Ahmad Hariandi
Monalisa Sipahutar
Betty Era Natalia Simbolon
Annisa Firda Yulizha
M. Dimas Fahriansyah
| 437
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i04.266 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Culture as a whole is the result of
human efforts to provide for all the needs
of life, both in personal life and in social life.
A day gives a reflection of the identity or
peculiarities of each society. Culture needs
to be studied and studied, among others,
because culture has characteristics that are
quite effective in maintaining harmony in
social life. People's lives will not be
separated from the cultural influences that
surround them. The mindset of the words
of different people's actions and decisions
is always influenced by their culture. The
values that are temaktub in culture are
formed from the donations made by
religion, customs, traditions, and norms
prevailing in society (Abuddin Born, 2010).
According to culture, it is a civilization
that adapts so that humans can understand
how they should act and behave when
dealing with others. If a man lived alone no
other human being would be disturbed by
his actions. But no matter what his life is
like, he will always have the habits that he
does in his life (Nurul Mubin, 2016).
According to culture and tradition,
they have different meanings but they are
one unit. Culture has elements of ideas and
understanding. And it's obvious that the
two are different and separate from each
other. Meanwhile, tradition is something
that happens repeatedly deliberately and
does not happen by chance. In social life, of
course, it is inseparable from a culture,
where the culture is created from all aspects
of the life of the community itself, Culture is
the result of creating human feelings and
feelings so that it slowly becomes a
heritage and becomes a tradition, so that
tradition is the fruit of culture (Muchotob
Hamzah, 2017).
As one of the parts of culture, tradition
is the realization of people's lives. It is
influenced by relationships between
individuals, statutes, and needs that
correspond to human needs or instincts
which are reflected in the respect for
standard traditions and the feeling of fear
of violating the norms that have been
established by their predecessors. Tradition
can be accepted in society if it conflicts with
nash, neither the Qur'an nor the Sunnah.
Moreover, the prevailing traditions do not
conflict with common sense and
prosperous Taibi at but do not result in
iniquity, corruption, and kumudhorotan
(Bukhari Umar, 2010).
A custom is an act that has always been
done since ancient times until now those
rules are customs that have always been
used in society. The custom of a society that
has been cultivated in the deeds it does is
called tradition. The rules that are carried
out in the community have become a habit
that has always been carried out in society.
These customary customs have been
contained in the kerinci customs that are
always carried out by the community
regularly, as is done by the people of the
small lolo village. Where the traditional
activity that is always carried out by the
people of small lolo village is Kenduri Sko.
In addition to Kenduri Sko, there are
also several traditional ceremonies that are
trusted by the kerinci community, namely:
Kenduri Sko, traditional wedding
ceremonies, childbirth ceremonies, naming