JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02 No. 4, 436 444
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i04.266 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Ahmad Hariandi
Monalisa Sipahutar
Betty Era Natalia Simbolon
Annisa Firda Yulizha
M. Dimas Fahriansyah
Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Jambi University
e-mail: ahmad.hariandi@unja.ac.id, monalisasipahutar20@gmail.com,
bettysimbolon88@gmail.com, annisafrdaylzh@gmail.com, mhmddimas456@gmail.com
*Correspondence: ahmad.hariandi@unja.ac.id
: 24 October 2022
: 12 November 2022
: 17 November 2022
Abstract: This research was motivated by the fact that the Sko feast is rarely done, where the Sko
feast is no longer held regularly every year. Sometimes a feast is held every 1 or 5 years. The
purpose of this study is to find out the moral and social values in the implementation of Kenduri
Sko in the Lolo Kecil Village Community, to identify the role of traditional stakeholders in the
implementation of Kenduri Sko. This type of research is qualitative with descriptive method.
Determination of informants is done by purposive sampling. This type of data consists of primary
and secondary data, collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of
the study show that the Kenduri Sko ceremony carried out by the people of Lolo Kecil Village from
the past until now aims to be grateful to Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace and gifts to the
community, both the blessings of age, and sustenance. The role of traditional stakeholders is very
important in the Kenduri Sko event which has always invited boys and girls to participate in the
Kenduri event. The community of the small lolo village until now still maintains the Kenduri Sko
tradition, in this tradition there are historical values of the past, the value of togetherness and
fostering respect among residents. Kenduri Sko Community in the area of Depati IV (four) Batu
Gong Tanah Kurnia can be held annually as local wisdom. Furthermore, the tradition of sko kenduri
is maintained and passed on to the younger generation.
Keywords: Role of Traditional Stakeholders, Kenduri
Ahmad Hariandi
Monalisa Sipahutar
Betty Era Natalia Simbolon
Annisa Firda Yulizha
M. Dimas Fahriansyah
| 437
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i04.266 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Culture as a whole is the result of
human efforts to provide for all the needs
of life, both in personal life and in social life.
A day gives a reflection of the identity or
peculiarities of each society. Culture needs
to be studied and studied, among others,
because culture has characteristics that are
quite effective in maintaining harmony in
social life. People's lives will not be
separated from the cultural influences that
surround them. The mindset of the words
of different people's actions and decisions
is always influenced by their culture. The
values that are temaktub in culture are
formed from the donations made by
religion, customs, traditions, and norms
prevailing in society (Abuddin Born, 2010).
According to culture, it is a civilization
that adapts so that humans can understand
how they should act and behave when
dealing with others. If a man lived alone no
other human being would be disturbed by
his actions. But no matter what his life is
like, he will always have the habits that he
does in his life (Nurul Mubin, 2016).
According to culture and tradition,
they have different meanings but they are
one unit. Culture has elements of ideas and
understanding. And it's obvious that the
two are different and separate from each
other. Meanwhile, tradition is something
that happens repeatedly deliberately and
does not happen by chance. In social life, of
course, it is inseparable from a culture,
where the culture is created from all aspects
of the life of the community itself, Culture is
the result of creating human feelings and
feelings so that it slowly becomes a
heritage and becomes a tradition, so that
tradition is the fruit of culture (Muchotob
Hamzah, 2017).
As one of the parts of culture, tradition
is the realization of people's lives. It is
influenced by relationships between
individuals, statutes, and needs that
correspond to human needs or instincts
which are reflected in the respect for
standard traditions and the feeling of fear
of violating the norms that have been
established by their predecessors. Tradition
can be accepted in society if it conflicts with
nash, neither the Qur'an nor the Sunnah.
Moreover, the prevailing traditions do not
conflict with common sense and
prosperous Taibi at but do not result in
iniquity, corruption, and kumudhorotan
(Bukhari Umar, 2010).
A custom is an act that has always been
done since ancient times until now those
rules are customs that have always been
used in society. The custom of a society that
has been cultivated in the deeds it does is
called tradition. The rules that are carried
out in the community have become a habit
that has always been carried out in society.
These customary customs have been
contained in the kerinci customs that are
always carried out by the community
regularly, as is done by the people of the
small lolo village. Where the traditional
activity that is always carried out by the
people of small lolo village is Kenduri Sko.
In addition to Kenduri Sko, there are
also several traditional ceremonies that are
trusted by the kerinci community, namely:
Kenduri Sko, traditional wedding
ceremonies, childbirth ceremonies, naming
438 | Moral and Social Values In The Implementation of Kenduri SKO In Lolo Kecil Village, Bukit
Kerman District, Kerinci Regency
and kekah ceremonies, apostle
circumcision, jambi traditional traditions,
and Sko kenduri.
The people of lolo kecil village usually
in carrying out kenduri focusing more on
mutual benefit in achieving the goal of
social piety in the community. Social piety
is a behavior that upholds Islamic values
that are social in nature. Be courteous to
others, help, be able to empathize, and
respect the rights of fellow human beings.
Social piety can be defined as a form of
piety that is not only characterized by
diligent worship but is characterized by
how much social sensitivity he has and the
good he does for those around
him(Helmiati, 2021).
Based on the results of preliminary
observations or preliminary interviews of
researchers with Mr. Zakirman, one of the
traditional stakeholders, stated that kenduri
Sko is kenduri to commemorate or be
grateful for the abundant harvest that is
carried out after the community reaps rice
or harvest, Where this kenduri is carried out
to be grateful or grateful to God Almighty
(YME) and thank the spirits of our ancestors
who have worked hard to flatten the high
and hoard the low So that rice fields are
Kenduri Sko is one of the traditional
ceremonies that can maintain friendship,
cooperation, deliberation, mutual
cooperation, mutual cooperation,
especially the people of small lolo village.
Why is that because to perform the
ceremony the community must first
conduct deliberations. Where the
deliberations are carried out with the aim of
determining the costs and dues that must
be paid by the people of the village of lolo
kecil perhead of the family. In determining
the amount of such dues, it is determined
based on the type of work of each head of
the family. The determination of the
amount of dues is not divided equally, but
based on the abilities of each head of the
family. For example, the head of a family
whose job is a civil servant is subject to
greater contributions compared to the
head of a family who is a non-civil
servant/farmer. This is done so that people
do not feel burdened. From the issue of
dues, it can be seen that from the
beginning, Sko kenduri will be
implemented by upholding the value of
justice and tolerance.
In addition, the implementation of
Kenduri Sko can establish sirahturahmi and
make relations between communities more
harmonious, increasing the attitude of
mutual cooperation and cooperation in the
small lolo village community. This can be
seen when Kenduri Sko will be held, where
the community together works together in
cooking for the kenduri ceremony. Each
housewife brings 1 bushel of rice, lemang,
and bananas for slack. From this, the
community works hand in hand in an effort
to succeed in making it possible to be
carried out properly.
The peak of kenduri is where on D-day,
the kenduri community of the village
performs a meal together and prays as a
form of gratitude for the favors and gifts
given by Allah SWT. Not only that, after the
meal was over, all the invited guests who
were present on that day were also given
lemang and bananas that had been
collected in the kenduri. The most
Ahmad Hariandi
Monalisa Sipahutar
Betty Era Natalia Simbolon
Annisa Firda Yulizha
M. Dimas Fahriansyah
| 439
distinctive thing is that in the kenduri event
there is a specially made lemang, which the
community named it Lemang Kaeh
(lemang which is tied every 3 sticks) and
banana 1 comb in each lemang kaeh.
Where the lemang is especially given to
ninik mamak / indigenous people. Why is
that? Because the community pays tribute
and thanks to the indigenous people who
have directed the male child and the betino
child to come down to the field.
Kenduri Sko is carried out by the
Kerinci community because basically, the
Kerinci tribe inhabits a relatively fertile area
where the area is surrounded by hills, and
in this area, there is also the highest
mountain in Sumatra, namely Mount
Kerinci. So most of the people are farmers
and are famous for being tenacious and
diligent farmers. As well as the rice fields in
Kerinci are very good water systems by
utilizing the water on the mountain. With
such natural conditions, many traditional
ceremonies are performed in the kerinci
area, especially those related to soil fertility.
One of them that has been mentioned
above is the ceremony/ Kenduri Sko.
Based on the observations and
interviews of researchers with Mr. Zakirman,
the ceremony / Kenduri Sko has rarely been
carried out. Where Kenduri Sko is no longer
held regularly every year. Sometimes slack
is carried out once every 5 years. Traditional
stakeholders in determining the
implementation of Kenduri Sko are no
longer in accordance with existing
regulations for long time, so the
implementation of Kenduri SKo is not in
accordance with existing regulations.
In addition, community participation in
Kenduri Sko has also decreased where
usually the people of small lolo villages
carry out activities of melting and cooking
rice carried out by all communities, both
those who have rice fields and those who
do not have rice fields. This decrease in
participation is characterized by: not all
communities play an active role in
organizing ceremonies as well as people
who do not have a livelihood as farmers /
people who do not have rice fields no
longer participate in paying dues, melting
and cooking rice for the Kenduri Sko.
The youths and children are no longer
actively participating in the ceremony /
Kenduri SKo, it can be said that Kenduri Sko
is now only attended by the elderly. In
addition, there is also a reduced role of
depati grandma mamak in providing
direction for the implementation of Kenduri
Sko in the community.
Furthermore, the problem that arises in
traditional stakeholders is that not all
traditional stakeholders can attend the
kenduri sko event, this is caused by various
obstacles faced by traditional stakeholders.
In addition to the limited number of
customary stakeholders available because
the position of the customary holder is held
by a person until he dies, and after that it
can be replaced with a new one. This was
confirmed by Mr. Zakirman, one of the
traditional stakeholders.
This type of research is a qualitative
research method According to Bogdan and
Taylor in qualitative methodology as a
research procedure that generates
descriptive data in the form of written or
spoken words of people and observable
440 | Moral and Social Values In The Implementation of Kenduri SKO In Lolo Kecil Village, Bukit
Kerman District, Kerinci Regency
behaviors (Iskandar, 2008). The descriptive
method according to (Moleong, 2013)
method of collecting data with words,
pictures, and not numbers (Moleong,
The research location is a small lolo
village, Bukit Kerman District, Kerinci
Regency. Research informants were taken
purposively. Purposive sampling is a
technique for determining samples with
special considerations so that they are
worthy of being used as samples, by people
who really know clearly the problems
studied (Moleong, 2013).
In accordance with the objectives to be
achieved, the data source is obtained from
primary data and secondary data. Data
collection is carried out by observation
techniques, wawancar, and documentation.
Data analysis in qualitative research is
carried out at the time of data collection
and after the completion of data collection
in a certain period. At the time of the
interview, the researcher has done an
analysis that feels unsatisfactory, so the
researcher will continue the question to a
certain stage so that credible data is
obtained. Thus the activity in qualitative
data analysis is carried out continuously
until it is complete so that the data is
saturated, Miles and Huberman in
(Sugiyono, 2012).
Moral and Social Values in the
Implementation of Kenduri Sko in the
Community of Lolo Kecil Village, Bukit
Kerman District, Kerinci Regency
a. Religious values or believing in God
The small lolo village community is the
majority community of followers of the
Islamic religion, In the religion it is
recommended to be grateful a lot. Kenduri
Sko is a manifestation of the community
being grateful to Alloh SWT, as a gratitude
for what Alloh has given sustenance,
especially after carrying out the harvest in
the rice fields. Kenduri SKo is a traditional
ceremony basically a community custom
sourced from alloh SWT, as conveyed by H.
Amirudin in an interview on March 28,
2022. In his customary petitih:
"Manaolah adat lamao, adat bersandi
syarak bersendikan kitabulloh, adat kumun
pusako obsolete, ngan idak lapaok in the
rain, idak lekang di paneh syarak ngatao
adat make".
"Where the custom used to be, the
custom based on the sharak/law, and the
sharak encoded the book of alloh, the old
custom of heritage was not destroyed by
rain or heat, the customary written law that
From the results of the interview
above, the tradition of kenduri sko does not
deviate from God's provisions, but the
embodiment of religious teachings that
society applies in everyday life as a form of
community obedience to its creator.
b. Family and Equality Values
Family is a form of human relationship
that is established because of a bond, either
because of marital or fraternal ties. With the
existence of kenduri sko further
Ahmad Hariandi
Monalisa Sipahutar
Betty Era Natalia Simbolon
Annisa Firda Yulizha
M. Dimas Fahriansyah
| 441
strengthens family and fraternal
relationships between the people of lolo
kecil village, this can be seen in the
preparation of how kenduri sko is not only
felt by the community of farmers
professions but other communities' civil
servants, private entrepreneurs, etc.
Participating in enlivening kenduri sko, as
well as in the implementation of all
communities regardless of social status
background are all treated equally. As seen
in the picture of the preparations carried
out by the community in the Kenduri SKO
Kenduri Sko, which is carried out by the
people of lolo kecil village, can foster a
sense of community that is realized in the
form of help and mutual cooperation. This
is as revealed in the customary petitih in
Kemukakan by H. Amirudin Depati on
March 28, 2022.
"Manao lah grow nyo gawe sno ineh
de break samo-samo kitao miku, de inga
ndo samo-saaamo kitao nyinjek, manao
nga jaeuh intok tulao kayao ngimbo,
manao nga dakaek intok yulao kayao
"What about when we work like this, if
it's heavy, we both carry it, if it's light, we
both carry it, where the person / family who
asks for help is called and where the close
family asks for help is called".
The Kenduri Sko event, which is carried
out by the village of Lolo Kecil, which every
year at the time after the rice harvest in the
rice fields, can naturally maintain the nature
of togetherness, mutual cooperation that
always lives in the community, where heavy
work is equally carried in the shoulders so
that it is light, both in the carry-on and all
residents are gathered together to enliven
the event.
Kenduri Sko is a tradition of the small
lolo village community in general and the
small lolo village community in particular
which has been carried out since the time
of the ancestors until now for generations,
whose existence cannot be ascertained in
writing, because Kenduri Sko is a habit that
lives in a society whose nature is hereditary,
this is stated by one of the traditional
figures in the small lolo village, namely in
its customary petitih: proposed by H.
Amirudin Depati on March 28, 2022.
"Ramao-ramao si kumbak jantie,
hkatib indah bailk bakudeo, broken
tumbaoh hila baganti adat lamao sno itoh
"Butterflies and beetles whose white
legs khatib/buya do not come home on
broken riding grow up lost, old customs
and sekrang so too".
From the traditional petitih above, the
traditions from the past to the present are
the same, including Kenduri Sko from the
past has changed generations until now it
is still maintained.
c. Preserving mutual respect
The Kenduri Sko tradition that is still
maintained by the people of lolo kecil
village can also maintain mutual respect
between community members, community
leaders, traditional leaders, government
agencies and the community in general,
where all of them are placed according to
their respective roles as well as invited
guests. As found in the traditional petitih by
442 | Moral and Social Values In The Implementation of Kenduri SKO In Lolo Kecil Village, Bukit
Kerman District, Kerinci Regency
Dahrun mangku one of the ninek mamak of
the small lolo village is:
"Tibo kamai lah kayao sambauk, datea
kamai lah kayao tantaek, lah kayao sit pado
tampek nga sapatuk nyo, lah
dikatengahkan pulao nasi nga suak, gule
ngan satangkae, ayae ngan sagiuk kayao
present respect for kamai"
"Our arrival is welcomed, our arrival
has been waited, welcome to sit according
to the appropriate. In the middle of the
table in the form of banquets, side dishes
and as well as drinks to honor the people
who come."
So it can be concluded that the people
of Lolo Kecil Village are very respectful of
community leaders who play a very
important role in the progress of the small
lolo village community in all fields as well
as traditional leaders who always pay
attention to their nieces and nephews as
well as the community so that they can live
safely, get along well always carrying out
their life activities.
From the description above, it can be
concluded that moral and social values are
contained in the kenduri sko event, namely,
the value of togetherness, cooperation,
religious values, the value of cooperation, in
the tradition contained the value of past
history, the value of togetherness and
fostering an attitude of respect between
citizens. Kenduri implemented by the
community is an example of a sense of
mutual cooperation that is always
preserved by the community and forms a
sense of unity and unity. Furthermore, the
tradition of kenduri sko is maintained and
passed on to the younger generation as
proof that the people of small lolo village
have traditions that are hereditary in nature
even in the midst of the times, but the
community has not forgotten the traditions
of the ancestors who were inherited
(Ahmadi, 2009).
The Role of Traditional Stakeholders in
Kenduri Sko
The role of traditional stakeholders in
Kenduri Sko is to guide the direction of the
male child of butino children in RT who
carry out kenduri sko. Giving awareness to
the community that Sko kenduri is
important to be carried out as a thank you.
According to the statement that the
traditional leaders always invite the male
children of butino children to learn to
understand the old customs of obsolete
pusako, customs coded syarak, syarak
coded kitabulloh, Syarak said the custom of
wearing them. Indigenous stakeholders.
Depati grandma mamak always swoops a
close look, floats a look far, near fenced
mato, far fenced heart, anto near dikadano,
anto far repeated. Mamak is virtuous, niece
is beautiful, so a harmonious relationship is
established (Amiruddin, 2013).
The role of traditional stakeholders is
very important consisting of Depati,
mamak grandmother, and tengganai
a. Carrying out the deliberations
proposed by the community group
that will carry out the kenduri, in the
deliberations decided on matters
such as the number of families
participating in the kenduri sko then
Ahmad Hariandi
Monalisa Sipahutar
Betty Era Natalia Simbolon
Annisa Firda Yulizha
M. Dimas Fahriansyah
| 443
set the day and date of
implementation, collecting data on
the number of invitees who attended
the kenduri Sko event.
b. Conveying the celebration or
intention of the event. The role of
traditional stakeholders is to direct
the stages that must be passed in the
implementation of Sko kenduri so
that the kenduri runs smoothly and
urges all elements of the community
to be equally involved in Sko kenduri
activities, namely all family members
to equally deliver rice and lemang in
the designated place.
So, it can be concluded that the role of
traditional stakeholders is that traditional
figures always invite male children of
butino children to learn to understand the
practice of old customs and Refer to male
children of butino children in RT who carry
out Sko kenduri. Giving awareness to the
community that sko kenduri is important to
be carried out as a gratitude to Allah SWT.
Appealing to the community to jointly carry
out sko kenduri activities and also expect
the nature of cooperation and mutual
cooperation in community life.
Based on the findings of researchers
that the author conducted in lolo kecil
village, Bukit Kerman District, Kerinci
Regency, about the role of traditional
stakeholders in the implementation of
Kenduri Sko in lolo kecil village, Bukit
Kerman District, Kerinci Regency, it can be
concluded that the implementation of
Kenduri Sko in the community of lolo kecil
village aims to express gratitude to the
almighty who has provided abundant
harvests and field products that are also
satisfactory and Kenduri which is carried
out by the community is an example of a
sense of mutual cooperation and forms a
sense of unity and unity. This tradition is
believed by the people of lolo kecil village
as one of the symbols of unity and unity
and the nature of mutual cooperation in the
The role of traditional stakeholders in
Kenduri Sko is to always invite male
children of butino children to learn to
understand the practice of old customs and
to follow the direction of male children of
butino children, Giving awareness to the
community that kenduri sko is important to
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