Yusuf Ahmad Sudrajat, Arif Hartono
| 44
DOI : https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The success of a company may be
gauged by looking at how its people
perform; this is because human resources is
crucial to achieving the company's stated
goals and objectives. (Laras et al., 2021).
(Mathis & Jackson, 2000) states that
performance is what employees do and
don't do. Employee performance affects
the contribution made to the organization
for example causality of output, quantity of
output. Employees who perform poorly can
be identified through performance
evaluation (Soesanto, 2016).
Employee performance may be
influenced by a variety of elements,
including but not limited to: job
satisfaction, work environment, work ethics,
organizational culture, organizational
dedication or commitment, and job
satisfaction. (Rofiliana & Rofiuddin, 2021)
Job satisfaction in their jobs is a key
influence in their productivity. Positive
feelings about one's job evaluation
constitute job satisfaction, whereas
negative feelings about one's job
evaluation constitute job discontent.
(Mathis & Jackson, 2000).
Organizational culture can affect work
behavior and employee performance, this
is because behavior is formed through the
culture that exists in the organization. Each
organization has its own culture as a
characteristic that distinguishes it from
other organizations. Organizations need a
culture that can understand the applicable
boundaries that can be implemented by
members of the organization and have a
good impact so as to facilitate
organizational activities (Pawirosumarto et
al., 2017). Organizational culture is an
identity that distinguishes between
organizations and becomes an advantage
for the organization. When a business has
a positive culture, it's easier to foster an
environment that motivates workers to do
their best. Meanwhile, different research
results were obtained by (Harwiki, 2016)
which stated that organizational culture has
no impact on employee performance. As
for the indicators of organizational culture
based on the theory of Robbins & Coulter,
(2012) results orientation, attention to
detail, innovation, and courage, human
orientation, team orientation,
aggressiveness, and stability.
Organizational commitment, as defined
by (Wahyudi, 2008) is an individual's
eagerness to remain an integral member of
a certain group or business. An employee's
organizational commitment exists when
they identify with the organization's
mission and value their involvement in the
group. (Robbins et al., 2007). Based on the
theory of Robbins & Judge, (2008) the
commitment components consist of
affective commitment, normative
commitment and continuance
commitment. Organizational commitment
can be a benchmark when looking at the
results of employee performance in the
organization, this is based on research
conducted (Anggraeni & Rahardja, 2018) It
finds that employees' commitment to the
company has a beneficial and quantifiable
effect on performance outcomes. This
statement is reinforced by the results of
research conducted by (Burhannudin et al.,
2019) which states that organizational
commitment partially affects employee
performance variables. In this case, the