I Nengah Tela
Riki Adriadi
Jonny Wongso
| 529
efforts by restoring the condition of a
cultural heritage building so that it can be
used efficiently for its current function by
means of certain repairs or changes while
maintaining historical, architectural and
cultural values. [7] In Law No. 11 of 2010
concerning Cultural Conservation in article
77 it is stated, Restoration of damaged
Cultural Conservation Buildings and
Cultural Conservation Structures is carried
out to restore physical conditions by
repairing, strengthening, and/or preserving
them through reconstruction,
consolidation, rehabilitation, and
restoration [8]. Rehabilitation is repairing
partially damaged buildings with the
intention of using them according to
certain fixed functions, both architecture
and building structures are maintained as
before, while utilities can be changed. [9].
The research will guide the existing
regulations to analyze the damage and
determine the method of rehabilitation of
Rasuna Said's house, as well as other
theories in accordance with the planning
for the rehabilitation of cultural heritage
buildings. Based on previous research,
namely the analysis of the restoration of the
Rasuna Said house as a cultural heritage
building, it is known the types of damage
to the building, both structural damage and
architectural damage. 2.2 Degree of
Building Damage According to the
Regulation of the Minister of Public Works
Number 24 of 2008, that building damage
is the non-functioning of the building or
building components due to
shrinkage/expiration of the age of the
building, or due to human activities or
natural behavior such as overloading of
functions, fire, earthquake, or other similar
causes. The intensity of damage to
buildings can be classified into three levels
of damage [10], namely: 1. Minor Damage
a). Minor damage is damage, especially to
non-structural components, such as roof
coverings, ceilings, floor coverings, and
infill walls. b). Treatment for minor damage,
the maximum cost is 35% of the highest
unit price for the construction of a new
building that applies, for the same
type/class and location. 2.Medium damage
a). Moderate damage is damage to some
non-structural components, and or
structural components such as roof
structures, floors, and others. b). Treatment
for moderate damage, the maximum cost is
45% of the highest unit price for the
construction of new buildings that apply,
for the same type/class and location.
3.Heavy damage a). Serious damage is
damage to most of the building
components, both structural and non-
structural, which, after being repaired, can
still function properly. The maximum fee is
65% of the highest unit price for the
construction of a new building that applies,
for the same type/class and location. Based
on the directorate general of education and
culture that the level of damage to each
building component is determined in 5
(five) categories, namely very lightly
damaged, lightly damaged, moderately
damaged, heavily damaged and very
heavily damaged [11]. Damage to buildings
can occur in building elements such as in;
a.Foundation The foundation is the main
structural component located at the
bottom which serves to support a building
period. b. Column Column is an element
that is formed vertically in the form of
support poles that resist the axial