546 | The Effect of Education Level, Economic Growth, Allocation of Government Expenditure, and
The Number of Poor People on Unemployment In Bali Province In 2017-2020
to shape the identity of a country from an
economic perspective. Berger Hazil
Mulyadi (2003) argues that an
increasing population can result in a large
number of labor forces. This means the
bigger the more people are looking for
work or unemployed.
The unemployment rates is also due to
the high criteria expected by companies
that create jobs, many companies require a
Bachelor's degree or even a Master's
degree for applicants. Therefore,
unemployment is the responsibility of the
community, especially the government as
the hope of the process of improving
people's lives, to immediately find a way
out by formulating strategic and systematic
measures as a way to deal with the problem
of unemployment. "A person is seen as
unemployed if he is temporarily
unemployed, is looking for a job, or waiting
for time to start a new job" Mankiw (2000:
According to Kurniawan (2013: 7). The
close relationship between economic
growth and unemployment is that the
increasing economic growth in a country
has an impact on the rapid flow of capital
entering the region and the country, thus
providing employment opportunities
marked by the number of new business
sectors, thereby reducing the number of
unemployed in the country and the country.
Unemployment usually occurs in the
younger generation who have just
completed middle and high education.
Those who have just completed their
education tend to try to find work in
modern sectors such as offices. So they are
willing to wait for some gunda to get the
job. It is also possible that they are looking
for work by migrating to cities, provinces,
or being bullied by more developed
industrial activities. And this is one of the
causes of the open unemployment rate is
quite high in the city or area. And
conversely, the open unemployment rate in
regions or in provinces where economic
activity still rests on the traditional sector,
the open unemployment rate is low,
especially if the level of education in that
area is still low (Kuncoro, 2003: Junaidi &
Zulfanetti, 2016).
According to Jhingan (2012) economic
factors include factors of land and natural
wealth, capital accumulation, organization,
technology and division of labor and scale
of production. Land and other natural
wealth are natural resources that are the
main factors influencing economic growth.
According to Todaro (2004), public
expenditure is an expenditure that
increases community capital in the form of
development, both physically and
nonphysically. Development expenditure is
an expenditure shown to finance
development programs so that the budget
can always be adjusted to the funds spent.
In macro analysis, the level of economic
growth achieved by a country is measured
by the development of real national income
achieved by a country (Sukirno, 2006).
A country's high unemployment rate
can be attributed to GDP growth within the
country or to a smaller scope called Gross
Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), which
means an increase in regional income.
Okun's law explains the negative
relationship between unemployment and
GRDP. Any increased unemployment is
often associated with declining economic