JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 3, 295 315
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.25 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
Yuliana Yuli W
Marina Ery Setiyawati
Faculty of Law, Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta University, Indonesia
Faculty of Healthy, Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta University, Indonesia
, marinaerysetiawati@upnvj.ac.id
*corespodence: [email protected]
Submitted:" 14" October" 2021," Revised:" " " 18" October" 2021," Accepted:" 27" October" 2021"
Abstract. State defense is the attitude, action, and behavior of citizens, both individually and in
groups, in maintaining the sovereignty and integrity of the country, which is based on a sense of
love for the homeland, national and state awareness of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a Focus and Group (FGD) approach.
The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Law. The 1945
Constitution is willing to make sacrifices to ensure the survival of the Indonesian state from various
threats, challenges, obstacles and disturbances (ATHG), both from within and from outside that
endanger territorial integrity. Love for the homeland both together and with all components of the
country in maintaining the existence of a safe, peaceful and controlled country.
Keywords: state defense; national insight.
Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 296
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.25 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
In general, the nation is a collection of
groups of people who make up the state. In
a sociological sense, the nation includes an
association group which is naturally
destined to live together and share the
same responsibility within a country. For
example, the Republic of Indonesia is
destined to consist of many ethnic groups.
In other words, a nation is a group of
people in a place or region who have a
united determination to build the nation's
future. The trick is to establish a State and
its Government which will realize the
aspirations and interests of the common
people fairly. (Meyer, 2018)
The most important objective factor of
a nation is the common will, which is better
known as nationalism (Tiryakian & Nevitte,
2020). In the life of a nation, we must realize
that with the diversity that is based on a
sense of unity and oneness of the
homeland, language, and noble ideals, the
Indonesian people will feel comfortable
and peaceful in living as a nation and state
(Barida, 2017). Every nation has four
elements of ideals stated by (Hartaka &
Suadnyana, 2020), as follows:
a. The desire to achieve national unity and
integrity which consists of social unity,
political economy, culture,
communication and solidarity.
b. The desire to achieve complete national
independence and freedom, namely free
from domination and interference from
foreign nations against their domestic
c. The desire for independence, excellence,
individuality, authenticity, sincerity. For
example, upholding the national
language which is not the language of
other nations.
d. The desire to stand out (excellent)
among the nations in pursuit of
influence and prestige.
Naturally, humans as social beings
have always lived together in a group to
maintain their survival and continue their
offspring. Then they begin to live
permanently in a certain place and fulfill
their basic needs by raising livestock and
planting crops. (Pusey, 2021)
In order for these groups to feel safe
and secure, awareness arises that a person
or small group of people is needed to lead
these small groups. Group leaders are given
certain powers/authorities and group
members are required to obey the rules or
orders from their leaders. Regulations that
were originally unwritten and only
constituted customs, gradually became
written regulations, which were
implemented and obeyed. With the size of
the membership and the expansion of the
interests of the group and to overcome the
various difficulties that arise, there is a need
to form an organization that is more
organized and has power. This organization
of power later developed into a state. (Dewi
& Sos, 2017)
The definition of the state as an
organization of power shows that the
existence of the state aims to regulate and
carry out the interests of the community
which is equipped with the highest power
(Maryani & Nasution, 2018). In this sense,
the state is a social power (society) which is
constitutionally regulated to realize
common interests. As a power organization,
in a country there is a working relationship
system that regulates a group of people
(people) to act or behave in
297 | Nature of Nation and State
accordance with the will of the state (Duha,
2018). In order for the state to regulate its
people, the state is given the authority to
compel all its members to comply with all
the rules/stipulations set by the state. On
the other hand, to avoid the emergence of
arbitrary power, the State also determines
the ways and limits of the use of that power
in common life, either by individuals,
groups, organizations, or by the state itself.
The purpose of this study is to find out
how to grow the values and insights of the
nation, so that the realization of national
development in accordance with the
philosophy of the nation.
The study used qualitative methods
type of case study, with Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) as a data collection
technique and also in-depth interview.
Beside of that, quantitative data was also
this study also collected in this study with
the consideration that it is necessary to
obtain a more general description of the
object, then collection is carried out even
though it is only supporting data and is
National Character Development
Building character is a process or effort
made to foster, improve, and or shape
character, character, psychological traits,
morals (characteristics) of human beings
(society) so that they show good
temperament and behavior based on the
values of Pancasila.
Based on the understanding above, it
can be stated that efforts to build character
will describe the main things as follows:
a. It is a continuous process to build
character, character and traits based on
the spirit of dedication and togetherness.
b. Improving the existing character to
realize the expected character in the
context of governance and
implementation of development.
c. Fostering existing characters so that
they display a conducive character in the
life of society, nation and state based on
the values of the nation's philosophy,
namely Pancasila.
Positive Character of the Nation
Building national character is
essentially all efforts made so that the
nation or society (Gunawan, 2012), has the
following characters:
a. Mutual respect and mutual respect
among each other
b. A sense of togetherness and help
c. A sense of unity and oneness as a nation
d. Concern in the life of society, nation and
e. Moral and moral based on religious
f. Behave that always describes religious
values, legal values, and cultural values.
g. Behaving and behaving that reflect
national values
National character has a very basic
meaning or value to influence all thoughts,
feelings, and actions of every human being
in the life of society, nation and state. The
values in question include honesty,
togetherness or mutual cooperation, caring
or solidarity, and full of responsibility
(Sugiman, 2017).
Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 298
These values seem to tend to fade in
the life of the nation in Indonesia. This can
be seen from the many cases and conflicts
that occur in society, between ethnic
groups, and political conflicts. For this
reason, the development of national
character is a very important factor in
synergizing all the potential of the nation's
children to realize the ideals of the
Indonesian nation (Soedarsono, 2013).
National Insight Education is inseparable
from the importance of institutional
support at the central, provincial and
regional levels. At the central level, the
support is related to policies and programs,
facility assistance, funding, to monitoring,
monitoring, and evaluating the results
achieved. In an effort to deepen and apply
the concept of National Insight,
cooperation with various related parties,
such as cultural management institutions,
etc. is very much needed
National Defense Movement
History realizes that life with all its
changes, growth, and development
continues through time. This makes us
aware that historical events are something
that continues to move from the past, leads
to the present, and continues into the
future. Therefore, to carve a good history
for the nation and NKR, is an impetus to do
the best in the present. This means that
everything that is done in the present will
affect the future, which in turn will later be
recorded in history.
The process of Indonesian citizens in
building a nation-state, provides an
overview of how the Indonesian nation was
formed where all citizens who are in it feel
as part of the Indonesian nation. The
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is
an organization that embodies the life of
the Indonesian people (Suganda, 2016).
Therefore, the Indonesian people feel the
importance of the existence of the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia, so
awareness grows to maintain the continuity
and integrity of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia through efforts to
defend the country. Efforts to defend the
country that are embodied in the national
movement to defend the country (Rahman
& Ryacudu, 2015), can be carried out
properly if a pattern of thought, attitude
and behavior is created for all citizens who
want to do, among others:
a. Religious obligation, which means
carrying out a relationship with God
Almighty, as a form of gratitude for the
life given by the Creator.
b. Carry out innovation and creativity in the
economic field, as a manifestation of
efforts to be able to meet the needs of
daily life independently.
c. Doing good relations with fellow citizens
and the natural surroundings for the
benefit of many people, which means
having tolerance and concern for the life
of diversity in all fields, including religion
and belief as well as diversity in the social
and cultural fields, having the desire to
be peaceful, safe and prosperous in the
country, which means actively
participating in the defense and security
of the Republic of Indonesia.
d. Having a desire to live in peace, security
and prosperity in the country, means to
actively participate in the defense and
security of the Republic of Indonesia.
Fostering State Defense Awareness
(PKBN) in the community, based on Law
299 | Nature of Nation and State
Number: 23 of 2019, Article 9 (No, 23 C.E.),
which states that PKBN is intended for
citizens which includes:
a. Religious leaders
b. Public figure
c. Traditional Figures
d. Community Organization Cadre
e. Community Organization Cadre
f. Professional Organization Cadre
g. Political Party Cadre and
h. Other Community Groups
Fostering awareness of state defense in
the scope of work, based on Law Number:
23 of 2019, article 10 (No, 23 C.E.), which
states that PKBN is intended for all citizens
who work for:
a. State institutions
b. Ministries/non-Ministerial Government
Agencies, and Local Governments
c. Indonesian national army
d. Indonesian National Police
e. State-Owned Enterprises/Regional
Owned Enterprises
f. Private Enterprises and
g. Other bodies in accordance with the
provisions of the legislation in force in
the Republic of Indonesia.
According to Law Number: 03 of 2002
concerning National Defense (Nomor, 3
C.E.), to realize the national defense and
security forces consisting of the main
components, reserves and supporting
1. Main Components
The main component of national
defense is the Indonesian National Army
(TNI) (Azikin & Riza, 2020). The TNI
consists of the Army, Navy and Air Force.
TNI is a component that acts as a means
of national defense. In addition, the
State Police of the Republic of Indonesia
is also the main component that plays a
role in maintaining public security and
order, enforcing the law, providing
protection, and providing services to the
community (Azikin & Riza, 2020).
2. Spare Components
The reserve components include
citizens, natural resources, as well as
national facilities and infrastructure that
have been prepared to strengthen the
main components. Simultaneous
mobilization of natural, human and
infrastructure resources will be an
important component in supporting
national defense. (Ayuni, 2017)
3. Supporting Components
Supporting components are
national resources that can be used to
increase the strength of the main
components and reserve components.
The supporting components do not
form a real force for physical resistance.
The supporting components consist of 5
segments: the military (police, Brimob,
Satpol PP, security guards, party task
force, etc.), experts (human resources
according to expertise), industry, natural
or artificial resources and infrastructure,
and resources human power. (Indrawan
& Efriza, 2018)
The definition of National Defense is
the existence of an effort in the territorial
integrity of a country, maintaining the
sovereignty of the state, and the security of
all nations from disturbances and threats to
the integrity of the state and nation
(Mukhtadi & Komala, 2019).
Types of threats to the sovereignty of
the Republic of Indonesia National
integration needed to maintain the integrity
of the Unitary State of the
Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 300
Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) faces various
threats. Moreover, national integration
exists in a country with a pluralistic society,
such as in Indonesia (Hamid, 2016).
Quoted from the official website of the
Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia, a threat is every
effort and activity both from within the
country and abroad that is considered to
endanger the sovereignty of the state, the
territorial integrity of the country and the
safety of the entire nation (Nomor, 3 C.E.).
Threats are all forms of business that
are designed to change or overhaul policies
that are conceptually carried out through
criminal and political acts. Do you know
what are the types of threats to national
Threats to national integration Threats
to national integration can be divided into
two, namely: Military threats Non-military
a. Military threat
Military threats are threats that use
armed force that endanger the
sovereignty of the state, the territorial
integrity of the state and the safety of
the entire nation. Military threats to
national integration can come from
abroad and from within the country.
Some examples of military threats to
national integration are: Threats from
abroad, namely: Military aggression
Territorial violations by other countries
Spying (espionage) Sabotage Terror acts
from international networks. (A’raf Al
A’raf, 2015)
Threats from within the country,
namely: Armed rebellion Horizontal
conflicts Terror acts Sabotage Violent
actions that smell SARA Separatist
movement (separation efforts to create
a new state)
b. Non-military threats
Non-military threats are threats that
do not use weapons but if left
unchecked will endanger the sovereignty
of the country, the territorial integrity of
the country and the safety of the entire
nation. (A’raf Al A’raf, 2015)
In essence, non-military threats are
considered to have the potential to
endanger the sovereignty of the state,
the personality of the nation, the
territorial integrity of the state and the
safety of the entire nation.
One of these threats is caused by the
negative influence of globalization (Hadi,
2017). Globalization removes barriers or
boundaries of association between nations,
whether consciously or not, has caused
negative impacts that have the potential to
be a threat to the integrity of a country.
Non-military threats include ideological,
political, economic, socio-cultural, defense
and security dimensions and even
technology and information. Examples of
non-military threats by (Alfajri et al., 2019),
a. The influence of westernized lifestyle
b. Don't love your own culture
c. Do not use domestic products
Non-military threats have different
characteristics from military threats. The
characteristics of non-military threats are
that they are not physical and their form is
invisible. Understanding the Basic Level of
State Defense State Defense is a
constitutional term contained in Article 27
paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution
which reads: Every citizen has the right and
is obliged to participate in efforts to defend
301 | Nature of Nation and State
the state. This means that constitutionally
defending the state increases the entire
Indonesian nation as the rights and
obligations of every citizen (Hany et al.,
n.d.). Defending the State is closely related
to ensuring the existence of the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)
and the realization of the nation's ideals as
contained in the Preamble to the
Constitution, namely, to protect the entire
Indonesian nation and the entire homeland
of Indonesia. Promote public welfare,
educate the nation's life and participate in
implementing world order, which is based
on freedom, eternal peace and social
justice. State defense is defined as the
determination, behavior, and actions of
citizens, both individually and collectively,
in maintaining state sovereignty, territorial
integrity, and the safety of the nation and
state, which is imbued with love for the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
(NKRI), which is based on Pancasila. The
1945 Constitution, in ensuring the survival
of the Indonesian nation and the State from
various threats.
So what is meant by the Basic Level of
State Defense which is imbued with the
basic values of State Defense, which is an
agreement to be the basis for the attitude
and behavior of all Indonesian citizens at all
levels, both at the individual level,
community level to the national level, in
social life, nation and state. Based on the
understanding of the meaning of
defending the country as described above,
as well as extracting the meaning implied in
Law Number 3 of 2002 concerning National
Defense, in the explanation of article 9
paragraph (1) (Nomor, 3 C.E.), which states
Efforts to defend the state are the
attitudes and behavior of citizens who are
inspired by their love for the Unitary State
of the Republic of Indonesia based on
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in
ensuring the survival of the nation and
state. Efforts to defend the country, apart
from being a basic human obligation, are
also an honor for every citizen which is
carried out with full awareness,
responsibility, and is willing to contribute in
the service of the nation and state. The
understanding that the struggle of the
Indonesian people in building the nation
and the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia as well as maintaining state
sovereignty, territorial integrity and the
safety of the nation's survival, reflects the
vigorous and unyielding fighting ability of
the nation's predecessors So, based on the
three sources of thought above, as well as
the results of stakeholder discussions in the
field of defense, the basic values contained
in efforts to defend the state can be
formulated and categorized into 5 (five)
value groups, namely: Love the homeland
a. Aware of the nation and state
b. Faithful to Pancasila as the State's
c. Willing to Sacrifice for the Nation and
State; and
d. Early National Defense Ability
e. Archipelago Insights (Wasantara)
Before discussing the Archipelago
Insight, we should first understand and
understand the Archipelago Insight of a
nation universally. A nation believes that
the ultimate truth or absolute truth is the
truth that comes from God Almighty, the
Creator of the universe. Humans have
advantages over other creatures through
Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 302
their mind and conscience, but their ability
to use reason and conscience is limited, so
that one human being and another does
not choose differences of opinion, life,
belief in relationships with their creators
and carry out relationships with others, and
in the way of seeing and understanding
things. These differences, which we call
diversity, need a glue so that the nation
concerned can unite to maintain the
integrity of the country. (Suryawati, 2021)
A nation that has a state, and has
carried out its life, cannot be separated from
the influence of its environment. Influence
arises from the reciprocal relationship
between the nation's philosophy, ideology,
aspirations and ideals and social conditions
of society, culture, traditions, natural
conditions, regions and historical
experiences. This insight is intended to
ensure the continuity of life, territorial
integrity and national identity. The word
insight itself comes from wawas which
means to see or see. With the addition of
this word literally means the direction of
sight or way of viewing or perspective.
(Rahma et al., n.d.)
The life of a nation and state is always
influenced by the development of the
strategic environment (Darmawan et al.,
2020). Therefore, this insight must be able
to inspire a nation in facing various
obstacles and challenges posed by the
strategic environment and in pursuing its
glory. In realizing the basic idea of the
Archipelago Insight which is full of
aspirations and struggles, a nation needs to
pay attention to several factors:
Geography-Geostrategy and
Geopolitics (the earth, or the space in which
the nation lives) Formal historical and
juridical (soul, determination, and spirit of
the person or the people) Surrounding
environment (national interest)
Thus, national insight is the perspective
of a nation that has a state about itself and
its environment in its existence and is
connected (through interaction and
interrelation) and in its development in the
national (including local and proportional)
regional, and global environment (Danniarti,
Archipelago Insights in Legislation
Archipelago insight as the appreciation
of life and recognition of the characteristics
of the environment has been owned by the
Indonesian people since time immemorial,
although it is not formulated explicitly and
systematically. This is understandable
because the attention of our ancestors was
focused on the mind so that the expression
of life beliefs takes place starting from
verse, symbols, singing, figurative words
and of course behavior with certain
psychological influences.
As a guideline for national
development and as a national
development system, the way of life and life
of the nation/state has only been officially
confirmed by MPR Decree No.
IV/MPR/1973 dated March 22, 1973
concerning the Outlines of State Policy
(GBHN). In the decree, the main points of
the Archipelago Insight are stated as
insights in achieving the goals of national
The Purpose of Archipelago Insight
The purpose of the Archipelago Insight
as Indonesia's National Insight, the
archipelago insight as a perspective should
303 | Nature of Nation and State
not deviate from the national goal. If the
national goal is a just and prosperous
society, then the goal of the archipelago
insight is to create happiness and peace for
all human beings in the world.
Thus, the insight of the archipelago,
based on Pancasila and the 1945
Constitution, does not only pay attention to
its national interests. The Archipelago
Insight also accepts the burden of a natural
obligation to always pay attention to the
environment in the context of participating
in organizing and fostering world welfare
and peace. The purpose of the archipelago
insight includes inward and outward goals.
Inward aims to realize unity in all aspects of
life, both natural and social aspects. The
natural aspect includes 3 (three) things,
namely the geographical location in the
cross position, the condition and natural
wealth, the condition and ability of the
population. These three aspects are called
the Trigatra. Meanwhile, the social aspect
includes five things, namely the ideological
aspect, the political aspect, the economic
aspect, the socio-cultural aspect, and the
defense and security strategy. These five
aspects are called Pancagatra. Meanwhile,
the aim of insight into the archipelago is to
participate in realizing happiness, order
and peace for all mankind.
It should be noted that the application
of continental insight, nautical insight, and
aerospace insight that is not integrated has
weaknesses and strengths. Only a
harmonious and balanced combination of
these three insights can neutralize the
weaknesses that exist in each of these
insights. The adoption of certain insights
will greatly influence the conception of
implementation in all fields of Indonesia's
national activities which geographically
consist of land and sea, so it is difficult to
state which element is more important.
Therefore, it is not possible to adopt a single
insight, because it will not be effective and
effective. A national insight must be a
reflection of the nation's ideology. For
Indonesia, national insight must be a
reflection of the philosophy of the
Indonesian nation and state, namely
Development and Strengthening of
National Identity Character
Character or temperament which is a
characteristic of an attitude and behavior of
citizens of a nation that distinguishes it from
other nations, which is formed based on the
historical experience of the nation's culture
that grows and develops along with the
growth and development of the nation. The
character possessed by humans is used as
the identity of a nation. National identity is
not permanent, it will change along with
changes in the attitudes and daily behavior
of citizens who are influenced by various
environmental factors around them, which
in turn reflects the image of the nation's
Nationality Insight is a conception of
the Indonesian nation's perspective in the
context of managing the life of the nation
and state based on national identity. In
order to better understand the meaning of
National Insight in the life of the nation and
state, in this third part will be explained
more deeply about national identity,
character, and development and
strengthening of national identity.
Definition of National Identity
Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 304
What is Identity? According to the Big
Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) identity is: the
characteristics of a person's description, or
special circumstances. It can also be
interpreted as identity, core, soul, spirit, and
inner or spiritual driving force. Meanwhile,
according to experts, it is something that
describes an essential person about a
person such as character, nature, character,
personality and morals. In the
understanding of national insight, national
identity is a reflection of the character,
character, personality and morals of the
Indonesian nation, which is a manifestation
of the ideology of citizens' life based on
Pancasila (Gitlin, 2019).
Where does identity come from?
identity is formed from the feelings,
thoughts and actions that we do every day.
Then it becomes a habit. These habits will
eventually become character. A collection
of characters will form an identity. And so
on, the cycle revolves in daily life, which has
implications for the inconsistency of one's
identity (Gitlin, 2019).
A person's personal character is
character, character, morals, or personality
that is formed from the results of
internalizing various virtues that are
believed and used as a basis for perspective,
thinking, behaving, behaving and acting. A
set of family characters operating in a
society will shape the character of the
community, then a set of community
characters operating in an area will form a
regional character, then a set of regional
characters will form a national character
(Gitlin, 2019).
Understanding Local Wisdom
Local wisdom is a view of life and
knowledge as well as various life strategies
in the form of activities, which are carried
out by local communities in overcoming
various problems in their efforts to meet
their needs covering all aspects of life such
as: religion, science, economy, technology,
social organization, Language and
communication, as well as art, by paying
attention to natural resources in their
environment (Andriana et al., 2017).
Local wisdom has existed in people's
lives since ancient times starting from
prehistoric times to the present, local
wisdom is a positive human behavior in
relation to nature and the surrounding
environment which can be sourced from
religious values, customs, advice from
ancestors or local culture. , can be in the
form of values, norms, ethics, beliefs, and
special rules (Wirawan et al., 2020). Local
wisdom is built naturally in a community to
adapt to the surrounding environment, is
born and develops from generation to
generation, survives and develops by itself
without any education and training, and
without any underlying science and
technology. The growth and development
of local wisdom departs from efforts to
harmonize with the conditions of the
physical and biological environment, then
believe in the truth, through the habit of
practicing this tradition which is then
passed down from generation to
generation. The next generation is
conditioned to accept the truth and believe
it, for example with regard to taboos,
values, standards of behavior and so on.
Often subsequent generations do not
realize where this legacy of wisdom came
Local wisdom is interpreted as a local
305 | Nature of Nation and State
culture that develops in an area, whose
elements are the culture of the ethnic
groups living in that area. Local wisdom can
be found in songs, proverbs, mantras,
advice, slogans, ancient books, dances,
medical systems, health foods, livelihood
systems, belief systems and everyday
human behavior. The sustainability of the
local wisdom will be reflected in the values
prevailing in certain community groups.
These values become the lifeline of certain
community groups, which will usually
become an inseparable part of life that can
be taken through their daily behavior,
meaning that they have been internalized
and manifested in attitudes and behavior.
(Heryanti, n.d.)
Characteristics of Local Wisdom
The following are some of the
characteristics of local wisdom, as follows:
a. Able to withstand foreign cultures,
b. Have the ability to accommodate
foreign cultures,
c. Have the ability to control
d. Have the ability to integrate elements of
foreign culture into the original culture,
e. Able to give direction to cultural
There are several functions of local
wisdom, as follows: As a means of
conservation and preservation of natural
resources. As a means of developing culture
and science. As advice, belief, literature and
Figure 1. developing culture
Figure 2. Building Culture
Local Wisdom Function
The forms of local wisdom in society
can be in the form of values, norms, ethics,
beliefs, customs, customary law, and special
rules (Pingge, 2019). Therefore, the forms
vary and people live, their functions are
a. Functioning for the conservation and
preservation of natural resources, for
example the belief in the celako kumali
of the Serawai Bengkulu tribe, means
preserving the environment through
taboo values in farming and the
tradition of tanjak planting.
b. Functions for the development of
Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 306
human resources, for example related to
life cycle ceremonies, for example the
concept of kanda pat rate (from seed to
death), Balinese local wisdom, the
concept of the mitoni ceremony, tedak
siti from Java.
c. Serves for the development of culture
and science
d. Functions as advice, beliefs, literature
and taboos
e. Social meaning, for example,
communal/relative integration
ceremony, agricultural cycle ceremony
in Using village in Kemiren, East Java.
f. Meaningful ethics and morals are
manifested, for example in the Ngaben
ceremony in Bali
g. Political meaning, for example in the
ceremony of langluk languishing to ask
for the safety of Bali to be kept away
from negative things, especially a
number of disasters that have occurred
so far in the archipelago.
Security Defense Aspects of Resilience
Defense and security are the universal
efforts of all Indonesian people in
defending and securing the country for the
survival of the nation and the Unitary
Republic of Indonesia. Defense and Security
is carried out by compiling, mobilizing, and
mobilizing all national potentials, including
community strength, in an integrated
manner and mutually support one another
(Sihombing & Hasibuan, 2019). Defense
and security are dynamic which need to be
reflected in the condition and situation of
the nation's deterrence based on the
awareness of defending the state of all
components of society, the use of
advanced and strong
defense and security science and
technology, and so on. The description
above shows that the conditions of national
life faced by the Indonesian people. A
resilient, resilient, and strong national
resilience must be manifested in the
resilience of each of the above aspects,
while still being based on a commitment to
the national consensus of Pancasila, the
1945 Constitution, Bhennika Tunggal Ika
and the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia. To realize a strong national
defense, every citizen needs to:
a. Having and supporting a high fighting
spirit, in the form of tenacity, toughness,
and relentless in the face of challenges,
threats, obstacles and disturbances
(TAHG) from outside and from within
that will undermine the identity,
integrity, survival of the nation and state,
as well as the achievement of goals
b. Aware and concerned about the
influences that arise on aspects of
ideology, politics, economy, social
culture and defense and security
every citizen can eliminate and
overcome these influences.
Explanation of threats from abroad and
from within the country regarding the
defense of the Indonesian state: Threats
from abroad which means all forms of
threats originating from abroad related to
national defense and security. Examples of
foreign threats include:
1) Aggression
Where aggression is the use of
weapons by other countries against the
sovereignty of the state, which is a threat
that can harm a country that is being
307 | Nature of Nation and State
targeted for invasion. (Zuhra, 2020)
2) There is a territorial violation.
Various efforts made by other
countries that want to invade may enter
areas without any permission and carry
out direct invasions by deploying fighter
aircraft in attack. Of course it's
3) Espionage
Actions to obtain confidential
information that is found, especially if
the information is information about a
country in any way. This activity is
usually carried out by Intelligence.
4) Sabotage
Sabotage is actions that damage
buildings, equipment and weapons that
have been planned by other countries
against a country that is used as a target.
5) Acts of Terrorism
The act of trying to evoke feelings
of terror or dread for the people in the
targeted country.
Domestic threats are another form
of external threats. If external threats
come from outside, then internal threats
come from all forms of threats that
come from within the country and are
related to national defense and security
to overcome them. Examples of
domestic threats are:
1) Armed rebellion
The act of trying to rebel and
challenge the powers that have been
or have been authorized.
2) Civil War
Civil War can also cause losses
for a country due to attacks between
groups by people in the same area.
3) Terror acts from within the country
In addition to terrorism can occur
in international reach. Sometimes,
acts of terrorism can occur from
within their own country. This of
course will be a threat in itself if acts
such as terrorism can occur in the
4) Problems with KKN (Corruption,
Collusion and Nepotism).
As we know that KKN
(Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism)
is an act carried out by state officials
for their own interests and can harm
the community.
5) The existence of many drug-related
cases can be a threat.
This is because considering that
the next generation of the nation will
be threatened if the occurrence of
frequent drug cases in various
regions can be a threat and hamper
especially for the development of
future successors. The movement in
the form of an attempt to secede from
the state became one of the domestic
threats, an example of which can be
seen in the PKI rebellion.
Knowing threats from outside and
within the country, we will also get to
know about threats in the military field
and threats in the field of defense and
security. Where, each is defined as
a. Threats in the military sector mean
activities carried out both
domestically and abroad or any
business that uses weapons to
endanger the sovereignty, safety and
Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 308
even the integrity of a country and is
of course threatening.
b. Threats in the field of defense and
security mean all efforts with the
intention of harming or disturbing the
sovereignty of a country. Whether it
is threatening, hindering or arguably
disturbing the sovereignty of the
country itself.
Basic Concepts Of Indonesian
National Defense
National resilience is a condition of
national life that must be realized. A living
condition that is fostered early,
continuously and synergistically, starting
from the individual, family, environment,
regional and national level, with the capital
of tenacity and toughness, which contains
the ability to develop national strength.
National resilience is a continuous process
and to create conditions, it is carried out
based on geostrategic thinking, namely a
conception designed and formulated by
taking into account the condition of the
nation and the geographical constellation
of Indonesia. (Prakoso & Dohamid, 2021)
As a geostrategic, national security
must be able to face Threats, Disturbances,
Barriers and Challenges (AGHT) in order to
ensure the upholding of independence,
sovereignty, national unity and territorial
The elements of national power in
Indonesia in National Resilience are known
as gatra which were formulated and
developed by Lemhanas. The elements of
national power are known as Astagatra
which consists of Trigatra and Pancagatra.
Gosh, as an element or element of national
power, uses a soft power approach rather
than hard power. What is meant by soft
power is the ability of a country to influence
the policies of other countries in a
persuasive way, while hard power is the
ability to make other countries do what the
country wants, using their military,
economic and resource power (Aras &
Mohammed, 2019). Indonesia, with its
concept of national resilience, uses soft
power by prioritizing cooperation, mutual
respect and respect for the sovereignty of
other countries when dealing with other
countries, meaning that the Indonesian
people prefer the peaceful way to violence
(conflict or war) in resolving any problems
regarding international relations or
relations between countries. Nation In
addition, National Resilience has
dimensions of profile, principles,
characteristics, and general policies, which
are dynamic in accordance with the times.
National Security General Policy
Basically the conception of Indonesian
National Resilience provides feedback on
the operative pattern of regulating and
administering welfare and security in
national life (Yustiana et al., 2021), namely:
a. National Resilience is implemented as a
whole (comprehensive-integrative)
b. National Resilience uses a welfare and
security approach.
c. National Resilience is implemented
based on real/real conditions, essentially
threats, disturbances, obstacles and
challenges, and is oriented towards
national goals. Therefore, proper
appreciation is needed.
d. National Resilience must be seen as a
source of national strength.
Leadership Morals and Ethics in
309 | Nature of Nation and State
Managing National Identity In the
understanding of national insight, national
identity is a reflection of the character,
nature, character, personality and morals of
the Indonesian nation, a manifestation of
the ideology of citizen life based on
Pancasila. Therefore, becoming a national
identity is very important because it is a
symbol and character of a nation.
National identity is a national cultural
identity that concerns the social structure
that we use every day as ways to organize
life. National identity is not permanent or
permanent, it will change along with
changes in the attitudes and daily behavior
of its citizens which are influenced by
various internal and external environmental
factors, which in turn shape the image of
the nation's identity. (Liu & Turner, 2018)
In order for the identity of the
Indonesian nation to be well maintained,
and respected by the world community, it
is necessary to have moral and ethical
leadership that is able to manage it
optimally (Gitlin, 2019). Moral leadership,
moral relates to human actions that are in
accordance with the standards / standards
accepted by the public. The moral of
leadership for national leaders originating
from Pancasila is reflected in an integrated
manner in the five precepts of Pancasila,
which can be explained as follows:
a. Moral of Faith
b. Humanity Morals
c. Moral of togetherness and nationality
d. People's morals and
e. Moral justice.
Development Of The Universal Defense
Of The Republic Of Indonesia
The universal defense system combines
Military Defense and Non-Military Defense,
through efforts to build strong and
respected defense forces and capabilities
and have deterrence. Defenses that are
prepared early mean that the universal
defense system is built from peacetime to
wartime, as the real condition is that
building defenses takes a long time, while
war can happen at any time.
Threats, Terrorism against the
Sovereignty and Integrity of the Republic of
Indonesia. A terrorism group is a fact or fact
based on several thoughts, both related to
religious and non-religious ideologies,
which consist of: a. Religious terrorist
a. Religious terrorist groups include:
1) Christian Fundamentalists in the
Middle Ages George W. Bush was the
main supporter of neoimperalism, so
the science of the hereafter emerged,
which essentially means the stability
of life in the world for heaven as
promised by the Lord Jesus. The
world for them is a place to produce
heaven. They are not satisfied with
modernism and they try to run away
in search of salvation and Protection
from God and religion.
2) Jewish fundamentalists differ from
Christian fundamentalists. Jewish
fundamentalists are closely related to
the geopolitical constellation. Jewish
fundamentalists are an
understanding that believes that the
land of Palestine is a blessing
presented to the children of God, this
idea which gave birth to the state of
Israel in the land of Palestine. The
Fundamentalist group which claims
Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 310
to be a community of faith has
formed a secular Zionist government
to maintain the existence of the Jews.
3) Islamic Fundamentalism: the
phenomenon of Islamic
fundamentalism wrapped in
ontological beliefs to carry out
terrorism, in an effort to achieve
political goals, is a powerful force in
this 21st century. They oppose
injustice and, the application of US
power in the Middle East. The
resistance of a group of Muslims with
the flag of jihad, because they do not
benefit politically or economically.
Examples: among others, ISIS, Al-
Qaida, Boko Haram, Jamaah Islamiah
4) Aum Shinrikyo, Aum Shinrikyo
roughly reads, Religion of Truth, they
are fighting for a new religion in
Japan. The group caused an
international uproar on March 20,
1995, when some of its members
carried out a sarin gas attack on the
Tokyo subway, which killed 12
people, made 54 seriously ill, and
affected more than 980 people.
b. Non-Religious Terrorism Group.
There are several groups based on
non-religious beliefs that are considered
terrorists by each country or several
countries, including:
1) Communist Party of the
Philippines/New People's Army
(CPP/NPA) or a group of communist
parties in the Philippines. The group
aims to create a socialist state
through a new democracy by
launching a people's war. This group
is labeled a terrorist by the
government of the Philippines, the
European Union and the United
2) The Communist Party of India
(Maoist). The Communist Party of
India (Maoist) is a Maoist political
party in India which aims to overthrow
the Indian government through
violent means. This group is labeled a
terrorist by the Indian government.
Based on the fact that terrorism is a
threat that harms society, the nation
and the state, we must be committed
to preventing and overcoming it. The
government as a policy maker must
be in accordance with the problems
that occur, for the safety of the
community, nation and state.
Various National Defense Threats
Threats to defense are every effort and
activity, both from within the country and
from abroad, that are in conflict with
Pancasila and threaten or endanger the
sovereignty of the state, the territorial
integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, and
the safety of the entire nation. Management
of National Resources for National Defense
is prepared early to face threats. These
threats consist of military threats, and non-
military threats and hybrid threats. (Aulia &
Hasan, 2019)
a. Military threats are threats that use
organized armed forces which are
considered to have capabilities that
endanger the sovereignty of the state,
the territorial integrity of the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI),
and the safety of the entire nation.
Military threats are physical and
311 | Nature of Nation and State
can be formed as aggression or non-
aggression. Military threats take the
form of aggression in the form of the use
of armed force by a country that
threatens the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia. Threats in the
form of non-aggression are military
threats of a limited scale so that they are
handled with a certain approach that is
different from the approach to military
aggression of a country.
b. Non-military threats are threats that do
not use armed force, but are considered
to have the ability or potential to
endanger or have implications for
threatening the sovereignty of the state,
the territorial integrity of the state, and
the safety of the entire nation. Non-
military threats that can endanger or
have implications for national defense.
Non-military threats have ideological,
political, socio-cultural, technological,
public safety and legislation dimensions.
This type of threat can come from
abroad and can also come from within
the country, and is carried out by state
actors, as well as non-state actors.
c. Hybrid threats are threats that are mixed
and are an integration between military
threats and non-military threats.
The manifestation of military threats,
non-military threats and hybrid threats can
be in the form of: aggression, terrorism,
communism, separatism, armed rebellion,
threats of natural disasters, environmental
damage, violation of border areas, piracy
and theft of natural resources, disease
outbreaks, drug trafficking and abuse,
cybercrime area attacks, nuclear attacks,
biological attacks, chemical attacks, or
other forms of threats that endanger the
sovereignty of the state, the territorial
integrity of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia, and the safety of the
entire nation.
Drug abuse and illicit trafficking is a
global phenomenon that is very scary and
very dangerous for the nation and state.
The impact of workers using drugs has also
touched almost the entire community in all
groups, even this drug development has
penetrated all over the place and has even
reached schools, both elementary, junior
and senior high schools and also in
universities. If this condition continues, the
result will be a decline in the quality of the
younger generation which means it will
reduce the nation's assets. This is a serious
threat to national defense, and requires the
synergy of military defense and non-
military defense in dealing with it.
The following is an effort to prevent
drug use in the state defense movement,
which was initiated by the National
Population and Family Planning Agency.
Primary Prevention. This prevention is
carried out for people who are not familiar
with drugs and community components
that have the potential to prevent drug
abuse. The activities carried out include:
Counseling about the dangers of drugs,
Information through various media about
the dangers of drugs, Education about drug
knowledge and its dangers. Secondary
Prevention. This prevention is carried out
for people who are trying to abuse drugs as
well as community components that have
the potential to help stop drug abuse. The
activities carried out include: Early
Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 312
detection of children who blame drugs,
Counseling, Social guidance through home
visits, Information and education on
individual development, Live skills, among
others, about good decision-making skills.
Tertiary prevention. This prevention is
carried out for people who are currently
using drugs and who have been/former
drug users, as well as community
components that have the potential to help
stop drug abuse in order to avoid it. These
activities include: Counseling and social
guidance to users and their families and
environmental groups. Creating a
conducive environment for former users so
that they are not ensnared to return as drug
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