Ronny Simorangkir
| 204
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i2.255
Communication between humans
when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world,
made many changes in the order of life in
the midst of society, nation, state and
church. It is still clear in our memories, at
the beginning of the pandemic, ignorance,
anxiety, stuttering, and unpreparedness
had dominated body and soul. But over
time, we begin to adapt to change
(Christiany, 2020).
From the end of 2019 to the beginning
of 2021 the Ministry of Communication and
Information received 147 issues that led
people to misleading fears about the
corona virus (Covid - 19). There are 86
disinformation issues, the rest are classified
as hoaxes. The most information is about
the origin of the virus, then how to prevent
it and how to treat it. Misleading
information is widely spread on social
media, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and
Instagram (Lidwina, 2020).
In the reception analysis, it is stated
that every individual who receives the news
text or hears the news will understand and
interpret it according to their respective
social, cultural, and subjective experiences.
Differences in status and economic
background, education, community in the
midst of each individual's life, affect the
way they understand and interpret every
news that comes to the Covid-19 Virus
(Fadhel, 2018).
Messages spread on social media
change a lot of people's behavior in the
middle of the world, because of the fear it
creates and unsettles the community.
Changes in behavior in the community, the
influence of message content, regarding
the Covid-19 virus from the media gave
birth to a new habit in the order of people's
lives, such as the new habit of always
washing hands with soap, using masks, and
paying attention to the intake of foods that
are high in vitamins, such as fruits, as well
as increasing people's desire to keep
exercising diligently to increase body
immunity (Ginting, 2020).
The amount of information circulating
among the public, many of which are
hoaxes, adds to the fear in the midst of
public life. For this reason, public service
advertisements are needed in conveying
information regarding the dissemination of
information. The HKBP Kebon Jeruk Church
is also called to play an active role in
conveying accurate government messages
so that the community, especially the HKBP
congregation, will know the real and
constructive information and strengthen
and confirm beliefs, and eliminate
excessive fear in the community. The
church also uses existing technology, uses
internitization, internet-based services such
as Livestreaming, Youtube and semi-virtual.
In an effort to provide information so
that Covid-19 disinformation does not
occur among the public, HKBP Kebon Jeruk
voices that the congregation is not
influenced by news circulating on social
media that cannot be justified, and urges
them not to participate in spreading
unclear information. because it will add to
the panic.
Based on these problems, researchers
are interested in conducting research with
the title "Audience Reception Analysis of
Prokes Messages Through Sermons" with
the aim of knowing whether there is an
effect of Covid-19 information messages