JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 02, No. 02, 260 278
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i2.296
Formulation of Lemongrass Extract Mouthwash
(Cymbopogon Citratus) as a Non-Pharmacological
Effort in Inhibiting The Growth of Bacteria That
Cause Dental Caries
Purnama Fitri
Ari Suwondo
Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
e-mail: purnamafitr[email protected]
, rasipin@gmail.com
, ari.suwondo@yahoo.co.id
*Correspondence: Purnama Fitri
: September 2022,
: September 2022,
: September 2022
Abstract: Caries is a dental disease characterized by damage ranging from enamel, dentin, and
pulp. Caries is caused by bacteria that stick to the teeth. The purpose of this study was to prove
the effectiveness of lemongrass in inhibiting the growth of bacteria that cause dental caries. The
pretest-posttest laboratory and field experiment consisted of a lemongrass mouthwash
intervention group with concentrations of 33%, 36%, 39% and a chlorhexidine control group,
each subject gargled for 2 minutes. Saliva was collected before and after gargling. The variables
studied were the number of colonies and bacterial inhibition. The paired test of 36% (p=0.017)
and 39% (p=0.006) concentration intervention groups was significantly different, while the
chlorhexidine control group (p=0.091) was not significantly different. The organoleptic test
results of the 36% lemongrass mouthwash had a dark brown color, slightly thick, the distinctive
smell of lemongrass stems was still present, and the taste of mint. Based on this test, the most
acceptable lemongrass mouthwash concentration is 36%. Giving a 39% lemongrass mouthwash
formulation for 2 minutes effectively reduces the number of bacterial colonies that cause dental
caries and the inhibition is better than the chlorhexidine control, while the 36% concentration is
not significantly different from chlorhexidine.
Keywords: Antibacterial, Lemongrass Extract Mouthwash, Caries-Causing Bacteria
Purnama Fitri, Rasipin, Ari Suwondo | 261
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i2.296
Oral health is very important for every
individual. Problematic oral health can
cause impaired speech function, chewing
function, and aesthetic function which will
definitely have an impact on one's
activities. According to Federation
Dentaire International (FDI), around 90%
of the world's population experiences oral
health problems ranging from dental
caries, dental supporting tissue disease
and even oral cancer (Hontong et al.,
The oral cavity is one of the places in
the body that contains microorganisms
with the highest diversity compared to
other places. The most abundant
microorganism in the oral cavity is
Streptococcus sp which plays a role in the
beginning of the dental caries process. In
addition, the bacterial colonies found at
the beginning of plaque formation are
Streptococcus mutans bacteria which have
an important role in the development of
dental caries in animals and humans
(Juliantoni & Wirasisya, 2019).
Teeth are hard organs found in the
mouth that are used to process food when
eating, with that teeth have a function to
tear, chew and smooth a food before the
food enters the throat. Therefore, it is
necessary to care for dental care so that
the teeth are maintained and intact
(Hafizah, 2021).
If you don't care about dental health, it
can cause diseases that can damage the
tooth coating, namely dental caries. Dental
caries is a disease that affects many
children and adults, both in milk teeth and
permanent teeth. Dental caries is a dental
tissue disease characterized by tissue
damage, starting from the tooth surface,
namely from enamel, dentin, and
extending towards the pulp (Afrinis et al.,
Dental caries is an infectious disease
that affects almost 95% of the population
in the world. The dental morbidity rate
ranks as the 6th most common disease.
Oral disease in Indonesia caused by dental
caries ranks 10th highest with a prevalence
of 45.68%. Dental caries is the most
common disease in the oral cavity
(Darsono, 2020).
Cariogenic bacteria are bacteria that
have the ability to cause dental caries.
These bacteria include Actinomyces,
Lactobacillus, Streptococcus mutans,
Streptococcus sanguinis, etc. The main
bacteria causing dental caries are
Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus
acidophilus. S. mutans is a normal
inhabitant of the oral cavity that can turn
into a pathogen when the living
environment of the bacteria is favorable
and there is an increase in population.
Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus
acidophilus in the oral cavity produce
lactic acid from fermented sugars, causing
the pH of the plaque to decrease, if the
decrease in pH occurs continuously, it will
cause demineralization of the tooth root
surface. These bacteria are resistant to
acid, therefore they can survive in a
medium with a high level of acidity. The
bacteria attach to the tooth surface which
can metabolize carbohydrates to produce
organic acids which cause a decrease in
oral pH, causing demineralization of tooth
enamel. Based on the results. Based on the
results (Riskesdas, 2018) the prevalence of
Purnama Fitri, Rasipin, Ari Suwondo | 262
dental caries in Indonesia is still relatively
high at 57.6% and the proportion of
cavities in Indonesia is 45.5% and in
Central Java province is 43.4%.
A healthy oral cavity without plaque
accumulation can be achieved by
mechanical means such as brushing teeth.
Cleaning actions by brushing teeth are
often unable to reach the entire surface of
the teeth, so other efforts are needed such
as utilizing antibacterial materials
(Pujoraharjo & Herdiyati, 2018).
Mouthwash can be used to help clean the
oral cavity from plaque and
microorganisms that can cause damage to
teeth and supporting tissues. The
antibacterial properties of mouthwash are
determined by the content of its active
ingredients. Chlorhexidine is a gold
standard mouthwash from the bisbiguanid
group that can be effective as an anti-
plaque and anti-gingivitis ingredient.
Chlorhexidine has the ability to inhibit S.
mutans bacteria (Fauzia et al., 2021).
urrently, chlorhexidine is routinely used by
doctors in the treatment of patients with
periodontal cases, orthodontia and
maxillofacial surgery. Chlorhexidine is
available as mouthwash, soap, gel, spray,
toothpaste and varnish in different
strengths. Lower strengths have been used
as mouthwashes (0.12%, 0.2%, 0.1%).
Many studies have shown a correlation of
efficacy and the strength of chlorhexidine
used, unfortunately higher concentrations
show an increase in side effects i.e.
staining of teeth and restorations and
decreased taste. Long-term use of
chlorhexidine can cause several side
effects such as causing tooth
discoloration, impaired taste, and is an
allergen if in constant contact14. These
effects will occur if routine use is carried
out continuously for more than 2 weeks
within 2 times a day and in the long term
for more than 2 years or if the use does
not follow the correct rules. This is in
accordance with previous research that
after using chlorhexidine for 3-6 months,
many extrinsic steins were found on the
tooth surface. In cases of periodontitis,
chlorhexidine is one of the antibiotics used
in the treatment of periodontal disease,
but there is a problem of bacterial
resistance when antibiotics are used
continuously. Microorganism resistance to
antibiotics has an impact on high medical
costs, infections are now back as a
problem in the world of medicine. Efforts
to overcome this resistance are carried out
by finding new alternatives in inhibiting
Oral health is a fundamental part of
general health and affects overall well-
being. Having optimal oral health can help
a person maintain the function of their
oral cavity, and can make a person feel
better and more confident. Oral health is
considered very important because the
oral cavity is a place for bacteria to grow, if
the oral cavity is not cleaned properly,
food debris will stick to the surface of the
teeth and will form plaque. This plaque is a
gathering place for bacteria that cause
dental and oral diseases (Fatmawati, 2015).
Oral health is one of the factors that
support a healthy paradigm and is a
national development strategy to realize
health development for socially and
economically productive human resources.
Therefore, every individual must have the
awareness, willingness, and ability to
263 | Formulation of Lemongrass Extract Mouthwash (Cymbopogon Citratus) as a Non-
Pharmacological Effort in Inhibiting The Growth of Bacteria That Cause Dental Caries
improve their health to the highest level
(Susilawati & Damayanti, 2020).
Maintenance of oral hygiene is one of
the efforts in improving health. The mouth
functions not only for the entrance of food
and drink but more than that and not
many people realize the magnitude of the
role of the mouth for health and well-
being. Therefore, oral health plays a very
important role in supporting one's health
(Ratih & Yudita, 2019). Oral health is
sometimes the umpteenth priority for
some people, even though oral and dental
diseases have a serious impact on general
health, because teeth and mouth are the
entry points for germs and bacteria so that
they are likely to interfere with the health
of other organs.
The conceptual framework in this study
consists of independent variables, namely
lemongrass extract mouthwash
formulations, dependent variables, namely
the growth of bacteria that cause dental
The type of research used is laboratory
and field experiments, pure experiment
with pretest-posttest with control group
design consisting of 2 (two) groups,
namely the intervention group and the
control group. The sampling method used
was purposive sampling.
The population used was junior high
school students. While the research
sample was 35 students
maximum age of 15 years who have
caries teeth. The sampling technique in
this study was non probability sampling,
which is a sampling technique that does
not provide equal opportunities for each
member of the population to be selected
as a sample on the basis of sample
selection considerations according to the
researcher's judgment. The non probability
sampling method used in this study is
purposive sampling.
The tools used are beaker glass,
maceration vessels, porcelain cups,
funnels, glassware, and glassware.
porcelain, funnel, measuring cup, Hot
plate, needle ose, filter paper, Laminar air
flow, microscope spirit lamp, mortar,
stamper, analytical balance (Sarltorius),
glass object, wooden clamp, test tube,
stirrer, glass, petri dish, erlenmeyer,
volume pipette, stir bar, scales, test tubes,
Durham tubes, tube racks, autoclave,
transpipettes, dropper pipettes, inkas,
incubator, oven, parchment paper, cotton
wool, pH meter, vernier, knife, plastic pot,
horn spoon, Vacum Rotary Evaporator,
Brookfield viscometer, waterbath and
mouthwash container.
Research on lemongrass extract
mouthwash formulations, and bacteria
that cause dental caries was conducted at
the Microbiology and Parasitology
Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine,
UNISSULA Semarang to test the
effectiveness of lemongrass extract
mouthwash formulations against the
growth of bacteria that cause dental
caries, this research was conducted in June
The study was conducted in June 2022
at SMP Negeri 12 Semarang and the
Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine
Purnama Fitri, Rasipin, Ari Suwondo | 264
Unissula Semarang which is located at
Jalan Raya Kaligawe Km. 4, Semarang,
Central Java. The materials used were
lemongrass extract (Cymbopogon
citratus), 90% ethanol, glycerin, benzoic
acid, xylitol, oleum menthe, and distilled
water. The research process began with
the extraction of lemongrass plants and
the formulation of mouthwash
preparations carried out at the Laboratory
of the Faculty of Medicine, Unissula
Semarang. The tools used were blender,
laboratory glassware (Pyrex), test tubes
(Pyrex), digital scales, oven, viscometer,
drop pipette, spatel, stirring rod and rotary
evaporator. The lemongrass stems that
have been collected are cleaned of dirt
then washed thoroughly using running
water then chopped and dried using an
oven. The research subjects were obtained
from the saliva of respondents who
experienced dental caries at SMP Negeri
12 Semarang, then the saliva was taken to
the Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine,
Unissula Semarang for culture and began
the research process of the number of
bacterial colonies and bacterial inhibition
tests. The bacterial culture process is
carried out on nutrient media to obtain
bacteria that cause dental caries. After the
bacteria grow on the media, gram staining
is done to identify gram-positive and
gram-negative bacteria. After gram
staining, the type of bacteria is known,
then proceed with planting bacteria with
agar media to find bacterial species.
The cultured bacteria are then
rejuvenated or purified by inoculating 1
ose of pure culture on Nutrient Agar
media and then incubated at 37°C for 48
hours. In this research sample, the bacteria
that cause dental caries found are
Streptococcus mutans bacteria.
The concentrations of lemongrass
extract mouthwash formulations used in
this research are 33%, 36%, and 39%
Bacterial testing was carried out on
each treatment group using lemongrass
extract mouthwash formulations at
concentrations of 33%, 36%, 39%, and
chlorhexidine mouthwash control.
The incubated bacteria were diluted by
mixing 1 ose of bacteria into a test tube
containing 1 ml of NaCl, then
homogenized using a vortex and the
turbidity was standardized with McFarland
concentration so that the number of
bacteria was eligible for the test. The
growth inhibition test of Streptococcus
mutans bacteria was carried out by
dilution, namely by putting 1 ml of
bacteria and 20 ml of Nutrient Agar in 5
enlenmeyer tubes with a volume of 50 ml
containing lemongrass extract mouthwash
formulations with each concentration of
33%, 36%, and 39% and chlorhexidine
control. All tubes were incubated at 49°C
to observe bacterial inhibition by looking
at the turbidity of the tubes compared to
the chlorhexidine control. Then the tubes
were poured into Petri dishes and planted
on Nutrient Agar, then incubated at 37°C
for 48 hours. The minimum zone of
inhibition formed was measured by
counting bacterial colonies using markers
and lights. Markers are used as stationery
to write markers on the number of
bacteria on petri dishes, lamps are used as
lighting aids when counting bacterial
colonies assisted by a microscope.
1. Data Normality Test
265 | Formulation of Lemongrass Extract Mouthwash (Cymbopogon Citratus) as a Non-
Pharmacological Effort in Inhibiting The Growth of Bacteria That Cause Dental Caries
Normality tests are carried out using
the Shapiro-Wilk statistical test which
shows the distribution of normally
distributed or abnormally distributed data.
Table 1. Table of Normality of Data on the
Number of Bacterial Colonies
33% concentration
36% concentration
39% concentration
Based on Table 1, it shows that with the
Shapiro-Wilk normality test, a p> 0.05 value
is obtained so that the ability to reduce the
number of bacterial colonies is normally
2. Parametric Test
The ability of the treatment group and
the control group to Streptococcus mutans
bacteria had a normal data distribution so
that this study used a paired parametric
test with the Paired T-Test and an unpaired
test with the One Way Annova test.
a. The Paired T-Test was used to
determine whether there was a
difference in the average killing power
of Streptococcus mutans in each
Table 2.Ability of Each Group in Reducing the Number of Bacterial Colonies
Mean±SD Pretest
Based on table 2, the lemongrass
extract mouthwash formulation with a
concentration of 36% and a concentration
of 39% has a p value <0.05 indicating that
these concentrations are more capable of
reducing bacteria compared to the
lemongrass extract mouthwash
formulation with a concentration of 33%,
and chlorhexidine which has a p value >
0.05. The highest ability to reduce the
number of bacterial colonies was shown in
the formulation of lemongrass extract
mouthwash with a concentration of 39%.
Based on the table, a graph was created
that illustrated the ability of each
treatment group to reduce the number of
bacterial colonies.
b. One Way Annova test
One Way Annova test was conducted
forlook at the differences between each
Purnama Fitri, Rasipin, Ari Suwondo |266
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i2.296
Table 3.Intergroup Difference Test in Reducing the Number of Bacterial Colonies
Pretest ± SD
Posttest ± SD
Based on table 3, obtain a value of p>
0.05 which indicates nosignificant
differences between groups in reducing
the number of bacterial colonies.
Based on research on the inhibition of
lemongrass extract mouthwash
formulations against Streptococcus
mutans bacteria, the results obtained were
the results of bacterial inhibition data in
the form of the number of bacterial
colonies. Bacterial testing was carried out
in each treatment group, namely
lemongrass extract mouthwash
formulation concentration of 33%,
lemongrass extract mouthwash
formulation concentration of 36 %,
formulation of lemongrass extract
mouthwash concentration of 39%, and
control of chlorhexidine mouthwash. The
inhibition test of Streptococcus mutans
bacteria obtained the following results:
1. Normality test
Table 4.Bacterial Inhibition Zone Data
Normality Test
267 | Formulation of Lemongrass Extract Mouthwash (Cymbopogon Citratus) as a Non-
Pharmacological Effort in Inhibiting The Growth of Bacteria That Cause Dental Caries
33% concentration solution
36% concentration solution
39% concentration solution
Based on Table 4, it shows that with the
Shapiro-Wilk normality test, a p> 0.05
value is obtained so that the inhibition
ability of bacteria is normally distributed.
2. Parametric Test
The inhibition zones of the treatment
group and the control group for
Streptococcus mutans bacteria had a
normal data distribution, so this study
used a parametric test with the One
Way Annova test.
The One Way Anova test was carried
out to see differences in the inhibition of
bacteria in each group. Based on the One
Way Annova test, the following results are
Table 5.Differences in Inhibitory Power of
Bacteria in Each Group
Based on table 5, it shows that the
concentration of the lemongrass extract
mouthwash formulation and the control
group obtained a p-value of 0.0001 (p
<0.05) which indicates a significant
difference between groups. For this
reason, a Post Hoc test is needed.
The results showed that the formulation
of lemongrass extract mouthwash was
able to inhibit the growth of bacteria that
cause dental caries. The results of previous
studies showed that lemongrass leaf
extract had the ability to inhibit bacterial
growth. Kitchen lemongrass (Cymbopogon
citratus) has a variety of ingredients
including nutrients, minerals, and
phytochemicals. The nutritional content of
lemon grass extract (Cymbopogon
citratus) includes carbohydrates, protein,
and fiber. The minerals contained in it
include phosphorus, calcium, magnesium,
iron, and zinc. The phytochemical content
in lemongrass stem extract includes
flavonoids such as quercetin, alkaloids,
saponins, tannins, anthraquinones,
steroids, phenolic acids, and flavone
glycosides and some of them have been
shown to have antibacterial activity
(Tanjung et al., 2022). Lemongrass extract
has antibacterial activity because it
contains flavonoids which can damage cell
membranes and denature bacterial cell
proteins so that they can inhibit bacterial
growth (Atnawanty et al., 2020).
The mechanism of action of flavonoids
as antibacterial compounds is divided into
3, namely inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis,
inhibiting cell membrane function and
inhibiting energy metabolism. In inhibiting
Purnama Fitri, Rasipin, Ari Suwondo | 268
the synthesis of nucleic acids, flavonoid
compounds play an important role in the
process of interaction or hydrogen
bonding by accumulating nucleic acid
bases thereby inhibiting the formation of
DNA and RNA. The results of the
interaction of flavonoids will also cause
damage to the permeability of the cell
wall. In inhibiting the function of the cell
membrane, flavonoids will form complex
compounds from extracellular and
dissolved proteins so that the cell
membrane will be damaged and
intracellular compounds will come out.
Whereas in inhibiting energy metabolism
by inhibiting the use of oxygen by
Saponin compounds as active
substances can increase the permeability
of bacterial cell membranes, causing cell
lysis. When saponins react with bacteria,
they cause the bacteria to lyse or break.
While alkaloids have a mechanism of
action as an antibacterial by inhibiting the
constituent components of peptidoglycan
in bacterial cells so that the cell wall does
not form intact. This will cause cell death
(Agustina et al., 2018).
Tannin compounds interact by forming
complex polysaccharide compounds which
can damage the bacterial cell wall so that
the permeability of the bacterial cell
becomes disturbed. The disturbed
bacterial cell permeability causes the cell
to be unable to carry out living activities,
as a result the bacterial growth will be
inhibited and cause the bacteria to die.
Besides being able to damage the
bacterial cell wall, tannins can also
denature proteins and inhibit components
of bacterial nucleic acid synthesis.
The results of the paired test in
calculating the number of bacteria tested
using the Paired T-Test showed that the
formulation of lemongrass extract
mouthwash with a concentration of 39%
(p=0.006) and 36% (0.017) had a
significant difference with the formulation
of lemongrass extract mouthwash with a
concentration of 33% (p =0.190), and
chlorhexidine (p=0.091).
In the unpaired test using the One Way
Annova test, it showed no significant
difference before treatment with a value of
p = 0.852 (p> 0.05), after treatment it
produced a value of p = 0.097 (p> 0.05)
which means there was no difference
significant between groups after
treatment, and the results of the delta test
obtained a value of p = 0.385 (p> 0.05)
which indicated that there was no
significant difference between groups.
Then to see comparisons between groups,
a follow-up test was carried out using the
LSD Post Hoc test. The results obtained
from this test were that there was a
significant difference between the 39%
concentration of lemongrass extract
mouthwash and chlorhexidine (p=0.016).
Lemongrass is a plant that contains
citronellal, geraniol, and citronol which can
inhibit bacterial activity. The content of
lemongrass consists of caryophyllene
which has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory,
antitumor, antifungal and anesthetic
properties (Rahayu et al., 2021). Citronellal
is one of the aldehyde monoterpene
groups that has antibacterial potential
where the mechanism of action is by
eliminating membrane proteins resulting
in changes in cell membrane permeability.
This group acts as a protein dehydrator at
269 | Formulation of Lemongrass Extract Mouthwash (Cymbopogon Citratus) as a Non-
Pharmacological Effort in Inhibiting The Growth of Bacteria That Cause Dental Caries
low doses and at high doses as a protein
denaturator. The alcohol and phenol
groups present in lemongrass cause the
rupture of the cytoplasmic membrane and
damage to the bacterial cell wall.
The lemongrass extract mouthwash
contains glycerin, xylitol, benzoic acid,
oleum menthae, and distilled water.
Glycerin as a humectant which functions
to retain moisture thereby reducing
irritation when in contact with the skin, the
advantage of glycerin as a humetan is that
it has the property of increasing the
spreadability of preparations94. Glycerin
which is used as an additional ingredient
in mouthwash does not affect the
inhibition of bacterial growth.
Xylitol is an organic polyalcohol
chemical element which is widely used as
an alternative sugar because it has the
same level of sweetness as sucrose95.
Xylitol is a type of sugar alcohol which has
antibacterial properties and cannot be
metabolized by S. mutans bacteria to
become energy. Xylitol is commercially
prepared from beech wood and is not
fermentable by cariogenic bacteria96. S.
mutans bacteria will try to metabolize
xylitol but will not produce energy so that
eventually the bacteria will run out of
energy and then die which is marked by a
decrease in the number of S. mutans
bacteria (Rasyadi, 2018).
Benzoic acid is a white crystalline solid
and is the simplest aromatic carboxylic
acid. This weak acid and its derivatives are
used as food preservatives. In mouthwash
preparations, benzoic acid is used as a pH
buffer in dosage formulations. Sodium
benzoate is a preservative that has
bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties
under acidic conditions. Its mechanism as
a preservative begins with the absorption
of benzoic acid into the cell, then the
intracellular pH of the cell becomes acidic.
If the intracellular pH of cells decreases to
5 or even lower, the anaerobic
fermentation of glucose decreases
drastically which causes cell growth and
development of microorganisms to be
Based on the results of the pretest and
posttest paired tests, the intervention
group with lemon grass extract
mouthwash formulations at
concentrations of 36% (p=0.017) and 39%
(p=0.006) had a significant difference,
whereas in the control group
chlorhexidine (p=0.091) there was no
significant difference. The results of the
different test for bacterial inhibition
showed that the 36% concentration of
lemon grass extract mouthwash compared
to chlorhexidine did not have a significant
difference with a p value = 0.990, while the
39% concentration compared with
chlorhexidine had a significant difference
with a p = 0.0001. In the organoleptic test
results, the formulation of a lemongrass
extract mouthwash with a concentration of
36% had a dark brown color, slightly
viscous, the characteristic odor of
lemongrass stalks was still present, a minty
taste, and did not cause a burning taste.
While the concentration of 39% has a
more viscous solution, dark brown color
with a very distinct smell from lemon grass
stalks, spicy and minty taste, and does not
cause a burning taste on the tongue.
Based on the pH test, it showed that each
concentration of lemongrass extract
mouthwash formulation had a normal pH.
Purnama Fitri, Rasipin, Ari Suwondo | 270
Then the viscosity test showed that the
36% concentration of lemon grass extract
mouthwash was closer to the standard
viscosity of mouthwash compared to the
39% concentration which had a higher
viscosity. Based on these tests, the most
acceptable concentration of lemongrass
extract mouthwash formulation is 36%.
Then the viscosity test showed that the
36% concentration of lemon grass extract
mouthwash was closer to the standard
viscosity of mouthwash compared to the
39% concentration which had a higher
viscosity. Based on these tests, the most
acceptable concentration of lemongrass
extract mouthwash formulation is 36%.
Then the viscosity test showed that the
36% concentration of lemon grass extract
mouthwash was closer to the standard
viscosity of mouthwash compared to the
39% concentration which had a higher
viscosity. Based on these tests, the most
acceptable concentration of lemongrass
extract mouthwash formulation is 36%.
The results of this study indicate that
the formulation of lemongrass extract
mouthwash with a concentration of 33% in
inhibiting the growth of bacteria that
cause dental caries is no better than 0.2%
chlorhexidine. Formulation of lemon grass
extract mouthwash concentration of 36%
in inhibiting the growth of bacteria that
cause dental caries has no difference with
0.2% chlorhexidine. Formulation of lemon
grass extract mouthwash concentration of
39% in inhibiting the growth of bacteria
that cause dental caries is better than 0.2%
chlorhexidine. The mouthwash formulation
that has the highest antibacterial
concentration is 39%. The formulation of
the most comfortable lemongrass extract
mouthwash to use based on the results of
the stability test of the mouthwash and its
ability to inhibit bacterial growth was a
concentration of 36%.
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