Vikram Surya Husada, Iwan Erar Joesoef | 129
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i1.248
Climate change has become a
phenomenon that has been highlighted in
recent years. Countries in the world,
including Indonesia, are also preparing
policy steps to deal with phenomena
related to climate change (Schwanitz,
2013). Conference on Parties (COP) 21 Paris
has agreed to limit the increase in global
temperature to below the threshold of 2
degrees Celsius, and some have even urged
to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
It is therefore important to reaffirm the
obligations that bind developed countries
under the United Nations Framework on
Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) to
support the efforts of developing countries
(Linnerooth-Bayer & Mechler, 2015); (Gao
et al., 2017).
Carbon emissions are a contributor to
climate change along with greenhouse gas
emissions. Excessive gas emissions can
cause global warming or the greenhouse
effect. This results in a significant increase
in Earth's temperature. The effect of
excessive carbon emissions is that
environmental damage greatly affects
human life because humans live side by
side with the environment. Environmental
pollution occurs when the material cycle in
the environment changes so that the
balance in terms of structure and function
is disturbed (Balter et al., 2021).
The environment has a crucial role for
human existence and survival. Even from
birth while still in the stomach,
environmental factors as an inseparable
component of the life of living things.
Therefore, no matter how we look at the
various entities that exist in the
environment for the survival of human life,
the presence of these environmental
objects is crucial for their presence.
Currently, the transportation sector is the
main sector in terms of contributing to air
pollution in urban areas. Actually not only
transportation as a contributor to air
pollution, many other things such as
industry. However, the biggest contributor
to air pollution is transportation, especially
in big cities in indonesia. This is a challenge
for the indonesian government in order to
achieve net zero carbon in 2060. Based on
the background of the problem described
above, in this study the identification of the
problem can be formulated as follows: 1.
What are the problem indonesian
government in implementing net zero
emission?. 2. How is the implementation of
net zero carbon policy in indonesia?. This
study aims to reduce environmental
pollution that causes global warming.
Energy is one of the focuses in achieving
the NZE program. Various countries,
including indonesia, have issued new
regulations on electricity supply to meet
the NZE program.
This study uses a normative juridical
method to review policies and improve the
regulation of the Net Zero Emissions
program by obtaining existing literature,
theories, concepts, principles, and rules
related to a legal perspective. Normative
juridical method or library research is
research that examines document studies,
using various secondary data such as
legislation, court decisions, legal theory,
and can be in the form of scholarly