JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 2, 167 – 173
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i2.250 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Andre Fernanda
Ida Bagus Made Agung Dwijatenaya
Agustinus Djiu
Kutai Kartanegara University, Indonesia
*Correspondence: [email protected]m
Submitted: 27 August 2022, Revised: 02 September 2022, Accepted: 23 September 2022
Abstract. Changes in government that were previously centralized to become decentralized
certainly have an impact on the concept of public service delivery. Problems in the District
Integrated Administration Service located in the sub-district under the auspices of the district are
certainly different from handling problems in the city. One of the problems that often lands on the
services implemented by the Linggang Bigung District office, West Kutai Regency, lies in internet
network problems, it is not uncommon for services that are being carried out to be forced to stop
because of problematic internet networks, so that it often causes pending files. This study aims to
describe and analyze the sub-district integrated administrative services in Linggang Bigung District,
West Kutai Regency, describe and analyze the implementation of the sub-district integrated
administrative service policy in Linggang Bigung District, West Kutai Regency, describe and analyze
the supporting factors and obstacles to the successful implementation of service policies.
integrated administration of sub-districts in Linggang Bigung District, West Kutai Regency. This
study uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive type of research, while the research location
is in the Linggang Bigung District office, West Kutai Regency, the data collection techniques used
are interview, observation, and documentation techniques. While the research instruments are the
researchers themselves, interview guides, and communication and documentation tools. The data
analysis of this research used an interactive model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and
conclusion data verification.
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Services, PATEN, District
Andre Fernanda, Ida Bagus Made Agung Dwijatenaya, Agustinus Djiu
| 168
Services that used to feel very far
from being fast, easy and cheap now have
to change in line with the new concept of
government (Chatzopoulou et al., 2022)
which must also create access to better and
closer services to the community (Ward et
al., 2022) in order to realize prosperity as a
guideline, and a benchmark for good
government management (Effendi &
Negara, 2022). One of the problems that
often lands on the services implemented by
the Linggang Bigung District office, West
Kutai Regency, lies in internet network
problems, it is not uncommon for services
that are being carried out to be forced to
stop because of problematic internet
networks (Faura-Martínez et al., 2022), so
that it often causes pending files. Another
problem that also often greets lies on the
part of the applicant's residents who still
often do not complete the requested
standard files, this is one of the problems
that causes the longest pending file, until
the residents return to complete the
intended file. Problems like this, of course,
make service officers and policy makers at
the Linggang Bigung District office, West
Kutai Regency have to seek the best
solution so that this kind of problem does
not happen again (Alfirdaus et al., 2022).
Not only problems originating from the
Linggang Bigung District office, West Kutai
Regency and the applicant's residents, but
problems from the center such as the
availability of E-KTP forms are also still a
dilemma for implementing officers
(Wulandari et al., 2022). The applicant who
submits the file may not necessarily be able
to get a blank so that the E-KTP cannot be
printed, of course this is beyond the control
of the service implementer of Linggang
Bigung District, West Kutai Regency.
This study aims to describe and
analyze the sub-district integrated
administrative services in Linggang Bigung
District, West Kutai Regency, describe and
analyze the implementation of the sub-
district integrated administrative service
policy in Linggang Bigung District, West
Kutai Regency, describe and analyze the
supporting factors and obstacles to the
successful implementation of service
policies. integrated administration of sub-
districts in Linggang Bigung District, West
Kutai Regency.
The benefits of this research are as a
correction material for improving
integrated sub-district administrative
services in Linggang Bigung District, West
Kutai Regency and as input for efforts to
improve the quality of public services,
especially in integrated administrative
services, Linggang Bigung sub-district,
West Kutai Regency in order to become
better and better quality.
Research using this qualitative
method is a process of research and
understanding based on a methodology
that investigates a social phenomenon and
human problem. In this study, analyze the
policies implemented to determine the
formulation of policies in order to obtain
in-depth knowledge about the object of
research through an assessment of what is
and is visible. The research was conducted
in the Linggang Bigung sub-district, West
Kutai Regency. This location was chosen
169 | Implementation of Integrated Administrative Service Policy "Meladen Dang Asak'ng"
because it is in the Linggang Bigung sub-
district that the District Integrated
Administration Service has been running.
The research was conducted for
approximately 4 months, from March 2022
to June 2022. The data used are primary
data and secondary data. Data collection
used observation, interviews, and
As previously stated, this study aims
to assess the success of the
implementation of the PATEN policy in
Linggang Bigung District. Therefore, to be
able to assess the success of the PATEN
policy in Linggang Bigung District,
researchers used a policy implementation
model using 4 (four) main issues of
effective policy implementation, namely
communication, resources, disposition, and
bureaucratic structure. As for the analysis of
4 (four) main issues of effective policy
implementation, namely communication,
resources, disposition and bureaucratic
structure (Singgih et al., 2022). One
indicator to be able to measure service
quality is tangibles (Hsu et al., 2022). Based
on the findings of the research site,
Linggang Bigung District has adequate
facilities and infrastructure to support
officers in providing services. Such as
computers, internet/wifi networks, and
loudspeakers (Rusdi et al., 2022).
Computers can be used to process data in
such a way until the permit is completed
(Gutte & Parasar, 2022). The internet/wifi
network can be used by officers to be able
to reach things that are needed (Freddy et
al., 2022). And loudspeakers can be used to
call service users whose documents have
been completed or other things (Wang &
Piper, 2022). But there are still a few
problems in the computer system
(Caldarini et al., 2022). The available
computers sometimes error so that the
officer stops the file completion process,
and waits until the computer can be used
again (Egele et al., 2022).
If it is concluded, for facilities and
infrastructure in general (Lionardo, 2022), it
is sufficient to support officers in carrying
out service activities. The officers have been
well facilitated, there is even air
conditioning so that the officers are more
comfortable in carrying out their duties. So
there is no more reason for officers to
complain about the poor service delivery
In the implementation of PATEN,
there is also a clear SOP. Where in the SOP
there are details related to the completion
time of the document, so that the officer
who works must provide services in
accordance with the SOP that has been
previously set. The service officer in
Linggang Bigung Sub-district promised to
complete the document based on the
length of time for processing the files in the
SOP. Like what happened to one of the
community, namely Mr. Yoseph when he
was handling the IMB documents, the sub-
district officer told him to wait for the filing
to be completed. Because the necessary
conditions are complete. But on the other
hand, the officer said that he was required
to come the next day to pick up the
document because there was a problem
with his computer. From this case, it can be
understood that sub-district officers have
Andre Fernanda, Ida Bagus Made Agung Dwijatenaya, Agustinus Djiu
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reliability. The nature of the reliability can
be proven from the suitability of what was
said by the officer, that the document could
not be completed today. Based on the
results of the analysis above, it can be said
that the indicators of reliability or the
reliability of officers in Linggang Bigung
District in administering PATEN are quite
good. This is reflected in the suitability of
what service officers say to the community,
accuracy, and the openness of officers
when providing services to the community.
Based on the findings on the research site,
officers in Linggang Bigung District
responded to all people who wanted to get
services. This responsive attitude started
from the first service provided by the
officer. Where every community that comes
is directed by customer service to fill out
the guest book and provide a queue
number. Then the community is directed to
carry out the next process. It can be
understood that service personnel provide
services quickly and precisely. Based on the
results of the analysis that have been
explained, it can be said that for indicators
of assurance or assurance of certainty, both
in terms of time and financing, officers in
the Linggang Bigung District have provided
guarantees of time and financing certainty
to the community quite well. The guarantee
is given to the community in accordance
with the applicable SOP, but it is possible
that problems will occur at any time.
However, under these conditions, the
Linggang Bigung sub-district service officer
will still provide certainty in accordance
with the possibility of completing the
document in accordance with the
estimated completion time according to
the officer. Based on the results of the
analysis above, it can be concluded that
service officers in Linggang Bigung District
already have a sufficient sense of empathy.
The provision of services is carried out with
a friendly, polite and respectful attitude to
every element of society. Officers also
process documents according to the serial
number used. So there is no discrimination
in processing documents.
Seeing the real reality, the
communication that exists between the
implementers of the policy, namely the
Linggang Bigung District and the target
group, namely the community, is not
running optimally. This is because there are
still people who do not know the PATEN
policy. People still think that the service
delivery in Linggang Bigung District is still
the same as before, namely the service is
slow and does not have clear procedures.
Basically, the presence of an
inhibiting factor in a policy implementation
can provide benefits for policy
implementers. Why is that, because with
the inhibiting factors, policy implementers
will be able to find out the shortcomings of
the implementation of a policy they are
doing. So that the things that become
obstacles can be renewed and refined
again until there are no inhibiting factors in
the implementation of a policy.
In general, the implementation of
patent policy in Linggang Bigung District
has pretty good. It's just that there are still
obstacles in terms of communication.
Communication between the sub-district
and the community has not gone well. This
is because there are still people who do not
171 | Implementation of Integrated Administrative Service Policy "Meladen Dang Asak'ng"
knowpatent policy. So that some people
are still confused about the procedures
and patent line. However, the
communication that exists between policy
makers has been running consistently, and
the communication made by the sub-
district head to officers in the field is also
quite good. The resources in Linggang
Bigung Subdistrict are adequate, both
human resources, budget resources and
facilities and infrastructure resources. The
existence of sufficient resources, can
support the implementation of patent
policy. The disposition or attitude of
implementing policies are also quite good,
reflected by the existence of separate
support from the sub-district for patent
policies, the service officers too will provide
a friendly attitude while on duty. In terms of
bureaucratic structure, service officers carry
out their duties and functions in
accordance with the Service Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP). The
distribution of responsibilities is also
carried out in accordance with the
composition of the technical team
implementing the patent, so that each
officer have a clear workload. The quality of
service in Linggang Bigung District after the
application of the patent is getting better.
It can be seen from the indicators of
tangibles or facilities and infrastructure
supporting patents, Linggang Bigung
District has adequate facilities and
infrastructure for both officers who provide
services or facilities and infrastructure
provided for the community. The
supporting factors for implementing the
PATEN policy on licensing services in
improving the quality of public services in
Linggang Bigung District are divided into
two supporting factors, namely a clear legal
basis and strong support from policy
implementers. The clear legal basis means
that the Linggang Bigung Sub-district has a
hierarchical legal basis starting from the
policies of the central government and then
followed up by the local government to the
decision of the sub-district head as the
implementer of the policy. Strong support
from policy implementers is reflected in the
attitude of wholehearted service delivery
and the desire to be able to implement
PATEN to be even better.
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