251 | The Effect of Board of Directors Narcism, The Board of Directors' Bonus Scheme, and The
Ceo's Duality on Financial Reporting Quality
was poor financial reporting, with the
strategy of buying low-quality stocks and
mutual funds, resulting in tens of trillions of
dollars in losses. In the case of Jiwasraya,
there are indications of engineering in the
formation of share prices (Idris, 2020). PT
Asabri (Persero) caused the state even more
losses, totaling Rp. 22.78 trillion. The loss to
the state is the result of share
mismanagement. Given that the large state
losses were only discovered after the losses
had been running for a long time, this
demonstrates that the two SOEs' financial
reporting is of poor quality (Sari, 2021).
The delay in submitting financial
reporting is an example of financial quality.
This occurred, among other things, in 2019.
Financial reporting should be submitted to
the Ministry of BUMN no later than
February 15, according to the Joint
Regulation of the Ministers of Finance
Number 23/PMK.01/2007 and the
Regulation of the Ministers of SOEs
Number PER-04/MBU/2007. Meanwhile,
two major SOEs in the energy sector, PT
Pertamina (Persero) and PT PLN, do not
appear to have collected financial reports
(Persero). Previously, Pertamina (Persero)
submitted a financial report submission
delay from the expected schedule because
they were still auditing subsidies (CNN,
Because the performance of SOEs in
2020 was adversely impacted by the Covid-
19 pandemic, it is interesting to look at the
quality of SOE financial reporting. As a
result, on average, SOE companies
produced consolidated financial reports.
From a profit of Rp. 124 trillion in 2019 to
Rp. 28 trillion in 2020, all SOEs' profits
decreased by 77%. The majority of profits
(90.7%) from the 104 state-owned
businesses were made by just five SOEs: BRI
(26.4%), Bank Mandiri (22.2%), Pertamina
(19.1%), Telkom (17.8%), and BNI (5.2%)
(Pranoto, 2021).
Internal control, which is influenced by
the board of directors, management, and
other personnel, is another issue related to
the quality of financial reporting in state-
owned enterprises. BUMN firms adhere to
the Statement of Audit Standards No. 62
(PSA 62), particularly in terms of internal
control. PSA 62 is a problem for SOEs that
go public because listed companies must
also follow capital market rules and Law No.
199 concerning SOEs. Some listed SOEs are
conservative while still complying with PSA
62; some even issued three reports in
addition to Bapepam PSA 29 rules,
resulting in four independent auditor
reports. The Indonesian Institute of
Accountants (IAI KAP) has published an
exposure draft of PSA 75 as an amendment
to PSA 62, but its status is still pending
(BPKP.go.id, 2021).
There have been a number of previous
studies that are relevant to the theme of
financial reporting. The author traces 23
previous research journals, both domestic
and international, with a publication period
of 2017-2020, as shown in table 2.1. The
following are known based on 23 previous
studies, as summarized in table 2.1: First,
three independent variables influence the
same dependent variable (Firm
Performance, with Financial Performance
Proxy). The three variables that both affect
the same dependent variable are (1) CEO
Narcissism (X1) variable affects Firm
Performance (with Financial Performance
Proxy) (Uppal, 2020); (2) CEO Bonus/