JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 3, 311 – 318
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i03.273 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
E.I.H. Ujianto
Program Studi Magister Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: saifuddin@student.uty.ac.id, erik.iman@uty.ac.id
*Correspondence : saifuddi[email protected].ac.id
: 09 October 2022
: 17 October 2022
: 25 October 2022
Abstract: In the selection process, determining a university funding research proposal at Tunas
Pembangunan University (UTP) still has not fully used information technology to support
related institutions, namely the UTP Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). So
it has obstacles and requires a long time. So we need a system that is able to help these
institutions to make it easier to determine recipients of research proposals that are worthy of
funding. The application of data mining is a series of processes to explore added value in the
form of knowledge that has not been known manually from a data set. This research has
parameters, namely, NIDN, academic degree, track record, a proposed budget plan (RAB), and
targeted outcomes. This is certainly less efficient because if a lecturer proposes a proposal, he
must wait a long time to find out whether the results are accepted, accepted with
improvements, or not. In addition, the assessment process has not used relevant methods so
the results of the assessment of research proposal selection are not objective because the
results of the assessment of the proposals obtained by the lecturer proposing the proposal are
the final results in the form of a feasibility recommendation contained in a decision letter so
that the application of classification with criteria in accordance with the selection needs is
necessary. research proposal. By applying the data mining algorithm of the Naïve Bayes
Method and the Decision Tree, it is hoped that it can simplify and accelerate the LPPM in
determining recipients of research proposals that are eligible for funding at Tunas
Pembangunan University.
Keywords: classification, research, data mining.
, E.I.H. Ujianto
| 312
In carrying out the realization of the Tri
Dharma of higher education by educators
(lecturers) are conducting research,
community service, and teaching.
Universities are obliged to carry out
research and community service in addition
to carrying out education as stipulated in
Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System Article 20. In
line with this obligation, Law Number 12 of
2012 concerning Higher Education Article
45 stipulates that university research is
directed at developing science and
technology, as well as improving the
welfare of the community and the
competitiveness of the nation.
Therefore, every university, through the
Institute for Research and Community
Service (LPPM), is an institution that
conducts research and community service
for lecturers with full management,
assessment and funding carried out
professionally and proportionally. In
conducting research and community
service, it must be in accordance with the
procedures set by LPPM.
From the existing procedures, one of
which is the assessment of research
proposals and community service that can
be declared worthy or not feasible to be
implemented and funded by universities.
Every research and community service
proposal submitted by a lecturer must go
through a selection stage, both the
administrative stage and the substance
selection. The selection of incoming
research proposals will be selected by a
reviewer team determined by LPPM. This is
also done by LPPM Tunas Pembangunan
University (UTP) in selecting research
proposals, but in assessing research
proposals it still uses the manual method
without a system that helps.
So far, the selection process carried out
by LPPM UTP is in accordance with existing
procedures, namely by carrying out the
process of proposing a research proposal,
then being assessed by the reviewer team
based on the assessment sheet and
predetermined criteria. However, this
activity has not been supported by an
information system so the research
proposal selection process must be carried
out by recapitulating the assessment data
which requires a long assessment time.
This is certainly less efficient because if
a lecturer proposes a proposal, they have
to wait a long time to find out whether the
results are accepted, accepted with
corrections, or not. In addition, the
assessment process has not used the
relevant method so the results of the
research proposal selection assessment are
not objective because the results of the
proposal assessment obtained by the
proposing lecturer are the final result in the
form of a feasibility recommendation
contained in the decision letter, so it is
necessary to apply a classification with
criteria that are in accordance with the
selection needs. research proposal.
So to overcome these problems it is
necessary to have a classification of
weighting criteria for research proposals
submitted by lecturers in the UTP
environment with data mining using the
Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree methods.
313 | Classification of Research Proposal Funding Using Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree
facilitate the assessment team (reviewer) to
complete the assessment of research
proposals and community service by
In several previous studies, many
classification methods have been
implemented in real life. Some algorithms
that are very popular today are Naive Bayes
and C.45. Naive Bayes is a classification
algorithm with a simple formula and is easy
to apply as presented by (Jadhav et al.,
2016) and (Maryamah et al., 2016), while
C.45 algorithm in several studies using
decision tree classification, such as research
(Saxena & Sharma, 2016) provides a high
level of accuracy. Another study that
examines the comparison of the
performance of several data mining
classification methods has previously been
carried out (Santra & Jayasudha, 2012), in
this study, used the Naive Bayes algorithm
for the classification technique, whereas
previous studies used the C4.5 algorithm.
Another study (Dimitoglou et al., 2012)
tested the ability of data mining and
machine learning methods to accurately
predict the survival of patients diagnosed
with lung cancer. This study compares the
effectiveness of the naive Bayes algorithm
and decision tree C4.5 which are
implemented to predict a person's survival
due to certain diseases. The results
obtained indicate that the naive Bayes
algorithm is superior to the C4.5 decision
tree for this case. (Ashari et al., 2013)
proposed a new method for finding
alternative designs by using the
classification method. The methods used in
this study include nave Bayes, decision tree,
and k-nearest neighbor. The experimental
results show that the decision tree excels in
the calculation speed process followed by
naive Bayes and k-nearest neighbors. Data
Mining also known as Knowledge
Discovery in Database (KDD) is defined as
the extraction of potential, implicit and
unknown information from a set of data.
The Knowledge Discovery in the Database
process involves the results of the data
mining process (the process of extracting
the tendency of a data pattern), then
converting the results accurately into
information that is easy to understand
(Siburian, 2014). The terms data mining and
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
are often used interchangeably to describe
the process of extracting hidden
information in a large database. Actually,
these terms have different concepts but are
related to each other and one of the stages
in the whole KDD process is data mining (le
Cam et al., 2016). Data mining refers to the
process of searching for previously
unknown information from a large data set
(Ginting et al., 2014). Another definition of
Data Mining is a series of processes that
employ one or more computer learning
techniques to analyze and extract
knowledge automatically or a series of
processes to explore added value from a
data set in the form of knowledge that has
not been known manually (Sijabat, 2015).
Data mining is a term used to describe the
discovery of knowledge in databases
(Kusrini & Taufiq, 2009).
The results of the author's
observations, research on "Classification of
Determination of Internal Funding Research
Proposals Using the Naïve Bayes Method
and Decision Tree (Case Study: Tunas
Pembangunan University)" with the aim of
holding this classification is expected to
, E.I.H. Ujianto
| 314
find out which method has greater
accuracy. Thus, the best method between
the two is used in determining the research
proposal, which is between eligible to be
funded or not eligible to be funded and
there are several similar topics that have
been carried out, including the following:
1. Comparison of C4 Data Mining
Algorithm Classification Methods. 5
and Naive Bayes for Hepatitis Disease
Prediction (Septiani, 2017).
2. Comparison of Naive Bayes classifier
and C4. 5 algorithms in predicting
student study period (Gerhana et al.,
3. Comparison of Data Mining Model C4
Classification Algorithm. 5 and Naive
Bayes for Diabetes Disease Prediction
(Fatmawati, 2016).
4. Comparison of C4 Algorithm
Performance. 5 and Naive Bayes for the
Accuracy of Student Concentration
Selection (Supriyanti et al., 2016).
5. Classification of posts Twitter traffic
jam the city of Jakarta using algorithm
C4. 5 (Hajrahnur et al., 2018).
This study, uses a methodological step consisting of several stages as follow:
Picture 1. Research Methodology
Literature Study
At this stage, a search for literature
studies on research material is carried out
which includes data mining, classification,
Naive Bayes algorithm, decision tree, and
testing methods using precision, recall, and
accuracy. The search is based on previous
research on theories related to the research
conducted as well as theories that are
currently being developed.
System design and modeling
At this stage, two systems are
designed, namely the system that applies
the Naive Bayes algorithm and the system
that applies the Decision Tree. The system
built applies 2 data mining classification
algorithms in the selection of research
Naïve Bayes
dan Decision
315 | Classification of Research Proposal Funding Using Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree
proposals at Tunas Pembangunan
University. The data in this case is data on
proposals received from the Institute for
Research and Community Service,
Universitas Tunas Pembangunan. Data
obtained from sources as much as 140 data.
The data used as consideration for
determining the recipient of the proposal
a. dependent variable (bound)
Variable Y: Acceptance of the
proposal (Accepted / Not Accepted)
b. Independent variable (not bound)
Variable X: age, last education, RAB
submission, number of proposals,
number of publication outputs
Implementasi Naive Bayes
The step taken at this stage is to
translate the design that has been formed
into a system that applies the Naive Bayes
algorithm. (Jadhav et al., 2016) stated that
the Naïve Bayes Classifier is an
independent model that discusses simple
classification based on the Bayes theorem.
Naïve Bayes is an algorithm that can classify
a certain variable using probability and
statistical methods. Broadly speaking, the
Naïve Bayes algorithm can be explained as
Decision Tree
The concept of a decision tree or
decision tree is to convert data into
decision rules. The main benefit of using a
decision tree is its ability to break down
complex decision-making processes into
simple ones so that decision-making will
make it easier to solve a problem
(Rismayanti, 2018). Decision Tree is one of
the most popular classification methods
because it is easily interpreted by humans
(Wahyuningsih & Utari, 2018). A Decision
Tree is used for pattern recognition and is
included in statistical pattern recognition
(Rosandy, 2016). The Decision Tree uses 2
calculations, the first is the Gain calculation
in Equation 2 and the Entropy calculation in
Equation 3 (Nugraha et al., 2016).
Testing Precision, Recall and Accuracy Naive
Bayes and
Decision Tree
Testing an algorithm requires standards
and test equipment (Kurniawan &
Kurniawan, 2018). Comparing 2 algorithms
must have the same standard so that the
best algorithm can be known from the
comparison. At this stage, testing is carried
out by calculating the value of precision,
recall, and accuracy from Naive Bayes and
Decision Tree. The initial step in this stage
is to divide the data in each case into 2,
namely training data or training data and
testing data or test data. Training data is
used as reference data in the calculation of
each algorithm, while testing data is used
to assess the predictions and
determinations made by each algorithm
are correct or not. In dividing the data into
training data and testing data, several
comparisons were made.
Algorithm Comparison
At this stage, a comparison of the
values of precision, recall, and accuracy is
carried out for each algorithm in each case.
After that, the results of each algorithm are
recapitulated so that conclusions can be
drawn regarding the best algorithm for
each case.
, E.I.H. Ujianto
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After carrying out several stages and
research procedures from pre-processing
or preparation to a process that includes
several stages including data cleaning, data
collecting, determining criteria,
determining probabilities, and testing, the
following are the results of the research:
Naïve Bayes Methode
The research stages that will be carried
out are prepositional data, namely
processing raw data from data on research
funding receipts from 2016 to 2022 with a
total dataset of 140.
In the Naïve Bayes method, constant string
or categorical data is divided into two
types, namely continuous numeric data, so
that The resulting difference will be seen
when determining the probability value of
each criterion, either criterion with string
data values or criteria with numeric data.
The stages carried out are as follows:
1. Data Collection, namely data that is used
as training and testing data, in this case,
is data on receipt of research funds. The
criteria for determining training data
and testing data are 70% training data
and 30% testing data.
2. Data Cleaning, namely at this stage
there is a criterion that is eliminated
because these criteria have no effect on
the results of the classification accuracy
of the Naive Bayes method. From the
total dataset of 140, after eliminating the
dataset, the number of datasets is 27.
While the number of attributes used is
3. Determining Criteria, at the stage of
determining these criteria, data criteria
are used based on the data that has
been collected.
4. Determine the Probability of Each
Criterion, at this stage determine criteria
used as a reference in classifying
recipients of research funds
5. Testing, at this stage is the stage of
applying the Naive Bayes method with
some data that is ready to be tested.
The dataset used is divided into two
parts with a ratio of 70% used for
training data with 98 data records and
30% testing data with 42 data records
from the total number of records from
the 140 datasets. And the accuracy
results obtained from the experimental
design above using the method Naive
Bayes is an accuracy value of 92.70%.
Decision Tree Method
In testing using the Decision Tree
method, there are several criteria used,
including gain_ratio, information_gain,
gini_index, and accuracy. This criterion is
one of several operators that will produce
an estimate of how accurately a model will
The dataset used is divided into two
parts with a ratio of 70% used for training
data with 98 data records and 30% testing
data with 42 data records from the total
number of records from 140 datasets.
Testing training and testing data using the
Decision Tree method obtain accurate
results. 43.54%.
317 | Classification of Research Proposal Funding Using Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree
To classify the research proposal
funding using the Naïve Bayes method and
the Decision Tree method, it is better to use
the Naïve Bayes method because the
accuracy obtained is 92.70%.
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