Aji Wicaksono | 334
Today's advances in technology and
information have developed very rapidly
and continue to grow to create engineering
objects that can help humans (Lee et al.,
2018). The development of computer
technology has an essential role in life. The
application of information technology
provides convenience for agencies or
institutions, as stated by (A. Siregar, 2020).
Information Technology can provide added
value in the learning process (Putra, 2017).
In education, information technology is
indispensable for students and teachers to
acquire broad knowledge (Riwayadi, 2013).
Students will seek additional information
other than what the teacher teaches, all of
which can be obtained from the library. The
library is one of the facilities owned by the
Brebes Islamic Boarding School. Digital
library not from its kind of library, but a
development in the library service system
(Irfiani & Indriyani, 2013). The library is
handled by a librarian and two people in
the administration. Administrative tasks are
pretty diverse (Ferreira et al., 2010). So far,
the administration has processed member
data input, inputting book data, inputting
borrowing and returning data, and making
daily and annual, monthly reports using a
computer (Hendrianto, 2013) . But is it only
with the computerized system in the library,
then what if students want to know
information without having to come to the
library and librarian who wish to convey
information to students without students
not having to go to a place such as reports
for students who have not returned books
and supplies books, etc.? For this reason, it
is necessary to design a digital library
information system that students can
access via the internet. In making this
digital library information system, we will
only discuss user data, member data, digital
book data, and information in the library.
The goal to be achieved in this
research is that it is easier for students to
obtain library information without coming
to the library. Pesantren Vocational School
and assist the librarian, and administrative
tasks manage the library. In working on this
digital information system using research
methods and design methods, data flow
diagrams (DFD) with the Dreamweaver CS4
SQL Server 2008 application for database
This research uses a quantitative
descriptive method (Creswell & Creswell,
2017) with a case study at the Brebes
Vocational High School, and the
development of this research uses the flow
as shown in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1. Research Stages
Figure 1 discusses the stages of the
research, consisting of the stages of
problem analysis, review of studies, system
design, display, testing, and evaluation. The
analysis stage consists of the problem
stage of the study review carried out by
reviewing previous researchers' research, at