JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 3, 189 200
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
Abd. Bassith Tamami
Surabaya State University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Correspondence: tamamikece96@gmail.com
Submitted: 14 October 2021, Revised: 20 October 2021, Accepted: 27 October 2021
Abstrak. The presence of football supporters is very meaningful and is a very important element
in a soccer match. However, in the football euphoria, there is a conflict between the supporters,
one of the rivalries between supporters that is most often highlighted by the mass media is bonek
and aremania. This research was conducted to find out the root causes of supporters' rivalry
between Bonek and aremania by using Johan Galtung's conflict theory. This research method is
qualitative, the technique of determining the informants is purposive sampling. The data collection
used in-depth interview techniques and document analysis. The results of this study in Johan
Galtung's Conflict Theory, the existence of puppet problems with aremania can be categorized into
three dimensions. The attitude dimension in puppet perception is related to aremania which is
dominated by negative perceptions, as well as aremania perceptions of dolls. The dimensions of
bonek behavior towards aremania tend to show a sense of competition and hostility that leads to
violence, as well as aremania behavior towards dolls. The contradiction dimension of the puppet
conflict with aremania is the creation of a heated situation with a high potential for clash or chaos.
Keywords: fanaticism; rivalry; supporters; bonek; aremania.
Abd. Bassith Tamami, Nasution, Wisnu | 190
Football is the primadona of sports in
Indonesia and even in the world (Gema et
al., 2016). Interest in this sport is not just
being a player in it, but also as an audience
for football matches. Watching a football
match provides its own pleasure for its
connoisseurs, so that not a few people like
to watch football matches (Hapsari &
Wibowo, 2015). The development of soccer
is currently increasing rapidly, which is
marked by the number of children to adults
who play football in the field and in the
corners of every village, from those who
wear complete equipment to those without
wearing any equipment (Ra’ad, 2018).
The world of national football has
experienced maturity where the clubs
under the auspices of the PSSI (Indonesian
Football Association) have begun to show
their professionalism in managing their
respective clubs. In this case they no longer
use the APBD in each region, but rather
think about how to be able to support their
respective clubs (Andrew & Suryawan,
2017). Football club supporters are part of
the social identity of fans and the
experience of the football phenomenon
experienced by supporters.
Of course, football clubs cannot be
separated from the role of supporters.
Every club from the lowest level must have
fanatical fans due to regional, family, class
or sympathetic ties to the players. The same
is the case with clubs in Indonesia which
number more than hundreds but still have
fanatical supporters (Usmana &
Agustangb, 2020). Supporters or often
referred to as the twelfth player will be
present in every match to support the club
they are proud of. Supporters are fanatics
and good friends when they look good, and
become the worst enemies if they don't
perform well. (Bilgiç et al., 2020)
The efforts made by the supporters
complete with their support actions in the
stadium are various, one of which is
wearing the attributes according to the
style worn by the football club's proud
players as a form of their support (Junaedi
et al., 2017). Supporters are also sometimes
seen playing percussion
instruments/drums, chanting loudly,
making choreography, using traditional
song arrangements whose lyrics are
changed according to their respective team
names, and wearing casual clothes, etc. This
kind of phenomenon can easily be found in
every football match anywhere.
Currently football is not only a sport,
but also an entertainment industry for the
community. This is evidenced by the very
high enthusiasm of the community for
football (Kennedy, 2012). Football was
originally a folk game without special rules
which over time can sometimes end in
violent behavior and violations from
players on the field and the supporters
themselves (Dunning, 2017). Conflict
between supporters in this regard has also
increased widely and reached an
unprecedented level (Colombijn, 2000).
Apart from the extraordinary
supporter atmosphere, sometimes they
also create riot after riot as a result of their
immaturity because of high fanaticism.
Fanaticism is a condition in which a person
or group adheres to an ideology, be it
politics, religion, culture or anything in an
excessive way (Hemminger, 2021). One of
the conflicts between supporters in
Indonesia that is often highlighted by social
media or mass media is the conflict
191 | The Rivalry Of Football Supporters In Indonesia At Fanaticism Frame Of Bonek And Aremania
between Bonek and Aremania. The two
groups of supporters from Persebaya and
Arema have very high rivalry, where the
feud between the two groups of supporters
sometimes ends in clashes, riots, damage,
and even fatalities for the two supporters
themselves (Hendriyanto, 2017).
Research conducted by (Ahmad &
Yahmun, 2017) stated that Aremania is the
name for the Arema Indonesia football club
supporter community. Aremania was
originally a football supporter who was
very fanatical in supporting Arema which
made them sometimes commit anarchist
acts. Therefore, the well-known and
inherent image of Aremania is that of the
most "fierce", "brutal" and cruel football
supporters group. However, this bad image
has changed along with the change in
Aremania's behavior which no longer
prioritizes brutal and anarchist heroic
actions, but rather creative, attractive, and
emphasizes the elements of beauty.
Meanwhile, the term Bonek first
appeared in the Jawa Pos daily newspaper
in 1989. The news at that time covered the
Persebaya versus Persija match. In that
match, Persebaya visited the Senayan
Jakarta Stadium (now known as the Gelora
Bung Karno Stadium). The consideration of
their local wisdom is in the form of
historical facts about the courage of the
young people of Surabaya in expelling the
Allies, which was followed by the Dutch,
which is the background for naming
Persebaya supporters to be very brave and
fanatical in supporting their football team
(Junaedi, 2014).
One of the conflicts that occurred
between the two groups of supporters was
on January 18, 2020. The conflict occurred
in the courtyard of the Soepriadji Blitar
stadium in the 2020 East Java Governor's
Cup semifinal duel. At that time, the two
supporters flocked to support their favorite
team even though at At that time the police
together with the organizing committee
had coordinated not to come to the
stadium each other. The clash in the end
could not be separated between the two
supporters. In this riot, although there were
no casualties, the material loss due to the
clash of supporters was around Rp. 245
million which included damage to public
facilities, motorbikes, and unpaid
merchandise or looting.
The emergence of rivalry in the world
of football cannot be separated from the
social and cultural problems that exist in
society. The problem of hegemony and
recognition of the one and the best is also
one of the reasons for the many conflicts
between football supporters in Indonesia.
The issue of chauvinism and fanaticism in a
society can also be one of the factors
triggering such conflicts. The existence of
grudges originating from previous events is
also another factor in the occurrence of
clashes. Many problems arise in the
community which are then carried over to
the football scene. One of the rivalries
occurs in East Java, namely between
Surabaya and Malang (Hakim, 2017).
Many researches discussing football
supporters in Indonesia have been carried
out. One of them is a research conducted
by (Hapsari & Wibowo, 2015). This study
found that fanaticism has a relationship
with aggressiveness where the more
fanatical a fan is, the greater their tendency
to engage in aggressive behavior. Thus, it is
hoped that football supporter managers
Abd. Bassith Tamami, Nasution, Wisnu | 192
should supervise and monitor fanatical
supporters so that the aggressive behavior
of football supporters that has a negative
impact can be minimized. What is no less
important is that the management is
expected to have more control over the
members of the football club supporters
(Hapsari & Wibowo, 2015).
A similar study was also conducted by
Adrian in 2015. His research concluded that
conflict and violence within Indonesian
supporters is still a shadow of society. The
case of rivalry usually starts from a high
enthusiasm for fanaticism and results in
miscommunication that occurs as a result
of dark historical indoctrination filled with
revenge in regeneration, maintaining the
prestige and pride of groups and regions
(Amurwonegoro, 2015).
This previous study was used as
material for the data analysis of this study.
Referring to the existing social reality of the
researchers' assumptions, what
distinguishes this study from previous
research is that this study focuses on the
causes or root causes of conflict between
Bonek and Aremania. In addition, this study
also aims to determine the process of how
conflicts involving the two groups of
supporters can occur. The researcher used
Johan Galtung's Conflict Theory to be
applied in this research. This research is
considered very important because it can
identify and study the causes or root causes
of problems between Bonek and Aremania,
so it is hoped that there will be lessons that
can be taken to prevent anarchism and riots
in the future.
This research used a qualitative
descriptive method. This method is a
research procedure in the form of
descriptions in the form of written or
spoken words and observable behavior of
people (Bogdan et al., 1975). Research with
qualitative methods can be called an
investigative approach. This is because
researchers generally collect data face-to-
face and interact with people directly at the
research site (McMillan & Schumacher,
This research focuses on finding out
the background of the emergence of rival
bonek and aremania supporters in
Indonesia. The subjects of this study were
members of the Bonek and Aremania
groups. From the subject of this study,
credible information is expected to be
provided. The data collection technique
used was in-depth interviews. The
informants were selected by referring to the
purposive sampling technique with the
number of 2 informants whose identity
would be kept secret. This research was
conducted using Whatsapp media with
informants who were in the City of
Surabaya and Malang. This was held in
March - May 2020 (Creswell, 2016).
Research modeling in qualitative
research begins with the process of
categorizing data, organizing it into one
pattern, category and large description
unit. Organizing the data in this case means
giving significant meaning to the analysis,
explaining the pattern of description and
looking for relationships between the
dimensions of description (Bogdan et al.,
1975). Data analysis and interpretation are
carried out with a deep understanding of
how the reality that has occurred so far is
193 | The Rivalry Of Football Supporters In Indonesia At Fanaticism Frame Of Bonek And Aremania
related to the rivalry of bonek and
aremania. The first data analysis is what is
the background of the bonek-aremania
rivalry, while the second is to find out the
source causes of the bonek-aremania
Supporters are an important element
in football. What is meant by supporters is
a group that has a role in being responsible
for the existence and achievements of their
favorite football club. A number of people
who are in the same place usually do not
know each other, but are sensitive to stimuli
coming from outside. Fellow football
supporters even though they watch a
soccer match on the spot and support the
same team, they do not necessarily know
each other. Even so they are very sensitive
to stimuli coming from outside, such as
when their team is close to scoring or when
a goal is scored, they will spontaneously
show the same expressions, such as
shouting and cheering. Even when there
was a riot, even though they didn't know
each other, in the name of solidarity with
the supporters of the same team, they
automatically immediately helped their
colleagues when the riots occurred
(Amurwonegoro, 2015).
As explained by Dunning, fanaticism is
defined as a new cultural form that
provides options for symbolizing the values
of power, masculinity, conflict and even
politics. These symbols are now no longer
present in the football field, but have
become the daily life of city people in the
midst of the hustle and bustle of city life.
Fanaticism has become an attraction for
young people to flock to the stadium,
sacrifice everything and be ready to bleed
to defend the banner of their favorite
football group (Junaedi, 2014).
Conflict Theory according to Johan
Galtung conflict can occur because various
individuals, groups and organizations carry
their own interests. These interests can be
in the form of economic or political
interests. Two social groups with certain
interests who are in the same environment,
each will create perceptions of interests
outside the group. This process will later
bring about certain forms of behavior that
can create contradictions and situations of
tension. Finally, conflict may be
unavoidable because there will be groups
that win and lose with a measure of the
increase in enjoyment of power, status and
wealth (Sudira, 2017).
Johan Galtung is an expert in conflict
studies who uses a multidisciplinary
approach. A multidisciplinary approach is a
conflict analysis approach that rests not
only on one methodology and theory, but
also from other fields such as from the
disciplines of psychology, international
relations, and economics. The basic
foundation of multidisciplinary conflict
analysis is needs analysis. The most visible
interest of multidisciplinary conflict analysis
is a measure of the effectiveness of analysis
and forms of intervention in conflict
resolution (Eriyanti, 2017).
"Conflict", comes from the Latin word
configere. This word means two people or
groups who can attack each other more,
hurt each other, and even kill each other.
Johan Galtung introduced a conflict
triangle concept when analyzing the
creation of a conflict. The analysis referred
Abd. Bassith Tamami, Nasution, Wisnu | 194
to here is an analysis of causal relationships
or interactions that allow social conflicts to
arise. In Johan Galtung's conflict triangle
concept, there are three dimensions which
are interrelated with one another. The three
dimensions are the dimension of attitude,
the dimension of behavior, and the
dimension of contradiction (Sudira, 2017).
The attitude dimension is the
perception of members of an ethnic or
group about certain issues that are related
to other ethnicities or groups. Simply put,
these attitudes or perceptions can be
triggered by a variety of problems related
to other groups. Furthermore, what is
meant by the behavioral dimension is a
form of cooperation, competition which
can also be hostility. This kind of behavior
is formed from the perception of group
members towards other groups which is
manifested in a real action (Grigoryev et al.,
2019). Meanwhile, the contradiction
dimension is the emergence of a situation
which in the process involves elements of
attitude and behavior. In simple terms,
contradictions can be created because of
the perceptual elements and real actions of
groups living in certain social environments
(Jayusman et al., 2019). The concept of the
Galtung conflict triangle basically explains
that attitudes can give birth to behavior,
which in time can also lead to what is called
contradiction or situations that are not
good or inappropriate.
Rivalry Background of Bonek and
Aremania Supporters
The conflict between Bonek and
Aremania which is a collective behavior is
due to structural tension at that time. The
beginning of the conflict between Bonek
and Aremania was due to the
incompatibility between the people of
Surabaya and the people of Malang. This
can be seen on January 23, 1990, which was
the beginning of an incident that led to a
clash between Surabaya and Malang
people, precisely what happened during a
metal music group concert at Gelora
Sepuluh November or better known as
Tambaksari Stadium.
Bonek is an abbreviation of the
Javanese acronym "bondo nekat" or in
Indonesian it means "Modal Nekat" (rely on
recklessness). The term Bonek is usually
addressed to the Persebaya team in
Surabaya. The term Bonek only appeared
through the Jawa Pos newspaper in 1989 to
describe the phenomenon of Persebaya
Surabaya supporters who held organized
Awaydays accompanying their favorite
team to Jakarta. The difference with other
supporters at that time was that the
Persebaya supporters wore oversized
jerseys in the form of green shirts with the
Bonek image or logo (Lucky & Setyowati,
Bonek's long history began with the
union era in the 1987/1988 season. At that
time, the tradition of escorting and
supporting a favorite team when
competing in another city was not yet like
now. This was the first time Bonek had
started the tradition by accompanying the
departure of his favorite team, Persebaya
Surabaya, to Jakarta for a visit to the city of
his rival Persija Jakarta. As many as 25
thousand Persebaya Surabaya supporters
have flocked to the capital. The name Bonek
was born a year after the season rolled
around, to be precise when the Jawa Pos
newspaper reported about the title Bonek
195 | The Rivalry Of Football Supporters In Indonesia At Fanaticism Frame Of Bonek And Aremania
which stands for Bondo Nekat alias only
reckless capital (Tomi, 2018).
This stage grows and develops into a
common belief in society. At that time, in
Surabaya, a belief emerged that the Malang
people did not know themselves because
they had made trouble in other people's
cities, namely making noise and provoking
Surabaya people with their behavior and
words. This refers to the incident in
Tambaksari during a metal music group
concert performance which ended in
Initially those who behaved
inappropriately in the city of Surabaya
shouted the words of Arema-Arema.
That makes football supporters in
Surabaya not accept ”(DA, Lk, 243).
Aremania is one of the largest football
supporter communities in Indonesia which
does not have an organizational structure.
Arema is an acronym for Arek Malang or
Malang people. Whoever the person is and
whatever the condition is, as long as he is a
citizen of Malang, he is entitled and proud
to be called or nicknamed himself Arema
(Hakim, 2017). So familiar and attached to
this nickname in the hearts of the people of
Malang that Arema became the name of
the football club from the area. Thus, apart
from being the name arek Malang or
Malang people, Arema is also the name of
a football club originating from Malang
The supporters of the Arema football
club finally agreed to call themselves
Aremania (Hakim, 2017). Like Arema, the
nickname Aremania has now become a big
identity with Malang arek-arek, not only
the Arema supporters community, but also
the Malang arek community in general.
Aremania is a unique identity that is
inherent and fulfills the form of legitimizing
identity and resistance identity as the
terminology. Legitimizing Identity is an
identity obtained from an institution or
dominant party to a society. This identity
aims to continue the domination of certain
social actors. Resistance Identity is an
identity that can arise as a result of rebellion
or resistance against the domination of
certain groups or parties (Castells, 2011).
In contrast to the belief that is
developed in Surabaya people, Malang
people consider that Surabaya people are
arbitrary or in the crude language is 'Ja **
ok'. That is an expression that can describe
Malang people who are very annoyed with
Surabaya people because their behavior is
considered arbitrary.
"Arek Bonek is rude when he speaks
and sometimes acts arbitrarily and is
not even praiseworthy" (SU, Lk, 23).
The Beginning of the Bonek-Aremania
Rivalry Problem
Based on Johan Galtung's conflict
approach, the conflict process between
Bonek and Aremania can be divided into
three dimensions, namely the attitude
dimension, the dimension of behavior and
the dimension of contradiction. In the
conflict between Bonek and Aremania,
perceptions emerged when elements of the
supporters group, both Bonek and
Aremania, caught issues related to their
rival groups. These issues can come from
the existence of rival supporters groups
and can also come from the perceptions of
other group members. However, the issues
that have previously been formed
regarding the perception of members of
Abd. Bassith Tamami | 196
the supporters' group, can experience
development, can be faded or not proven
and can also be emphasized more. In
addition, members of this supporter group
can form new perceptions about their rival
supporters. This might happen when a new
issue arises regarding the existence of a
rival supporter group (Galtung & Fischer,
The dimension of behavior itself is a
manifestation of the perception held by
each group of supporters. In the conflict
between bonek and aremania, the behavior
raised by each group of supporters, of
course, departs from the perceptions held
by each group regarding the existence of
their rival fan groups. This behavior can be
repressive in nature and it can be normal.
Situations that are not conducive and
tense often surround the meeting of the
team they support in the Bonek conflict
with Aremania. The situation that occurs
when these two conflicting supporters
groups meet will usually lead to a clash.
There are various triggers that always
initiate clashes involving these two groups
of supporters, one of which is negative
perceptions. All parties, in this case the
supporters of Bonek and Aremania,
accused each other of being the trigger for
the clash. (Prastyawan & Junaedi, 2018)
Some of the chronologies that occur
due to the rivalry of bonek and aremania
from time to time have been summarized
by the author as follows:
Table 1.
26, 1995
Clash of
March 7
March 7,
Riot of
May 5
May 5,
197 | The Rivalry Of Football Supporters In Indonesia At Fanaticism Frame Of Bonek And Aremania
who were about to return to Malang from Gresik after watching
the match between Persegres Gresik United and Arema FC were
blocked by hundreds of Bonek supporters. Riots ensued, causing
18 Aremania supporters to be injured and 3 people dead. Bonek
argued that the attack on Aremania was a response to the death
of a Bonek on March 7, 2013 in Gresik.
Riot of Dec
19, 2015
The clash between Aremania and Bonek occurred in the area of
Kontakmacan sub-district, Sragen, Central Java on Saturday
morning 19 December 2015. The clash occurred when Aremania's
group boarding a tourist bus crossed the Sragen area on their
way to Sleman, DI Yogyakarta to support the Arema team in the
continuation. Sudirman Cup tournament. Coincidentally, the four
trucks of Bonek who were also heading to Sleman were in the
same location. A riot ensued where hundreds of Bonek threw
stones at the Aremania bus. This incident caused 3 people to die,
consisting of two Aremania people and a car driver wearing
Aremania attributes.
Clash in
18, 2020
The conflict between the two supporters camp took place in the
courtyard of the Soepriadji Blitar stadium in the East Java
Governor's Cup semifinal duel in 2020, where the two supporters
flocked to support their favorite team even though at that time
the police together with the organizing committee had
coordinated not to come together. to the stadium. In the end, the
clash could not be separated between the two supporters. Even
though there were no fatalities, the material losses due to the
clash of supporters were around 245 million rupiah which
included damage to residents' rice fields, motorbikes, and unpaid
merchandise or looting.
Source: Wikipedia, Super Derbi Jawa Timur https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Derbi_Jawa_Timur
The summary of the five chronologies
above shows that the rivalry that occurs
between bonek and aremania has many
Football is a sport that is popular in
Indonesia. Interest in this sport is not just
being a player in it, but also as an audience
for football matches. Watching a football
match provides its own pleasure for its
negative impacts, ranging from material
losses to casualties which are both
detrimental to the two groups themselves.
connoisseurs, so that not a few people like
to watch football matches.There are many
ways to show this fanaticism, among
others, by directly supporting your favorite
football team or being a supporter when
competing in the stadium. A supporter will
certainly feel what his favorite team is
Abd. Bassith Tamami | 198
experiencing, one of which is that the five
favorite football teams have lost. Various
expressions of sadness and disappointment
are shown when defeat occurs, especially if
the defeat is obtained when competing
with an arch enemy.
In Johan Galtung's Conflict Theory,
bonek conflict with aremania can be
categorized into three dimensions. The
three dimensions consist of the attitude
dimension, the behavior dimension, and
the contradiction dimension. The attitude
dimension can be seen that the perceptual
element of the bonek related to aremania is
more dominated by negative perceptions
as well as the aremania perception of the
bonek. The behavioral dimension here
shows that bonek behavior towards
aremania tends to show a sense of
competition and hostility which leads to
violence and vice versa. The dimension of
contradiction, where the conflict between
bonek and aremania is the creation of not
conducive situation with the potential to
cause clashes or chaos.
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