JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 2, 224 – 229
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i2.250 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Edison Suanto
Ida Bagus Made Agung Dwijatenaya
Kutai Kartanegara University
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Submitted: September, 8
2022, Revised: September, 12
2022, Accepted: September, 23
Abstract. The scope of this study aims to determine the effect of leadership and work
communication on employee performance at the Linggang Bigung sub-district office, West Kutai
Regency. This type of research is an associative quantitative research with the work unit under study
being all employees of the Linggang Bigung Sub-district Office, West Kutai Regency. This study
includes a population study with a population of 35 respondents. The validity and reliability test
questionnaire before conducting research data. The test equipment used in this study uses classical
assumptions, the method of data analysis used is multiple regression analysis, t test and f test are
also carried out including the coefficient of determination test. The results showed that leadership
partially had a positive and significant effect on the performance of the Linggang Bigung sub-
district office employees, West Kutai Regency, work communication partially had a positive and
significant effect on the performance of the Linggang Bigung sub-district office employees, West
Kutai Regency and both variables had a positive and significant effect simultaneously. on the
performance of the Linggang Bigung sub-district office employee, West Kutai Regency. from the
results of the coefficient of determination test also obtained a value of 0.841 or 84.1%, meaning
that leadership and work communication are able to explain the effect on employee performance
while the remaining 15.1% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Keywords: Leadership, Work Communication and Employee Performance
Edison Suanto
, Ida Bagus Made Agung Dwijatenaya
, Musmuliadi
| 225
The development of science and
technology in the last decade is amazing
(Lee et al., 2022). The smooth
implementation of government tasks
(Nashar, 2022) and national development is
highly dependent on the perfection of the
state apparatus (Bhimani et al., 2022),
especially civil servants. Therefore, in order
to achieve the goal of national
development, namely to create a civil
society that is law-abiding (Syahsudarmi,
2022), modern civilized, democratic,
prosperous, just and with high morals
(Xiangdong, 2022), civil servants are
needed who are able to carry out services
fairly and equitably to the community
(Xiangdong, 2022). The fundamental
problem that must be resolved (Lionardo,
2022) and developed is to strengthen the
professionalism of civil servants in balance
with the needs of the organization
(Mikkelsen et al., 2022). Work environment
factors directly affect the work attitude of
employees and determine employee
performance (Rojikinnor et al., 2022), which
includes lighting, temperature, ventilation,
rest time, security and sound (Alterazi et al.,
2022). Another factor that needs to be
observed is employee welfare which is the
overall income or compensation received
by an employee who is still related to his
position or profession as an employee such
as: basic salary, allowances, incentives,
honorariums, leave money, official vehicles,
official housing. , and health care coverage.
This study aims to determine and analyze
the factors of discipline, work environment,
coordination and employee welfare that
have a partial effect on employee
performance at the Department of
Manpower and Transmigration of West
Kutai Regency, to find out how factors
influence simultaneously on employee
performance at the Department of
Manpower. and Transmigration of West
Kutai Regency. This research is useful as
information, comparison and study
material for the Manpower and
Transmigration Office of West Kutai
Regency in improving the performance of
its employees, as input and reference for
other government agencies, especially in
efforts to improve the performance of
human resources and organizational
performance and as a contribution to the
world of science (Mahapatro, 2022).
knowledge and is expected to be able to
enrich the repertoire of knowledge in
measuring the quality of human resources,
especially in the management of the
apparatus in the regions.
The type of research that the author
uses is associative quantitative research
(research that explains the influence
between variables). This study uses 2 (two)
independent variables, namely leadership,
work communication and 1 (one)
dependent variable, namely employee
performance. Data collection techniques in
this study used a questionnaire. This
technique aims to examine information
about the influence of leadership and work
communication on employee performance
at the Linggang Bigung sub-district office
226 | Factors That Affect Employee Performance at The Manpower and Transmigration Office
of West Kutai Regency
employee, West Kutai Regency. The
questionnaire used a Likert scale consisting
of 15 items, each question or statement
provided 5 (five) alternative answers.
Instrument testing was conducted to
determine the feasibility and authenticity of
the research instrument as a data collection
tool in this study, using validity test,
reliability test, Classical Assumption Test,
partial test, simultaneous test, R2 test.
Validity testing is carried out with the
help of a computer using in preparing
materials for policy formulation, planning,
implementation, evaluation, and reporting
of education and health affairs (Bulkani et
al., 2022). To carry out these main tasks, the
Education and Health Section has the
following functions: spss program (Babbie
et al., 2022). The validity test was conducted
to determine whether or not each
statement in the study was valid (Tampi et
al., 2022). If the value of rcount (Corrected
Item-Total Correlation) is greater than 0.30
(rtable), then the factor is a strong
construction and has good construction
validity (Raharjanti et al., 2022). Reliability
tests are carried out on statement items
that are declared valid (Nikolic et al., 2022),
a variable is said to be reliable or reliable if
the answers to the statements are always
consistent. Reliability testing using
Cronbach's Alpha technique using the SPSS
Determination of the reliability of an
instrument can be seen through the value
of the coefficient reliability (Cronbach's
Alpha), if > 0.60 then the instrument has
good reliability and vice versa if the
reliability coefficient value Cronbach's
Alpha) < 0.6. then the instrument has poor
reliability. Based on the table above, it can
be seen that all research variables have a
reliability coefficient value (Cronbach's
Alpha) of more than 0.60 so it can be
concluded that all variables in this study,
namely Leadership (X1), work
communication (X2) and performance (Y)
are reliable. . Based on the research output,
it is known that the significance value of
Asiymp.sig (2-tiled) is 0.799, which is
greater than 0.05. In accordance with the
basis of decision making in the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, it can
be concluded that the regression equation
model in this study is normally distributed.
Based on the results of the
Heteroscedasticity test, it can be seen that
the value of the significance (Sig.) for the
leadership variable (X1) is 0.832, and the
significance value (Sig.) for work
communication (X2) is 0.912 because the
significance value of the two variables
above is greater than 0.05, so it is in
accordance with the basis of decision
making in the glejser test. it can be
concluded that there is no symptom of
heteroscedasticity. Based on the results of
the significance value obtained the value of
s Deviation from Linearity sig. 0.671 is
greater than 0.05. So it can be concluded
that there is a significant linear relationship
between the leadership variable and the
employee performance variable. Based on
the output above, the value of s Deviation
from Linearity sig is obtained. 0.873 is
greater than 0.05. So it can be concluded
that there is a significant linear relationship
between work communication variables
and employee performance variables.
Edison Suanto
, Ida Bagus Made Agung Dwijatenaya
, Musmuliadi
| 227
Autocorrelation test aims to test the linear
regression model there is a correlation
between confounding errors in the
previous period. Durbin Watson is used in
the autocorrelation test to detect the
presence or absence of autocorrelation. A
good regression model is that there is no
autocorrelation. Multiple linear regression
analysis in this study was used to examine
the effect of two independent variables
consisting of leadership (X1) and work
communication (X2) on performance (Y) at
the Linggang Bigung sub-district office,
West Kutai Regency with the help of the
SPSS for Windows program.
The results of statistical tests also
show that the R value is 0.917, which means
that leadership and work communication
have a very high relationship to the
performance of office employees in
Linggang Bigung District, West Kutai
Regency. The value of R square (R2) is 0.841
or 84.1% which means that leadership and
work communication are able to explain its
influence on the performance of office
employees in Linggang Bigung District,
West Kutai Regency, while the remaining
15.9% is explained by other variables that
are not entered into this research. Based on
the tests that have been carried out, it will
be explained in detail on the results of
hypothesis testing. The hypothesis in this
study is as follows: The influence of
leadership on employee performance.
Based on the results table
t test can be seen that leadership has
a positive and significant effect on
employee performance at the Linggang
Bigung District office, West Kutai Regency,
this is indicated by the value of tcount
(2.134) > ttable (2.035) and a significance
value of 0.046 <0.05. The results of this test
indicate that if leadership is carried out well,
it will further encourage the improvement
of employee performance at the Linggang
Bigung District office, West Kutai Regency.
This shows that leadership has an
important role in the performance of
district office employees.
This research is in line with the
research of Samosir (2021) and research
conducted by Sobari, Hersona &
Nurhasanah (2022) which states that
leadership has an influence on employee
performance. So that the first hypothesis
proposed in this study can be accepted.
The influence of leadership and work
communication on employee performance.
Based on the table of F test results, it can
be seen that leadership and work
communication have a positive and
significant effect on employee performance
at the Linggang Bigung District office, West
Kutai Regency, this is indicated by the value
of fcount (54.532) > ftable (2.892) and a
significance value of 0.000 < 0, 05. The
results of this test indicate that if leadership
and work communication are implemented
properly, it will further encourage the
improvement of employee performance at
the Linggang Bigung District office, West
Kutai Regency. This research is in line with
research conducted by Samosir (2021) and
research conducted by Sobari, Hersona &
Nurhasanah (2022) which states that
leadership and work communication have
an influence on employee performance. So
228 | Factors That Affect Employee Performance at The Manpower and Transmigration Office
of West Kutai Regency
that the third hypothesis proposed in this
study can be accepted. The Most Dominant
Factor Affecting Employee Performance.
Based on the table of t test results, it can be
seen that the variable that has the largest
beta coefficient value is work
communication with 0.261. This means that
work communication is the most dominant
variable in influencing employee
performance at the Linggang Bigung
District office, West Kutai Regency. Because
it is the most dominant, work
communication is the most important
factor in improving employee performance.
This research can be concluded if
leadership has a positive and significant
influence on
employee performance at the
Linggang Bigung District office, West Kutai
Regency, work communication has a
positive and significant influence on
employee performance at the Linggang
Bigung District office, West Kutai Regency,
leadership and work communication have a
positive and significant influence on
employee performance at the Linggang
Bigung District office, Regency West Kutai
and work communication have the most
dominant influence on employee
performance at the Linggang Bigung
District office, West Kutai Regency.
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
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