JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 3, 260 – 272
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
10.36418/jrssem.v2i03.261. https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Sulaiman Miru
Saharuddin Kaseng
Fatlina Z
Suci Rohmawati
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Departemen of Economic, University of Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia
e-mail: Syamsingga@yahoo.co.id, sulaimanmiru@yahoo.co.id, saharuddin.kfamily@yahoo.com,
Fatlina.z@gmail.com, asngadyfeutd@gmail.com, uchim79[email protected]
*Correspondence: Syam_singga@yahoo.co.id
: 05 October 2022
: 15 October 2022
: 25 October 2022
Abstrak: This research aims to find out the distribution model of humanitarian logistics applied
when dealing with natural disasters in Pasigala (Palu, Sigi, and Donggala) and to find out the
optimal humanitarian logistics distribution model in dealing with natural disasters in Pasigala,
Central Sulawesi. The paradigm in this research is based on the phenomenological paradigm and
is qualitative. The research was conducted in the affected area of Pasigala through data collection
techniques in the form of interviews with informants consisting of disaster survivors and disaster
management institutions from both government and non-government. The analysis tool in this
research uses the NVIVO 12 Plus software. The results of the research show that the humanitarian
logistics distribution model that has been carried out by the relevant institutions has a different
structure. The distribution of logistics is still considered not optimal because there are obstacles
that have an impact on new problems such as overlapping logistical assistance in several areas
therefore it is necessary to propose a redesign of the humanitarian logistics distribution model
based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out.
Keywords: Distribution, Logistics, Humanity, Pasigala, Disaster.
Syamsuddin, Sulaiman Miru, Saharuddin Kaseng, Fatlina Z, Asngadi, Suci Rohmawati | 261
Indonesia is a tropical country with a
unique geological location. Indonesia is
located between three confluence of the
world's tectonic plates or lithospheric
plates, namely the Indo-Australian,
Eurasian, and Pacific plates. On the other
hand, Indonesia is also located in the Pacific
Ring of Fire and the Alpide Belt or the
second most active earthquake route in the
world, so that the potential for major
disasters often occurs in Indonesia.
The phenomena that occurred in Palu,
Sigi, and Donggala consisted of various
types of events such as earthquakes,
tsunamis, and liquefaction which were
considered as new disasters in Indonesia.
This is certainly a problem in itself in the
distribution process of humanitarian
logistics in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala.
In the research journal Logistics
Management in Disaster, (Adiguzel, 2019)
stated that the entire disaster management
process must be carried out effectively. To
support the entire process, stages such as
humanitarian assistance and logistical
support need to be considered.
But basically, humanitarian logistics
has many problems. This is in line with the
opinion of (Croucher et al., 2014) which
explains that the current humanitarian
logistics are far behind by twenty years
from commercial logistics. While Farahani
et al. (2011: 300) adds that humanitarian
logistics is the most expensive part of the
disaster relief process.
The distribution process of
humanitarian logistics that is not running
optimally will have an impact and become
the attention of donors so that the
performance of humanitarian agencies in
managing logistics can affect the trust of
the donor. Bennett and Kottasz in lkü et al.
(2015) also stated that information related
to distribution problems can inhibit
someone's desire to donate.
The humanitarian logistics distribution
model carried out by disaster management
parties from both government and non-
government institutions must run optimally
so that it can be ensured that aid is
distributed and reaches all targets or
beneficiaries. The humanitarian logistics
distribution model is expected to become a
persuasive promotional strategy in order to
increase donors' trust in institutions
engaged in the humanitarian field.
Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the
distribution model of humanitarian
logistics when dealing with natural
disasters in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala
(Pasigala) Central Sulawesi so that through
this research it can be seen how optimal the
logistics distribution model is and how the
model should be applied in dealing with
natural disasters in Pasigala.
Humanitarian Logistics
According to (Farahani et al., 2011),
humanitarian logistics is a very important
part because the logistics system is usually
needed for the procurement, storage,
transportation, food, and injured victims
both during the pre- and post-disaster
(Keßler & Schwarz, 2011) stated that
optimal humanitarian logistics services
include the accuracy of goods (food, non-
food, and medicine), the accuracy of the
beneficiaries (the people most affected),
the accuracy of the place, the timeliness, to
the accuracy of quality. From this,
262 | Humanitarian Logistics Distribution In Natural Disaster Risk Mitigation In Central Sulawesi
humanitarian logistics are able to alleviate
the suffering of refugees and save many
lives with an efficient budget.
Humanitarian Logistics Distribution
In the distribution of humanitarian
logistics, (Farahani et al., 2011) stated that
another aspect of the humanitarian
logistics system is the distribution of relief
goods to people in need using a short-
distance transportation system.
Basic Functions of Distribution and
Transportation Management
(Pujawan, 2020), stated that in order to
create high service, basic functions in the
distribution and transportation
management process need to be carried
out. The basic functions of distribution and
transportation consist of:
1. Perform segmentation and
determine service level targets.
2. Determine the mode of
transportation to be used.
3. Consolidating information and
4. Perform scheduling and route
5. Provide value added services.
6. Keep inventory.
7. Handling returns
The approach in this research is a
qualitative using the case study method.
Data were collected through observation,
interviews, and documentation. The aims of
colleting data is to find a phenomenon
related to the distribution flow of
humanitarian logistics during the Pasigala
natural disaster. At the data presentation
stage, data analysis and determination of
the optimal humanitarian logistics
distribution model were also carried out
using NVIVO software.
Basic Functions of Distribution and
The success of humanitarian logistics is
inseparable from the distribution process
which is based on the basic functions of
distribution and transportation which
consists of several elements including
segmenting and determining service level
targets, determining the mode of
transportation to be used, consolidating
information and delivery, scheduling and
determining routes, providing value-added
services, and keeping inventory.
A. Segmenting and determining service
level targets
The segmentation and target service
level of the entire distribution of
humanitarian logistics for the Pasigala
natural disaster is only aims at people who
are truly affected, namely people who have
lost their property, homes, and are in
refugee camps or shelters.
This is in line with the explanation
contained in the Sphere which states that in
facing certain risks every effort must be
made to pay attention to and provide
protection to vulnerable communities such
as women, children, the elderly, disabled, to
minority groups (Charter, 2011).
The institutions that became the
informants of this research acknowledged
that all forms of assistance were prioritized
for more vulnerable groups such as the
elderly, pregnant women, toddlers, and
people with disabilities.
Syamsuddin, Sulaiman Miru, Saharuddin Kaseng, Fatlina Z, Asngadi, Suci Rohmawati | 263
"PMI prioritizes assistance for the
vulnerable such as the elderly, pregnant
women, nursing mothers, toddlers,
female heads of families, people with
disabilities, and those with low incomes
on condition that they are disaster-
affected residents who have lost their
property, damaged or lost their house"
In addition, the right of refugees to
obtain assistance is very important to note.
These rights include an adequate standard
of living to obtain the needs of food,
clothing, housing, health, life insurance,
and guarantees of protection based on
international law. All parties, both
government and non-government, must be
responsible for providing fairly and without
discrimination (Charter, 2011).
Likewise, what has been done by
various Pasigala natural disaster
management institutions, one of which is
the MDMC agency, which states that in the
distribution of aid, human values must be
"Despite being a disaster management
institution promoted by the Islamic
movement in Indonesia, MDMC puts
forward human values without
discrimination and elements of SARA"
B. Determine the mode of transportation to
be used
(da Costa et al., 2012) argue, although
most humanitarian operations use land and
air transportation, an evaluation process
also needs to be carried out to use other
modes of transportation so that
distribution activities can run efficiently.
From the results of the research, it is
found that the determination of the mode
of transportation in the distribution of
humanitarian logistics for the Pasigala
natural disaster is based on the number of
requests for needs and the route to be
The determination of the vehicle is
adjusted to distribution needs. If the list
of needs for assistance is small, the
assistance will be loaded with a pick-up
car or a double cabin car. However, if
the demand is large, in the distribution
process, trucks must be used. As for the
use of animal-powered vehicles such as
oxcarts, it is intended to reach isolated
locations and difficult to reach by
motorized vehicles” (AR).
Most of the transportation is a vehicle
that is rented so that the support for
transportation facilities is still very standard
and minimal innovation. This is as
expressed in the following informant's
"There is no special innovation because
the vehicles used are generally standard
vehicles that are temporarily rented and
according to needs. Some personnel
are also assigned to check the health of
the vehicle” (B).
Whereas the technology that is
growing should be able to handle all the
existing problems (Adiguzel, 2019)
mentions that vehicles that have
technological innovations or those that
have intelligent transportation systems
such as unmanned vehicles can save many
lives in less time.
C. Consolidating information and shipping
From the results of the research that
has been carried out, it can be concluded
that all personnel from each institution
have their respective duties in carrying out
264 | Humanitarian Logistics Distribution In Natural Disaster Risk Mitigation In Central Sulawesi
disaster management activities.
This was conveyed by (Purnama &
Murdiyanto, 2013)who stated that
successful disaster management did not
escape communication between related
parties. Good communication can ease and
speed up the process of handling victims of
natural disasters.
(Lomban, 2020) state that BNPB and
BPBD have a role to coordinate and
communicate all matters relating to
disaster emergencies to all disaster
management parties.
In Perka BNPB No. 8 of 2013 it is also
stated that the unintegrated structure of
the Disaster Emergency Management
Command from the district to the
provincial level will affect the impediment
of information and communication
processes in disaster management
(Lomban, 2020).
From the results of the analysis carried
out in this research, it shows that disaster
management institutions and agencies
have coordinated. However, the BPBD of
Central Sulawesi Province as the organizer
and director of the Pasigala natural disaster
management cannot carry out its duties
This is due to the non-functioning of
Pusdalops at the provincial and district and
city levels. As the Head of Logistics and
Emergency Division of BPBD Central
Sulawesi Province, Andi Sembiring said:
The Central Sulawesi Provincial BPBD
should be able to function Pusdalops
which is the center in regulating and
controlling disaster management in
accordance with the authority and
duties of each existing institution.
However, the BPBD of Central Sulawesi
Province is the only BPBD that does not
yet have a Pusdalops. Whereas
Pusdalops has been regulated in the
disaster management constitution
where every BPBD must have a
Pusdalops. We have tried to propose to
build a Pusdalops in Central Sulawesi,
considering that Central Sulawesi is one
of the areas that has become a disaster
supermarket, but this is difficult to
achieve because there are always
constraints on budget allocation
reasons” (AS).
This statement is also in line with the
explanation of (Lomban, 2020) which state
that there is a lack of clarity in the division
of tasks, functions, and authorities in the
implementation of the Central Sulawesi
Pasigala disaster management operation,
both from government agencies and other
At the time of a disaster the role of
Pusdalops PB is very much needed where
based on Perka BPNB Number 15 of 2012 it
is stated that the task of Pusdalops PB is to
support the Disaster Emergency Post which
unites all institutions and figures for natural
disaster management both from within the
country and abroad. Another problem is
that there are multiple commands that
occur in the structure of disaster
emergency management at the provincial,
district, and city levels so that it has an
impact on data and information
management (Lomban, 2020).
The BPBD of Central Sulawesi Province
stated that Pusdalops is the most important
point in disaster management but it is
unfortunate that the existence of Pusdalops
is still very neglected.
... the most important points for the
Syamsuddin, Sulaiman Miru, Saharuddin Kaseng, Fatlina Z, Asngadi, Suci Rohmawati | 265
success of disaster management lie in
Pusdalops, regional regulations, human
or personnel resources, and budgeting.
From Pusdalops we can decide what
policies must be carried out both in the
mitigation process and disaster risk
reduction, including the aid distribution
Lomban, (2020) explained that
obstacles also occurred because Perka 3 of
2016 had not gone well. This is influenced
by the existence of a separate system from
the Regional Head in determining the
command structure and the establishment
of posts from various agencies and
institutions that are not integrated.
D. Scheduling and determining routes
From the results of the research that
has been carried out, the determination of
distribution points or locations is generally
carried out in the Palu, Sigi, and Donggala
areas based on data needs in the field.
In (Charter, 2011) it is explained that
the conditions for the distribution of aid
should be facilitated and safe for the
beneficiaries so that disaster victims who
need assistance do not have to walk far or
pass through dangerous areas. For this
reason, it is necessary to establish locations
for distribution of aid in the vicinity of
refugee camps or settlements for disaster
In addition, disaster management
should consider obstacles such as guard
posts, road closures, and potential hazards.
In addition, disaster management must
strive to ensure the needs of disaster
victims who are in remote or isolated
locations (Charter, 2011).
In order for the distribution process to
run efficiently, various efforts have been
made by disaster management agencies in
planning distribution routes. From the
results of this research, it can be assumed
that the determination of schedules, routes,
and distribution points in each disaster
management agency has different policies.
Generally, disaster management
carries out several stages in the distribution
process, such as collecting data or
assessing community needs, reviewing
distribution points, and coordinating with
the village or sub-district government.
E. Provide value added services, and keep
The disaster management party also
strives to maintain the quality of the
logistics that will be distributed, such as
sorting and packaging packages based on
the needs of disaster victims.
"Various efforts have been made by
disaster management agencies to
maintain the quality of aid, such as the
possibility of damage to goods such as
rain, but we deal with it with tarpaulins.
We also prepare officers to guard and
pay attention to logistics during the
distribution process" (V)
In (Charter, 2011), it has been stated
that if aid can endanger the health of
disaster survivors, the aid items must be
destroyed. Help items that are not worth
trying to avoid entering the human food
chain. In addition, in the extermination
process, several procedures must be carried
out so as not to damage and pollute the
environment as has been attempted by
several disaster management agencies.
"In order not to cause additional cases such
as the spread of disease and others, we will
certainly destroy any inappropriate
assistance. For items that are not feasible,
266 | Humanitarian Logistics Distribution In Natural Disaster Risk Mitigation In Central Sulawesi
such as expired, of course, must be
destroyed or thrown away. However, during
a natural disaster, it is rare to find damaged
or expired goods” (I).
Humanitarian Logistics Service Value
The success of the humanitarian
logistics distribution process can be judged
from logistics services consisting of five
principles of accuracy, namely accuracy of
goods, accuracy of beneficiaries, accuracy
of place, timeliness, and accuracy of quality.
A. Accuracy of goods
In this case, there are only five out of
ten disaster survivors who think that
humanitarian logistics or natural disaster
assistance distributed to disaster survivors
has a value for the accuracy of the goods in
terms of the type of need and also the
quantity of assistance provided.
The same has been stated by several
parties to the Pasigala natural disaster
management agency. From the results of
the interview, it can be concluded that in
conducting the distribution, logistical
assistance items have been appropriate to
be distributed even though Regional
MDMC agency of Central Sulawesi still
admits that the amount and type of goods
are considered to be inappropriate and not
suitable for distribution to beneficiaries.
B. accuracy of beneficiary
From the results of the research and
analysis that has been carried out, it can be
concluded that so far the distribution of
humanitarian logistics for the Pasigala
natural disaster has met the accuracy value
of the beneficiaries.
C. Accuracy of place
The place for distribution of aid is
considered to be very easy to reach, close
to refugee camps or shelters, and there is
no damage to road access to the location
due to natural disasters.
“Some places are easy to reach
because they are close, but some are far
away so you have to use a vehicle. The
road access can be passed even though
it is a bit split due to the disaster” (Rs)
In distributing humanitarian logistics in
the event of a natural disaster in Pasigala,
disaster management agencies such as
BPBD, PMI, ACT, MDMC and IZI stated that
the determination of the place or location
for the distribution of aid had met the value
of location accuracy.
D. Punctuality,
From the analysis, it can be seen that
the distribution of logistics has the value of
timeliness. Although the schedule for the
distribution of aid is unpredictable, the
delay in the distribution of aid is minimal.
“During receiving aid we never had to
wait long because we gathered to
collect aid after the aid arrived at the
distribution location” (Rs)
E. Quality Accuracy
The quality of aid goods, especially
the type of food aid, is very important to
pay attention to so as not to cause various
impacts of disease in the community.
The logistical assistance provided to
disaster survivors has so far been very good
in terms of the expiration period to the
packaging of aid packages that are able to
protect goods from weather threats and
other things. Therefore, the humanitarian
logistics that have been distributed have
the value of quality accuracy.
"The assistance provided was not
damaged. However, because we
received so much aid, most of the aid
Syamsuddin, Sulaiman Miru, Saharuddin Kaseng, Fatlina Z, Asngadi, Suci Rohmawati | 267
was damaged in our tents because of
the expiration date” (Rs).
Existing Model of Humanitarian Logistics
Distribution of Natural Disasters
Pasigala Various parties are involved in
the management of Pasigala natural
disasters ranging from government
agencies or institutions to non-government
institutions. The institutions include BPBD,
Each institution has policies and
standards that have been implemented so
that in the case of Pasigala disaster
management there are various models of
humanitarian logistics distribution.
A. Distribution Model of Humanitarian
Logistics in BPBD Central Sulawesi
Distribution model of the humanitarian
logistics in Figure 1 below shows that the
humanitarian logistics are sent by sea, air,
and land. Furthermore, the logistics are
handled by the BPBD of Central Sulawesi
Provincial to be stored in a warehouse
located on Jalan Moh. Yamin Palu, Central
So that the buildup does not occur in
warehouses, the BPBD of Central Sulawesi
Provincial directs the BPBD of Palu City, Sigi
Regency, and Donggala District to
distribute aid according to their respective
working areas.
The determination of distribution
routes is fluctuating so it must be based on
reports from BPBD in district and city. In
addition, in determining transportation, it
must be in accordance with the number of
requests and the route to be taken.
Figure 1. BPBD of Central Sulawesi Province
Distribution Model of Humanitarian
(Source: Data analysis, 2021)
Some of the obstacles found by the
BPBD of Central Sulawesi Province in
determining the value of logistics services
were the availability of the type of logistics
to be distributed, budget problems,
structural problems to regulatory problems
or lack of support for BPBD of Central
Sulawesi Province.
In addition, other obstacles are limited
personnel on duty while in the field,
damage to transportation access, and
communication problems, and requests for
needs and desires of disaster-affected
B. Distribution Model of Humanitarian
Logistics for PMI in Central Sulawesi
The aid that had arrived in Central
Sulawesi was then stored in the warehouse
of the IFRC (International Federation of Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies) which
BPBD from another
Community Donors
BPBD of District and
Standby Post
268 | Humanitarian Logistics Distribution In Natural Disaster Risk Mitigation In Central Sulawesi
Regional Command Transit Warehouse
Unit Post
Main Warehouse Benefit recipients
involved PMI of Central Sulawesi to
manage logistics storage.
Furthermore, PMI for Palu City, Sigi and
Donggala Districts, distributed aid to
branch posts located in disaster-affected
sub-districts or villages.
Figure 2. Distribution Model of
Humanitarian Logistics for PMI in Central
Sulawesi Regional
(Source: Data Processing, 2011)
The distribution must be based on a
report on the results of data collection
approved by the Central Sulawesi Regional
PMI and the availability of existing
Some of the obstacles found in
meeting the value of logistics services
include the absence of several disaster
survivors so that the aid distribution
process does not run effectively, differences
in potential beneficiaries with data
obtained during the assessment process,
road access, and availability of
transportation in the emergency response
C. Distribution Model of ACT Humanitarian
Logistics, Central Sulawesi
Various logistical aids distributed by
ACT Central Sulawesi cover food, shelter
and clothing needs. The logistical
assistance generally comes from
community donations and cooperation
with international institutions to corporate
Figure 3 Distribution Model of ACT
Humanitarian Logistics, Central Sulawesi
(Source: Data analysis, 2021)
The aid originating from the Sulawesi
region was sent by land route and stored in
the main warehouse. then aid from outside
the island of Sulawesi is sent by sea and
then stored in a transit warehouse located
at the port of PT. Toloan.
After going through the checking
process, the aid is distributed to be stored
in the main warehouse. Then the aid in the
main warehouse will be distributed to
regional posts.
As for the regional post which is near
the transit warehouse, the aid goods come
Central PMI
Other Regions PMI
Central Sulawesi Regional
District and City Branch of
Branch PMI
Syamsuddin, Sulaiman Miru, Saharuddin Kaseng, Fatlina Z, Asngadi, Suci Rohmawati | 269
from the transit warehouse of PT. Toloan. In
order to save costs and time, ACT Central
Sulawesi distributes it to regional
command posts that are adjacent to or in
line with more urgent priority requests.
Then if there are many. If there is an urgent
need, ACT Central Sulawesi will prepare
additional transportation.
The regional command posts consist of
the Sigi District, West and South Palu,
Banawa Regional, Sirenja Regional, Sindue
Regional, East Palu Regional, Tanantovea
Regional, Loli Tasiburi-Banawa Regional,
Gumbasa Region, Sindue Regional, Sigi
Biromaru Regional, and Kulawi Regional
Command Post.
The aid that was already at the
regional command post was then
redistributed to the unit post or evacuation
point to be given to beneficiaries who were
disaster survivors. ACT prioritizes people
who are elderly, sick, toddlers, pregnant
women, and people with disabilities.
D. Distribution Model of MDMC
Humanitarian Logistics, Central Sulawesi
In distributing humanitarian logistics,
MDMC always refers to international
humanitarian standards which distribute it
to all beneficiaries fairly and without
discrimination. This is the reason for MDMC
to accept cooperation with other interfaith
institutions where MDMC is also a member
of the Humanitarian Forum Indonesia,
which is a forum for interfaith institutions
that focus on humanitarian issues.
The humanitarian logistics collected by
the Central MDMC and Branches
throughout Indonesia were sent to Central
Sulawesi Province. Humanitarian logistics
sent from outside the island of Sulawesi will
be sent by sea and those from within the
island of Sulawesi will be distributed by
Figure 4
Distribution Model of MDMC Humanitarian
(Source: Data analysis, 2021)
The humanitarian logistics will then be
stored in a warehouse owned by the
coordination post which is located at
Unismuh Palu. After going through the
process of sorting and packing the
packages, the aid was distributed at service
posts consisting of Sirenja, Wani,
Pantoloan, Tawaeli Donggala Kodi,
Unismuh, Sidera, Bobo, and Salua.
In the final stage, assistance from
service posts will be distributed to refugee
locations or to beneficiaries who are
victims of natural disasters in areas affected
by Palu, Sigi, and Donggala.
Several things that become obstacles
in determining the value of logistics
services are the attitude of the beneficiaries
to obtain assistance which is far greater
than the availability of logistics stock at
MDMC, the difficulty of tracking
beneficiary data, weather, infrastructure
damage and the condition of disaster
Keterangan :
Service Post
270 | Humanitarian Logistics Distribution In Natural Disaster Risk Mitigation In Central Sulawesi
victims who often experience social
E. Distribution Model of IZI Humanitarian
Logistics, Central Sulawesi
The assistance distributed by IZI is
funds from the infaq and alms programs
provided by muzakki or donors. Funds that
have been collected will then be spent for
logistics needs in the area around Central
Sulawesi, to be precise in the areas of South
Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi.
Figure 5
Distribution Model of IZI
Humanitarian Logistics, Central Sulawesi
(Source: Data analysis, 2021)
After the relief items were ready, the
aid items were distributed to the main post
and stored in the main warehouse located
at SD IT AL-Fahmi Palu. Furthermore, relief
goods will be distributed in areas affected
by the Palu, Sigi and Donngala disasters to
be given to disaster-affected communities.
IZI Central Sulawesi provides assistance to
all levels of society in need who have the
status of asnaf zakat and are in accordance
with the direction of the Sharia compliance
The obstacles found in meeting the
value of logistics services are distribution
channel problems, uneven distribution
processes carried out by other institutions,
incompatibility of government policies with
conditions on the ground to road access
conditions which can have an impact on
decreasing the quality of assistance.
Re-Design of Distribution Model of
Humanitarian Logistics for Natural Disaster
Pasigala Central Sulawesi
The model proposed in Figure 6
explains that the BPBD of Central Sulawesi
must carry out its functions in accordance
with the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 24 of 2007 regarding Disaster
Management Article 20, namely:
1) Formulation and stipulation of disaster
management policies and handling of
refugees quickly and precisely,
effectively and efficiently;
2) Coordinate the implementation of
disaster management activities in a
planned, integrated, and
comprehensive manner
In addition, in the Law of the Republic
of Indonesia Number 24 of 2007 regarding
Disaster Management Article 19 it is
explained that BPBD consists of two
elements, namely the directing element of
disaster management and the implementer
of disaster management.
Therefore BPBD can determine the
structure and responsibilities that must be
carried out as well as standardize disaster
management. BPBD also has the authority
to direct government agencies and private
institutions that take part in disaster
management at the regional level.
Main Warehouse
Refugee Camp
Benefit recipients
Syamsuddin, Sulaiman Miru, Saharuddin Kaseng, Fatlina Z, Asngadi, Suci Rohmawati | 271
Figure 6
Re-Design Distribution Model of
Humanitarian Logistics for Natural Disaster
Pasigala Central Sulawesi
(Source: Data analysis, 2021)
Thus, the distribution of logistical
assistance carried out by agencies and
institutions for disaster victims can be
carried out based on predetermined
standards. The distribution process must
prioritize the process of coordination,
communication, and information through
Pusdalops both at the provincial and
district and city levels.
If the Pusdalops function can be
implemented properly, the distribution of
logistics will run more optimally. In
addition, all programs of disaster
management activities are carried out in an
accountable and transparent manner.
Where this will certainly increase a person's
sense of generosity or desire to donate.
In addition, things that need to be
considered are fulfilling the value of
logistics services as well as distribution and
transportation functions such as
scheduling by preparing a work time line,
preparing supporting transportation,
conducting assessments or field
identification, coordinating with
community leaders, determining
distribution locations based on on
standard, to conduct personnel or
volunteer training.
1. The humanitarian logistics distribution
model that has been carried out by the
relevant institutions has a different
structure. In general, these institutions
have carried out the logistics
distribution process based on the
distribution and transportation
functions. In addition, the institution
makes efforts to pay attention to the
value of logistics services, namely
aspects of accuracy of goods, accuracy
of recipients, accuracy of place,
timeliness, and accuracy of quality.
2. The distribution of logistics is still
considered not optimal because there
are still obstacles that have an impact
on new problems. One of them is that
there is overlapping logistical
assistance in several areas so it is
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© 2021 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
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