JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02 No. 6, 1063 1080
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i06.268 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Fathor AS
Fatimatul Fatmariyah
Sirajul Arifin
Muh. Syarif
Management, Economics and Business, Trunojoyo Madura University, Indonesia
Islamic Economics, Postgraduate, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya
e-mail: fathor.as@trunojoyo.ac.id, 02040321010@student.uinsby.ac.id, syarif@trunojoyo.ac.id
*Correspondence: fathor.as@trunojoyo.ac.id
: 15
December 2022
: 12
January 2023
: 24
January 2023
Abstract: The market share of Islamic banking is still very small, so there needs to be a proper
marketing strategy to overcome it, one of which is Sharia relationship marketing. The purpose
of this research is to analyze the implementation of sharia relationship marketing at BPRS
Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep. The research method used is a descriptive method of quantitative
approach. The results showed that BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep has assimilated sharia
relationship marketing quite well, it is shown from the results of respondents' assessment of
the dimensions used in the study.
Keywords: Relationship Marketing; Sharia Compliance; Sharia Relationship Marketing; Islamic
Fathor AS
Fatimatul Fatmariyah
Sirajul Arifin
Muh. Syarif
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The performance of Islamic banking
financing has a positive influence on
economic growth, (Prastowo, 2018, p. 65)
but behind that, business competition in
the Islamic banking world is currently very
tight, OJK data in 2020 shows that the
overall market share of Islamic banking is
still very small, namely 6.51% which is
divided into 65.21% BUS, 32.33% UUS and
2.46% BPRS, even though Indonesia's
population is dominated by Muslims. So
that Islamic banking managers are required
to be able to compete through various
appropriate business strategies. Various
effective strategies to support success in
the banking business can be carried out by
perfecting / improving the product features
it already has, deference, (Fatmariyah,
Ritonga, Latifah, & USA, 2021, p.
15)innovating products, developing
technology, improving the capabilities and
skills of Human Resources, deferentiating
Service, innovation in services, improving
service to customers is an obligation for
companies to win the competition, with the
aim of being able to capture and be able to
maintain customers to become customers
who have high loyalty. Competition is
increasingly rapid with the development
and dynamics of this dynamic and
competitive environment, caused by the
development of business strategies in the
field of marketing that have changed very
quickly until in the era of the 2000s there
was a fundamental shift with the birth of
(AS, 2010, p. 136) relationship marketing
strategies (Rahmawaty, 2015, p. 357).
Relationship marketing as the most
appropriate marketing approach to
support corporate activities in order to be
able to maintain existence and remain
sustainable from time to time. This concept
of relational marketing becomes a business
model whose main objective is to identify,
predict, and understand the needs of
customers and prospects by collecting
various information related to customers,
sales, marketing effectiveness, and market
trends. Even(Sucahyo, DH, & Arifin, 2015, p.
151) Hussnain (2011, p. 103) says that
relationship marketing emphasizes on
relationships that aim to provide customer
care and service which ultimately builds
customer loyalty. Therefore, the concept of
relational marketing is expected to be able
to optimize the performance of business
activities. This allows the corporate to have
a long-term relationship impact with
The concept of relationship marketing
has been widely introduced by experts
including Gronroos (1994), Leonard Berry in
Sin, et al., (2005), Philip & Armstrong
(2012), Tjiptono & Chandra (2011),
Hussnain (2011) and so on, in essence
relationship marketing is a strategy in
managing strong relationships with
consumers and / or stakeholders.
Given the urgency of relationship
marketing strategies, so that their effects in
the world of Islamic banking have been
presented in various studies, such as those
conducted by Arwani, Zain, Surachman, &
Djumahir (2011), Nurudin (2018),
Hendrayani (2018), Yusri (2019),
Chrysnaputra & Mulyani (2019), Elkhansa &
Hamid (2020) , Yuwita & Nugroho (2020),
Munifatussa'idah & Saleh (2020),
Parawansa, Umar, Reni, & Toaha (2020) and
Fatmariyah, Ritonga, Latifah, & AS (2021),
1065 | Implementation of Relationship Marketing Sharia Perspective In Sharia Microfinance
Institutions In Madura
which overall shows a fact that relationship
marketing has been implemented , but the
results of this research show that partially
relataionship marketing does not have a
very significant effect and / or on average
has a value low.
In its development, when the
relationship marketing strategy becomes
the foundation of business strategy,
business strategies that are not only
conventional have been engaged in
business strategies that are sharia-
principled. Then the concept of relationship
marketing with Sharia nuances was born,
which was called Sharia Relationship
Marketing (SRM). This SRM is a
combination of relationship marketing with
sharia compliance. (Rahmawaty, 2015, p.
364) Shariacompliance concept in Otman
and Owen (2001), Rahmawaty (2015), Arifin
(2009), Sutedi (2009), Khanam & Ullah
(2014) , Ullah (2014), the essence is
obedience in business activities with
reference to the principles of Islamic law.
The results of research in the field of
sharia compliance show that customers
consider that sharia compliance absorption
has gone quite well with several records
such as the need to increase employee
knowledge and consistency of the
supervisory board of Othman & Owen
(2001), Khanam & Ullah (2014), Nurhisam
(2016). However, on the other hand, there
is a public preference for sharia compliance
regarding doubts about Islamic banks, so
that customers have a tendency to stop,
because there are still Islamic banks that
violate it(Wardayati, 2011, pp. 4-5) (Ullah,
2014, Karim & Shetu, 2020). So it has very
severe implications in obtaining and
retaining customers as once said by Burhan
in Arwani that to increase the number of
customers in Islamic banks is still quite
difficult to achieve, which was later
strengthened by Hafasnuddin (2007) in his
finding that around 33.7% of customers in
Islamic banks have loyalty and are willing to
re-transact and then provide
recommendations to other parties. (Arwani,
Zain, Surachman, & Djumahir, 2011, pp.
Under these conditions, in the future,
corporate operations are important to
apply the concept of sharia relationship
marketing, especially for Islamic financial
institutions in building and developing
relationships with customers in order to
have good loyalty. This strategy is a very
important instrument in an effort to create
competitive advantage and product quality
excellence that clearly distinguishes
between conventional principle banks and
Islamic principle banks, especially in the
context of sharia compliance. Considering
that broadly there is actually an expectation
from the public of the existence of Islamic
banks that have consistency in sharia
compliance.(Lathifah, 2016, p. ii)
So that in the context of marketing, the
concept of SRM can be one of the solutions
to various gaps that occur in Islamic
banking, because according to Rahmawaty
(2015, p. 359), the most principled
difference in the application of relational
marketing between Islamic financial
corporations and general financial
businesses lies in sharia compliance which
it adheres to as an operational foundation.
SRM as a combination of the concept of
relationship marketing with sharia
compliance, can be defined as a process of
obtaining, maintaining and building
Fathor AS
Fatimatul Fatmariyah
Sirajul Arifin
Muh. Syarif
| 1066
relationships between marketers,
consumers and other stakeholders that
generate long-term value through the
implementation of governance and
business practices that in the whole process
comply with and implement Islamic
Some literature related to the
implementation of sharia relationship
marketing, there are still some gaps,
namely not explaining the description of
respondents' answers to the variables and
dimensions used as done by Rahmawaty
(2015, p. 357) who found that sharia
relationship marketing affects loyalty, but
it is also found that satisfaction and loyalty
are not affected by excellence, and this
causes the indirect relationship between
SRM to loyalty to be disrupted. Mundhori
(2016, p. viii), found the fact that sharia
customer relationship marketing has a
positive influence on customer value and
product excellence. Meanwhile, the
research differs from using 3 dimensions of
sharia relationship marketing, namely
sharia compliance, empathy and
responsiveness conducted by Lathifah
(2016, p. ii) found the fact that loyalty is
influenced by sharia compliance, empathy,
responsiveness and satisfaction. However,
partial sharia compliance does not have a
significant effect on loyalty. Rozi (2021, p.
123) said that customer commitment does
not affect satisfaction but the satisfaction
felt by customers is influenced by sharia
compliance and customer trust. Yusof, et
al., (2019, p. 546) found that Islamic
Relationsship Marketing consisting of
Islamic Etical Behaviour, social bonds and
structural bonds affects customer trust,
while financial bonds have no effect, but
Salleh (2016), Salleh & Ramli (2013), and
Yudiantoro & Setiawan (2020) find some
dimensions good value.
One of the Islamic banks that has
experienced the above is BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep, this BPRS is a sharia-
based financial institution owned by the
Sumenep Regency Government, and has
contributed to the economic life of the
people of Sumenep, especially for people
who have micro-businesses. In addition,
BPRS Bhakti Sumekar has many advantages
in its performance in the banking world.
Among them, several times received the
achievement of The Best Syariah Finance
Institution from Info Bank magazine, and in
2016 received the Infobank Syariah Finance
Award in the category of (REN/SAR/**,
2014) The Best Syariah Finance Institution
because it was considered as a bank with
very good performance throughout 2015
to support the development of Sumenep
tourism, one of which was the carnaval
inbox, (Apriyani, 2016)(Doess/Brewok,
2016) and expanding to other districts with
increasing assets. However, in addition to
some of its advantages, BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar also has several disadvantages,
including, not all districts have BPRS branch
offices, and there are also several cases that
can reduce the level of customer trust in
BPRS banks, including prospective
customers the value of BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar is unprofessional because when
applying for a credit is rejected on reasons
that are not accepted by prospective
customers. (Hartono, 2016).
Seeing the existence of several cases
above and because of the large number of
Islamic banks competing around it, BPRS
Bhakti Sumekar needs to develop the right
1067 | Implementation of Relationship Marketing Sharia Perspective In Sharia Microfinance
Institutions In Madura
strategy to attract, retain, and create loyal
customers. Thus, the application of sharia
relationship marketing can be predicted as
one of the important instruments and a
strategic technique that helps managers in
an effort to gain customers and maintain
their loyalty.
Based on the background above, the
formulation of this research problem is how
to implement sharia relationship marketing
at BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep. The
purpose of the study was to analyze the
implementation of sharia relationship
marketing at BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
The research was conducted at the
head office of BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep with a type of descriptive method
research quantitative approach. The
variable analyzed is(Sugiono, 2017, pp. 8-
29) SRM. SRM is the concept of building
long-term relationships sharia principles in
transactions that can benefit the world-
hereafter, with the aim of creating, building,
developing and maintaining long-term
relationships with customers under Islamic
Table 1. Variables, Indicators, Descriptors/Items of Sharia Relationship Marketing
X.1 Focus
X.3 Interactive
marketing (Social
X.4 Culture of
X.5 Obtaining
and using (Trust)
X.6 Shariah
1. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep focuses on
providing the best for customers
2. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep is very
concerned about customer needs
1. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep builds good
communication with customers
2. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep maintains good
communication with customers
1. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep implements
interactive process in marketing
2. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep interacts with
customers in marketing its products
1. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep develops a
culture of Islamic services for customers
2. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep develops a
culture of excellent service for customers
1. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep obtains
information from customers
2. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep uses
information from customers
1. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep adheres to the
principles of Islamic law
2. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep has no interest
on savings and financing products.
Source : Summary of Research Instruments developed from Othman & Owen (2001),
Rahmawaty (2015), Mundhori (2016), Lathifah (2016), Rozi (2021), Yusof, et al., (2019), Salleh &
Fathor AS
Fatimatul Fatmariyah
Sirajul Arifin
Muh. Syarif
| 1068
Ramli (2013), Salleh (2016), Yudiantoro & Setiawan (2020), Apriani, Saufi , & Mulyono
The research instrument uses a
summated scale. This instrument uses five
(5) answer values, the smallest answer value
is scored 1 and the largest score is 5
(Ferdinand, 2014, p. 205).
The study population is all customers
who own a savings account book at BPRS
Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep and are
categorized as infinite / unlimited because
of something that is difficult to predict and
the confidentiality of customer personal
data that cannot be accessed, while the
sample is individual customers who hold
savings account books for at least 6
The determination of the minimum
number of samples is calculated based on
the opinion of Daniel and Terrel (1994) in
Churiyah & Hagayuna (2007, pp. 230-231).
Using α = 5%, d = 10% and the assumption
p = 1/2 in an infinite population:
n = [ of 0.025 ]
x 0.5 x 0.5
n = 1.96
x 0.25 = 0.9604 = 96.04
0.01 0.01
A minimum sample was obtained of
96.04 and rounded up to 100 respondents
with purposive sampling techniques
(Ferdinand, 2014, p. 179).
Primary data was obtained from
respondents' answers in this case
customers and managers of BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep for questions asked
either through questionnaires or
interviews. Secondary data is obtained
from various secondary sources such as;
bprs profiles, magazines, newspapers,
reports, documents and the like from the
object of research or other parties that have
a connection with this research.
Data analysis uses descriptive statistics
to describe and describe empirically the
data collected in this study. The analysis
uses(Sugiono, 2017, p. 289) IBM SPSS
Statistics v25(Ghozali, 2018) software to
describe the characteristics of respondents,
descriptors, indicators and variables in the
form of frequency distribution, percentage
and average
Object of Study
The acquisition of BPR Dana Merapi in
Sidoarjo gave birth to BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep. This is stated in the MoU and the
establishment document signed between
the Regent of Sumenep and PT. BSMI, Tbk
dated 27/12/2001. (Company Profile,
2017:4). Furthermore, to confirm its
establishment, the Sumenep Regency
Government has legalized in PERDA No:
6/2003 dated 31/06/2003 concerning PT
BPRS Bhakti Sumekar and recorded at the
Sukarini Notarial office in Sidoarjo dated
01/11/2003 and the Ministry of Health
&Human Rights of the Republic of
Indonesia ratified it on 19/01/2004 and the
BI principle permit issued on 21/05/2004
and BI Surabaya Branch dated 22/06/2004.
Furthermore, the permit to change Sharia
principles by the Governor of BI on
22/09/2004 and subsequently Sharia
activities began on October 22, 2004
1069 | Implementation of Relationship Marketing Sharia Perspective In Sharia Microfinance
Institutions In Madura
(Sumenep, 2017, p. 6).
Table 2. Products of PT. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
1. Barokah Savings
2. Barokah Student
3. Qurban Savings
4. Hajj Savings
5. Umrah Savings
6. Mudharabah
1. Working Capital of MSMEs
2. Pusyar IB
3. Al-Qordhul Hasan
4. Vehicle
5. Umrah bailout
6. Qordh (Rahn-Gold)
7. Home Ownership (KPR)
8. Multipurpose
9. Hajj bailouts, and
10. Electronics
1. Remittance
2. Salary Payment
3. Incentives for
Civil Servants/
4. Certification
Source: Company Profile of PT BPRS Bhakti Sumekar 2017
Respondent Description
The respondents of the study were 100
customers of BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep. Questionnaires as research
instruments are given directly to customers.
The returned questionnaires are then
analyzed according to the minimum sample
limit. The description of the respondents'
profiles in this study is as shown in table 3:
Table 3. Respondent Description
Final Education
Fathor AS
Fatimatul Fatmariyah
Sirajul Arifin
Muh. Syarif
| 1070
Monthly Revenue
Long Time As A Customer
Intesitas Utilizing Services
Rekekning Ownership in
Other Banks
Source: Primary data processed
Table 3. in the age column, in the form
of the table of the age range of respondents,
shows that respondents are predominantly
aged 31 to 40 years. The gender column
appears to be that male respondents come
more and play a role in conducting direct
transactions with banks. The respondents'
education was mostly high school. The
distribution of respondents by type of work
is mostly ASN, while in the column of
respondents' income most of them are
above Rp. 2,000,000. In the column section
of the period of being a customer, most of
them are between 2-5 years. In the intensity
column, it appears that the intensity of
respondents in utilizing bank services is
large 1 time a week, and in the column of
account ownership at other banks shows
that most respondents are not in a state of
being customers at other banks.
Description of Customer Answers
Sharia Relationship Marketing
variables are measured by 6 indicators and
each indicator is measured by 2 items or
descriptors with closed questions. The
complete description of the respondent's
answer is as follows:
Table 4. DEscribing Customer Answers to Research Questions
Respondent Answer Score
Q1. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
focuses on providing the best for
1071 | Implementation of Relationship Marketing Sharia Perspective In Sharia Microfinance
Institutions In Madura
Q2. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep is
very concerned about customer needs
Mean Focus (Empathy)
Q3. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
builds good communication with
Q4. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
maintains good communication with
Mean Communication (Comunication)
Q5. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
implements interactive process in
Q6. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
interacts with customers in marketing its
Mean Interactive marketing (Social bonding)
Q7. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
develops a culture of Islamic services for
Q8. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
develops a culture of excellent service for
Mean Culture of service (Commitment)
Q9. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
obtains information from customers
Q10. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
uses information from customers
Mean Obtaining and Using (Trust) Information
Q11. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
adheres to the principles of Islamic law
Q12. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
does not take or give interest on savings
and financing products
Mean Shariah Compliance
Mean Variable Sharia Relationship Marketing
Source: SPSS Processed Product Data
Table 4 shows that the respondent's assessment of the implementation of the
Fathor AS
Fatimatul Fatmariyah
Sirajul Arifin
Muh. Syarif
| 1072
SRM BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep has a
fairly good value, both on the question item
side, item dimensions and on the SRM
variable. In summary it is described as
1. The SRM variable has an average value
of 4.39 which means it has a pretty good
2. The focus dimension (empathy) having
an average value of 4.47 is a pretty good
category. This dimension is supported
with 2 items as follows:
Q1. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
focuses on being committed to
providing the best for customers
with an average value of 4.46, which
means it is quite good.
Q2. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep is
very concerned about customer
needs of 4.48, which means it is
quite good
3. The communication dimension
(comunication) has a value of 4.58 is a
pretty good category.
Q3. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
builds good communication with
customers worth 4.62 meaning it is
quite good
Q4. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
maintains good communication
with customers with an average
value of 4.54 meaning it is quite
4. The interactive dimension of marketing
(social bonding) has a value of 4.12,
meaning that it is categorized quite well.
Q5. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
implements an interactive process
in marketing in category 4.10
meaning it is quite good
Q6. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
interacts with customers in
marketing its products with a value
of 4.14, which means it is quite good
5. The cultural dimension of service
(commitment) has a value of 4.54, which
means it is in the category of quite good.
Q7. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
develops a culture of Islamic service
for customers worth 4.56 which
means it is quite good
Q8. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
develops a culture of excellent
service for customers on average
4.52 meaning it is quite good
6. The dimension of obtaining and using
(trust) information has a value of 4.12
meaning the category is quite good.
Q9. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
obtained information from
customers an average value of 4.10,
which means it is quite good
Q10. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
uses information from customers
with a value of 4.14, which means it
is quite good
7. The sharia compliance dimension has a
value of 4.49 thanks to a fairly good
Q11. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
complies with the principles of
Islamic law worth 4.58 meaning it is
quite good
Q12. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
does not take or give interest on its
products with an average value of
4.40 meaning it is quite good.
Fathor AS
Fatimatul Fatmariyah
Muh. Sharif
| 1073
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i06.268 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
The application of SRM principles to
BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep as a whole
based on customer assessment is quite
good. This can be seen from the mean
value in the sharia variable relationship
marketing is quite high even though it has
not reached the perfect point. This shows
that there have been structured and
systematic efforts made by BPRS in creating
long-term relationships that have been
able to form loyalty from customers. These
indications can be seen from various
customer assessments of the dimensions
and descriptors of the SRM variables in this
SRM in this study was built with 6
dimensions, namely the dimensions of
focus (empathy), communication
(comunication), interactive marketing
(social bonding), service culture
(commitment), obtaining and using (trust)
information and sharia compliance (sharia
compliance) developed from various
research results such as Rahmawaty (2015),
Mundhori (2016), Lathifah (2016), Rozi
(2021), Yusof, et al., (2019), Salleh & Ramli,
(2013), Salleh (2016) , Yudiantoro &
Setiawan (2020) and Apriani, Saufi, &
Mulyono (2020) and served as the
foundation for measuring the performance
of SRM at BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep.
Overall, the respondent's assessment of the
6 (six) dimensions was quite good with a
fairly high value. This means that the
institutional performance of BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep in implementing SRM is
in line with the expectations of customers.
The customer's assessment of the
dimension of focus (empathy) which is
quite good is supported by the assessment
of items that also have a fairly good value,
namely Q1 items. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep focuses on being committed to
providing the best for customers, and Q2
items. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep is
very concerned about customer needs. This
means that the performance of this
dimension has a fairly good performance,
this is because BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep is focused and committed to
providing the best services and products
for customers, it is a strategic step in the
form of attention and empathy for
customers from bank management who
have been able to adapt to existing
environmental conditions and situations or
according to the needs of the community /
customers, This result is in accordance with
the results of research by Yudiantoro &
Setiawan (2020, p. 292) who found that
empathy is good value.
In the communication dimension
(comunication) customer assessment is
also quite good which is supported by the
value of items that have good performance,
namely Q3 items. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep builds good communication with
customers, and Q4 items. BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep maintains good
communication with customers. In reality,
that a fairly good performance has really
been felt by customers, this is because the
intimacy or closeness between customers
and banks has been well maintained. BPRS
Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep always builds,
maintains and maintains good
communication with customers for long-
term interests, because the release of
customers will result in losses to the
banking industry, besides that it will cause
Fathor AS
Fatimatul Fatmariyah
Sirajul Arifin
Muh. Syarif
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difficulties in attracting new customers. The
results of this study support the research of
Yudiantoro & Setiawan (2020, p. 291) in
their findings which show that
communication is of good value.
Customer assessment on the
interactive dimension of marketing (social
bonding) which is in the category of quite
good is supported by a fairly good item, the
item is an item Q5. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep implements interactive processes
in marketing, and Q6 items. BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep interacts with
customers in marketing its products. This
condition is understandable, seeing the
performance of banks that are quite
accurate in designing their marketing
strategies, in its implementation BPRS
Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep has implemented
an interactive process in marketing. This is
because it is realized that marketing
interaction is the key to success in
maintaining the company's existence. Even
in terms of product marketing, BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep interacts with
customers in marketing its products
through various instruments, methods and
methods that are adjusted to
environmental conditions, this is done in
order to maintain an interactive
relationship that is mutually beneficial. This
result is the same as the findings of Yusof,
et al., (2019, p. 545) which also showed
quite good scores. Apriani, Saufi, &
Mulyono, (2020, p. 10) in their findings
show that social bonding positively impacts
visitors' revisit intention is accepted.
Salleh's findings (2016, p. 195) show that
social bonding affects IRM, and Yudiantoro
& Setiawan (2020, p. 291) say bonding is of
good value.
The cultural dimension of service
(commitment) as part of the SRM is also in
the category of quite good, this condition
is because it has support for the
assessment of customers who have a fairly
good assessment, these items include Q7
items. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
develops a culture of Islamic services for
customers, and Q8 items. BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep develops a culture of
excellent service for customers. This means
that the concept of Islamic service and
maintaining good relations in the ministry
has gone well. This is because BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep has developed an
Islamic service culture for customers
through approaches that are in accordance
with Islamic teachings such as employees
wearing Islamic clothing, Islamic character
in speaking, contracts according to Islam
and so on. In addition, BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep also develops a culture
of excellent service in accordance with the
principles of the service exelent concept in
management science. These results
support the findings of Salleh (2016, p. 195)
which shows that customer commitment
affects IRM, Salleh & Ramli (2013, p. 9) also
show that customer commitment affects
IRM and Yudiantoro & Setiawan (2020, p.
291) finds good value commitments.
The customer also gives a fairly good
assessment on the dimension of obtaining
and using (trust) information, this good
value is because the performance of this
dimension item is rated quite well by the
customer, the item is a Q9 item. BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep obtains information
from customers, and Q10 items. BPRS
1075 | Implementation of Relationship Marketing Sharia Perspective In Sharia Microfinance
Institutions In Madura
Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep uses information
from customers. This fairly good
assessment indicates that the bank's
management has demonstrated a
responsibility or is always responsible for all
data from customers. This can be seen from
BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep obtaining
information from customers about various
things, especially related to the service
system and products of the bank. In
addition, the trust of customers has helped
BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep in using
information obtained from customers, this
shows that there is good trust from
customers in banking because banks are
categorized as institutions that have good
responsibilities as well. The results of the
study support the results of Salleh, (2016, p.
195), and Salleh & Ramli (2013, p. 9) who
found that customer trust affects IRM,
besides Yudiantoro & Setiawan (2020, p.
291) said trust is of good value, and Rozi's
findings (2021, p. 123) show that customer
trust affects customer satisfaction of Islamic
Banks .
The last dimension used is the sharia
compliance dimension, the customer
considers this dimension to be quite good,
this is because the items provided
according to the customer are in
accordance with existing expectations and
realities. Items in this dimension include
item Q11. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
adheres to the principles of Islamic law, and
item Q12. BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
has no interest on savings and financing
products. Sharia compliance in the theory
of Othman & Owen (2001), called Islamic
Compliance, has 5 dimensions, namely 1).
Run on Islamic principles, 2). No interest
neither paid nor taken, 3). Provision of
Islamic products and services, 4). Provision
of free interest loans, and 5). Provision of
profit-sharing investment products, while in
Rahmawaty (2015, p. 365) used there are 4
namely 1). run on Islamic law, 2). provision
on Islamic products, 3). no interest, and 4).
provision on free interest loans, and in this
study only used 2 dimensions. The results
of the analysis on BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep, the implementation of sharia
compliance is shown by complying with the
principles of Islamic law, Islamic law is
applied in its services and products, one of
which is that BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep does not take or give interest on
its products, because it uses a profit-
sharing system in accordance with Islamic
law. These results are in accordance with
the findings of Salleh (2016, p. 195) which
shows the fact that IEB affects IRM, and Rozi
(2021, p. 123) also found that sharia
compliance affects customer satisfaction.
The good thing is that the assessment
of SRM performance in the six (6)
dimensions is strengthened by the
existence of dimensions that have a fairly
high value, namely the communication
dimension, it is proof that the
communication carried out so far and
implemented very well is in accordance
with what is felt by customers, although on
the other hand there are dimensions that
have smaller assessments, namely the
activemarketing (social bonding) and the m
dimension. obtaining and using (trust)
information, although respondents' low
assessment of this dimension has little
effect in reducing overall SRM
performance, but in the long run it will still
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Sirajul Arifin
Muh. Syarif
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provide a negative multiple-effect, so both
(2) dimensions need more serious
In addition, the results of the study also
showed that the Q3 item, namely BPRS
Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep, built good
communication with customers, which is
the item that has the highest value,
meaning that this item is very effective in
maintaining relationships with customers.
This situation can be understood that the
reality is from the side of customers who
hope for an excellent comunication. So that
BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep needs to
maintain or maintain good communication
so far with customers to maintain their
long-term relationships so as not to reduce
the sense of empathy felt by customers so
far. A further implication of implementing
good relationship marketing sharia is that
beingable to meet customer expectations is
a good long-term relationship as the ideal
of every corporate.
In addition, BPRS still needs to
anticipate a sense of dissatisfaction which
results in a decrease in loyalty from
customers caused by indications of Q5
items, namely BPRS Bhakti Sumekar
Sumenep implements an interactive
process in marketing and Q9 BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep obtains information
that gets the lowest rating from customers
even though on average it is in the fairly
good category, karena the results of the
analysis based on respondents' answers
found that BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
in implementing interactive processes in its
marketing is still considered to need to be
improved, as well as the assumption that
when BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Sumenep
obtains information or complaints from
customers it does not receive much
attention and a maximum solution, this can
be a very constructive input reference for
BPRS in designing the next marketing
strategy policy . However, although this
descriptive information has not been able
to answer and provide explanations about
various things in depth, at least the
description of the items and indicators of
the sharia relationship marketing variable is
able to explain the actual condition of
customer assessment related to what is
assessed and felt for the products and
services provided by BPRS.
Overall, thisanalysis provides strong
information that the practice of sharia
relationship marketing through indicators
and items of sharia relationship marketing
in BPRS has been running quite well even
though the distillation in understanding
between marketing theory and the
implementation carried out is not exactly
the same as in theory, but the meaning has
something in common. In the long run, if
the higher the practice of sharia
relationship marketing is applied in BPRS, it
will certainly increase the sense of
satisfaction and loyalty to BPRS so that
long-term relationships will always be
maintained and established, because
iimplementation of sharia relationship
marketing this which is applied consistently
and well by all Human Resources (SDI) at all
levels will have a positive multiple-effect
impact on banks, and the BPRS
management has realized this so that
strategic and tactical breakthroughs are
made by carrying out various treatments
such as equipping employees through
1077 | Implementation of Relationship Marketing Sharia Perspective In Sharia Microfinance
Institutions In Madura
various trainings in improving individual
skills of its employees. Maintaining good
relationships with all customers both offline
and online during the Covid-19 pandemic,
providing ATM services, managing insights
or feedback obtained from customers to
be used as improvement studies, designing
marketing strategies and pouring them
into activities or events, providing
information, solutions and brand value to
clients and provide education to increase
public understanding of Islamic banks,
because comprehensive public
understanding can affect the interest in
saving at Islamic banks.(Mintarja, Wahab, &
Masduki, 2017, p. 189).
Empirically, the results of the study are
in line with several facts findings of other
researchers who test descriptively and test
the influence of sharia relationship
marketing on loyalty, which overall shows
the good value of the application of sharia
relationship marketing such as findings
Othman and Owen (2001), Rahmawaty
(2015) Mundhori (2016), Lathifah, 2016),
Rozi (2021) Yusof (2019), Salleh and Ramli
(2013), Salleh (2016), Yudiantoro and
Setiawan (2020), Apriani, Saufi, & Mulyono
(2020) and Mintarja, Wahab, & Masduki
Based on the results of the study, it can
be concluded that overall BPRS Bhakti
Sumekar Sumenep has implemented sharia
relationship marketing quite well, this is
shown from respondents' assessment of
the dimensions used in this study.
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