459 | Effect of Sme’s E-Readiness and Online Food Delivery Apps Adoption Toward Business
delivery apps. (Molla & Licker, 2005) and
(Ali & Alrayes, 2014) state that
commitment is the most influential factor
contributing to technology adoption, so
businesses must support technology
adoption in their vision and provide
leadership to implement that vision.
In contrast to the POER variable test
where Malaysia and Indonesia showed
different results, a PEER variable affects
online food delivery apps adoption both in
Indonesia and in Malaysia. These results
were strengthened by the research of
(Duan et al., 2012), (Yulimar VA., 2006),
(Ningtyas & Sunarko, 2015), which stated
that the external environment significantly
influences e-commerce adoption.
The variable affecting e-commerce
adoption both in Indonesia and Malaysia
was market forces. The various
conveniences provided by the online food
delivery apps to consumers seem to have
led to ordering requests through online
food delivery apps. Request from the
customer has forced SMEs to adopt online
food delivery apps. Consumer demand for
purchases through online food delivery
applications made SME realize that they
have market opportunities on online food
delivery apps. (Aghaunor & Fotoh, 2006)
stated that market readiness affected
business actors' beliefs about whether or
not an online market exists. The results of
this study were supported by (Molla &
Licker, 2005) and (Aghaunor & Fotoh,
2006), which stated that market forces
influence the adoption of online food
delivery applications.
Besides market forces variable,
supporting industries also influenced
online food delivery apps adoption in
Indonesia. Supporting industry, in this case,
includes online food delivery apps
companies telecommunications companies
that provide internet services, and financial
institution companies that provide support
services for the adoption of online food
delivery apps. The higher support from
supporting industries impacts SMEs'
adoption of online food delivery apps.
Different results were obtained from the
case of Malaysia, where the supporting
industry has no influence on the extent of
online food delivery apps adoption by
Malaysian SMEs. The results study in
Malaysia was supported by (Rahayu & Day,
2015), who stated that the industry did not
influence the adoption of online food
delivery apps.
As for the Government variable, in the
case of the two countries, it did not
significantly affect online food delivery
apps adoption. That was supported by
research (Palacios, 2003) (Aghaunor &
Fotoh, 2006), and also (Rahayu & Day,
2. Effect of Online food delivery Apps
adoption to SME performers
Based on the evaluation of the
hypothesis, in both countries, online food
delivery apps adoption has a positive and
significant effect on SMEs' performance.
The results of these studies were supported
by previous research, namely
(Suriyapperuma et al., 2015), (Wu et al.,
2003) (Ramdansyah & Taufik, 2017), which
stated that the performance of SME was
positively and significantly affected by the
application of E-commerce. Likewise,
research conducted by (Opreana &
Vinerean, 2015), (Ivanauskiene et al., 2015),