JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 12, 2247 2252
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.240 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Diana Ari Suryaningsih
Universitas Islam Kediri
e-mail: agrapanawukirpancasatu@gmail.com
*Correspondence: agrapanawukirpancasatu@gmail.com
Submitted: 25 June 2022, Revised: 05 July 2022, Accepted: 25 July 2022
Abstract. The business concept now no longer uses independent thinking but has evolved into
independence. Where business is not only and always leads to competition but also leads to
collaboration. Business collaboration is the optimal choice in carrying out strategic management.
PT Agrapana Wukir Panca is a company whose legalization status is still in the form of a Trade Unit.
This study aims to find out how strategic management is applied at PT Agrapana Wukir Panca in
building business collaboration. The research method used in this study is a library research
method with a qualitative approach. The data is obtained from sources from articles, books, reports,
and other research on strategic management and business collaboration. The results of the study
found that the strategic management of PT Agrapana Wukir Panca which was applied in building
business collaboration through three stages. First, the formulation of an audit strategy based on
the company's mission and objectives. Both strategy implementations are based on effective
resource allocation. And third, evaluate the strategy by monitoring.
Keywords: strategic management; PT Agrapana Wukir Panca; business collaboration.
Diana Ari Suryaningsih | 2248
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.240 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
To help companies compete, develop
business, and maintain their existence,
companies need appropriate strategic
steps (Sutandar, 2017). Strategy is a general
term in forming a systematic that should be
created in managing an organization.
(Lengnick-Hall et al., 2011) define strategy
as a way of guiding institutions towards the
main goals of developing corporate values,
managerial capabilities, organizational
responsibilities, and administrative systems
that link strategic and operational decision
making at all hierarchical levels, and
through the entire line of layers (Chaniago,
2014). The strategy in the management
model has a direction that is achieved
based on the interests or satisfaction of
consumers rather than the perspective of
competitors (Dagnino et al., 2017).
The presence of business collaboration
is a safe and convenient choice for
companies that are growing. Instead of
competing with each other to dominate the
market, a business collaboration model will
provide benefits to all parties, both for
entrepreneurs, governments and
consumers. With a very large marketplace,
the business collaboration model is
considered capable of meeting the market
needs of the community. With changes in
lifestyles that are now completely dynamic,
business people must be smart in finding
their target market, which will support an
efficient lifestyle and facilitate and pamper
the community (Dahan et al., 2010).
Based on the background above, the
researchers raised the title "Strategic
PANCA in Building Business Collaboration".
The method in this study is a library
research method based on a qualitative
approach. (Williams, 2017) states that in a
literature study to obtain data, researchers
collect, analyze, organize, sources derived
from articles, books, reports, and other
research on strategic management and
business collaboration. According to
(Sitompul et al., 2022) there are four stages
that need to be carried out in a literature
study, namely: 1) preparing stationery,
preparing bibliography, time management,
and reading and recording research
materials (Malagon-Maldonado, 2014).
And a qualitative approach, which is an
approach in processing data and its
findings are not obtained from statistical
procedures or other forms of calculation
(Dvorak et al., 2020).
PT Agrapana Wukir Panca is one of the
trusted producers since 2015, which at that
time the legalization status was still in the
form of a Trade Unit. And continues to grow
until now, and is one of the SMEs engaged
in the procurement (production) of food
and distribution which is located in Blitar,
East Java, Indonesia. The products will often
be found in shops, mini markets and
grocery supermarkets, mainly in the East
Java area.
Agrapana Wukir Panca or better known
as AWP was founded in 2015, initially
named UD, Wukir Panca which later
evolved into PT. Agrapana Wukir Panca
which transformed into a Total Food
Solution company starting from the
2249 | Strategy Management of PT Agrapana Wukir Panca in Building Business Collaboration
production and processing of raw materials
to become products available in the
market. A company definitely needs
strategic management, including at PT.
Agrapana Wukir Panca.
The definition or definition of strategic
management in the management science
literature has a broad scope, and there is no
definition that is considered standard. So
that the definition of strategic
management develops widely depending
on one's understanding or interpretation
(Hendri, 2022). Judging from the words,
strategic management consists of two
words namely "management" and
"strategy". Management is an individual or
several people who have the responsibility
to analyze and make decisions by taking
appropriate actions to achieve
organizational goals by covering the
functions of planning (planning),
organizing (organizing), implementing
(actuating), and controlling (controlling).
While strategy is a decision and action in
achieving company goals at the
organizational level (Suryaningsih, 2022).
Meanwhile, according to Wright, Kroll,
and (Pröllochs & Feuerriegel, 2020)
explains strategic management is: "define
strategic management as the continuous
process of determining the mission 11 and
goals of an organization within the context
of its external environment and its internal
strengths and weaknesses, formulating
appropriate strategies, implementing those
strategies, and exerting strategic control to
ensure the organization's strategies are
successful in attaining its goals" which
means "strategic management as a
continuous process of determining the
organization's mission and goals in the
context of the external and internal
environment, strengths and weaknesses,
formulating strategies that appropriate
strategy, implement strategies, and exert
strategic control to ensure the organization's
strategy is successful in achieving its
objectives”. According to (Astuti et al., 2022)
strategic management is a managerial
implementation or action that determines
the performance of a company. This
includes strategy formulation,
implementation, and evaluation of
strategic management analysis. In addition
to strategic management, business
collaboration is also needed to improve
Collaboration, basically, is a process of
collaborating with the parties to bring forth
ideas and how to solve them to achieve the
goals that have been set. In the
development of the business world,
collaboration has become a necessity that
needs to be done on the grounds that
collaboration will increase the growth of
the business climate to build micro, small
and medium enterprises, through
empowerment to increase business
capability income, and increase
competitiveness (Daud et al., 2022).
In essence, the purpose of
collaboration is to achieve a common goal
by helping each other. In order to get
maximum results in collaboration,
collaborators or the parties involved need
to pay attention to several components
including culture, leadership, strategies to
be used, the teams involved and the
institutional structure (Tampaguma et al.,
2020). So that in a company there must be
business collaboration, this business
collaboration is carried out to expand
Diana Ari Suryaningsih | 2250
market share.
There are three stages in managing
strategies to build business collaboration,
namely: formulating strategies in building
business collaborations, implementing
strategies in building business
collaborations, and evaluating strategies in
building business collaborations.
1. Strategy Formulation
In accordance with one of the
missions of PT. Agrapana Wukir Panca
is “having the strength of a
multinational company with the agility
of a developing company”. Of course,
to realize this mission, business
collaboration is needed. The first thing
that needs to be done is the company's
internal strategy formulation first.
Building a network with trust and good
communication is the capital in
conducting business collaboration.
2. Strategy Implementation
After the formulation, it is necessary
to proceed to the implementation
according to the formulated strategy.
Strategy implementation in building
collaboration needs to be done with
several work partners who show good
3. Strategy Evaluation
The final step that needs to be done
in strategic management is to evaluate
the implementation steps that have
been carried out. Evaluation needs to
be done to see whether the strategies
carried out provide satisfaction and
good cooperation. Strategy evaluation
can also be carried out for the purpose
of monitoring business strategies,
photographing strengths and
weaknesses in planning to
implementing strategies when building
collaboration (Barata, 2021).
Today's companies are no longer too
concerned with competition but more
emphasis on collaboration. Business
collaboration is the optimal choice in
carrying out strategic management. PT
Agrapana Wukir Panca is a company whose
legalization status is still in the form of a
Trade Unit so that more effort is needed in
marketing, namely strategic management
with business collaboration. The
management strategy of PT Agrapana
Wukir Panca is applied in building business
collaboration through three stages. First,
the formulation of an audit strategy based
on the company's mission and objectives.
Both strategy implementations are based
on effective resource allocation. And third,
evaluate the strategy by monitoring.
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