JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 6, 621634
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
Annisa Ayu Budhiarti
Setyo Riyanto
Master of Management, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Submitted: July, 22th 2022, Revised: August, 3rd 2022, Accepted: August, 15th 2022
Abstract. The mobility of talented and highly skilled employees is an important issue for
organizations. Job satisfaction, commitment, equality, and many other factors have been identified
as explanations. Changes in organizational settings; however, no agreed standard framework is
superior. When an organization is going through some kind of change process. In today's rapidly
changing environment, change has become an ongoing process for organizations to respond to
changing environmental factors such as technology, global demand and economic cycleThis study
aims to analyze the effect of workload, burnout, and perceived organizational politics on the effect
of turnover intention. This study's population is employees working in Indonesia's coal and mineral
mining industry. With a sample of 150 workers. The data method uses Multiple Linear Regression.
The results of this study found that workload did not have a significant impact on turnover
intention. Burnout has an impact on increasing employee turnover intention. Perceived
organizational politics is also able to encourage turnover intention. The implications of this
research are discussed in the article
Keywords: Workload, Burnout, Perceived Organizational Politic, Turnover
Annisa Ayu Budhiarti
, Setyo Riyanto
| 622
Every company has a goal to
survive so that its vision and mission are
achieved, and it requires competent and
highly motivated Human Resources. The
importance of role of human resources
aims to advance the company. Companies
need quality human resources for the
company's progress both now and in the
The company's business strategy
to get the best performance requires
managers with the talent to see
opportunities. Therefore, the company
currently concentrates on applying
practices and methods that can create
good performance through improving the
quality of employees, such as formal and
informal training, compensation,
teamwork, career development, and
others (Setyo, 2021).
Human resources are important
assets in the company that must be
maintained. To increase productivity,
companies are expected to develop and
retain employees so that they do not have
the desire to move or leave the company
Turnover can affect employee
performance and productivity. The
higher the employee turnover rate in one
company, the higher the costs that the
company will incur to conduct the
recruitment process to develop
employees when they enter the company.
Employees who resign have different
reasons, from personal and
environmental to company reasons.
The mining industry is one of the
important sectors of economic
development in Indonesia, providing raw
materials for producing goods that affect
sustainable national economic growth.
The key to the company's success is its
management of its employees; this is
done to achieve the company's vision and
mission and can contribute significantly
to national economic growth. Many
assume that employees working in the
mining sector have a transparent
(systematic), well-planned, high
remuneration work system. However, on
the other hand, some mining industries
are also faced with employee turnover
Figure 1. Target Length of Work in
the Company.
IDN Times launched the 2019
Indonesia Millenials Report. The 2019
Indonesia Millenials Report is a survey
conducted on more than 1,400 millennial
respondents in 10 cities in Indonesia.
IDN Times provides two groups of
millennials: junior millennials and senior
millennials. Junior millennials are
millennials with an age range of 20 years
to 27 years. Meanwhile, senior
millennials are millennials with an age
range of 28 to 35 years. Based on the
survey conducted by IDN Times, 34.4% of
junior millennials and 35.9% of old
millennials desire to stay in the same
company for 2-3 years. Meanwhile, 27.7%
of junior and 26.4% of old millennials
said they would stay in one company for
4 to 5 years.
623 | The Effect of Workload, Burnout, and Perceived Organizational Politic on Turnover
Figure 2. Internal Survey of
Figure 2 shows a survey internally
through social media by the Ekrut
Indonesia team (Tech Talent
Recruitment Platform).
Research conducted by Andhika
(2020) at one of the Mineral and coal
companies in the East Kalimantan area
shows that employee turnover at the
Company was high in 2016; the
occurrence of employee turnover
amounted to 16.18% or 58 employees.
This number increased in 2017 by
16.78%, or 60 people. Based on the
company's exit clearance data, the
majority of employees working at the
company decided to resign for several
reasons, including finding another job
with a higher income, lack of opportunity
to develop, and lack of a sense of kinship
in the mining area.
Figure 3, Survey by researchers.
Researchers conducted another
survey by distributing questionnaires
randomly through the internet, namely
Linkedin researchers with 3,300
connections to employees who work in
the mining sector in Indonesia, as many
as 30 respondents (Figure 3). It can be
concluded that workload, work stress,
and organizational politics have a more
substantial influence than other
variables and continue with the variables
of work environment, compensation,
facilities, and job satisfaction.
Turnover intention refers to an
employee's desire or effort to leave the
organization. Turnover intention is a way
for employees to resign from the company
because they can no longer identify with
their work (Liu, Suxia 2019). According
to Augustine and Lenny (2020), Turnover
Intention can be interpreted as the
intention of a worker to leave the
organization. Employees will start
looking for other job alternatives and
stop working if this alternative is felt
better than the current job.
The workload is one of the factors
that cause employees to have a desire to
resign. In addition to workload, the
turnover intention is also influenced by
burnout or work stress. According to Said
(2019), work stress is a form of physical
and mental response to changes in the
work environment that are felt to be
disturbing and result in him being
Another variable that affects
employees to have a desire to resign
(turnover intention), namely Perceived
organizational politics, is a perception of
organizational life and how individuals
use power and influence the existing
systems in the company. Organizational
politics can occur due to seeking a sense
of security within the organization; for
example, the company only gives
Annisa Ayu Budhiarti
, Setyo Riyanto
| 624
production bonuses to employees who
have worked longer than five years and
do not care about employees under five
years. Another thing is coworkers who
bring down other colleagues to look
superior in front of superiors and
The research used in this paper uses a
quantitative approach. This study's population
is employees working in coal and mineral
mining companies. The sampling technique
used in this study is non-probability sampling,
namely convenience sampling or sampling by
chance. Due to the unknown population in this
study, the number of samples is 28 (the number
of indicators) multiplied by 5, so the minimum
sample size of 140 respondents is considered
sufficient to represent the population (hair
formula). The sample used in this study are
employees who have worked for more than
three years in the coal and mineral mining
Data collection techniques using
questionnaires through social media. The
turnover intention variable question item
adaptation from the questionnaire in Tika Nur
Halimah's research (2016) consists of 9 items
with three dimensions. The workload
measurement tool in this study uses Grace Lina
(2019), which consists of 2 dimensions and five
items. The following variable to be measured is
burnout, using research from Santoso (2018),
which consists of 3 dimensions and seven
items. The last variable to be measured is
perceived organizational politics (2016), which
consists of 5 dimensions and 11 items.
The instrument in the form of a research
questionnaire was tested using validity and
reliability tests to determine that the instrument
or measuring instrument used was valid and
The results of data analysis in
this study are presented descriptively
from each variable obtained. The
number of respondents in this study
was 150 employees who worked in
coal and mineral mining companies.
This descriptive data also presents
the frequency distribution table and
histogram for each research variable.
Table 1. Description of Respondents.
Source: Primary data processing
Description of Research Variables
The research variable
description serves to determine how
big the questionnaire from each
variable Workload (X
), Burnout (X
Perceived organizational politics (X
and Turnover Intention (Y) assessed
by respondents. The grouping of
respondents' assessments can be seen
from the average value on each
questionnaire respondents assess
with the criteria of very good, good,
625 | The Effect of Workload, Burnout, and Perceived Organizational Politic on Turnover
moderate, bad, and very bad.
Table 2. Variable Description.
Descriptive Statistic
Turnover Intention
Source: Primary data processing
Based on the results of the
descriptive analysis in this study, it
shows that the variable turnover
intention with a mean value of 3.29 is
categorized as sufficient, workload
with a mean value of 3.39 is
categorized as sufficient, burnout
with a mean value of 3.34 can be
categorized as sufficient and
perceived organizational politics with
a mean value of 3. .56 can be
categorized as high. These results
indicate that the indicator variables
X1, X2, X3, and Y within the scope of
the indicator sample are in a good
Validity and Reliability
Validation Test
The validation test compares
the average value of the t-count with
the t-table. If the t-count is greater
than the value of the t-table, then the
measuring instrument used is
declared valid. Otherwise, if the t-
count is less than the value of the t-
table, then the measuring instrument
used is invalid.
Reliability Test
A reliability test is a tool to find out
whether a questionnaire can be said
to be reliable or reliable if the
respondent's answer to the statement
is consistent or stable. A construct or
variable is said to be reliable if it gives
a Cronbach alpha value > 0.70.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Multiple linear regression
analysis aims to measure the
influence between the independent
variable (IV) and the dependent
variable (DV). The purpose of the
multiple linear regression test
technique is to predict the value of the
dependent variable (Y) if the values of
the independent variable/predictor
(X1, X2, X3) are known and can find
out how the direction of the
relationship between the dependent
variable and the independent
variables is.
Table 3. Multiple Linear Regression Test
The results of the above
analysis calculations can be explained
in detail as follows:
Constant a of 1.137 means that
if the workload, burnout, and
perceived organizational politics
variables have a value of 0, then the
value of the turnover intention
variable is 1.137, which means that
the current turnover intention is still
Annisa Ayu Budhiarti
, Setyo Riyanto
| 626
The coefficient value on -0.069.
This means that the workload
variable shows a negative effect of -
0.069 with a significant 0.357 on
turnover intention. This means that
the higher the workload, the lower
the turnover intention of -0.069.
The value of this regression
coefficient means that the burnout
variable affects turnover intention by
0.123 or has a positive effect. This
means that the higher the burnout,
the higher the turnover intention
The value of this regression
coefficient means that the perceived
organizational politic variable affects
turnover intention by 0.555 or has a
positive effect. This means that the
higher the perceived organizational
politics, the higher the turnover
Partial Test Results (t-Test)
The t-test aims to determine
the high degree of one variable X to
variable Y. if the other X variables are
considered constant. If the significant
level used is 5 percent, in other words,
if the probability Ha is more
significant than 0.05 (Ha> 0.05), then
it is declared insignificant, and if the
probability Ha is less than 0.05 (Ha
<0.05), then declared significant. The
test results can be presented in Table
4 below:
Table 4. Partial Test Results (t-Test).
(0.05/2;150-3-1)= 0.025;61 = 1.97635
Percentage point distribution t on df
= 121-147 = t table = 146
Based on Table 4 above, it can
be concluded that the partial test
hypothesis (t-test) is as follows:
The value of Sig. for the effect
of workload on turnover intention is
Sig 0.357 > 0.05, and the t value is -
0.924, so it can be concluded that H
is not accepted, which means
workload has a negative effect on
turnover intention.
Value of Sig. for the effect of
burnout on turnover intention is Sig.
008 > 0.05, and the t value is 2.698, so
it can be concluded that H
accepted, which means burnout has a
positive and significant effect on
turnover intention.
The effect of perceived
organizational politics on turnover
intention is Sig .001> 0.05, and the t-
value is 7.320, so it can be concluded
that H3 is accepted, which means
perceived organizational politics has
a positive and significant effect on
turnover intention.
Simultaneous Significant Test
Results (Test F)
The simultaneous significance test (F
test) shows whether all independent
variables (IV) have a combined effect
on the dependent variable. The F test
627 | The Effect of Workload, Burnout, and Perceived Organizational Politic on Turnover
tests whether the three independent
variables simultaneously affect the
dependent variable.
Table 5. Simultaneous Significant Test
Results (Test F).
Table 5 above shows that the
significance value for the effect of
variables X
, X
and X
simultaneously on Y is 0.001 <0.05
with an F-count of 30.988> F-Table
2.67. It can be concluded that H
accepted, which means that there is a
positive and significant effect on the
variables of workload, burnout, and
perceived organizational politics
simultaneously on turnover
The Result of the Coefficient of
Determination Analysis (R
The R
determination test is used to
measure how far the model's ability to
explain the variation of the
dependent variable is. In this study,
the coefficient of determination uses
the value of the adjusted R
Table 6. Test Results of the Coefficient of
Determination (R
Based on Table 6, it is known
that the coefficient of determination
) or adjusted R Square is '0.389. It
can be concluded that the magnitude
of the influence of the three
independent variables, which include
workload, burnout, and perceived
organizational politics on turnover
intention, is 38.9%.
Coefficient of Correlation Matrix
Analysis between Variables
The correlation test aims to
determine the level of closeness of the
relationship between variables
expressed by the correlation
coefficient (r). The relationship
between variables X and Y can be
positive and negative.
Table 7. Results of Coefficient Analysis of
Correlation Matrix between Variables
Workload correlation with
turnover intention. In Table 7, it is
explained that the basis for decision
making is the result of the dimensional
correlation test between the workload
dimension research variables on Sig's
turnover intention. <0.001 is smaller
Annisa Ayu Budhiarti
, Setyo Riyanto
| 628
than 0.05 (Sig. 0.000> 0.05), which means
that the workload on turnover intention
is correlated or related. Moreover, the
guideline for the degree of relationship
between variables shows the Pearson
correlation value of 0.339, which means
that the correlation is moderate.
Burnout correlation with
turnover intention. In Table 7, it is
explained that the basis for making
decisions on the results of the dimension
correlation test between research
variables, the dimensions of burnout on
turnover intention, is Sig. <0.001 is more
minor than 0.025 (Sig. 0.000> 0.05),
which means that burnout on turnover
intention is correlated or related.
Furthermore, the guideline for the
degree of relationship between variables
shows the Pearson correlation value of
0.182, which means that the correlation
is moderate.
Correlation of perceived
organizational politics on Turnover
Intention. Table 7 explains that the basis
for decision making is the result of the
dimension correlation test between
research variables and dimensions of
perceived organizational politics on
turnover intention of Sig. <0.001 is
smaller than 0.05 (Sig. 0.000> 0.05),
which means that burnout on turnover
intention is correlated or related.
Furthermore, the guideline for the
degree of relationship between variables
shows the Pearson correlation value of
0.592, which means that the correlation
is moderate.
Coefficient of Inter-Dimensional
Correlation Matrix Analysis
The following is the result of the
correlation matrix between dimensions
which can be seen in table 8.
Table 8. Correlation Coefficient Results
between Dimensions.
The correlation between workload
dimensions (X
) and turnover intention
(Y). In table 8, the dimension correlation
test on the workload variable (X
) on
turnover intention (Y) proves Sig's value.
The highest relationship between the
internal dimensions (X
) and the Y1
dimension Thinking of Quitting is -0.144
and is included in the very low
relationship level category. The smallest
correlation value between dimensions in
the workload variable (X
) to the
turnover intention variable (Y) is the
External dimension (X
), with the Y
dimension intention to quit being -0.018,
which is included in the very low
correlation coefficient range. The overall
correlation value of the relationship is
negative, meaning there is no
relationship between the workload
variable and the turnover intention
The correlation between burnout
dimensions (X
) and turnover intention
(Y). Dimensional correlation testing on
the burnout variable (X
) on turnover
intention (Y) proves the value of Sig. The
highest relationship between the
dimensions of emotional exhaustion (X
with the Y
dimension thinking of
quitting is 0.907 and is included in
629 | The Effect of Workload, Burnout, and Perceived Organizational Politic on Turnover
the category of a strong relationship
level. The smallest correlation value
between the dimensions in the burnout
variable (X
) to the turnover intention
variable (Y) is the personal
accomplishment dimension (X
), with
the Y
dimension intention to quit being
0.052, which is included in the low
correlation coefficient range. The overall
correlation value of the relationship is
positive, meaning that there is no
The correlation between
dimensions of perceived organizational
politics (X
) and turnover intention (Y).
Dimensional correlation testing on
perceived organizational politic variables
) on turnover intention (Y) proves Sig's
value. The highest relationship between
the dimensions of the cliques content
) with the Y1 thinking of quitting
dimension is 0.494 and is included in the
category of moderate level of
relationship. While the smallest
correlation value between dimensions in
the perceived organizational politics
variable (X
) to the turnover intention
variable (Y) is the go-along to get ahead
) dimension with the Y
intention to quit is -0.078 which is
included in the very low correlation
coefficient range.
The first hypothesis examines the
effect of workload on turnover intention. The
results showed that there was a negative effect
on turnover intention. The workload variable
refers to the employee's workload. The low
influence of workload on turnover intention
means that the lower the workload, the lower
the turnover intention.
Related to the results of this study,
based on the results of field studies in coal and
mineral companies, employees who work at the
site have less workload than employees who
work at the center. This is because employees
who work on the site have long working hours,
affecting employees to complete tasks on time.
Similar previous studies have been
carried out by Lantican (2021), Dwinijayanti et
al. (2020), and Nawangsari (2020), which state
that workload has no significant effect on
turnover intention.
The second hypothesis examines the
effect of burnout on turnover intention. The
results showed that there was a positive
influence on turnover intention. The burnout
variable refers to the employee's job stress.
Burnout can increase due to organizational
pressures, so employees experience stress. This
is in line with Soelton's (2020) theory which
says that burnout significantly influences
turnover intention. Employees who work in the
Coal and Mineral Mining Industry, especially
those who work at the site, experience burnout
because the old system of working on the site
makes employees feel stressed because they are
far from their families sometimes, and
employees are even required to work in remote
areas and cannot contact their family. That is
what causes emotional exhaustion to appear.
Employees need feedback regarding
the work that has been done. It is useful for
evaluating the work that has been done, besides
that the relationship with colleagues and the
team is also significant, if you have a team that
is not compact then there is no discussion in it
making employees feel The pressures given are
felt by themselves, it makes employees
experience work stress.
This study is in line with consistent
research conducted by Soelton (2019), Santoso
(2018), and Tatjana et al. (2020) from the
results of the study obtained a significant
influence between burnout and turnover
The third hypothesis examines the
effect of perceived organizational politics on
turnover intention. The results showed that
there was a positive influence on turnover
intention. Perceived organizational politics can
increase because of the parties who drop for
Annisa Ayu Budhiarti
, Setyo Riyanto
| 630
Employees who carry out politics
within the organization tend to bring down co-
workers, teams, or those who, according to the
employee, can hinder their career progress; this
is done so that the employee gets what he wants,
for example, a promotion, salary increase or to
stand out (best) in front of his superiors or
superiorscompany management.
The results of this study conclude that
perceived organizational politics has a positive
and significant effect on turnover intention in
line with the results of research conducted by
Khushk (2021), Dirk et al. (2021), from the
results of the study obtained a significant
influence between perceived organizational
politics and turnover intention.
Workload has a negative and
insignificant effect on turnover intention.
Employees have a perception that internal
factors do not affect employees to have the
intention to resign. In external factors,
employees feel that the long working hours on
the site help them to complete tasks and
deadlines on time.
Burnout has a positive and significant
effect on turnover intention. This means that the
higher the work stress level of employees in the
organization has an influence on emotional and
physical exhaustion due to too many tasks,
being chased by deadlines so that employees
often work overtime until the break time is not
comparable to working time. The company still
does not provide a clear job description and
work timeline.
Perceived Organizational Politics
influences turnover intention. Political behavior
tends to increase in an environment where rules
and regulations are not followed. Employees
feel that their co-workers or employees in the
company want to take advantage by bringing
down other co-workers who are harmed,
inciting individuals to make adverse decisions
between parties. Affected employees will think
about resigning rather than being affected by
this behavior.
Company management can make job
descriptions for each position so that employees
know more about the work that must be done.
This is done to ensure that employees do not
experience too high a workload due to unclear
job descriptions.
The company is advised to reward
employees who work beyond the company's
expectations to feel valued and provide
opportunities for some employees who need the
training to conduct training according to the
required competencies. Management sets a
good example for employees and creates a
friendly work environment so the company can
advance in the future.
The company makes activities for all
employees to increase team cohesiveness, both
divisions and between divisions so that all
employees get to know each other every year.
Moreover, providing intimacy, so employees
know each other better is expected to improve
work coordination and performance..
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