505 | Virtual Reality Education In Era 5.0
Rapid technological progress (Ngafifi,
2014) has pushed society into the 4.0 era
where technology dominates the world and
this period is called the industrial revolution
(Prasetyo & Trisyanti, 2018) (Purba et al.,
2021). This can be seen from the number of
information technologies that have begun
to help humans (Rohida, 2018) (Harum,
2021) in various activities of daily life.
Nevertheless, technological advances
that are not accompanied by qualified
human resources are feared to be of little
use (Dwiyama, 2021) which means and
actually causes various disputes and
misgivings between countries. Therefore,
the quality of human resources where
humans become more loving and civilized
must be encouraged in the midst of
This opinion was pioneered by Japan,
which is referred to as society 5.0 (Nastiti &
Ni’mal‘Abdu, 2020). Where in this era
humans are made aware of themselves as
social beings (Mardani & Wirawan, 2018)
(Darmalaksana & Ratnasih, 2022) which of
course need each other from one another
through social interaction is expected to be
able to fix the poor quality of human
resources. so that prosperity becomes a
reality, not just dreams and fantasies.
In order to answer the challenges of
the times, the education sector as the front
line in realizing a quality generation of the
nation (Hartanto, 2015) which is one of
them in the 5.0 era (Sabri, 2019), it is
necessary to make improvements in
learning so that students become more
enthusiastic and be able to understand and
apply the knowledge they have.
Based on observations at school X, it is
known that the majority of learning,
especially social studies still uses
conventional methods so that students are
seen who are sleepy, bored, playing alone,
and telling stories with their friends. Finally,
learning outcomes are not optimal and
there are still many students who score
below the KKM. If this continues, it is feared
that it will affect the quality of the nation's
generation as a human being who will live
in era 5.0 where this era prioritizes human
quality so that they have creativity and the
ability to lift themselves from the poverty
line (Suprayitno, 2021).
Virtual reality is one of the models that
can be used in the world of education
through a learning process that tries to give
a real impression to students where the
impression is displayed virtually ((Dharma
et al., 2018) (Aulia, 2017) as a form of
utilizing Information technology is
increasingly developing to produce quality
and meaningful learning (Hermawan et al.,
Currently, many students have gadgets
and can see the whole world in the palm of
their hands. Therefore, learning must also
adapt to students' habits so that the
knowledge given can be understood
optimally but still emphasizes that direct
human interaction is important so that
every student can adapt well in era 5.0
(Teknowijoyo & Marpelina, 2021).
Based on the explanation above, the
researcher wants to know more about the
Virtual reality model of education in the 5.0
era. The purpose of this study is to
determine the implementation of virtual
reality models in learning so that they are
able to create a generation of nations that