Effects Test
Cross-section F
Cross-section Chi-square
From the results of this study, it shows
that probability F = 0.0055 < 0.01,
Probability chi-square = 0.0002 < 0.01, H0
= CEM, HA = FEM. Then the H0 kint was
rejected, so the model chosen was FEM.
Below shows the FEM test results as follows:
Table 2. Fixed effect model
Std. Error
Based on the chow test, a prob value of
0.0055 was obtained. When compared to
the value of α (0.01) then H0 is rejected
because the prob value is < α. From the
results of the Chow test, the appropriate
model or selected model is a fixed effect
Based on the data model above, it is
known that the coefficient value (C) is
1.709951, meaning that unemployment has
a positive and insignificant effect because
the probability is greater than alpha.
Invariab el education level the coefficient
value of 2.76E-05 has a positive and
insignificant effect because the probability
(0.5683) is greater than alpha. On Economic
growth the value of the coefficient of -
0.303478 has a negative and significant
effect because the probability of 0.0000 is
less than alpha. In government spending,
the coefficient value of 3.05E-10 has a
positive and insignificant effect because
the probability (0.6431) is greater than
alpha. In the number of poor people, the
coefficient value of 0.090735 has a positive
and insignificant effect because the
probability (0.8487) is greater than alpha.
Nico Candra Primary, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 552
10.36418/jrssem.v2i04.308 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Based on the analysis that has been
carried out, it can be concluded as follows:
1. Judging from the Fixed Effect
Model test, the coefficient value (C)
is 1.709951 and the probability
value is greater than alpha. This
means that the unemployment rate
has a positive and insignificant
2. When the level of education rises
by one thousand people, the
impact of the increase is 2.76E-05
and has a positive effect on
3. In variable economic growth When
it falls by 1%, then the impact of the
decline is -0.303478 so it affects
negatively unemployment.
4. When the government's allocation
of expenditure falls by one mile,
the impact of the decrease by
3.05E-10 has a positive effect on
5. When the
number of poor people
is 1%, the impact of the decrease is
0.090735, which has a positive
effect on unemployment.
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