JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 6, 634643
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.231
Fahmi Azis
, Imam Haryanto
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia
*Correspondence: fahmi.aazis97@gmail.com
Submitted: July, 20th 2022, Revised: July, 25th 2022, Accepted: August, 14
Abstract. The rapid development and advancement of information technology has led to changes
in human life which directly affect the birth of new forms of legal action. Activities through the
media of electronic systems, also known as cyberspace. This study aims to determine the validity
of divorce through social media (electronic) in divorce cases in the Religious Courts, to analyze the
judge's legal considerations on social media evidence in divorce cases in Decision Number
1528/Pdt.G/2017/PAJT and to determine the validity of the divorce. through social media
(electronic) in the perspective of Islamic law and legislation in Indonesia. This study uses normative
legal research, namely by studying the literature, laws and regulations, and writings that are closely
related to the problem under study. This research uses the Information Search Literature Study and
the data needed in several sources. Preparation using literature study is done by reading, studying
and analyzing literature or books and other sources related to the research theme. Deductive data
analysis is a procedure that begins with a general event, the truth of which is known or believed,
and ends at a conclusion. According to Islamic law, divorce is through online media such as
telephone, Facebook, Youtube, SMS, Whatsapp, or Instagram, whether it is only in the form of
sound or accompanied by the form of the party communicating in the form of an image (video
call). Then according to the Shari'a, the divorce is declared as a valid divorce, even though there is
no guardian and it is not delivered directly in front of the wife. According to positive law, it is in
line with the provisions in Islamic law which regulates divorce, namely the arrangement in KHI
comes from Islamic law. However, the absence of legality in the form of proof of divorce (with no
divorce being handed down in court), namely through online media will indeed have an impact on
marital status problems and other legal problems that may arise so that Muslims also need to
comply with state law.
Keywords: Electronic Documents; Evidence; Divorce
Fahmi Azis, Imam Haryanto | 635
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.231
Juridically, activities in cyberspace
cannot be approached with conventional
legal standards and qualifications (Wartoyo
& Ginting, 2022), because if this method is
taken, there will be too many difficulties
and things that will escape the enforcement
of the law (Chamberlain, 2021). Activities in
cyberspace are virtual activities that have a
very real impact even though the evidence
is electronic (Karagiannis & Vergidis,
2021). Thus, in relation to the law of
evidence, it usually creates a dilemma, on
the one hand it is hoped that the law can
keep up with the times and technology
(Putra, 2021), on the other hand, legal
recognition of various types of digital
technology developments is needed to
function as evidence in court. In this regard
(Fukami, Stoykova, & Geradts, 2021), it is
necessary to pay attention to the security
and legal certainty in the use of information
(Lontoh, Maramis, Mawuntu, & Konoras,
2021), media and communication
technology so that they can develop
optimally (Abubakar, 2021). To overcome
security disturbances in the operation of
electronic systems (Ye et al., 2021), the legal
approach is absolute, because without legal
certainty (Yasa, Sudiarawan, Dwijayanthi,
& Pranajaya, 2021), the problem of using
information technology is not optimal
(Antsygina & Teteryatnikova, 2022).
One of the things that is an example
of technological developments affecting
the development of law is in the field of civil
cases, in this case divorce cases (Pasaribu
& Tanjung, 2021). There was a case at the
East Jakarta Religious Court in which
electronic evidence became the instrument
used as evidence for divorce. Indeed, some
time before between husband and wife
there had been a fairly complicated dispute
until finally the husband sent a short
message via WhatsApp which basically
wanted to divorce his wife, the incident
happened on March 20, 2017.
Along with the times, divorce can be
pronounced anytime and anywhere using
technology (Sardi & Livingston, 2022),
namely through social media. However, this
is still a matter of debate among scholars
(Zamil, Ramakrishnan, Jamal, Hatif, &
Khatib, 2021). Indonesia as a state of law
has made a law that regulates this matter,
namely Law no. 19 of 2016 concerning
Amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 or UU
ITE. After the issuance of this law, social
media can become a piece of evidence that
can be brought to court.
This study aims to determine the
validity of divorce through social media
(electronic) in divorce cases in the Religious
Courts, to analyze the judge's legal
considerations on social media evidence in
divorce cases in Decision Number
1528/Pdt.G/2017/PAJT and to determine
the validity of the divorce. through social
media (electronic) in the perspective of
Islamic law and legislation in Indonesia.
This research is expected to bring the
following benefits: First, to provide an
overview of how electronic evidence is used
in divorce trials in the Religious Courts and
to find out in what form it is valid. Second,
provide a reference for the development of
legal theory and practice. Third, it is hoped
that the results of this study can be used as
a source of information from all levels of
society. Fourth, the researcher hopes that
this research can be used as a reference for
636 | Validity of Electronic Documents as a Tool of Evidence in Divorce Decisions at East Jakarta
Religious Court
further research on related issues.
This study uses normative legal
research, namely by studying the literature,
laws and regulations, and writings that are
closely related to the problem under study.
This research uses the Information Search
Literature Study and the data needed in
several sources. Preparation using literature
study is done by reading, studying and
analyzing literature or books and other
sources related to the research theme.
Deductive data analysis is a procedure that
begins with a general event, the truth of
which is known or believed, and ends at a
The purposes and objectives of the
petition for divorce from the Petitioners for
the Convention are as stated by the
witnesses (attached). Considering whereas,
from the posita of the petition for divorce,
the Convention Petitioner shows that this
case includes a dispute in the field of
marriage, and the Convention applicant as
evidenced by P.1 (in the form of an ID card)
and the Convention Respondent as T.4 (in
the form of KK). The contents of the
evidence describe the residence of the
applicant and the respondent to the
convention, and the evidence has met the
formal and material requirements,
therefore it can be accepted as evidence
and can be considered further. And it turns
out that both are domiciled in the
jurisdiction of the East Jakarta Religious
Court, so based on the provisions of Article
49 paragraph (1) letter a and Article 66
paragraph (2) of the Law. No. 7 of 1989
concerning Religious Courts as amended
by Law. No. 3 of 2006 and Law. Number 50
of 2009, the East Jakarta Religious Court
has absolute and relative authority to
examine, decide, and settle the application
for divorce from the Convention Petitioner.
Based on the decision, considering
that during the examination process in the
trial the Panel of Judges had tried to
reconcile the two litigants but failed to
reconcile the two parties as husband and
wife. Although unsuccessful, the panel of
judges has fulfilled Article 65 in conjunction
with Article 82 paragraph (4) of Law
Number 3 of 2006 concerning
Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1989
concerning Religious Courts and Article 31
paragraph (2) of government regulation
number 9 of 2006. 1975 and Article 115 of
the KHI (Compilation of Islamic Law) is
deemed to have been fulfilled.
On July 11, 2017 both parties have
pursued peace efforts through mediation
with mediator Drs. H. Sudirman Malaya,
SH., MH., and according to the mediator's
report dated July 18, 2017, the result was
that they failed to reach an agreement to
make peace and continue their household,
then according to Article 32 (1) PERMA
Number 1 of 2016 it must be declared
unsuccessful. In the decision that has been
submitted, after reading the letter of
application for divorce from the applicant
for the Convention which is strengthened
by himself in his reflection, the main issue
of the petition for the Convention
Petitioner is to be given permission to
impose one raj'i divorce against the
Fahmi Azis, Imam Haryanto | 637
Convention Respondent in front of the
Jakarta Religious Court. Timur with the
argument and reason that since June 2014
the domestic peace between the
Convention Applicants and the Convention
Respondents has often been colored by
constant disputes and quarrels, the cause
of which is that between the Convention
Applicants and the Convention
Respondents there is no longer a match.
In addition, Convention Respondents
often use harsh words, namely often use
animal words or berate the Convention
Applicants. Even the Convention
Respondents often get angry excessively in
public which makes the Convention
Petitioners feel ashamed and the
Convention Respondents have threatened
to commit suicide to the Convention
Applicants. In essence, the Respondent to
the Convention can no longer be advised in
the context of fostering a good household.
This can be direct evidence that there
is a dispute between the Convention
Applicant and the Convention Respondent
that cannot be resolved or find an amicable
point that can resolve the problem.
The climax of the quarrel and dispute
occurred in February 2017 which caused
the Convention Respondent to leave the
Convention Applicant, so that since then
the Convention Petitioner and the
Convention Respondent have not lived in
the same house and have never had a
relationship like husband and wife until
now, so that the household become
completely inharmonious as has been
described in the sit-down section.
Based on Decision No.
1528/Pdt.G/2017/PAJT from the statement
of answers in the Convention, the main
issues/significant points of dispute in this
case are concluded as follows:
According to the Convention
Petitioner's version, that the root triggers
for disputes and quarrels in the household
between the Convention Applicants and
the Convention Respondents since June
2014 which peaked in February 2017
between the Convention Applicants and
the Convention Respondents have
continuously occurred disputes and
quarrels and do not get along anymore as
husbands should. wife and separated from
living together until this case is decided this
application has been submitted for 1 (one)
year and 1 (one) month. 2. According to the
Respondent's version of the Convention,
that the root triggers for disputes and
quarrels in the household between the
Convention Applicants and the Convention
Respondents since June 2014 which
peaked in March 2017 between the
Convention Applicants and the Convention
Respondents have continuously been
disputes and quarrels and do not get along
as they should. husband and wife and
separate residence together until this case
is decided has been going on for 1 (one)
year. Considering, whereas the legal basis
used as an excuse by the Respondent to the
Convention is the provision of the
formulation of Article 1 of Law No.1 of 1974
concerning Marriage.
The material law in this case is the
applied legal system of the Religious Courts
in the field of marriage, the version of the
Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) in
Indonesia as well as jurisprudence and
doctrine/opinions of Islamic law experts
638 | Validity of Electronic Documents as a Tool of Evidence in Divorce Decisions at East Jakarta
Religious Court
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.231
sourced from the Qur'an and the Hadith of
the Prophet SAW.
As for the reasons that have been
acknowledged in the trial mentioned
above, the Convention Petitioner is not
burdened with mandatory evidence,
because the confession is perfect evidence.
With the acknowledgment of the
Convention Respondent, it is deemed that
the Convention Petitioner's petition has
been proven. This is in accordance with the
jurisprudence in the MARI Decision
Number 496 K/Sip/1971 dated September
1, 1971.
In order to defend the arguments of
the Convention Petitioner's application in
the convention, the Convention Applicant
has submitted written evidence (codes P.1
and P.2) and to strengthen the rebuttal
arguments in the Convention
Petitioner/Defendant of the Convention
has submitted written evidence of code (P.3
and P.4) and present 3 (three) witnesses as
their statements have been described in the
sit-down section (attached).
In order to defend the arguments for
counterclaim in the Convention (de Herdt,
2022), the Respondent to the
Convention/Plaintiff for the Convention
turns out to be irrelevant to the a quo case,
the Panel of Judges considers that the
documents of evidence are
disproportionate to be considered and
must be set aside (Pelker, Brown, & Tucker,
Because the Convention Respondent
denies some of the posita (fundamentum
petendi) of the Convention Petitioner's
petition, in order to seek material truth
regarding the reasons for divorce argued
by the Convention Petitioner (Reece, 2022),
the Convention Petitioner is obliged to
provide evidence as stated in the Supreme
Court Decision Number 499 K/Sip/1970
dated February 4, 1970. For this reason,
testimonies from family witnesses and or
close people from each party have been
heard (Silva, 2022). As for the written
evidence submitted by the Convention
Petitioner in a formal manner, it can be
accepted because it has complied with the
provisions of the formal evidence, namely
that it has been dinazegelen and has been
shown in its original form at trial. This
shows that according to the ITE Law,
electronic evidence owned can be legal in
the eyes of the law. While the substance of
all the evidence is material and specific.
Thus, if a legal husband and wife are in
constant disagreement, it can be
categorized as a disharmonious couple and
it is judged that the marriage has broken
down (marrige breakdown) so that the
noble purpose of marriage cannot be
realized, therefore maintaining a
household that is seen as such. as a futile
act, it will even cause prolonged mental
suffering for both parties and can add to
mafsadat, which is prioritized over
attracting the benefit, as the fiqh rules were
taken for consideration by the Panel of
Judges which stated: Anticipating negative
impacts should be prioritized over pursuing
benefit ( which is not clear). Kitab Al-
Ashbah Wa Al-Nazha-ir, page 62.
Likewise, the actions of both parties
in their capacity as husband and wife who
do not want to communicate for a long
time can be considered to have left the
corridor of the formulation of Article 3 of
the KHI (Islamic Law Compilation) so that it
Fahmi Azis, Imam Haryanto | 639
is certain that they will no longer be able to
share affection in preserving joints. -the
joints of the household that are sakinah
based on mawaddah and rahmah which are
the essential goals of a marriage so that in
the formulation of Article 19 letter (f)
Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975
in conjunction with Article 116 (f) of the
Compilation of Islamic Law, the panel of
judges is of the opinion that the Petitioner's
petition for Convention is reasonable and
not against the law.
Based on these considerations, the
panel of judges concluded that the two
parties could no longer be reconciled
because the condition of the household of
the Convention Petitioner and the
Convention Respondent had broken up in
such a way that it was difficult to maintain,
then based on Article 70 paragraph (1) of
Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning the
Religious Courts and because the
Convention Petitioner and the Convention
Respondent have never been divorced, the
Petition of the Convention Petitioner in
item 2 can be granted by giving permission
to the Convention Petitioner to impose one
raj'i divorce against the Convention
Respondent in front of the East Jakarta
Religious Court, the decision of which will
be set forth in this decision, and based on
the provisions of Article 70 paragraph (3) of
Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning the
Religious Courts, the Petitioner may
pronounce the pledge of divorce after this
decision has permanent legal force.
As we all know that the evidence in
the trial is not only single evidence. There
are several pieces of evidence whose
position is stronger than electronic
evidence. Such as written evidence in the
form of marriage certificates, etc. and there
are also witnesses who are asked by the
judge to be present and provide
information in court in court to each litigant
party. After the main evidence has been
submitted in court and accepted by the
judge as evidence, it is allowed to submit
other evidence such as electronic evidence
in the form of photos and pieces of
conversation electronically via SMS to
strengthen the plaintiff and the defendant
in proving the lawsuit and responding to
the lawsuit. in court.
Whereas in the decision number
1528/Pdt.G/2017/PA.JT, there is evidence
submitted by the Respondent to the
Convention/Applicant in the form of a WA
message which is one of the electronic
evidence tools to the panel of judges. In his
submission, the Convention Petitioner said
that what was conveyed by the Convention
Petitioner/Respondent in point 5 was not
true, which was true that the Convention
Petitioner who already had another
woman. This evidence is declared valid in
accordance with Law Number 11 of 2008
article 5 paragraph (2), namely regarding
electronic information, electronic
documents, and their printed results are an
extension of legal evidence. In accordance
with the law, the expansion referred to is
the addition of other evidence other than
written evidence, witnesses, oaths, and
judges' suspicions.
This shows that based on the
argument of the Convention Respondent's
rebuttal in point 1 above, the Convention
Petitioner is not a good husband which the
Convention Petitioner as the husband of 2
(two) sons should be more concerned
640 | Validity of Electronic Documents as a Tool of Evidence in Divorce Decisions at East Jakarta
Religious Court
about the future of his two children than
seeking pleasure with other women so that
due to marriage between the Convention
Applicant and the Convention Respondent
is not in accordance with Article 1 of Law
No.1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, it is
appropriate for the East Jakarta Religious
Court Panel of Judges to declare the
marriage between the Convention
Applicant and the Convention Respondent
to be held in Jakarta on 29 June 2013 as
Excerpt of Marriage Certificate No: --- at
the Office of Religious Affairs, Pancoran
District, broke up due to divorce with all the
legal consequences.
As for the law of divorce through
short message service (SMS) in the
perspective of Islamic law, according to the
scholars who allow it, it must fulfill the
elements; firmness of intention, the
intention of sighat talak conveyed must be
understood and understood, protracted
disharmony which ultimately leads to the
absence of good verbal communication
between the two in fostering a household,
and limited space and time to sit together.
Meanwhile, the impact of divorce through
short message service (SMS) in the
perspective of Islamic law is that it should
be done with the principle of ihsan, namely
in a good, wise way and not causing great
By examining the evidence, it is
stated that the evidence has been analyzed
and has sufficient stamp duty. The evidence
was received by the judge after written
evidence in the form of a marriage
certificate and witnesses from the plaintiff's
family and closest relatives. So the lawsuit
filed is getting stronger and has a greater
chance of convincing the judge that the
lawsuit filed is true, there is a dispute and
there is no harmony. In addition, the
testimony of the witnesses at the trial
related to the dispute between the plaintiff
and the defendant which was juxtaposed
with the electronic evidence submitted
turned out to be continuous. Namely, there
is power over the truth of the affair and the
stability of the two parties in the litigation
for divorce. The panel of judges also
equated or synchronized the evidence with
the main accusation in the lawsuit. Is the
evidence that has been submitted in
accordance with the allegations stated in
the lawsuit. In accordance with existing
regulations, every evidence submitted to
the court must be sufficiently stamped,
which means that it has been analyzed by
the judge that the evidence can be used as
evidence in court.
If the documents of evidence
submitted by both the Convention
Applicant/Reconvention Defendant and
Conventional Respondent/Reconventional
Plaintiff are found to be irrelevant to the a
quo case, the Panel of Judges considers
that the evidences are disproportionate to
be considered and must be set aside. This
is as regulated in Article 1888 of the Civil
Code jo. MARI Decision Number 3609
K/Pdt/1985 dated December 9, 1987.
As stated 51 in Article 1902 of the
Civil Code concerning the beginning of
proof with a written deed, then proof with
The testimonies submitted by the
Convention Petitioners amounted to 3
(three) people, each named Happy
Endyanti Binti Zenal Supardjo, Bara Satria
Fahmi Azis, Imam Haryanto | 641
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i12.231
Wibawa Bin Bambang Widharto, and
Zulaikha Dariati Binti M. Zikri who had
family and close ties to the Convention
Petitioner. there is a legal prohibition to
become witnesses in this case, and the
witnesses have been sworn in, they can be
formally accepted because they have
complied with the military regulations in
accordance with Article 144 and Article 147
HIR, while the assessment is considered,
then the testimony material will be
The law of proof is legal evidence
according to law, the system adopted in
proof, the conditions and procedures for
submitting the evidence as well as the
judge's authority to accept, reject, and
evaluate a proof. Where the legal sources
of evidence are laws, doctrines or
teachings, as well as jurisprudence, with
these evidences, they can be used as
evidence in order to raise the judge's belief
in the truth of a civil act that has been
committed by the defendant, so that if a
piece of evidence is not If it is found and/or
if there is no legal regulation that regulates
it, then law enforcement officers will have
difficulty in enforcing civil rights for the
parties. Article 183 states that evidence
must be based on the Criminal Procedure
Code, namely valid evidence, and
accompanied by the judge's conviction
obtained from such evidence. This
provision is similar to Article 341 paragraph
(4) Ned. Sv which says
"Judges may not impose a civil case
on a person, except when with at least two
valid pieces of evidence".
From the explanation that has been
presented, it can be concluded that the
validity of the electronic evidence is based
on the examination of the judge with his
suspicion of the similarity of the electronic
evidence submitted with the original goods
or documents, then the electronic evidence
used as evidence at trial must be
sufficiently stamped. So that various
electronic documents such as photos of
Convention Applicants with other women
and SMS can be proof of the print out
results that are not disputed by the
opposing party but because they have not
gone through further testing, they will be
considered further based on the provisions
of Article 5 paragraph (1) and (2) Law
Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information
and Electronic Transactions (ITE). The thing
that needs to be considered by the parties
is that related to the validation of electronic
evidence submitted to the trial, it must be
validated by parties who have special
knowledge and expertise that have been
certified, so that the electronic evidence
can be considered by the panel of judges
with full confidence in the existence of
electronic evidence. in the judge's decision.
The conclusion obtained is that
based on the provisions of Article 5
paragraphs (1) and (2) of Law Number 11 of
2008 concerning Information and
Electronic Transactions (ITE) can be
considered as evidence. However, in the
decision Number 1528/Pdt.G/2017/PAJT,
there is no ISO 27037 digital evidence test
and digital signature or digital test
encryption required for expert information
in the audit trail process that can ascertain
whether the evidence is in accordance with
the original or has been changed so that
642 | Validity of Electronic Documents as a Tool of Evidence in Divorce Decisions at East Jakarta
Religious Court
imperfect and strengthen the evidence to
be used as a complement to the trial. The
promulgation of Law no. 11 of 2008
concerning Electronic Information and
Transactions (UU ITE) is considered to
provide more legal certainty and wider
scope of application in terms of the validity
of evidence, Article 5 paragraph (1) of the
UU ITE Electronic Information and/or
Electronic Documents and/or their printed
results are tools valid legal evidence.
Electronic Information and/or Electronic
Documents and/or their printed results are
extensions of valid evidence in accordance
with the applicable procedural law in
Indonesia. In addition to recognizing
electronic information/documents as
evidence, the ITE Law also recognizes print
outs as legal evidence. The procedure for
obtaining electronic
information/documents used as evidence
in court if it is related to a civil act, then to
obtain it must be through the permission of
the Head of the local District Court as
regulated in Article 43 paragraph (3) of the
ITE Law. According to Islamic law, divorce is
through online media such as telephone,
Facebook, Youtube, SMS, Whatsapp, or
Instagram, whether it is only in the form of
sound or accompanied by the form of the
party communicating in the form of an
image (video call). Then according to the
Shari'a, the divorce is declared as a valid
divorce, even though there is no guardian
and it is not delivered directly in front of the
wife. According to positive law, it is in line
with the provisions in Islamic law which
regulates divorce, namely the arrangement
in KHI comes from Islamic law. However,
the absence of legality in the form of proof
of divorce (with no divorce being handed
down in court), namely through online
media will indeed have an impact on
marital status problems and other legal
problems that may arise so that Muslims
also need to comply with state law.
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© 2021 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
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Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license