JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No.3, 271 278
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.26 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Silvia Oktavia Nur Yudiastuti
Rizza Wijaya
Food Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia
Agricltural Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia
e-mail: silvia.oktavia@polije.ac.id
corespodence: silvia.oktavia@polije.ac.id
Submitted: 14 October 2021, Revised: 20 October 2021 Accepted: 27 October 2021
Abstract. The objective of this article was to study the effect of washing edamame using ozonated
water to reduce residual chlorine contained in edamame through a continuous washing process.
Chlorine residue in edamame was caused by the use of fertilizers and pesticides that contain
chlorine compounds. The research method used was descriptive explanatory research consist of
two treatment levels of ozonation time (0, 10, and 15 minutes) and ozone contact time (0, 12, 18,
and 24 minutes) which were repeated twice. The residual chlorine and pesticide concentrations
were calculated using the titration method. Based on research results, ozone can reduce chlorine
in edamame. The lowest detected chlorine was in edamame which had been washed using ozone
water with an ozonation time of 15 minutes with the amount of chlorine reduced by 56%. The
longer the contact time, the greater the amount of reduced chlorine and the lower the
concentration of ozone remaining in the washing water. Based on the research results, a brief
conclusion that can be explained was ozone could reduce chlorine in edamame caused by fertilizer
and disinfectant overuse until 50%.
Keywords: chlorine; edamame; fertilizer; pesticide; ozonated-water.
Silvia Oktavia Nur Yudiastuti, Rizza Wijaya | 272
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.26 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The agricultural sector plays an
important role in national development
(Food Security Agency, 2018). Indonesia
strives continuously to produce a quality
agricultural sector. The wide market access
provides economic benefits in agriculture
development. Horticultural is one of the
agricultural sectors that encouraged
continuously to compete in the
international market. horticultural products
that are in great demand by foreign
countries, one of which is edamame, which
is a typical product of Jember.
The main export destinations of
Jember edamame soybeans are Japan,
Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands (Sukri et
al., 2016). In these countries, on average,
Indonesia occupies the fourth position out
of edamame exporting countries. Based on
this, the edamame export quantity
increasing can still be increased. It's
quantity of can be influenced by various
things, including the availability of planting
land, the availability of processing farmers,
fertility and planting quality edamame, as
well as safe and efficient processing to
produce edamame according to the
standards provided by the importing
country (Purnama et al., 2018).
Currently edamame is preferred to be
consumed fresh, so it is exported raw or
undercooked, either with shell or without
shell (K. C. Wang, 2018). Fresh or
undercooked edamame, exported in a
frozen state that has previously been
minimally processed through a washing
process. The washing process is critical
control point in determining product
safety, one of the reasons was because
various export destination countries
require the absent of pesticides,
phosphate, and chlorine that were
commonly used in the edamame planting
process (Ali et al., 2018). Pesticides were
used to prevent pest growth during the
growing season to produce its quality
according to the order of the importing
Now day, the chemical pesticides use
with dangerous active ingredients such as
diazinon, chlorpyrifos, and profenofos has
been partially replaced by natural
pesticides that are fermented from
vegetable and fruit waste (Kendalpayak &
Timur, 2017). While the use of chlorine is
still unavoidable. The chlorine contained in
edamame can come from pesticides,
fertilizers containing chlorine with
excessive use, and from washing water
containing chlorine (Xu & Zhang, 2001).
Chlorine commonly used as disinfectant to
reduce spoilage microorganism. Many
farmers often used chlorine to longer
edamame shelf-life.
Chlorine reacts with water forming
hypochlorous acid which can damage body
cells, digestive disorders, stomach wall
erosion, kidney disease, and cancers.
chlorine reduction in edamame due to the
use of pesticides, fertilizers and spoilage
microorganism’s removal can be carried
out by oxidizing it using strong oxidizing
agents (Bakri et al., 2018).
Ozone is powerful oxidizing agent with
that can react 3000 times faster than
chlorine (I. S Setiasih et al., 2015). Ozone on
the other hand is nontoxic, has no residual,
has no odor or taste, and no hydrocarbon
byproducts. Excess ozone auto
decomposes rapidly to produce oxygen
273 | The Chlorine Reduction in Edamame by Water-Ozonated Minimally Process
and leaving no residue in product. There
were a number of agricultural commodities
whose pesticide residues have been
studied through ozone minimal washing
process, but not edamame.
Ozone minimally process is affected by
the ozonation time, ozone contact time and
the design of the washing tank to distribute
ozone into the washing water (Imas Siti
Setiasih et al., 2020). The purpose of this
study was to determine the effect of these
three aspects in minimally process of
edamame using ozonated water on the
reduction of pesticide residues. ozone is
expected to reduce chlorine levels in
edamame. The novelty in this research is
the variation of the ozonation time and the
ozone contact time used for the design of
the ozone washer (S. Yudiastuti & Wijaya,
The research was conducted from May
to November 2020, located at Metal and
Wood Laboratory of Agricultural
Technology Department, Politeknik Negeri
Jember. Raw material used were edamame,
KI 2%, H
0,1 N, Na
0,2N, 2% of
starch, Chlorine, Tap water, and destiled
water. The tools used were continuous type
ozone washer prototype (S. Yudiastuti &
Wijaya, 2020), burette, Erlenmeyer, and
crusher. The treatment consisted of two
factors, namely ozonation time and ozone
contact time.
The research combination is as follow :
Table 1. Reseach Combination
Time (b)
Ozonation Time (a)
0 min
10 min
15 min
0 min
12 min
18 min
24 min
The replication of treatment was done
two times. However, the assay was
performed two times and the data were
analyzed descriptively using Microsoft
excel (2019) tool.
Edamame Ozonated Minimally Process
The edamame washing using ozone
treatment was carried out using a
continuous type ozone washer. The
minimal washing process with ozone
begins by filling the holding tank with 100
L of water, then the water pump was turned
on until the water was circulated and the
water in the washing tank shown a volume
of 100 L. The washing tank was then closed
and the ozone would flow into the washing
tank for 15 minutes. Whole edamame that
has been put in a nylon filter bag was then
sink into the washing tank according to the
ozonation time and the ozone contact time.
(S. O. N. Yudiastuti & Wijaya, 2021)
Sampling and Preparation
Each treatment experiment was carried
out using 500gr whole edamame.
Edamame was put in a nylon net. After the
washing process at a certain time of
ozonation and contact time, the edamame
was crushed along with the washing water
in a 1:1 ratio of edamame: washing water.
The sample was filtered, then the filtrate
was titrated to determine the residual
chlorine and ozone residue contained in
the sample. The experiment was repeated
two times and each test was performed in
Silvia Oktavia Nur Yudiastuti, Rizza Wijaya | 274
Chlorine Analysis
The edamame filtrate was pipetted as
much as 5 mL and put in an Erlenmeyer
flask and the blank solution was prepared
using 5 mL of distilled water. Then 0.2 mL
of each solution was added K
indicator 5% w/v and stirred. The two
solutions are titrated with AgNO
to the
end point of the titration with repeated two
times and recorded the volume of AgNO
used, then averaged and calculated
chloride content in the sample. (SNI
6989.19.2009 : Test Method for Chloride
(Cl-) With Argentometry Method, 2009)
Ozone Analysis
10mL of edamame filtrate was put in an
Erlenmeyer, then 200mL of 2% KI was
added. Immediately add 10 mL of 0.1 N
to the mixture. Titrate with 0.2N
until pale yellow then add 0.5mL of
2% starch indicator into the Erlenmeyer, the
solution will turn dark blue. Titrate again
with 0.2N Na
until the solution is clear.
(Masschelein et al., n.d.)
From the result obtained as presented
in figure 1, the average result of chlorine
concentration in ozonated-water minimally
process was decrease.
Figure. 1: Chloride concentration (ppm)
after water-ozonated minimally process
Ozone is capable of oxidizing many
organic compounds to carbon dioxide,
water and other harmless compounds.
Chlorine, upon contact with O
, will break
down and turn into CO
, H
O, and other
harmless compounds (Batakliev et al.,
2014). In the oxidation process, ozone can
break chlorine and decompose it, turning
chlorine into non-toxic substances.
According to results had shown by figure
above, the chlorine concentration
reduction in edamame water-ozonated
minimally process at 0 minutes ozonation
drop from 0,24 ppm to 0,13 ppm, 10
minutes ozonation drop from 0,17 ppm t0
0,11 ppm, and 15 minutes ozonation drop
from 0,23 ppm to 0,1 ppm.
The chlorine content in edamame was
reduced the most in the ozonation
treatment for 15 minutes and the ozone
contact time for 24 minutes. Reduction of
chlorin in the ozonation treatment of 0
minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes,
respectively, namely 48%, 33% and 56%.
The chlorine percentage in the 10-minute
ozonation treatment is smaller than the 0-
minute ozonation treatment, because the
amount of chlorine in the 0-minute
washing was greater than the 10-minute
washing, as shown in the graph in Figure 1,
275 | The Chlorine Reduction in Edamame by Water-Ozonated Minimally Process
the chlorine graph reduction in the 10-
minute ozonation treatment is gentler than
the 0 minutes ozonation treatment. In the
treatment with an ozonation time of 0
minutes, the chlorine can still be reduced
because the washing water has previously
been induced with ozone gas for 15
minutes before the washing has started.
Based on the results of chlorine
reduction from washing with ozone water
at different ozonation time variations in this
study, the increasing of chlorine reduction
percentage was not linear with the
increasing of ozonation time. This indicates
that the rate of chlorine reduction by ozone
is not only affected by the ozonation time
and the ozone contact time. Based on
observations in this study, other things that
may affect the rate of chlorine reduction
using ozone water are the initial induction
time of ozone in washing water and the
ozone induction method on water. the
initial ozone induction time and the ozone
induction method on water will affect the
concentration of ozone in edamame
washing water (Kying & Ali, 2016). The
ozone concentration used in the study was
measured using the titration method.
The ozon concentration measuring
results in this study are presented in Figure
Figure. 2: Ozone concentration (ppm)
after water-ozonated minimally process
From the graph presented in figure 2,
the average ozone concentration in
ozonated-water minimally process was
decrease. The Initial ozone concentrations
in water after ozone-induced for 15
minutes are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Ozone concentration before and
after water-ozonated minimally treatment
[Ozone] (ppm)
0 min
10 min
15 min
Both in Figure 2 and Table 2, it is shown
that the ozone concentration was reduced
during the ozone contact time. Ozone is a
strong oxidizing agent, although it does
not produce residues that are harmful to
humans, direct exposure to high
concentrations of ozone can cause body
cells to oxidize (S. Wang et al., 2018).
Although the oxidation of the body's cells
is very mild, but it is better to avoid it by
holding the edamame after washing for a
sufficient duration of ozone contact time.
Based on ozone concentration results
test in Figure 2, the initial ozone
concentration increases with the time of
ozonation increasing time on the washing
water. while the decrease in ozone
concentration during ozone contact time
was influenced by the chlorine
concentration degraded from edamame as
a washed commodity in this study. the
higher the chlorine concentration in the
material, the more ozone reacts with the
chlorine, thereby accelerating the half-life
of ozone in washing water and edamame.
According to results had shown by
0 12 18 24
ppm ozone
Ozon contact time
ozonation 0 min ozonation 10 min ozonatin 15 min
Silvia Oktavia Nur Yudiastuti, Rizza Wijaya | 276
figure 2, the ozone concentration reduction
in edamame water-ozonated minimally
process at 0 minutes ozonation was 69%,
10 minutes ozonation was 43%, and 15
minutes ozonation was 51%. The greatest
decrease in ozone concentration during the
contact time of ozone in edamame was in
the 0-minute treatment because ozone has
no longer inducted into the water. In this
study, the amount of chlorine in the
edamame material cannot be uniformed,
because the edamame used in the study
was not injected with chlorine but the
chlorine was contained in the edamame
due to the use of fertilizers and pesticides
containing chlorine that had been used by
farmers during the planting process (Utami
et al., 2020). This causes the amount of
ozone that reacts with chlorine cannot be
equalized during the contact time process.
It also causes the increasing of ozonation
time was not proportional to the chlorine
concentration decreasing nor ozone
concentration remains in edamame.
The end product of the reaction
between chlorine and ozone is oxygen. The
reaction equation for the reduction of
chlorine in edamame in a minimal
treatment process using ozone water
proceeds through the following equation:
1. chlorine atoms react with ozone
molecules to form chlorine monoxide
and oxygen
2. This reaction continues and the ClO
radical can react further to produce
chlorine radical.
3. In this reaction, the entire ozone decay
reaction is catalyzed by chlorine,
because the chlorine is ultimately
unchanged. The overall reaction
equation is
 
The oxygen produced from the final
reaction can be reused as free oxygen
which will be the raw material for
producing ozone in the minimal washing
process with ozone (S. O. N. Yudiastuti &
Wijaya, 2021). The ozone used in the
minimal processing of edamame washing is
not only environmentally friendly and non-
toxic but also lower processing costs than
washing using chlorinated water which
requires more washing water and a larger
washing area (S. Yudiastuti & Wijaya, 2021).
The added value of the resulting edamame
product will also increase through minimal
processing using ozonation compared to
the usual washing treatment process or
washing using chlorinated water (S. O. N.
Yudiastuti et al., 2021).
Ozone can be used to reduce and
eliminate chlorine in edamame through a
minimal washing process. The end result of
the reaction process between chlorine and
ozone is oxygen which can be reused as
free air to produce ozone in a continuous
washing process. Chlorine reduction in
edamame using washing technique with
ozone water is influenced by ozonation
time, ozone contact time, ozone induction
method into washing water, and ozone
induction initial duration into washing
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© 2021 by the authors. Submitted for
possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
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