Kristin Wulansari, Della Olivia Caterina Kalangit, Suminto, Dyah Kusrihandayani | 215
Economic growth be one condition
achievement development economy, but
what is necessary noticed no only number
statistics that describe rate growth,
however more to who created economic
growth that is only few people or part big
society (Rogerson & Rogerson, 2010); (Ocal
& Aslan, 2013). If only few people enjoy so
economic growth no capable reduce
poverty and reduce inequality, on the other
hand if part big join participate in
enhancement economic growth so poverty
could be reduced. Economic growth
becomes hampered if in fulfillment of
government capital area only rely on
transfer from government center as one
form delegation management finance to
area. Benefit positive from high balance
fund government center is if transfer funds
are used for consumption related goods
and services with smoothness activity
economy, transfer for expenditure
consumption goods and services from
government center have connection
positive to growth economics (Devarajan et
al., 1996).
Certain regions can be more
independent in managing regional
revenues designated for the process of
realigning regional development. Good
regional development conducted by
sustainable in accordance priorities and
needs of each region with root and target
development national which has set
through development period long and
long term short. One component
decentralization fiscal that is Local own-
source revenue. Local own-source revenue
(PAD) is one of the source reception areas
which is also the basic capital government
area in get development funds and fulfill
regional expanditure.
Indicator important success ability
finance area reflected in ability something
area in dig income original the area (PAD)
for finance shopping routine and regional
development that. Success decentralization
fiscal clear require success area in manage
potency finance the area. Besides of PAD,
component reception other is a balancing
fund namely DBH, DAU, and allocation
funds special (DAK). Destination main
balancing fund is for even distribution fiscal
on each area (equalizing transfer). Since
decentralization fiscal start implemented in
2001, the balancing fund is component
biggest in transfer allocation to area so that
have very important role in support
implementation decentralization fiscal.
1. Balancing Fund
Based on Constitution Number 33
of 2004, balancing funds is the source
of funds from allocated state budget to
area for fund needs area in skeleton
implementation decentralization (Omar
et al., 2021). Balancing fund aim for
reduce the fiscal gap between
government center and government
area as well as Among government area
other. However, the government area
no balance fund sleep as source income
in development. Whereas actually
financial assistance from government
center the just for stimulation for area
for more increase source reception
income original the area , which is part
important from source reception area ,
not make it as priority main in reception
area . Types of balancing funds shared
Becomes four namely, Tax Revenue