Heffy Harfiasarie, Musmuliadi, Agustinus Djiu | 283
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i2.297
Taxes are o ne of t he primary sources
of development financing (Khan et al.,
2021). Payment of taxes is an obligation
and participation as a community to
directly (Mulyati & Mulya, 2021) and
jointly carry out tax obligations of funding
and national development (Novikasari et
al., 2021), so paying taxes is not only an
obligation but also the right of every citizen
to participate in development (Hendayana
et al., 2021). The existence of regional
autonomy policies (Sarga, 2021) and fiscal
decentralization in Indonesia has changed
the pattern of public management (Park,
2022), especially in the regions. In the era
of autonomy, parts are given the authority
to regulate and manage their households
(Hariyanto, 2022). Decentralization aims to
bring government services closer to the
community (Nasirin & Lionardo, 2021)
while also encouraging regions to innovate
to explore existing potential sources (Fang
et al., 2022). In general, the decentralization
policy can be divided into two major
components (Bodó et al., 2021), namely,
the distribution of authority (expenditure
assignment) and the distribution of finance
(revenue assignment) (Dhungana &
Acharya, 2021). This pattern of balancing
rule followed by financial balance also
reflects the principle of fiscal
decentralization policy; namely, money
follows function (Azizah et al., 2022).
In the opinion of Ihsan (2002:67),
efforts need to be made to strengthen the
position of the Regency (Areros et al., 2022)
and City as the spearhead of the
implementation of regional autonomy so
that they are no longer dependent on the
center (Sutrisno & Sugiarti, 2021).
Meanwhile, according to Sidik in Adiningsih
(2005:595), the main characteristic that
shows a region is capable of autonomy lies
in the regional financial capacity (Tselios &
Rodríguez-Pose, 2022). This means that
autonomous areas must have the authority
(Panebianco, 2021) and ability to explore
their own sources of income and manage
and use adequate finances to finance the
administration of their government
(Shaturaev, 2021).
In the era of autonomy, regions have
greater authority to regulate and manage
their households. The objectives include (1)
bringing government services closer to the
community, (2) facilitating the public to
monitor and control the use of funds
sourced from the Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget (APBD), and (3)
creating healthy competition between
regions and encouraging innovation. In line
with this, local governments are expected
to be able to explore financial sources,
especially to meet the financing needs of
government and development in their
regions through Regional Original Revenue
The increasing economic activity in
an area will have an impact on increasing
user fees and employment as well. Some
forms of employment licensing services, as
well as supervision of work norms, labor
social security, labor safety, placement,
distribution, and regulation of the use of
foreign workers, may be subject to
retribution in return for these services.
However, the increase in income from the
employment sector must be balanced with
an increase in service quality and
reciprocity commensurate with the amount