Dewi Viayanti Mala, Agustinus Djiu, Musmuliadi | 1805
An organization needs an effective
leader, who has the ability to influence the
behavior of its members or subordinates
(Lunenburg, 2012). So, a leader or head of
an organization will be recognized as a
leader if he can influence (Tannenbaum &
Schmidt, 2017) and be able to direct his
subordinates towards organizational goals
(Dobre, 2013). Leadership is one of the
issues in management that is still quite
interesting to be discussed today (Banka et
al., 2022). The mass media, both electronic
and print, often present opinions and talks
about leadership (Nord & van Krogh,
2021). The role of a very strategic leader
and important for the achievement of the
mission (Muliati et al., 2022a), vision and
goals of an organization, is one of the
motives that encourage people to always
investigate the intricacies associated with
leadership (Anggadwita et al., 2021).
Competition between organizations
in the era of globalization is increasing
rapidly (Hwihanus et al., 2022), so that
human resources are required to
continuously be able to develop
themselves proactively (Jaiswal et al., 2022).
Human resources must be human learners,
namely individuals who are willing to learn
(Budiarto & Salsabila, 2022) and work hard
with enthusiasm, so that their human
potential develops optimally (Bakti &
Hartono, 2022). Leadership is one of the
issues in management that is still quite
interesting to be discussed today
(Kwiotkowska et al., 2022). The mass media,
both electronic and print, often present
opinions and talks about leadership
(Childers & Boatwright, 2021). The role of
a very strategic leader and important for
the achievement of the mission, vision
(Muliati et al., 2022b) and goals of an
organization, is one of the motives that
encourage people to always investigate the
intricacies associated with leadership
(Hassan et al., 2021).
Competition between organizations
in the era of globalization is increasing
rapidly (Mohamed Hashim et al., 2022), so
that human resources are required to
continuously be able to develop
themselves proactively. Human resources
must be human learners, namely
individuals who are willing to learn and
work hard with enthusiasm, so that their
human potential develops optimally.
Human resources are the main problem in
every activity in it. Goals in an organization
can be achieved well depending on the
human factors that play a role in planning,
implementing and controlling the
This study aims to determine the
personal role of the leadership in
improving the morale of the employees of
the Regional Inspectorate of West Kutai
Regency, to determine the role of
leadership decision-making in improving
the morale of the employees of the
Regional Inspectorate of West Kutai
Regency. District and to determine the role
of leadership in utilizing information
sources in improving the morale of the
employees of the Regional Inspectorate of
West Kutai Regency. This research is
expected to be a medium for applying
various concepts learned during college so
that apart from being useful in the
development of science, new concepts and
approaches from this research can enrich