Yulistina, Ari Suwondo, Bedjo Santoso
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i1.235 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Dental and oral health is one part of
body health that cannot be separated from
each other, because dental and oral health
can affect overall body health.
The presence of dental and oral
diseases can affect general health, although
it does not cause death directly. Dental &
oral health is generally not a priority for
some people, and in fact teeth and mouth
are the gateway for germs or bacteria to
enter as a result can damage the health of
other body organs (Hasiru et al., 2019);
(Laily et al., 2021).
From Basic Health Research data in
2018 that the proportion of dental & oral
health problems and getting services from
medical personnel in Indonesia is 57.6%,
(Laily et al., 2021) and the tooth extraction
rate in Indonesia reaches 7.9%. Meanwhile,
the tooth extraction rate in Central Java in
2018 reached 5.2%. (Lumunon et al., 2019)
(Kemenkes, 2018) .
Tooth extraction is a the process of
removing a tooth from the alveolus, in
which the tooth can no longer be treated
and can no longer be maintained. In the act
of tooth extraction complications can occur
caused by local or systemic factors of the
patient and (Winiswara et al., 2021); (Lande
et al., 2015). Complications due to wounds
after tooth extraction that are often found
are classified as intraoperative, after
extraction and long after extraction.
Bleeding, swelling, pain, dry socket,
fracture, and mandibular dislocation are
complications that are commonly found
due to tooth extraction. (Lande et al., 2015).
Post-extraction of teeth can not be
separated from the formation of a wound
or hole called a socket. The basic response
to damage or injury after tooth extraction
is inflammation, which then proceeds in the
process of tissue repair, namely the
replacement of dead cells with living cells
from fibrous tissue. The main cells involved
in the wound healing process are fibrous.
When the tissue becomes inflamed,
fibroblasts immediately migrate to the
wound area, multiply and produce a
collagen matrix to repair damaged tissue
(Khairunnisa et al., 2018).
Currently, research using herbal
ingredients is the focus of researchers. c.
Avocado plant (Persea Americana mill) is
one of the most widespread plants in
Indonesia. This study used avocado seeds
(Persea Americana mill) as an alternative
treatment to prevent inflammation in
wounds after tooth extraction. Avocado
seeds contain several polyphenols that play
a role in the process of preventing
inflammation in wounds, including
flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and saponins
(Amelia et al., 2017).
Research conducted by Asep, et al. The
effectiveness test of avocado leaf extract
with a concentration of 5% w/w showed the
best effectiveness on wound healing after 5
days. (8) Research conducted by Sastya, et
al.effectiveness of banana tree sap extract
(Musa paradisiaca) whose content or
compounds are the same as avocado seeds
is effective and also effective and optimal in
the process of accelerating the healing of
socket wounds after tooth extraction.
Research conducted by (Lande et al., 2015).
The effect of avocado seed extract (Persea
Americana mill) on bleeding time in cutting