Satino, Yuliana Yuli W, Iswahyuni Adil | 264
of expression by the press. This
expression describes, through the press
or In the rubric of public opinion, or
press opinion itself, the press already
has a legitimate public opinion or at
least encourages the public to think
about a case that has not been decided
by the authorities (court or out of court).
Reporting or conveying opinions of this
kind not only violates the principle of
presumption of innocence (harming the
"losing" party and the alleged
perpetrator of a crime, violating the
principle of presumption of innocence),
but is also a form of inhibiting justice,
trial and impartiality, and even an insult
to judicial order. Furthermore, it can be
noted that all forms that can be
classified as trial by the press,
obstruction of justice, or contempt of
court, with the intention of influencing
the judge, constitute a violation of the
principle of guaranteeing the
independence of judges, fair trial,
impartiality to decide a case correctly
and appropriately and fair.
4. Freedom of the press and an
independent judiciary (freedom of
judges) Freedom (freedom) of the press
in a society that longs for democracy,
upholds human rights, and a society that
longs for progress, is seen as a necessity.
According to the American Press
Commission, press freedom is essential
to political freedom. When one cannot
freely convey his thoughts to others,
there is no guarantee of freedom. If
there is freedom of expression, it means
the beginning of a free society and it
means there are all rights to freedom.
Functions, obligations of the press and
objectives of the press
According to Law no. 40 of 1999
concerning the Press in (Z. I. Lubis, 2020), it
is stated that the press is a social institution
and a vehicle for mass communication that
carries out journalistic activities. Including
seeking, obtaining, possessing, storing,
processing, and conveying information in
the form of oral, written, sound, image or
electronic media, and all available
commercial channels. The National Press
has a function as a medium of information,
education, entertainment and social
control. In addition to the functions as
referred to in paragraph (1), the national
press can function as an economic
The dimension of idealism relates to
the thoughts, ideas, and public or
individual opinions that are owned or
managed by the press. In this function
there are three main levers of the press,
namely: providing information, educating
the public and entertaining or providing
entertainment for its readers, these three
tasks must be contained in the press, if only
providing information the press will look
dry, like vegetables without salt, even
though it is nutritious (Hutomo, 2020). not
good. Likewise, if the press only supports
entertainment, it does not provide anything
meaningful for the development of the
reader's reasoning power. Normatively, the
idealism function of the press is explained
in press laws and regulations, as in
UU/11/1966 and UU/21/1982 in article 2
paragraph (1) UU/11/1966 it is stated that
the function of the press is as a
revolutionary tool and is a media. mass that
is active, dynamic, creative, informative,