29 | Analysis of Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality on Repurchase
Intention with Customer Trust as Intervening Variables
derivative implementation of these
restrictions is the presence of insulation in
a number of queuing zones at stations. In
addition, KCI also launched the latest
version of the KRL Access application to
help passengers monitor in real time the
condition of the queue at each station. As a
result of this policy, KCI recorded the
number of passengers as provided in table
When compared to the target of
reducing passenger capacity by KCI
management, which is 50%, passenger data
shows a decline that occurred during the
period March - December 2020, which was
far below the target. The most significant
decrease was at the beginning of being
declared a pandemic, namely in March of
34.61%, April of 81.69% and May of 82.10%.
After that, the average decline was around
60%. On the other hand, KRL transportation
is transportation that cannot be substituted
if it is seen from the capacity of the
passengers it can carry. Based on the above
phenomenon, a significant decrease
indicates a problem with the role
repurchase intention to reuse KCI's services.
Based on a review of the journal from
previous studies, it is stated that the
intention to repurchase is a very essential
factor in business success (Al-Ghraibah,
2020), (Al-Ghraibah, 2020), so business
actors must be able to ensure that
consumers make repeat purchases of the
products or services provided. To relate this
to public transport services, transport users
are seen as customers who need to be
satisfied. Customer satisfaction is
important for business success, because
every organization aims to satisfy customer
needs or desires (Wardana et al., 2016). This
is reinforced by (Tan, 2019) Repurchase
Intention is significantly influenced by
consumer satisfaction.
Based on research from (Pham et al.,
2018), consumer satisfaction has a role in
Repurchase Intention but consumer
satisfaction alone is not enough so it must
be supported by other factors. Another
factor that supports Repurchase Intention
is consumer value. According to (Pardede
et al., 2018), consumer numbers have a
positive and significant influence on
Repurchase Intention. Reinforced by the
same results from research (Rafiah, 2019)
which states that consumer value plays a
role in compiling an understanding of the
mechanism for Repurchase Intention which
is very important for companies to survive.
In addition, good service also give
positive influence and significance to
Repurchase Intention (Santoso &
Aprianingsih, 2017). Reinforced assessment
carried out (Chen et al., 2015) also explain
that the relationship between the two
variables was influential and significant.
Furthermore, the consumer experience
factor also provide a positive and
significant influence on repurchase
intention (Luo et al., 2015), (Nilsson & Wall,
2017). E-WOM was also found which also
affects Repurchase Intention (Lăzăroiu et
al., 2020), (Liang et al., 2018). Another factor
is the brand image factor that affect
Repurchase Intention. This has been
confirmed have a positive and significant
impact from the results of assessment
conducted by (Huang et al., 2019) and (Riki
Wijaya & Rahayu Tri Astuti, 2018).
By background the problem above, the
following phenomena and assessment
problems were found: PT. KCI is a mode of