Sri Trisnaningsih
Gempita Asmaul Husna
| 512
The differences and similarities
between behavioral accounting and
behavioral science have to do with
predicting and explaining human behavior.
Behavioral accounting connects human
behavior and accounting. Behavioral
science is part of social science, while
behavioral accounting is part of accounting
science and behavioral knowledge. But
behavioral accounting and behavioral
science both use the principles of
psychology and sociology to assess and
solve a problem.
Lubis, (2017) defines behavioral
accounting as a sub-discipline of
accounting that involves several aspects of
human behavior related to the process of
making an economic decision.
In 1930, in the United States has
developed psychology that specifically
studies human relationships. Finally, a new
branch of psychology emerged which was
later known as social psychology. Social
psychology is also a subject in sociology
because in sociology there are 2 main
perspectives, namely the macro structural
perspective which emphasizes the study of
social structure, and the micro perspective
which emphasizes individualistic studies
and social psychology in explaining
variations in human behavior. Behavioral
accounting is behind the traditional
accounting role which means collecting,
measuring, recording and reporting
financial information. Thus, the accounting
dimension relates to human behavior and
also to the design, construction, and use of
an efficient accounting information system.
Behavioral accounting, by considering the
relationship between human behavior and
the accounting system, reflects the social
and cultural dimensions of humans in an
organization. Stainer also briefly explained
the definition of behavior, namely as
scientific research that deals directly with
human behavior. This definition captures
the core problems of behavioral science,
namely scientific research and human
behavior (Arfan & Ishak, 2010).
The following describes some things
related to behavioral aspects of psychology
and social psychology. The term self means
that part of the individual that is separate
from the rest. The concept of envy can be
interpreted as a person's picture of himself
or an assessment of himself (KBBI, 2008). A
self-concept is a psychological contract
that has long been discussed in the social
sciences (Marsh and Craven, 2008).
General self-concept is a generalized
understanding of self-concept without
seeing a specific description of what is seen
in particular. This implies that the general
concept is an individual's understanding of
themselves in general without looking at
the more specific parts of themselves
(Puspasari, 2007). The development of self-
concept further leads to a specific self-
concept or better known as
multidimensional. The concept of specifics
is a pattern of individual self-concept
assessment that looks into a wider
perspective of the individual, so that he can
get a picture of the individual's self from
various diverse and dynamic perspectives
(Metiver, 2009).