Yuliana Yuli W, Satino, Marina Ery Setiyawati | 304
What is Identity? According to the Big
Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) identity is: the
characteristics of a person's description, or
special circumstances. It can also be
interpreted as identity, core, soul, spirit, and
inner or spiritual driving force. Meanwhile,
according to experts, it is something that
describes an essential person about a
person such as character, nature, character,
personality and morals. In the
understanding of national insight, national
identity is a reflection of the character,
character, personality and morals of the
Indonesian nation, which is a manifestation
of the ideology of citizens' life based on
Pancasila (Gitlin, 2019).
Where does identity come from?
identity is formed from the feelings,
thoughts and actions that we do every day.
Then it becomes a habit. These habits will
eventually become character. A collection
of characters will form an identity. And so
on, the cycle revolves in daily life, which has
implications for the inconsistency of one's
identity (Gitlin, 2019).
A person's personal character is
character, character, morals, or personality
that is formed from the results of
internalizing various virtues that are
believed and used as a basis for perspective,
thinking, behaving, behaving and acting. A
set of family characters operating in a
society will shape the character of the
community, then a set of community
characters operating in an area will form a
regional character, then a set of regional
characters will form a national character
(Gitlin, 2019).
Understanding Local Wisdom
Local wisdom is a view of life and
knowledge as well as various life strategies
in the form of activities, which are carried
out by local communities in overcoming
various problems in their efforts to meet
their needs covering all aspects of life such
as: religion, science, economy, technology,
social organization, Language and
communication, as well as art, by paying
attention to natural resources in their
environment (Andriana et al., 2017).
Local wisdom has existed in people's
lives since ancient times starting from
prehistoric times to the present, local
wisdom is a positive human behavior in
relation to nature and the surrounding
environment which can be sourced from
religious values, customs, advice from
ancestors or local culture. , can be in the
form of values, norms, ethics, beliefs, and
special rules (Wirawan et al., 2020). Local
wisdom is built naturally in a community to
adapt to the surrounding environment, is
born and develops from generation to
generation, survives and develops by itself
without any education and training, and
without any underlying science and
technology. The growth and development
of local wisdom departs from efforts to
harmonize with the conditions of the
physical and biological environment, then
believe in the truth, through the habit of
practicing this tradition which is then
passed down from generation to
generation. The next generation is
conditioned to accept the truth and believe
it, for example with regard to taboos,
values, standards of behavior and so on.
Often subsequent generations do not
realize where this legacy of wisdom came
Local wisdom is interpreted as a local