JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02 No. 4, 533 543
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
10.36418/jrssem.v2i04.307 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
PROVINCE IN 2018-2020
Rahma Ika Fitriana
Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: rahmaika2627@gmail.com, mi148@ums.ac.id
*Correspondence: rahmaika2627@gmail.com,
: 06 November 2022
: 17 November 2022
: 26 November 2022
Abstract: This study aims to determine the magnitude of the determinant effect of the poverty rate
in East Java in 2018-2020. This research is a study that uses secondary data obtained from the
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) published results. The data used includes Gross Regional Domestic
Product (GRDP), Open Unemployment Rate (TPT), population, and per capita income. The method
of data collection carried out is the study of documents. The document study itself has various
kinds of documents, one of which is a secondary document. Where in this document is taken from
the results of other people's reports that have been published. And it will be processed using
computer views 10 analysis. The analysis method used is regression analysis with the Panel Least
Square (PLS) method which combines time series and cross-section data.
Keywords: poverty rate; GRDP; TPT; population; per capita income; PLS.
Rahma Ika Fitriana, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 534
In Indonesia, there are many people
who are unaware of the poverty in their
environment. The argument is that the
people whose residences are in their rural
areas are poor compared to those in cities.
However, many people do not realize that
even in the city there are still poor people.
That's because the city people's point of
view is always feeling that they have what
they have, and not realizing that rural
people who own agricultural land can
become millionaires.
But it is different from the point of view
of the poor. As one of the magnitudes of
poverty is that it occurs a lot in urban areas.
Because if in urban areas, many people do
not have a place to live. For example, there
are many who still live in the river. Most of
them are people who do not have close
family and are confused if they want to ask
sispa for help. If it is in the countryside,
there are so many families or relatives who
always gather. Even the places where they
live are always side by side. Even if they do
business, they always ask for help from
other families when they are short of
Based on information sources from the
Central Statistics Agency (BPS), we can find
out the percentage of poverty that exists in
all provinces of Indonesia. However, in the
data presented in the BPS, the poverty
percentage categories presented are only
by province while in an effort to eradicate
existing poverty, the government needs to
know which areas have high, medium, or
low poverty levels so that the government
can set a priority scale to overcome
poverty, because so far poverty alleviation
carried out by the government has not
been implemented optimally, because
there are still many poor empowerment
programs that have not been on target.
Development policies and various poverty
reduction programs developed often do
not pay attention to the local characteristics
and context of the poor. For example, high
economic growth is not followed by the
provision of jobs and therefore is unable to
overcome the problem of poverty. The
investment invested by both local and
foreign countries, at this time, cannot be
relied on to absorb labor. This is because
there is a use of sophisticated machines so
that it only slightly absorbs manpower. The
investment made will be better if it is labor-
intensive, so that it will increase job
opportunities for the population. Limited
job opportunities are one of the causes of
a person becoming poor because the
opportunity to earn income is getting
smaller and smaller. Poverty has left
millions of children unable to receive a
quality education, difficulty financing
health, lack of savings and no investment,
lack of access to public services, lack of
jobs, lack of social security and protection
for families, strengthening the flow of
urbanization, and worse, poverty has
caused millions of people to meet limited
food, clothing and shelter needs. Poverty,
causes people to be willing to sacrifice
anything for the safety of life, and receive
wages that are not commensurate with the
labor costs incurred.
535 | Determine Level Poverty of Province Javanese East on Year 2018-2020
The economic growth needed to
reduce the number of poor people is high
and quality economic growth, which is able
to increase per capita income and reduce
unemployment (M Kumalasari, 2011).
Many factors affect the poverty rate in
East Java. One of them is the Gross Regional
Domestic Product. If the GRDP decreases, it
will affect the poverty rate, this is because
the amount of final added value of goods
and services will decrease. So the decrease
in the number of goods and services affects
the level of poverty.
The next factor is the open
unemployment rate, the number of
unemployment rates and the labor force
shows the large number of people who
must be included in the development
process which means that the
unemployment rate and the labor force are
part of the population that is able to drive
the economic process. This illustrates that
the dynamics of the development process
must be able to involve the entire labor
force then a large number of the labor force
it can be a burden for economic
development (Muslim, 2014).
Some of the causes of unemployment
in Indonesia are the level of urbanization,
the level of industrialization, the proportion
of the high school labor force and the
provincial minimum wage. These factors
also influence the percentage of data
related to the unemployment rate to be
slightly volatile. Based on the movement of
the percentage data, a prediction is needed
to find out the percentage of the
unemployment rate in the future using the
concept of forecasting.
Unemployment is rising as the
economy shrinks. The coronavirus crisis has
affected many sectors in Romania, some
companies are reducing or even stopping
their activities. Making estimates of the
unemployment rate has a fundamental and
important impact on future social policy
strategies. In fact, many people have lost
their jobs due to covid-19. So that many
people build their own businesses and can
be successful in the present day.
The third factor is that a large
population if followed by adequate quality
is a reliable development capital, but if the
quality is low, it will actually become a
burden on development. Meanwhile, the
increasing number of people affects many
things, namely the increase in basic needs
such as clothing, food, and housing. In
addition, an oversized population will drain
the government's already very limited
treasury to provide a variety of health,
economic, and social services for the new
generation. The soaring burden of
financing the government budget will
obviously reduce the possibility and ability
of the government to improve the living
standards of generations and encourage
the transfer of poverty to future
generations who come from lower-middle-
income families (M Kumalasari, 2011).
The number of people here can be
interpreted as the densely populated area
in a certain area and already
overpopulated. Which resulted in the area
becoming many of its inhabitants and their
residences increasingly cramped. So that if
it happens in an outside country, every
family is not allowed to have descendants
again. So it is restricted to pregnant
programs so that the human population in
the region does not soar and the country
remains stable. If the population is stable
Rahma Ika Fitriana, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 536
then the economy is also more stable.
Per capita income also affects the
poverty rate in East Java. One of the ways
to determine the prosperity of society is per
capita income. Per capita income is derived
from income in a given year divided by the
number of inhabitants of a State in that
year. If people have high incomes or
salaries, people can support their lives and
save for their future costs. If people's
income decreases, it is difficult for that
community to make ends meet (EW Azizah,
Per capita income can be interpreted
as a benchmark for understanding the
human economy. Where if the per capita
income or community income decreases, it
will cause bad things to the economy,
namely the difficulty of finances of an area
or region. So they lack to support from their
families and cannot meet basic needs such
as clothing, food, and shelter. So people
must be able to process and manage their
income in order to get benefits in old age
and even arguably for the future.
A. Data and Data Sources
1. Data
The data used is secondary data which
includes the results of publications
from the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS) in the 2018-2020 period, which
includes statistics on poverty rates,
Gross Regional Domestic Product
(GRDP), open unemployment rates,
population, and per capita income.
2. Data Sources
The source of the data obtained is only
through the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS) the results of publications on
poverty rates, Gross Regional Domestic
Product (GRDP), open unemployment
rates, population, and per capita
B. Data Collection Methods
The method of data collection carried
out is the study of documents. The
document study itself has various kinds
of documents, one of which is a
secondary document. Where this
document is taken from the results of
other people's reports that have been
published. And it will be processed
using computer views 10 analysis.
C. Operational Definition
The poverty rate is data used to
find out how large the percentage
of the population is still below the
poverty line in East Java province
(in percent).
GRDP is data used to find out how
much real GRDP value there is in
East Java province (in units of
million rupiah).
The open unemployment rate is
data used to measure how many
unemployed people are
unemployed in East Java province
(in percentage terms).
Per capita income is data used to
measure how much per capita
income is according to the
prevailing price in East Java
province (in units of million
The number of inhabitants is data
used to find out how many people
537 | Determine Level Poverty of Province Javanese East on Year 2018-2020
there are in each district in East
Java province (in units of soul).
D. Models and Analysis Tools
In this study using the Regression
Analysis Tool Panel Least Square
(PLS), which was formulated as
TK= Poverty Rate (%)
GRDP = Gross Regional Domestic Product
constant price 2018-2020 (million rupiah)
TPT= Open Unemployment Rate (%)
PG= Total Population (soul)
PP= Per capita income price valid for 2018-
2020 (million rupiah)
= Error term (error factor)
= Constant
= Independent variable regression
= Cross Section Data (district/city)
t= time series data for 2018-2020
This study aims to determine the
determinants of poverty levels in east Java
province. Where to find out the Effect of
Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP),
Open Unemployment Rate (TPT),
population, and per capita income in 2018-
2020 using the eviews 10 programs. The
data analysis used is Panel Least Square
(PLS) which is a combination of data
between cross-section and time series data
covering the period in 2018-2020 and
between spaces described from several
districts in East Java province. In using this
panel data, there are many advantages
obtained in order to maximize the results of
the data obtained. One of them is being
able to know more information and be
more efficient. In the panel data, there are
several tests, namely the chow test and the
thirst test. Where in this test there are three
approaches, namely the common effect
model, fixed effect model, and random
effect model. Of these three approaches, it
will be used to find out which test is good
in the panel data.
This study used a chow test to find out
which model is good to use in the panel
data. Which is the chow test to prove
whether a common effect or fixed effect
model is good is used. If common effects
are selected then it does not have to
proceed to the hausman test. But on the
contrary, if the selected model is fixed in
effect, it must conduct a hausman test.
Where in the hausman test is carried out to
find out whether a fixed effect model or a
good random effect method is used.
From the results of data processing
carried out using the eviews 10 program
with the Panel Least Square (PLS)
regression analysis model, this research
requires a chow test, which is as follows:
Rahma Ika Fitriana, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 538
Table 1. Uji Chow
Redundant Fixed Effects Tests
Test cross-section fixed effects
Based on the table above, it can be
obtained which model is good to use. As
for the probability value of F = 0.0000 <
0.01, the probability of chi-square = 0.0000
< 0.01, H0 = CEM, HA =FEM. So the
conclusion is that H0 is rejected, so the
selected model is Fixed Effect Model (FEM).
Thus, the fixed effect model is more
suitable for use so this study is truly
substantial. As explained above, if the chow
test of the selected model is a fixed effect,
the test is continued, namely the Hausman
test as follows:
Table 2. Uji Hausman
Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
Test cross-section random effects
Test Summary
Chi-Sq. Statistic
Chi-Sq. d.f.
Cross-section random
Based on the table above, it can be
obtained which model is good to use. As
for the probability value = 0.0006 < 0.01,
H0 = REM, HA = FEM Then the conclusion
is that H0 is rejected, so the selected model
is Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Thus, the fixed
effect model is more suitable for use so this
study is truly substantial. Because both of
the selected models are fixed effect models,
the fixed effect model analysis is carried out
as follows:
Table 3. Fixed Effect Model Regression Results
Std. Error
Rahma Ika Fitriana, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 539
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Based on the table above, the results of the
panel data regression equation are
obtained as follows:
 
The interpretation of the result of the
Panel Least Square (PLS) regression
equation is that the value of the constant
(C) = 8.767629 which means that the
probability value (0.0694) is greater than
the alpha value of 0.05, so it is not
significant. Then for the value of the gross
regional domestic product coefficient
(GRDP) = -1.211040 which means that the
variable GRDP probability value (0.0001) is
smaller than the alpha value of 0.05, it is
significant to the poverty level. Then the
value of the open unemployment rate
coefficient = 1.439540 which means that
the TPT variable probability value (0.0240)
is less than the alpha value of 0.05, which is
significant to the poverty rate. Then for the
value of the coefficient of the population
(PG) = 0.349996 which means that the
variable number of inhabitants (PG) the
probability value (0.2403) is greater than
the alpha value of 0.05, it is not significant
to the poverty level. Then for the value of
the coefficient of per capita income (PP) =
-0.021472 which means that the variable
per capita income (PP) probability value
(0.4059) is greater than the alpha value of
0.05, it is not significant to the poverty level.
Effect of Gross Regional Domestic Product
(GRDP) on Poverty Rate
Based on table 3, it is known that the
upper Probability value is 0.0001 and the
coefficient is -1.211040 which shows that
the GRDP variable has a negative and
significant effect on the poverty rate in East
Java province because the Probability value
is smaller than alpha 0.05. So it can be
concluded that gross regional domestic
product or GRDP affects the poverty rate in
East Java province.
It can be known that this gross regional
domestic product affects the poverty rate
because in the gross regional domestic
product there is an explanation that if the
GRDP decreases, it will affect the poverty
rate, which means that the amount of final
added value of goods and services will
decrease as well. So the decrease in the
number of goods and services affects the
level of poverty.
Based on the value of GRDP in East
Java province, it can be evaluated that
GRDP is able to reduce the poverty rate
because if the GRDP value increases every
period, it will have a good impact on all
groups including the poor in East Java
province so as to reduce the poverty rate in
East Java province.
Effect of Open Unemployment Rate (TPT)
on Poverty Rate
Based on table 3, it is known that the
upper Probability value is 0.0240 and the
coefficient is 1.439540 which shows that
the TPT variable has a positive and
significant effect on the poverty rate in east
Java province because the Probability value
is smaller than alpha 0.05. So it can be
concluded that the Open Unemployment
Rate (TPT) affects the poverty rate in East
Java province.
Rahma Ika Fitriana, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 540
The effect of the open unemployment
rate on the poverty rate can be caused by
several factors. One of the factors is the
absence of social security for the
unemployed such as insurance. If there is
an insurance guarantee then they will feel
protected in their lives.
It is different from unemployment if
the unemployed do not have guarantees
and insurance or social security. So that
unemployed person they will be willing to
do any job in order to live a decent life. So
an unemployed person is able to work for
just a few hours a week to fulfill his life.
The poverty rate will also move with
the unemployment rate. This is because the
unemployment rate increases
automatically so the poverty rate will
increase. But unemployment will not always
be unemployed, for example in a
household there is only one who works and
the other is not working (unemployed) but
they have more income to support their
Effect of Population (PG) on Poverty Rate
Based on table 3, it is known that the
upper Probability value is 0.2403 and the
coefficient is 0.349996 which shows that
the population variable (PG) has a positive
and insignificant effect on the poverty rate
in East Java province because the
Probability value is greater than alpha 0.05.
So it can be concluded that the number of
inhabitants (PG) does not affect the poverty
rate in East Java province.
This study shows that the population
does not affect the large level of poverty in
East Java. Due to the success of the family
planning (KB) program, it began to appear
or develop. So that the distribution of the
population is more dominated by the age
of productive age or adolescents who can
form a pyramid of good results. Similarly,
teenagers are able to develop creative
ideas to overcome poverty level or reduce
the poverty level in East Java province.
At this time the age of productive age
is considered ideal by most observers of
the social economy. Because this
productive age it is very dominating many
provide jobs in order to encourage
economic development in the province of
East Java. It is considered that at a
productive age they can develop their ideas
and be able to analyze and try new things.
The Effect of Per capita Income (PP) on the
Poverty Rate
Based on table 3, it is known that the
Probability value is 0.4059 and the
coefficient is -0.021472 which shows that
the per capita income (PP) variable has a
negative and insignificant effect on the
poverty rate in East Java province because
the Probability value is greater than alpha
0.05. So it can be concluded that per capita
income (PP) does not affect the poverty
rate in East Java province.
Based on the results of this study, per
capita income is not significant or does not
affect the poverty rate in the province of
East Java. Per capita income here is to
measure a person who does a job because
if the greater the level of per capita income
of the community, the greater the ability of
the community to do a job.
Per capita income is a key to
determining a society's prosperity. Where
this per capita income is derived from the
opinion of tons in a given year divided by
the number of inhabitants of a country in
541 | Determine Level Poverty of Province Javanese East on Year 2018-2020
that year. So that person who have more
income, the community is able to support
their lives and is able to finance their future.
Vice versa, if people's income is small or
decreases, it will be difficult for people to
provide for their lives.
This per capita income can also be
seen from the amount of gross regional
domestic product or GRDP in East Java
province which is divided by the total
population in East Java province. Per capita
income is used to measure indicators of the
level of progress or the level of well-being
of the population of a region.
Based on the analysis that has been
carried out, the following conclusions can
be drawn:
1. The Least Square Panel (PLS)
regression analysis model of
poverty levels can result in a fixed
effect model approach. The results
showed that variations in poverty
rates could be explained by an
independent variable of 8.767629.
Partially, independent variables also
have a significant effect on
dependent variables.
2. Gross Regional Domestic Product
(GRDP) negatively and significantly
affects = 5%) on the poverty rate.
3. The Open Unemployment Rate
(TPT) has a positive and significant
effect (α = 5%) on the poverty rate.
4. The Number of Inhabitants (PG) has
a positive and insignificant effect
= 5%) on the poverty rate.
5. Per Capita Income (PP) negatively
and insignificantly = 5%) on the
poverty rate.
Rahma Ika Fitriana, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini | 542
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