JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02 No. 4, 466 484
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
10.36418/jrssem.v2i04.279 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Cris Kuntadi
Nurma Livrianti
Bhayangkara University, Greater Jakarta, Indonesia
STIA LAN Polytechnic Jakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: cris.kuntadi@dsn.ubharajaya.ac.id, nurma.livrianti2021@gmail.com
*Correspondence: cris.ku[email protected]bharajaya.ac.id
: 25
October 2022
: 16
November 2022
: 23
November 2022
Abstract: This study reviews the factors that influence the implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies as the dependent variable on communication, resources, and bureaucratic
structure as independent variables in a literature study of state financial management. This research
is a literature review that aims to build a hypothesis of the influence between variables so that it
can be used in further research. This study shows that communication, resources, and bureaucratic
structure affect the implementation of performance-based budgeting policies. The research
method for this scientific article is a literature review and qualitative method through the
identification of several relevant literatures which are classified based on the relevance and quality
of the literature found and examines theories and relationships or influences between variables
from books and journals both offline and offline. in libraries and online sources from Mendeley,
Google Scholar and other online media. The results of this study can be concluded that:
Communication affects the implementation of performance-based budgeting policies. Resources
affect the implementation of performance-based budgeting policies. The bureaucratic structure
affects the implementation of performance-based budgeting policies.
Keywords: Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Policies, Communication, Resources,
Bureaucratic Structure
Cris Kuntadi, Nurma Livrianti | 467
The implementation of performance-
based budgeting policies is one of the very
important processes in public policy that
determines whether the public policies
pursued by the government are correct and
can be implemented properly in the field
and successfully produce predetermined
outputs and outcomes. The
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies is very necessary
because without being implemented, the
policy is only a good plan that is neatly
stored. If a policy is not right, then it will fail
even though the policy has been
implemented properly.
According to Grindle, (in Abdul Wahab,
2015) that policy implementation is not just
a mechanism for elaborating political
decisions into routine procedures through
bureaucratic channels, but more than that,
it concerns issues of conflict, decisions, and
who derives what from wisdom. So it is not
wrong to say that policy implementation is
an important aspect of the entire wisdom
process. Policy implementation is also the
process of applying a policy to a plan. In an
implementation, there is a basic meaning
contained, namely the existence of policy
goals or objectives, the existence of
activities or activities to achieve goals, and
the results of activities. Policy
implementation is not only limited to
actions or behaviors or bureaucratic units
responsible for implementing programs
and generating compliance of target
groups but more than that it continues with
a network of socioeconomic political forces
that influence the behavior of all parties
involved and ultimately there are expected
and unexpected impacts.
One of the efforts to realize Good
governance is to make changes to the
budgeting system used by the Government
of Indonesia. The changes to the budgeting
system were made because traditional
budgeting was considered inefficient. The
budgeting process only increases or
decreases the amount of the budget using
the previous year's budget so that the
budget tends to be set higher so that the
state needs a more responsive budgeting
system and can accommodate the
demands of performance appraisal from an
organizational unit. The implementation of
performance-based budgeting is
considered the most relevant to achieving
such goals. This is shown by the change
using the traditional budgeting system to a
performance-oriented budgeting system
(Performance Budgeting). The change
began with the issuance of Law Number 17
of 2003 concerning State Finance which
explained the change from the traditional
budgeting system to a performance-based
budgeting system.
According to Hutapea, R.S.T. (2022)
Performance Budgeting is a budgeting
approach that emphasizes the use of
budgets for the achievement of results or
goals. The implementation of performance-
based budgeting in Indonesia can be seen
from the performance evaluation of
ministries/institutions carried out by the
Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment
and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB).
468 | Factors Affecting The Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Policies:
Communication, Resources, and Bureaucratic Structure
Bureaucratic reform is a need that needs to
be met to ensure the creation of improved
government governance. The better the
governance of a country, the more the
wheels of national development will turn.
To encourage the strengthening of
bureaucratic reforms and the Government
Agency Performance Accountability System
(SAKIP) in government agencies, the
Ministry of PANRB carries out evaluations
every year. This is done to map the progress
of bureaucratic reforms and the level of
effectiveness and efficiency of budget use.
The Ministry of PANRB carried out SAKIP
and RB evaluations of 84 ministries and
agencies, 34 provincial governments and
514 districts and cities. The purpose of the
evaluation is to assess and assist
government agencies in improving the
quality of performance management
implementation and bureaucratic reform
(Ministry of PANRB, 2021).
Based on the results of the
performance evaluation of
ministries/institutions conducted by the
Ministry of PANRB in 2020 on 84 ministries
and institutions, 34 provincial governments
and 514 regencies and cities, it is known
that there are 1 (one) provincial
government with an A predicate, 4 (four)
provincial governments and 8 (eight)
district/city governments with a BB
predicate, as well as 21 provincial
governments and 115 district/city
governments with a B predicate while the
results of the 2020 SAKIP evaluation show 1
(one) government provinces with AA
predicate, 3 (three) provincial governments
and 11 A-predicate regency/city
governments, 9 (nine) provincial
governments and 56 districts/cities with BB
predicate, as well as 20 provincial
governments and 258 districts/cities with B
predicate (Ministry of PANRB, 2021).
Based on the results of the
performance evaluation of
ministries/institutions that have been
carried out by the Ministry of PANRB, it is
expected that there will be a strong
commitment from the central and local
governments to continue to improve the
quality of accountability for their
performance so that a bureaucratic culture
that is high performance, high integrity,
and serves the community well and The
use of the state budget will be more
targeted, measurable and accountable
because of the relationship between the
budget and the results to be achieved.
Based on this explanation, what we
want to research in this article are the
factors that influence the implementation
of performance-based budgeting policies,
including communication, resources and
bureaucratic structure. This study aims to
determine the effect of communication,
resources, and bureaucratic structure on
the implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies.
This research begins with a literature
search related to the implementation of
performance-based budgeting policies. A
literature search is the first step to
collecting information relevant to this
research. By searching the library,
information about previous research that
has been carried out is obtained. A certain
amount of literature is needed to support
the theory and see to what extent
Cris Kuntadi, Nurma Livrianti | 469
communication, resources, and
bureaucratic structures influence the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies.
Implementation of Performance-Based
Budgeting Policies
Policy implementation is a way in
which policies are implemented by
administrative agencies at every level
mandated in the policy. Policies can be
implemented and supported by the
implementers of activities. Policy
implementation can integrate policy
objectives with their realization with the
results of government activities.
Iimplementation can also be interpreted as
a process of activities carried out by various
actors so that in the end they will get a
result that is in accordance with the goals
or objectives of the policy itself, (Wijayanti,
Performance-based budget is a
budgeting system oriented towards
achieving performance that focuses more
on outputs and outcomes and its
implementation can be accounted for so
that the level of efficiency and effectiveness
of a program can be achieved (Nur & Oman
2014). Performance-based budgeting is a
procedure or mechanism to strengthen the
relationship between funds given to
government agencies/agencies with
outcomes and outputs, through budget
allocation based on information about
performance (Anggarini & Puranto, 2010).
Performance-based budgeting is a
budgeting system that orients budgets to
organizational outputs and is closely
related to the vision, mission, and strategic
plans of ministries/agencies. The
characteristic of performance-based
budgeting is the preparation of a budget by
paying attention to the relationship
between funding inputs and the results to
be achieved or outcomes that are finally
able to inform about the effectiveness and
efficiency of an activity (performance-
based budgeting, 2007). The performance-
based budgeting approach was conceived
to address various weaknesses found in
traditional budgets, particularly
weaknesses caused by the absence of
benchmarks used to measure performance
in the achievement of public service goals
and objectives. This approach shifts the
emphasis on budgeting from the previous
one which placed great emphasis on the
measured performance of work activities
and programs. The main focus of this
approach is on the level of efficiency of
organizing activities.
Implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies is a mechanism that
integrates performance information into
the annual budgeting process or on the
allocation of organizational resources. The
dimensions or indicators of the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies are a good information
system, the formulation of performance
indicators, a management accounting
system, and analysis and evaluation tools
(Bawono, 2015). Some of the factors
influencing policy implementation are
communication factors, resources,
dispositions or bureaucratic attitudes and
structures. Policy implementation is a
dynamic process that includes the
interaction of many factors. There are four
variables in the implementation of public
470 | Factors Affecting The Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Policies:
Communication, Resources, and Bureaucratic Structure
policy, namely communication, resources,
attitudes, and bureaucratic structure
(bureucratic structure). These four factors
must be implemented simultaneously
because each other has a close relationship.
Furthermore, performance evaluation can
be interpreted as the process of assessing
and disclosing policy implementation
issues to provide feedback for improving
the quality of performance. The method of
implementation of the evaluation can be
done by comparing the results against the
target (in terms of effectiveness) and the
realization of resource utilization (seen
from the efficiency side). The success of the
implementation of a public policy is
measured by the process of achieving the
final result in accordance with the
objectives to be achieved and refers to the
policy design that has been made
(Winarno, 2016).
According to (Ratnaningrum, 2020)
Communication is an activity of conveying
information, both messages, ideas, and
ideas from one party to another in one
work unit or across units that are carried
out directly and indirectly which aims to
provide knowledge and information to
others so that they can influence thinking,
change attitudes, and encourage others to
do certain things.
Communication can be interpreted as
the process of conveying information from
the communicator to the communicant.
Policy communication is the process of
delivering policy information from
policymakers to policy implementers,
(Widodo, 2018). Communication can be
interpreted as the process of conveying
information from the communicator to the
communicant. Policy communication is the
process of delivering policy information
from policymakers to policy implementers,
(Widodo 2018). In addition, communication
is also the delivery of messages and
information about policies between
policymakers to policy implementers
including the transfer of knowledge
consisting of the nature of the policy, the
way of implementation, the boundaries of
norms, and the evaluation of the policy
itself. The communication process is a way
of delivery, clarity and consistency (Edward
in Winarno, 2016).
Communication in everyday life is very
important. Man cannot avoid various forms
of communication because with
communication man can build the
relationships he needs as a social being.
The messaging process should use
effective means to make it easier for
message recipients to understand the
message received. The delivery of the
message can be in the form of gestures,
oral, or written. In communicating, good
communication skills are needed so that
the objectives to be conveyed can be
received and understood well by the
recipient of the message. Communication
between organizations will provide success
in a policy if communication and
coordination between policy implementers
is carried out properly. Communication
between organizations and implementing
activities referred to in this study is a policy
implementer who can communicate
regulatory standards so that accuracy and
consistency are obtained as well as a
measuring tool in policy supervision.
Cris Kuntadi, Nurma Livrianti | 471
Each policy can be implemented
properly if there is effective communication
between policy implementers and target
groups. The goals and objectives of the
policy can be well socialized so as to avoid
any distortion of the policy (Ratnaningrum,
2020). If the policy is to be implemented,
then the implementation instructions must
be understood and clear. If the
implementation instructions are not clear,
then the implementors will experience
confusion about what will be done. In
addition, implementers have the flexibility
to impose their own views on the
implementation of policies, views that may
differ from those of their superiors or views
that should be used as a reference
(Winarno, 2016: 157).
Interactive and dialogical
communication patterns are made possible
by the application of e-government. Both
the government and society are positioning
themselves on the side of the giver and
receive information. This is in line with the
dynamics that continue to develop in
society, both because of the growth of a
culture of free speech as a result of the
reform movement and because of the rapid
development of information and
communication technology that changes a
lot of social values, social, economic,
cultural order, including government (Cris
Kuntadi, 2022).
Edward in Winarno (2016) stated that
implementation will be effective if policy
measures and objectives are understood by
individuals responsible for achieving policy
objectives. Clarity of policy size and
objectives needs to be communicated
appropriately with implementers. The
consistency and uniformity of the base size
and objectives need to be communicated
so that implementors know exactly the size
and purpose of the policy. There are 3
(three) dimensions or indicators in the
policy communication process, namely:
1) Transmission
Transmission is the first factor that
affects policy communication, before
the official implements a decision, he
must be aware that a decision has been
made and an order for its
implementation has been issued. Many
of these decisions are ignored or there
are often misunderstandings of the
decisions issued. The obstacles that
arise in transmitting implementation
commands are:
1) Conflict of opinion between the
executors and orders issued by
policy makers. Conflicts in this
policy will create immediate
obstacles or distortions to policy
2) Information goes through
multiple layers of bureaucratic
hierarchy as we know,
bureaucracies have a strict
structure and tend to be very
hierarchical. This condition greatly
affects the level of effectiveness of
policy communication. The use of
indirect means of communication
and the absence of specified
communication channels may also
distort the commands of the
3) The capture of communications
may be hampered by selective
472 | Factors Affecting The Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Policies:
Communication, Resources, and Bureaucratic Structure
perception and the refusal of
implementers to be aware of
policy requirements. Sometimes
the executors ignore what is
obvious and try to guess the true
meaning of communication.
The transmission dimension aims to
enable information to be conveyed to
the target group and related parties,
not just to policy implementers. The
government as a policymaker is
expected to be aware of the decisions
that have been made and have issued
warrants for their implementation. Pros
and cons are inevitable. Conflicts of
opinion between the implementers
and the orders issued by policy makers
are one of the triggers. The existence
of bureaucratic hierarchies makes the
level of effectiveness of policy
communication carried out also
slightly hampered. Due to obstacles in
communication, policy implementers
ignore the requirements of a policy.
2) Clarity
The dimension of clarity aims to make
the information received by policy
implementers, target groups and
related parties easy to understand and
clear, so that there are no errors in the
interplay of information. The
vagueness of the communication
message conveyed regarding the
implementation of policies that will
encourage the occurrence of incorrect
interpretations may even contradict
the meaning of the original message.
Factors that drive the vagueness of
policy communication are the
complexity of public policy, the desire
not to disturb community groups, the
lack of consensus regarding the
purpose of policy objectives, problems
in initiating a new policy, avoiding
policy accountability, and the nature of
court policy formation.
Edward in Winarno (2016) explained
that if the policy is implemented as
desired, then the implementation
instructions must not only be accepted
by the policy implementers, but the
communication of the policy must be
clear. The vagueness of the
communication message conveyed
with regard to the implementation of
the policy will encourage incorrect
interpretation and may even conflict
with the meaning of the original
message. Edwards identified six factors
that drive the vagueness of policy
communication, including the
complexity of public policy, the desire
not to interfere with community
groups, the lack of consensus
regarding policy objectives, problems
in initiating a new policy, avoiding
policy accountability and the nature of
court policy formation.
3) Consistency
A policy implementation will be
effective and effective if the
implementation orders are consistent,
that is, the implementation
instructions do not conflict with each
other. If there is conflict, it will
encourage policy implementers to take
loose (flexible) actions in interpreting
and implementing a policy.
Cris Kuntadi, Nurma Livrianti | 473
The effectiveness of policy
implementation is seen from clear and
consistent commands. The consistent
dimension aims that the information
submitted must be consistent so as not
to cause confusion in policy
implementers, target groups and
related parties. Inconsistent policy
implementation orders will encourage
implementers to take leeway in
interpretation and in implementing
policies. Factors that affect the level of
consistency are the complexity of
public policy, the problem of problems
that initiate new programs and the
result of the many unclear goals.
Implementation will be effective if the
measures and objectives of the policy
are understood by the individuals
responsible for achieving the policy
objectives. Clarity of policy size and
objectives needs to be communicated
appropriately with implementers. The
consistency and uniformity of the base
size and objectives need to be
communicated so that implementors
know exactly the size and purpose of
the policy. The dimensions or
indicators of communication are
transmission, clarity and consistency
(Edwards in Winarno, 2016: 156).
Resources are a very important
element in improving an organization's
service to public needs. One of them is
human resources which are key in towards
the competitive advantage of the
organization so that its quality must
continue to be developed. The dimension
or indicator of a resource is the level of
knowledge and skill (Izzaty, 2011). The
appointing resources of each policy must
be supported by adequate resources, both
human resources and financial resources.
Human resources are the adequacy of both
the quality and quantity of implementors
that can cover the entire target group.
Financial resources are the adequacy of
investment capital for a program/policy.
Both must be considered in the
implementation of government
programs/policies. Because without
reliability the policy implementor becomes
less energetic and runs slowly and soberly.
Meanwhile, financial resources ensure the
sustainability of programs/policies.
Without adequate financial support the
program cannot run effectively and quickly
in achieving goals and objectives (Edwards
in Winarno, 2016).
(Ratnaningrum, 2020) Resources are
everything that implementors use in
achieving goals that have been set through
a policy. Resources are one of the factors
that influence the success of policy
implementation. This is because policy
implementation requires the support of
human resources in the form of quality and
quantity of implementors consisting of all
target groups, financial resources in the
form of budget support, adequate facilities
and infrastructure
Resources are important in good
policy implementation. Indicators used to
see the extent to which resources influence
policy implementation include staff,
information, authority, and facilities
(Edwards in Agustino, 2016:138-139).
Resources in the form of funding are inputs
that can be used to produce the output of
474 | Factors Affecting The Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Policies:
Communication, Resources, and Bureaucratic Structure
an organization or Government Agency.
This is closely related to performance
appraisal from an efficient and economical
aspect. To assess government agencies or
agencies for performance achievement is
considered effective if the output produced
can meet the targets and targets that have
been set (C. Kuntadi, 2021).
The effectiveness of the policies
implemented will not run effectively and
well if they are not supported by the
potentials of unavailable resources.
Potential resources will affect the policy
implementation process. Some of the
things included in the resource are the
relatively large number of staff who are
accompanied by adequate capabilities and
expertise for the purposes of policy
implementation (Edwards in Winarno,
Bureaucratic Structure
Bureaucratic structures are
organizational forms that become the
overall implementers of policies for
carrying out collective agreements in order
to solve social problems in modern life.
Basically, policy implementers know what is
being done and have the desire and
resources to do so, but in doing so they are
still hampered by the organizational
structures in which they carry out activities.
The dimension or indicator of bureaucratic
structure is the division of authority and
relations between organizational units
(Winarno, 2016).
Bureaucracy is actually a system for
turning complex work into simple, and also
a way to save money in administration. If
the traditional bureaucracy is unable to do
that then e-bureaucracy is the next hope,
although the challenges are also quite
tough, including the existence of a number
of budgets that must be allocated. The
bureaucratic chain from upstream to
downstream and the volume of work
covering all fields sometimes make the
bureaucracy run slowly. The
implementation of bureaucratic tasks
carried out conventionally so far has also
caused high costs. Not to mention the
impact caused by such a system in the form
of corruption, misappropriation, and fraud.
It's no wonder that many people are
skeptical when it comes to clean
bureaucracy. Because in such a very fat
system it is difficult to imagine that an
activity will run effectively and efficiently
(Cris Kuntadi, 2022).
At the government level, optimizing
the use of advances in information
technology can eliminate bureaucratic
organizational barriers. Information
technology can also form a network of
management systems and work processes
that allow government agencies to work in
an integrated manner to simplify access to
all information and public services. Thus, all
state institutions, society, the business
world, and other interested parties can at
any time make optimal use of government
information and services. In order for the
transformation process towards e-
government to be carried out as well as
possible, strong leadership in each
institution or unit of government is needed.
According to Edwards in Winarno
(2016) "the bureaucratic structure explains
how policies will be structured and explains
how resources will be allocated. The
Cris Kuntadi, Nurma Livrianti | 475
bureaucratic structure contains an element
of coordination because in the operation of
the organization involves many parties or
agencies. Bureaucratic structure becomes
important in the implementation of
policies". The bureaucratic structure has
two main characteristics, namely:
1. Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
develop as an internal response to
limited time, resources from
implementers, and a desire for
uniformity in the work of complex and
widespread organizations. With SOPs,
implementers can use the available time,
officials in complex organizations can
uniformize actions that can create great
flexibility and security in the
implementation of regulations.
2. Fragmentation stems from pressures
outside the bureaucratic unit which is an
interest group outside the bureaucracy.
The bureaucratic structure consists of
organizational structure, division of duties
and authorities (tupoksi), relationships
between organizations, and standard
operating procedures (SOPs) in
implementing performance-based
budgeting policies (Ratnaningrum, 2020).
Table 1: Relevant past research
Author (year)
Previous Research
Similarities with this
Differences with this
(Polii et al., 2017)
disposition or
attitude and
communication have
a positive and
significant impact on
the implementation
of performance-
based budgeting
affects the
implementation of
budgeting policies
Regulation and
disposition or
positive and
significant attitude
towards the
implementation of
budgeting policies
(Badjuka, 2019)
dispositions or
attitudes and
structures have a
positive and
significant effect on
the implementation
of performance-
based policies
resources and
structure influence
the implementation
of performance-
based budgeting
Disposition or
attitude has a
positive and
significant effect on
the implementation
of performance-
based policies
476 | Factors Affecting The Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Policies:
Communication, Resources, and Bureaucratic Structure
Author (year)
Previous Research
Similarities with this
Differences with this
(Primary, 2017)
dispositions or
attitudes and
structures have a
positive and
significant effect on
the implementation
of performance-
based policies
resources, and
structure have a
positive and
significant effect on
the implementation
of performance-
based policies
Disposition or
attitude has a
positive and
significant effect on
the implementation
of performance-
based policies
(Kurniasih et al.,
of implementers, and
structures positively
affect the
implementation of
The similarity with
this journal is that
both examine
resources and
resources and
structure influence
the implementation
of performance-
based policies
of implementers
positively affects the
implementation of
(Surianti &
Dalimunthe, 2015)
communication, and
resources, positively
and significantly
affect the
implementation of
budgeting policies
The similarity with
this journal is that
both research
communication and
resources. Resources
influence the
implementation of
budgeting policies
Regulation has a
positive and
significant effect on
the implementation
of performance-
based budgeting
(Cris Kuntadi,
External pressures,
commitment, and
There are no
External pressures,
commitment, and
Cris Kuntadi, Nurma Livrianti | 477
Author (year)
Previous Research
Similarities with this
Differences with this
understanding of the
procedure system
have a positive and
significant impact on
the implementation
of performance-
based budgeting
understanding of the
procedure system
have a positive and
significant impact on
the implementation
of performance-
based budgeting
(Ontorael, 2018)
Budget, human
resources and
information systems
have a positive and
significant effect on
the implementation
of performance-
based budgeting
The similarity with
this journal is that
both research
human resources.
Human resources
influence the
implementation of
Budgets and
information systems
have a positive and
significant effect on
the implementation
of performance-
based budgeting
(Ningtias, 2019;
Surianti &
Dalimunthe, 2015)
commitment, and
human resource
positively influence
the implementation
of performance-
based budgeting
The similarity with
this journal is that
both examine
communication and
human resources.
Human resources
influence the
implementation of
leadership and
commitment have no
effect on the
implementation of
(Maulina, 2019)
Human resources do
not have a positive
and significant effect
on the
implementation of
budgeting policies
Leadership style
factors, monitoring
and evaluation, and
regulation have no
effect on the
implementation of
budgeting policies
478 | Factors Affecting The Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Policies:
Communication, Resources, and Bureaucratic Structure
Author (year)
Previous Research
Similarities with this
Differences with this
(Gowasa et al.,
Human resources
have a positive and
significant effect on
the implementation
of performance-
based budgeting
The similarity with
this journal is that
both research
human resources.
Human resources
influence the
implementation of
budgeting policies
This method of writing scientific
articles is a literature review (library
research) and qualitative methods through
identifying some relevant literature
classified based on the relevance and
quality of the literature found and
examines the theory and relationships or
influences between variables from books
and journals both off line in the library and
online sourced from Mendeley, Scholar
Google and other online media.
In qualitative research, literature review
should be used consistently with
methodological assumptions. This means
that it must be used inductively so as not
to direct the questions posed by the
researcher. One of the main reasons for
conducting qualitative research is that the
research is exploratory, (Ali & Limakrisna,
Based on this relevant literature, it is
analyzed using narrative patterns, with the
aim of:
1) Deepen knowledge of the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies and help readers to
understand together about the factors
that affect budgeting performance in
the government sector in Indonesia.
In this study, it offers an explanation of
the factors that affect budgeting
performance in the context of government
in Indonesia.
Based on theoretical studies and
relevant previous research, the discussion
of this literature review article in the
concentration of State Financial
Management is:
1. The Effect of Communication on the
Implementation of Performance-Based
Budgeting Policies.
(Polii et al., 2017) analyzed the
investigation of the knowledge and
understanding of members of the Regional
Cris Kuntadi, Nurma Livrianti | 479
People's Representative Council (DPRD)
about performance-based budgeting in
Bitung City. The results of the analysis show
that communication has an effect in
performance-based budgeting.
Communication is a contributing factor to
performance-based budgeting in the
partnership relationship between the
legislature and the executive. In addition,
communication is also a supporting factor
in the implementation of performance-
based budgeting in Bitung City. The DPRD
can establish communication between the
community, local governments, and the
central government through political
(Badjuka, 2019) analyzed the
implementation of the SIRBA policy in
improving the quality of financial
management at the Gorontalo State
University (BLU UNG) public service agency.
The results of the analysis show that
communication is influential in the
implementation of the SIRBA policy. The
observations showed that there were
formal and informal meetings that
discussed planning and budgeting
activities at the faculty and work unit levels.
As for smoothing communication, the
delivery of messages is carried out via
telephone, WA and SMS from the
leadership to subordinates and between
fellow implementers related to the
implementation of the RBA. These various
activities are evidenced by documents in
the form of invitation letters for
coordination meetings at the university and
faculty levels and photos of coordination
meeting activities.
Pratama, A.F. (2017) examined the
factors influencing the implementation of
performance-based budgeting policies in
the work unit of the Secretariat General of
Disease Prevention and Control of the
Ministry of Health. Based on the results of
the research conducted, it can be
concluded that communication affects the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies, where communication
dimensions or indicators (transmission
factors, clarity factors, and consistency
factors) affect the dimensions or indicators
of implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies. Implementation of
performance-based budgeting policies in
the P2P Task Force based on effective
communication factors.
(Kurniasih et al., 2013) analyzed the
effect of e-government policy
implementation on the performance of
cimahi city apparatus. Based on the results
of the research conducted, it can be
concluded that communication, resources,
and bureaucratic structures have made a
meaningful contribution to the success of
policies. The communication dimension
shows that the number of respondents who
consider openness in the delivery of
information in the implementation of e-
government in Cimahi City is quite high.
This can be seen from the two-way
communication that has been established
quite well between the apparatus in various
SKPDs in Cimahi City. In the resource
dimension, the resources of the e-
government implementing apparatus in
Cimahi City are sufficient. This can be seen
from the number of apparatuses and clear
task descriptions that are adjusted to the
expertise of each apparatus. In addition,
budget resources are sufficient in the
480 | Factors Affecting The Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Policies:
Communication, Resources, and Bureaucratic Structure
implementation of e-government in Cimahi
City which is accompanied by budget
accountability in the implementation of e-
government in Cimahi City is sufficient as
can be seen from the expenditures that are
in accordance with needs. The facilities and
infrastructure in the implementation of e-
government are quite feasible, the
information is sufficient and clear enough.
Likewise, the clarity of authority is self-
explanatory. This can be seen from the clear
division of duties between apparatuses in
accordance with the position of each
2. The Effect of Resources on the
Implementation of Performance-Based
Budgeting Policies
(Surianti & Dalimunthe, 2015) analyzed
The Implementation of Performance Based
Budgeting In Public Sector (Indonesia Case:
A Literature Review). The results of the
analysis show that human resource
problems in the government sector in
Indonesia still remain the main problem,
especially in regional governments.
(Badjuka, 2019) analyzed the
implementation of the SIRBA policy in
improving the quality of financial
management at the Gorontalo State
University (BLU UNG) public service agency.
The results of the analysis show that the
resources on the BLU UNG can be relied
upon to implement the SIRBA policy.
Human resources of the RBA operator team
who are adequate as the spearhead of the
SIRBA policy implementor element have
the ability and expertise based on the
needs recruited based on basic
competencies in the field of planning,
mastery of information technology, and the
field of budgeting and finance and have
high dedication and willingness to work, so
that what has been planned in the Strategic
Plan can be implemented as planned. In
addition, SIRBA's supporting facility
resources displace an integrated
management information system in a
computerized system that processes and
integrates the entire RBA planning flow in
the form of a network of coordination,
reporting and business and budget
planning procedures to support
performance and obtain information
quickly, precisely, accurately, transparently,
accountably and efficiently. The results of
the observations found the
implementation of the UNG Position
Analysis. In addition, to ensure the
continuity of HR expertise, technical
training was carried out for the RBA
Operator Team. From the aspect of
supporting activities, it is supported by a
website that can be accessed through
www.ung.ac.id supported by a local
network connected to the FO network that
connects and integrates all work units in
UNG and wireless networks using radio
access transmitters that are distributed
throughout the campus area in the form of
hotspots. Progress in implementing the
SIRBA policy on BLU UNG is highly
dependent on the effectiveness of the
human resources in it. The ability of
implementors plays an important role and
determines their success. This is in line with
Abdussamad's research (2013) that an
organization in carrying out its activities will
always face humans as a dynamic resource
and have the ability to continue to grow.
Cris Kuntadi, Nurma Livrianti | 481
(Ontorael, 2018) examined analisis of
factors influencing the effectiveness of
performance-based budget
implementation in the Regional Financial
and Asset Management Agency of North
Sulawesi Province. Based on the results of
the research conducted, it can be
concluded that human resources have a
positive and significant influence on
performance-based budgets. Human
resources play an important role in the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting owned by the government,
where with the availability of human
resources who are able to manage the
implementation of budgeting and
maximize the budget owned by local
governments to achieve priority goals in
development to improve regional
(Ningtias, 2019) analyzed the influence
of transformational leadership,
organizational commitment and human
resource competence on the target of
implementing a performance-based
budget on the regional revenue agency of
Jember Regency. The results of the analysis
show that the competence of human
resources affects the implementation of
performance-based budgets. This is
because human resources in Bappeda
Jember Regency use their creativity in
completing their work.
(Maulina, 2019) analyzed the factors
influencing the implementation of
performance-based budgeting in Banda
Aceh City. The results of the analysis show
that human resources have no significant
effect on the implementation of
performance-based budgeting. Human
resources are not one of the determining
factors for the success of performance-
based budget implementation within the
scope of the Banda Aceh city government.
(Gowasa et al., 2020) analyzed the
effect of human resource competence on
performance-based budget
implementation. The results of the analysis
show that the competence of human
resources has a significant effect on the
implementation of a performance-based
budget. The implementation of
competencies is carried out by applying
several things to obtain competent human
resources, namely having knowledge of
work, having skills in work and having a
responsible work attitude.
3. The Effect of Bureaucratic Structure on
the Implementation of Performance-
Based Budgeting Policies
(Kurniasih et al., 2013) analyzed the
effect of e-government policy
implementation on the performance of
cimahi city apparatus. Based on the
research results, it can be concluded that
the bureaucratic structure has made a
meaningful contribution to the policy's
success. SOPs are readily available and the
fragmentation (spread of responsibility) in
the implementation of e-government is
already quite high. Based on the results of
the research, the SOP of Cimahi City has
benefits as a standardization that must be
done in completing work, reducing errors
and omissions. The SOP also ensures that
the established and scheduled process can
take place as it should. In addition, SOPs
will ensure the availability of data for
process improvement so that
accountability by reporting and
documenting results in the implementation
482 | Factors Affecting The Implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting Policies:
Communication, Resources, and Bureaucratic Structure
of tasks increases. The efficiency and
effectiveness of task execution also
increase because SOPs provide concrete
ways to improve performance and avoid
variations in the process of implementing
activities and overlapping task
implementation. Thus, SOPs can help
government administration officials
involved in the service process become
more independent so that the information
needed in the preparation of standards and
providing performance information is
adequately available. Bureaucratic structure
influences the implementation of
performance-based budgeting policies.
This study's results align with the research
conducted by (Kurniasih et al., 2013).
(Badjuka, 2019) analyzed the
implementation of the SIRBA policy in
improving the quality of financial
management at the Gorontalo State
University (BLU UNG) public service agency.
The results of the analysis show that the
bureaucratic structure in the
implementation of the SIRBA policy is
based on Standard Operating Procedures
(SOP) which regulates the flow of SIRBA
implementation which provides uniformity
in the actions of implementors, resulting in
excellent flexibility, as well as fairness in the
implementation of the rules. In addition,
there is a distribution of responsibilities
consisting of leaders, financial officials and
technical officials who have carried out
functions and responsibilities
proportionally, namely preparing the
annual RBA, as well as conveying
operational performance accountability,
coordinating the preparation of the RBA
and preparing documents for the
implementation of the BLU UNG budget,
technical persons in their respective fields
who are obliged to, among others, compile
planning for technical activities in their
fields, carry out technical activities in
accordance with the RBA and account for
operational performance in their field
Conceptual Framework
Based on the formulation of the
problem, theoretical studies, relevant
previous research and discussion of the
influence between variables, then in the
process of thinking about this article as
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Dpalm source
Implementation of
Budgeting Policies
Bureaucratic Structure
Cris Kuntadi, Nurma Livrianti | 483
Based on the
conceptual framework
image above, communication, resources,
and bureaucratic structures influence the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies. Apart from the three
exogen variables that affect the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies, there are many other
variables that affect it, including:
a) Organizational commitment: (C.
Kuntadi., 2022), (Ningtias, 2019).
b) External Pressure: (C. Kuntadi., 2022)
c) Understanding the system of
procedures: (C. Kuntadi., 2022).
d) Attitude or Disposition: (Polii et al.,
2017), (Badjuka, 2019), (Pratama, A.F.,
2017), (Kurniasih, 2013)
e) Regulation: (Polii et al., 2017), (Surianti,
M., & Dalimunthe, A.R, 2015),
f) Budget: (Ontorael, 2018)
g) Information systems: (Ontorael, 2018)
h) Leadership: (Ningtias, 2019), (Maulina,
Based on relevant theories and articles
and discussions, hypotheses can be
formulated for further research:
1. Communication affects the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies.
2. Resources influence the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies.
3. Bureaucratic structure affects the
implementation of performance-based
budgeting policies.
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
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