Lidia Hosanty, Ida Bagus Made Agung, Musmuliadi | 1616
Basically, an organization or company
has a goal to get optimal profits and
maintain a business life that is run in the
long term (Wu & Pagell, 2011). The
availability of human resources is an
important factor in an organization and
company (Cho et al., 2019), and it is
necessary to involve employees/employees
in carrying out all company activities
Tryde & Hooge, 2014).
The role of human resources in
organizations, both organizations that
adhere to a profit and non-profit service
system, is very important (Kosny & Eakin,
2008), because, without human resources,
any form of technological equipment
(Claver et al., 1998) and any sophisticated
technological equipment owned by the
organization will not be able to function
optimally (Hughes, 2012). In addition, if this
asset is neglected, it is not impossible that
it will disrupt the activities of the
organization as a whole (Kure et al., 2018).
Given the importance of the role of human
resources in an organization, of course,
these human resources need to be
managed in such a way (Tien et al., 2021),
and this is an important part of the work of
the management of the organization
concerned (Leithwood, 2021). The human
resource management process must
ultimately be measured in terms of how
effectively managers manage their human
resources (Anwar & Abdullah, 2021), in this
context, effective human resource
management is reflected in the productivity
or performance contributed by employees
(Collings et al., 2021), thus it can be said
that the performance of the employees
Employees are among the main issues that
are always faced by organizational
management (Widarko & Anwarodin,
2022). Therefore, one of the most
important tasks of managers is to mobilize
employees to contribute to the success of
the organization (Abdullahi et al., 2021).
Compensation plays a very important
role in improving employee performance,
one of the main reasons a person works is
to fulfill all his life needs (Ali & Anwar,
2021). Someone will work optimally in
order to get appropriate compensation, in
an agency, employees always expect a
more adequate income. The current civil
service salary system is still under the
private payroll system, thus affecting
employee performance, in such a situation
it causes the desire to work even harder to
seek compensation other than salary.
Government Regulation No. 26 of 2001 has
regulated the issue of remuneration based
on rank and class, while other
compensations such as incentives are
regulated by each agency.
Job satisfaction is an individual thing.
Each individual has a different level of
satisfaction according to the value system
that applies to him. This is due to
differences in each individual. The more
aspects that are in accordance with the
wishes of the individual, the higher the level
of satisfaction he feels. Conversely, if there
are fewer aspects of the work that are not
in accordance with the wishes of the
individual, the lower the level of satisfaction
felt by the individual. Job satisfaction is
closely related to the attitude of employees
towards their own work, work situations,
cooperation between leaders and
employees. Job satisfaction is a person's